HFMD - Chapter 81 < What I Mean To You >

Before this State Council, she would somehow find evidence to prove the existence of the pacifist demons in Kelvetia. That was Sylvia’s determination. She could not sacrifice Randall and the northern people to a pointless war. Even if she had to grab the pacifist demons by the collar and twist them. 


Sylvia hesitated, putting a dot behind Randall’s name. As a result, the ink spread across the paper, covering Randall’s name. Sylvia belatedly swallowed a sigh and crumpled up the paper. There were already several crumpled pieces of paper like that.

'...Just tell them that you have somewhere to go, for the time being, so don't worry and wait.'

Why was it so hard to write just a few words? In the end, she had to end her letter with a series of rather bleak words. 

"Randall. By the time you see this note, I will no longer be at Castle Belfort. But I hope you won't be too surprised or worried because of that. I just...had to go somewhere for a while, so I left the castle. I will return to you as soon as I finish my business. I will definitely be back before the State Council at the latest. You must be fine without me. 

-Sylvia Florette Belfort"

 Sylvia sighed deeply, thinking that she had never written this well, and put down her quill. In any case, this was the best she could do for now. 

Sylvia folded the note neatly twice and rang the bell. Then, shortly afterward, Thelma came into the room and bowed her head respectfully.

“Did you call, Ma’am?”


“Please speak.”

“Can I trust you?”

"... Yes?"

Thelma raised her head in bewilderment at the sudden question. Sylvia met her gaze with indifferent eyes as if deliberately testing her opponent.

“I have a favor to ask of you. If it does not threaten the North...”


“Can you fool the Duke for a little while for me?”


Thelma was silent for a moment at Sylvia's question. The confusion that she could not quite hide was evident in her eyes and face.

‘...In fact, it’s something you shouldn’t even worry about.’

Thelma laughed inwardly. Now that she was supporting Sylvia closely, Thelma was still a citizen of the North, and the master of the North was Randall. So it was right to be reluctant to say that she had to deceive Randall. 

Thinking back on Sylvia’s behavior up until now, she couldn’t bring herself to firmly shake her head. No, rather...

'I want to believe.'

She wanted to believe that Sylvia was not someone who would harm Randall in the North. The 'Sylvia' that Thelma had seen was that kind of person. 

Thelma, who had finally cleared her confusion, nodded with a determined expression.

“Yes. Please give your order.”


Sylvia was rather taken aback by Thelma's answer. She furrowed her brows slightly and asked back.

“If Randall finds out about this later, you won’t be able to avoid being held accountable. Why...”

Thelma smiled broadly. It was Sylvia herself who had asked if she could fool Randall. When this situation arose, the way she worried about Thelma’s safety first, and her affection gave her confidence.

“Because it’s also my responsibility to make my own choices.”


“I have decided of my own free will that you would not give such an order without a reason. Therefore, it is right that I take responsibility for it as well.”

Sylvia was momentarily speechless at Thelma's 'choice' to trust her.

"I'm sorry, Alyssa."

Suddenly, she remembered how she had failed to gain faith in her first life, and she felt like crying for no reason. Sylvia tried to hide it and smiled half sincerely.

“...Thank you, Thelma.”


Sylvia asked Thelma to deliver the note she had written to Randall in an hour and then called Auston in. Auston ran over excitedly, thinking she was going to teach him a new spell, but stopped when he saw her clothes.

“What’s that outfit? Are we going out for an internship or something?”

“...I still can’t get used to the fact that you were such a talented nonsense person.”

Sylvia looked at Auston with slightly tired eyes. She was wearing brown pants, a white shirt, and an open-breasted leather corset over the shirt to keep it from flapping. She looked like a mercenary going on a long journey, with a long brown cloak hanging on the sofa. Sylvia put on gloves and high-necked boots before she finally brought up the reason she had called Auston.

“Anyway, the reason I called you was to ask you to look after the Crown Prince while I’m away.”


Auston opened his mouth in a daze at the sudden influx of information. He tried to understand what he had heard, trying to understand the information flowing through his ears. 

The lady left. The lady asked me to investigate the Crown Prince. Hmm? 

Auston, whose thoughts had returned to normal belatedly, jumped in shock.

“So suddenly? No, more importantly, where are you going?”

“Where needed.”

“So where is it!”

“I’ll tell you when I get back.”

The moment she said the destination was Kelvetia, it was clear that Auston would have jumped up and said that she was crazy, no matter how skilled Sylvia was at magic.  Moreover, it was difficult to explain how she knew how to get to Kelvetia, so it was better to just blurt it out. 

Fortunately, Auston was the type of person who couldn’t keep questioning Sylvia even if she tried to evade her words. When Sylvia avoided answering and eye contact, Auston groaned in frustration and grabbed his head. However, he soon stopped groaning and asked gloomily in resignation.

“If the lord finds out, there will be chaos.”

“I left a note with Thelma saying I’d be away for a bit, so it’ll be okay. More than that.”

Sylvia fixed her gaze on Auston. She warned him with a hard face.

