HFMD - Chapter 61 < Heat Under The Sun >

The guards were also forced to stay in the palace until the foundation of the country due to their masters being tied down by royal command. The guards' quarters were in a small palace near the building of the Knights of the Guard, and the training ground there was unusually noisy these days.

“Are you doing it again?”

“That’s right. I’m worried my head might explode.”

“Hey, you’re crazy. Don’t come near me.”

The escorts, although of different status and age, had the same attitude toward this issue. Since they began staying here, they had been sulking about a strange escort who would come to the training ground three times a day and hit his forehead against a dummy for training. And that strange escort...


It was Jeffrey Cedars. 

Jeffrey banged his forehead on the dummy with a gloomy face. At first, it felt like his head would split open after just one bang, but now he got used to it and had to bang it several times before he could feel the pain. People said he was crazy, but he had his own rules when banging his forehead. 


'I am...'



One for 'me', two for 'trash'. Jeffrey was humming that slogan in his head as he steadily worked his forehead.

'You clearly said that you liked me...'

Jeffrey bit his lip instead of rubbing his already reddened forehead. The events of a few days ago were constantly replayed in his head.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince."

"Pilia Seicrine greets His Highness the Crown Prince."

Jeffrey had never known Philia before, and it was the first time she had such a charming voice. Whenever she met him, she was always lively, energetic, and cute. Of course, if a third party had read Jeffrey's thoughts, they would have clicked his tongue because he was seriously ill. But even he, who had clearly said, "I like you," was only like that.

"Before you left for your campaign, I was not old enough to come to the capital, so I think this is the first time I have met you formally."

The voice of Philia calling the Crown Prince was clearly intended to seduce anyone who heard it. Jeffrey was disturbed twice: once by Philia's voice, which was shockingly lovely, and once by Philia's attitude, which was desperately affectionate to the Crown Prince.

'...Of course, it's not like I should be the one to say that first.'

He continued his thoughts, and a self-deprecating smile suddenly appeared. Before the picnic, he had avoided her, regretting that he had hugged Philia in a moment of frustration on the day of the attack. He wanted to stop himself from hugging her when he could have locked his heart even tighter, but it was already in the past. He thought that he could just keep his distance and avoid her. Was that the problem? 

On the day of the picnic, Philia suddenly appeared and acted extremely friendly to the Crown Prince. As if she had... come to like the Crown Prince. Seeing that Jeffrey was afraid that Philia had truly lost interest in him because of his avoidance of her. He had treated her coldly and avoided seeing her face, but he wanted Philia’s heart to not leave him. What could be more uglier and selfish?

'If she doesn't like me anymore, that's a good thing. Don't think about useless things, Jeffrey Cedars.'

Jeffrey thought about that and hit the scarecrow hard on the forehead again. 


“Oh my, that must hurt.”

“Why are you doing that? Don’t do it.”

Then suddenly a voice like the swaying of flower petals was heard. Jeffrey startled, raised his head and saw women walking along the path surrounding the smokehouse approaching him.

'Who is it?'

Jeffrey quickly scanned their attire. The gorgeous lace and flower-decorated clothing, the parasols in their hands, and the relaxed smiles on their lips. They seemed to be noble ladies who were bound to the palace by the King’s order. They came within a stone’s throw of Jeffrey and reached out to him with a look of apparent concern.

“Oh my God, look at that red forehead.”

“It must hurt...”

“Ah, over there...”

Jeffrey awkwardly turned his head back as hands groped him, pretending to check his condition. However, the women persistently closed the distance between them. It seemed that they wanted to flirt with the young and handsome knight who was alone...

'This is difficult.'

Jeffrey frowned slightly and looked around, but there was no sign of people around him, perhaps because of his strange behavior for the past few days. He didn’t know exactly who the women in front of him were, but it was obvious that they were nobles and had higher status than Jeffrey, a knight of commoner origin. If he had rashly subdued them, it would have been problematic if something went wrong. More precisely, it would have been his master, not him, who would have been in trouble. 

Since ancient times, nobles have been a group entangled with complex interests between families. In the end, Jeffrey took a step back with the most moderate attitude possible and tried to raise the corners of his mouth.

“Excuse me, ladies.”

“What are you doing, lady? These days, even touching someone’s body when they don’t want to is considered ladylike?”

At that moment, a very gruff voice came between Jeffrey and the women. While Jeffrey was blinking to realize the situation, a white hand appeared from somewhere, grabbed his wrist, and pulled him back. Jeffrey, who was taken aback and said, “Uh-uh,” opened his mouth without realizing it at the small back that filled the space in front of him.


It was Philia who stood between Jeffrey and the women.

“...What, who are you to interfere?”

“We were just worried about this gentleman.”

Meanwhile, the young ladies who had been groping Jeffrey through Philia’s mouth blushed and opened their eyes in triangles. They were young ladies who had only recently started attending banquets, and the northern nobles did not often show up at the capital’s banquets, so they did not recognize Philia. If they did not recognize a face living close to the capital, it must have been from a humble family on the outskirts. 

