HFMD - Chapter 102 < Lover >

When Randall smiled determinedly, she felt a fire burning inside her. She wasn't like this... Wasn't she? 

Sylvia was speechless for a moment, and she just smiled, then let out a sigh with her face flushed.

“... You know you’ve become really shameless, right?”

“I will take that as a compliment.”

Randall smiled at the sight. Eventually, Sylvia also relaxed and laughed along. Meanwhile, Auston and Rubia, standing between the Duke couple and the Knights of Belfort, were talking in low voices.

“Why on earth did you come here? Go back now.”

“I am also a vassal of Belfort. How can I stand by and watch them openly threaten to harm civilians like that?”

When Auston reprimanded Rubia, she frowned and retorted. But Auston was not about to back down easily. He hardened his expression again and protested. The two of them became louder.

“That doesn’t mean the head of the household will come out in person...!”

“Of course it should be. Isn’t it more dishonorable to take advantage of others to pursue your major?”

“Why does someone who is usually so rational get so stubborn only at times like this?”

“So you want me to leave you here and watch you alone in a safe place?”


Auston flinched at the words that Rubia blurted out. Rubia gritted her teeth and glared at Auston.

“I’m not the kind of person who can send my lover out to battle alone and sit back comfortably.”

At those words, Auston's jaw dropped. He quickly looked around and stammered with a flushed face.

“Hey, hey...”

“If you don’t like it, then whatever. Let’s break up.”

“What kind of nonsense are you talking about! I’m saying this because I’m worried. After all, I’m worried!”

“If you had worried me twice, would you have broken up with me or even pretended not to know me?”

The argument that started with Auston's nagging soon turned into Rubia scolding Auston. As always, Auston finally apologized, saying that he had been too harsh. Rubia looked at him as he magically created a flower and handed it to her, and then she laughed.

'No matter how much I look at it, I can't get used to it.'

Jeffrey, who was watching the scene while mingling with the knights, shook his head. When he first learned that Auston and Rubia were lovers, everyone in the North, including him, was turned upside down. 

Of course, there had been a lot of gossip about the two before, but those who knew that their relationship was no different from that of a dog and a cat didn't believe it. But who would have thought that the gossip was true?

'The two of you are lovers...'

Although they bickered whenever they had the chance, Auston and Rubia, standing next to each other, looked very good together. As Jeffrey looked at them, he absentmindedly recalled what Philia had said.

"I won't bother you."

A day ago. Philia had no choice but to return home to stop the Marquis of Seicrine, who was running wild, saying that she should go to the battlefield herself like Rubia. Before boarding the carriage, Philia looked straight at Jeffrey and spoke calmly.

"Of course, I want to be by your side, but I'm not the kind of person who can help you on the battlefield. If I were by your side, you'd be too worried about me to be able to use your skills. I want people to see how great of a person you are."



Philia took a step towards Jeffrey, who was looking at her calmly. Philia cupped Jeffrey's face as if she was holding it in her hand, looked at him closely, and spoke forcefully.

"Come back to me."


"You must come back in perfect condition, without a single hair loss on your head. Got it?"

As he recalled Philia’s face as she spoke, a reflexive laugh escaped Jeffrey's lips, inappropriate for the situation. As Jeffrey snickered, Osmond, who was standing next to him, poked him in the ribs with his elbow.

“Junior. I understand that you’re happy being in a relationship, but if you keep acting like that in front of me, I’ll kill you.”

It was a gentle yet fierce voice. Jeffrey desperately tried to control his expression.

“...Sorry, senior. Sorry.”

“Other than that?”

“I love you, I appreciate you, and I respect you, senior.”

“Right, good job.”

Osmond's expression finally relaxed. Jeffrey reached out and hugged him tightly as he groaned. Osmond was more willing than anyone else to cheer and help Philia and Jeffrey. The two people who had been creating a warm scene for a moment quickly regained their tension and looked forward with stiff faces.

“...The sun rises.”

Osmond muttered softly. Those who could not hear him also took a deep breath with tense faces as they watched the sky gradually brighten.


At one point, the faces of Randall and Sylvia, who had been standing at the very front, hardened. Their gazes gazed across the road, obscured by the morning fog and snow.

“Everyone, draw your swords.”

A soft voice echoed through the morning silence. The knights drew their swords with precise movements. Auston wrapped his magic around his hands so that he could use his magic at any time. 


The sound of footsteps could be heard from afar. The footsteps of several people slightly clashed, creating an echo. Finally, David appeared from the fog. A twisted smile hung on his face, clad in a black cloak. Following David, dark bugs dressed in all black appeared one by one. There were quite a few of them, so Randall furrowed his eyebrows.

“It seems like there are a few people who know how to use the sword.”

“...There’s also a wizard.”

Sylvia agreed, keeping her gaze fixed on the one guarding David's right side. It seemed that the Dark Bugs had saved their main force until the very end. After David had escaped, they had not found anyone who could be called strong in the Dark Bugs' den that they had cleared out.

'Even so, it seems like it's not even on the level of Auston.'