“The Crown Prince is a very perceptive person. We must tail him and find evidence of his collusion with the Dark Bugs, but we must be careful not to get caught.”

“Yes, yes. There may be a possibility... No, wait. In league with the Dark Bug?”

“Then please take care of it. Since we don’t have much time, you should leave right away. I’ll see you later.”

“Just a moment, Ma’am!”

Auston tried to grab Sylvia and protest, but she snapped her fingers quickly. White light flashed and her vision changed. Sylvia stood at the entrance to the forest outside Belfort Estate and took a deep breath.


When she raised her head, she saw the forest looking unusually gloomy today.

'There was a cliff inside the forest.'

This was where Bella and the Dark Bugs had been hiding before. When she opened the teleportation magic circle, she thought of a place where innocent people or animals might get caught up, and this place immediately came to mind. 

Even after Bella and her group disappeared, she heard that people avoided setting foot in the forest, saying that this was where the demons and the Dark Bugs had been staying. So this place would be safe and there would be no need to catch other people’s eyes. 

Sylvia fastened the hem of her cloak once more and stepped into the forest. The only sound was the sound of footsteps in the deserted forest. She felt strangely as if her own footsteps were chasing her, so she swept her arm down once. Soon, Sylvia reached the innermost part of the forest, in front of the cliff.


Sylvia held her hands in front of her and took a deep breath for a moment. Even though she tried not to be conscious of it, her fingertips couldn't help but tremble. She eventually let out a sigh and mocked herself.

“...I never thought the day would come when I would draw this with my own hands again.”

What good is living for so many years? 

She is still a foolish human being, and she can’t even see an inch ahead of her. Sylvia let out a brief laugh, but then she calmed herself down and slowly moved her hands. 

White lines were drawn in the air along her fingertips, intertwining. Her gestures were as fluid as playing music. Soon, the lines formed a shape and began to shine. Sylvia looked at the moving magic circle that had been completed in the shape of a circle for a moment. She felt her heart pounding a little. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

'It's okay.'

This time, unlike when she was Alyssa, she was not pushed in by someone's hand but walked in on her own feet. To protect her loved one. 

Sylvia opened her eyes with determination as she pictured Randall's face in her mind. And just as she was about to take a step outside the cliff.


As the forest shook with a roar, someone grabbed her arm. Sylvia stumbled slightly and was forced to look back, her eyes wide open.


Sylvia absentmindedly muttered Randall's name. The magic circle behind her shook precariously, reflecting its master's confused state of mind. It didn't even occur to her that she had been caught using magic. That's how shocking Randall's face was in her sight. 

Sylvia swore she had never seen Randall's face like this. Even when he had confessed to her in tears during the founding of the country, his face had not been so desperate. Randall was crying, his face completely distorted. 

For the first time, he put strong strength into the hand holding Sylvia. With eyes filled with intense resentment and despair, Randall looked at Sylvia as if he was piercing through her and asked.

“Right now... what are you doing?”

He felt a tremble in the hand that was holding Sylvia's arm. At those words, she regained some sense of reason and moved her lips.

“How did you get here...”

But an unusually subdued voice interrupted her words.

“Are you trying to die again?”


Her breathing just stopped. It felt like her heart had stopped.


That was the only thought that came to mind. How Randall. How...

"...I am."

Randall twisted his lips in a self-deprecating manner as if he had read the question that was floating through her mind.

“Was I really that important to you in the end?”

The day David unexpectedly visited Belfort Castle. On his way back to the castle, Randall heard the news that David had come to see Sylvia, so he rode his horse alone and arrived at the castle.

"What about Sylvia?"

"She is in the reception room. The Madam told me to come to find the Master as soon as you get back."

As soon as Randall set foot inside the castle, he headed to the reception room without even thinking about taking off his cloak.

"The door..."

He frowned as he saw the door to the living room slightly open, with light streaming in. There was no way Sylvia would have closed the door so carelessly. Could it be that David had not closed the door properly?

"There's only one thing I wish for. I..."

At that moment, Sylvia's voice came out faintly through the crack in the door. Randall let out a sigh of relief as he realized that her voice was not much different from usual.

"...But did Sylvia originally speak like that to the Crown Prince?"

Randall tilted his head in confusion at the sudden question. David, being the Crown Prince and a naturally snobbish person, always spoke in a self-indulgent manner. But Sylvia always spoke in a polite, distant manner.


Anyway, fortunately, David hadn't been rude to Sylvia yet. If something had happened, Sylvia wouldn't have just stayed still. But it was unpleasant to even have him and her in the same room for a moment. In fact, David would always harass Sylvia whenever he got the chance, so it was an appropriate reaction. 

The moment Randall took a deep breath and reached for the doorknob.

"You mean 'death'?"

He had no choice but to stop moving. At first, he simply couldn't understand. 

Sylvia wishing for death? What kind of nonsense was that? 

But the words that followed gradually ate away at that belief and distrust.

"Isn't that why you decided to marry the Duke of Belfort in the first place?"

"A land that borders Kelvetia. In a way, it's the perfect land to die 'naturally'."

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