The young ladies who had made that decision began to corner Philia in earnest. The young lady with the loudest voice among them stepped forward and pushed Philia’s shoulder with her index finger.

“Just looking at your face now, it seems like you’re the one the knight hates, not us?”

“Didn’t you learn not to interrupt other people’s conversations?”

Since Philia was small, even a light push caused her body to shake violently. She laughed in vain as she was pushed back by the opponent.

'Ha. Come to think of it, these people don't know about my rumors?'

In the North, no one did not know the story of Philia. Not because of her beauty or her family, but because of her tomboyish personality and her courageous nature that could not stand injustice directed at her and rolled up her sleeves.

'I'm sure I behaved quietly when I came to the capital, right?'

Philia curled one corner of her mouth crookedly and snapped her fingers. A crisp sound was heard, and a refreshing feeling spread.

'It sounds good.'

At that moment, Philia, who had just finished her warm-up, opened her eyes wide and was about to have a go.


“What are you doing now?”

Unlike before, Jeffrey, who had slapped the woman’s hand away with a merciless hand, held Philia’s shoulder with one arm and pulled her while mumbling coldly. The woman who had been touching Philia a moment ago let out a small shrill sound as if she felt pain and wrapped her hand around her. Philia, who had been holding Jeffrey behind her, blinked awkwardly.


She felt even more bewildered as she remembered Jeffrey's behavior just a moment ago when he had just left the girls' actions alone with an embarrassed expression on his face.

'You were just sitting there quietly earlier?'

A little while ago, Philia was wandering around outside, sullenly, when Sylvia said she would stay in her room today. She had been sticking close to Rubia and Sylvia, making excuses that weren’t excuses to block the Crown Prince’s approach for the past few days. It was fun to flirt with Sylvia under the pretense of escorting her. 

Sylvia seemed to have used up all her energy over the past few days, lying on the bed and waving her hands. She looked like an owner who had collapsed from exhaustion while playing with her puppy. She couldn’t let Sylvia lie down because she was sick. Philia licked her lips in regret and turned around. When she came to, she was here.

"...Huh! When was I here!"

It seemed as if her feet moved unconsciously, as she had been chasing after Jeffrey for a while, and it had become a habit. Philia, who had been thinking about going to see Jeffrey since she had come all this way, soon pouted her lips.

"You'll probably run away again without even meeting me anyway."

Just as she was about to turn around, grumbling like that, Philia caught sight of Jeffrey, surrounded by women in a corner of the training ground, laughing and having fun. At that moment, a fire ignited in her eyes.

"Hey, he's surrounded by women again!"

Jeffrey wasn't the type of handsome man who caught people's attention like Randall or Auston. But maybe because he had an innate aura of being ascetic and neat, many women approached him strangely. If he treated them all coldly like Philia, it would be different. 

Why! You don't do it to me! Oh! 

Finally, Philia, unable to control her anger, lifted the hem of her dress with both hands and ran towards Jeffrey. And then rudely removed the hands that were groping him and pulled him behind her... Until then, she had never expected this situation to happen.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”

Philia, conscious of their bodies touching, squirmed and whispered softly to get away from Jeffrey. However, Jeffrey tightened his arms around her. Then Philia’s face turned slightly red. Philia couldn’t see Jeffrey’s face because he was behind her. However, the young ladies who approached Jeffrey realized that his face was sharp like a sword, unlike before, and they frowned.

“...What, you have a partner?”

“Then you should have said something earlier. Then this wouldn’t have happened.”

“The excitement has died down for no reason.”

“This is boring. Let’s go!”

The women snorted and left the place, perhaps misunderstanding that Jeffrey and Philia were lovers. The commotion was quickly overshadowed by silence in the training ground. 

Thump, thump. 

She could feel the sound of her heart beating louder as their bodies touched. Philia trembled even louder to hide her embarrassment when Jeffrey did not move even though there was no sign of people.

“Everyone is gone. Let this go.”


“Hey, let go of this, okay?”



Philia called out several times, but when there was no answer from Jeffrey, she let out a worried voice. Then, he suddenly lowered his head. Philia flinched at the fiery heat she felt on his bare shoulder. Jeffrey buried his face in Philia’s shoulder and muttered as if he was about to cry.

“Don’t look...”


At that muttering, Philia stopped moving. She was shocked for a moment.

‘What the...’

Are you making a cute sound? Are you crazy? 

While Philia was struggling in the swamp of bean pods, Jeffrey was struggling in the swamp of dark history and biting his lips hard.

'What did I do?'

It was only after the noble ladies disappeared that Jeffrey realized what he had done.

Ah, I hugged her...

The moment he realized his actions, his face turned bright red with a popping sound. He couldn’t show this stupid face. He quickly made a decision and decided to immobilize Philia and cool his face. However, because he was in a hurry, his method was wrong, and his face still showed no sign of cooling down. Philia must have sensed it too, because she looked away for no reason and fanned herself with her hand.

“Oh my, I guess it’s because it’s the capital. It’s hot, hot...”

So the two of them had to stand there for a long time, like fools, trying to cool off under the blazing sun.

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