However, David still had a smiling face. Because it was so unsettling, Sylvia kept her eyes on David while she was busy assessing the enemy’s strength. At that moment, the dark bugs that had been advancing, led by David, stopped walking after leaving some distance from the Allied Forces. 

When the sound of footsteps had all died down, the captain of the royal guards stepped forward and shouted in a booming voice.

“David de Kelmar Lochlen!”


“You dare brainwash His Majesty the King and deceive the kingdom. If you kneel down and surrender now, His Majesty will spare your life! Surrender obediently!”

As the captain's half-provocative words rang out, the faces of the royal guard and the knights of Belfort became tense. Their hands gripped their swords. A tense atmosphere enveloped the people as if a battle was about to break out at any moment.


However, David showed no sign of anger at those words. He glanced away, his smiling face the same as before. The sun was peeking out over the horizon. David, who had confirmed this, suddenly grabbed the shoulder of the ordinary dark bug standing next to him and cut his chest hard. 


The sword swung wildly and blood spurted out. Shock erupted from the Allied Forces.

“What is that...!”

“Why would he do something like that...!”

The next moment. David pushed the dark bug he had cut toward the Allied Forces. Then, the wizard standing next to him used a clumsy movement spell. The dark bug that had been staggering with its chest cut off blinked and reappeared above the Allied Forces’ heads. The corpse fell on the Allied Forces’ heads, blood spraying.

“Get out of here! There might be a magic stone embedded in the corpse!”

The captain of the guard shouted in horror. But before the knights could take a step. 

Crack- Crack- 

The sky split apart, along with the illusion of an inaudible sound ringing in the ears. It was a sight that the people of the North had already become accustomed to, if not sick of. A roar several times louder than the captain of the guard burst out of Randall’s mouth.

“It’s a twist! Auston!”

“Yes, my lord!”

Auston quickly moved his hand. With a flash of light from his hand, the corpse of the dark bug that had fallen from the air was moved to the ground far away. 


But the blood that had already been scattered could not be wiped away. At the same time, Sylvia, whose eyes were wide open, immediately created a glass dome-like shield over the heads of the Allied Forces. 


The shield that had spread over the heads of the Allied Forces shook violently just in time. The monsters that poured out from the twisting clawed at the shield and howled. 


As if that cry were a signal of some kind, David and the swarm of dark bugs also kicked the ground and ran toward the Allied Forces.

‘That’s why...!’

Randall and the captain of the guard quickly regained their composure and rallied the knights. Sylvia protected the knights and tried to push the monsters back towards the dark bugs. She bit her lip and glared at David through the crowd.

'I heard that you couldn't find any research materials related to predicting the location of the twist in the den of dark bugs. Did you run away with those materials?'

Sylvia hadn't forgotten that the former Marquis of Glever had used the teleportation magic stone to connect the twist and the banquet hall. Even at that time, even if there had been a magic stone, it was thought impossible unless the location of the twist had been known in advance.

'It looks like there really is data that can predict twists.'

Sylvia maintained her shield until the twist closed, then withdrew it and joined the battle. She was unable to use area-of-effect magic because the dark bugs had already mingled with the Allied forces and were engaged in a melee, but she calmly dealt with each person one by one.

“Keep it typical!”

“Don’t back down!”

“Suppress the traitors!”

The unexpected appearance of the twist caused the Allied forces to panic, but they quickly regained their composure. The dark bugs that had been swinging their swords amid the initial confusion were soon subdued and fell, and the monsters fell helplessly, crying out in pain under the knights' combined attacks. 

From the beginning, the difference in power was hopelessly large. The battle's victory slowly and surely tilted toward the Allied forces. As everyone had predicted, it was a battle close to a 'last desperate struggle'.


“S, save me...!”

Kiiik! Kiik! 

Sylvia stepped toward David, leaving the knights to deal with the dark bugs. On the other side, Randall was advancing toward David, cutting down the dark bugs in the same way as her. Randall was the first to reach David. David clicked his tongue and muttered as Randall swung his sword fiercely.

“I didn’t expect it to be of much help in the first place, but I didn’t expect it to be this useless.”


David swatted away a dark bug towards the sword that was coming at him. The dark bug that was swinging its sword around him was stabbed in the chest by Randall's sword and lost its life. Randall's face distorted at the sight. David laughed cheerfully.

“Why are you looking at me like that? It’s the last day anyway, so you should laugh.”


Randall, with a stern face, closed the distance between him and David and swung his sword fiercely. David swung his hand to block the blade. 


His hand and sword must have collided, and there was a metallic sound. David’s long fingernails, now engulfed in darkness, were blocking Randall’s sword. Darkness slowly crept up from David’s nape to his face. His eyes were red and he was going crazy.

“The worms are still desperate for life! I am so grateful!”

Randall instinctively stepped back after reading the madness in David's eyes. Sylvia saved a soldier in danger and belatedly turned her gaze toward Randall and David. Or, David's shadow burst out of the ground and swallowed Randall. It was impossible to tell which of the three came first. 


She felt the magic stones that Randall had been given shatter one after another. A scream burst out of Sylvia's mouth a step too late.


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