FYERIL - Chapter 22 < The Wedding of Doom (1) >


Sophie muttered, combing her hair with a pearl comb.

“You are dazzlingly beautiful, really.”

“Thank you.”

Sophie widened her eyes and raised her voice, perhaps because she had been caught answering halfheartedly.

“I’m serious! You were already beautiful, but with all this makeup, you’re truly dazzling. Anyone who sees you now would fall in love at first sight.” 

She looked like she would get angry if I said I didn’t believe her.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

Platinum hair flowing down over a pure white dress. A tiara on top of it, and a wedding veil flowing down.

It was a typical bride’s appearance, almost cliché. However, there wasn’t a single smile on my face.

I tilted my head slightly.

‘Should I make a more excited expression?’

Like someone so happy about this day that she would be united with her lover that she didn’t know what to do.

As I was looking at the mirror and raising the corners of my mouth, the door opened.

“Are you ready, sis?”

Elena appeared with a smooth voice.

“...Oh my.”

Sophie muttered softly as she turned to Elena.

Elena was wearing a light pink dress and a large crystal necklace.

The crystals, which sparkled with light whenever the angle changed, reflected Elena’s face like a reflector.

Elena’s face seemed to crumple for a moment when she found me.

However, Elena’s expression brightened as if nothing had happened and she came to me.

“Ha, what the heck. I knew this would happen.”

Elena covered her mouth after looking me over.

“Your skin is as pale as a ghost, and your dress is also white, so you won’t look good. I’m really worried.”

Elena let out a sigh as if she was upset.

I smiled slowly.

“I see? You look pretty that way.”

Elena went to bed last night and woke up early this morning, and she said she had been getting her makeup done since then.

It seemed like Elena had been soaking in honey and milk for a week, and her skin was shining brightly.

“Is that so? Am I pretty?”


A satisfied smile appeared on Elena’s lips at my simple answer.

“It could easily confuse the guests as to who the bride is.”

“Oh, you really didn’t mean to!”

Elena burst out laughing, saying it wasn’t to that extent.

Then she patted my shoulder as if she were doing me a favor.

“You’re pretty enough, too.”

At that moment, I witnessed Sophie clutching her pearl comb like a weapon.

“Since you’re the main character, I wanted to show off my beauty, but when I thought about it, I didn’t want to make you look too shabby. There are only three days left until the performance, right? Many distinguished guests are coming as guests today. If the prima soprano is beautiful, it’ll definitely be a hot topic, so I put some effort into it.”

Elena gestured to Sophie as she spoke in a singing voice.

“Hey, can I have that comb too?”

Sophie’s hand holding the pearl comb trembled for a moment, but when I gave her a subtle nod, she bit her lip and handed over the comb.

Elena sat down in front of the dressing table while combing her hair with the pearl comb. Her elegant movements as she combed her hair and her appearance as she looked into the mirror were as elegant as a lady in a famous painting.

“The moment the golden arrow of love pierced my heart...”

Elena hummed as she combed her voluminous platinum hair.

“I felt that I would be an eternal sinner. But if I were with you, I would be happy in hell. Uh-huh... .”

A captivating humming flowed from the tip of Elena’s nose.

It was the ‘Adulteress’s Aria’. The part where the heroine acknowledges and accepts her wrong love and decides to take it and stop it.

I slowly opened my lips.

“You seem to like that song.”

“If love is a sin, then I am a life sentence... Huh? What did you say?”

“You didn’t like it at first.”

When I faced Elena with a smile, Elena furrowed her brow and raised her voice.

“Well, the title is so ridiculous! But I’ve decided to change my mind. I think I can turn even a somewhat undignified and low-class song into art with my skills. Isn’t that true skill?”

Elena looked at herself in the mirror with confidence dripping from her face.

I nodded slightly.

“You definitely sing well.”

A proud smile appeared on Elena’s lips.

I tilted my head slightly and continued.

“But you're still a bit awkward when it comes to acting.”

“...What did you say?”

“A soprano isn’t just someone who sings. You also have to convey the protagonist’s emotions to the audience.”

“Ha, don’t you know that? Don’t you know who the most promising soprano in the current system is?”

“If you do, try to express your emotions a little more.”

I looked back at Elena and advised her in a serious voice.

“The protagonist is having an affair with the husband of her friend who treats her like a younger sister.”

Elena squinted her eyes slightly as if she was seeing something strange and faced me.

I smiled and continued.

“So act that vulgarly.”


Elena’s lips parted.

Elena stammered with her face pale.

“Vulgar... Vulgar?”

Elena muttered the word a few times before glaring and the corners of her mouth furrowed.

“What did you just say? How dare you ask me to act-.”


I opened my eyes wide in surprise.

“Good, that expression.”


Elena furrowed her eyebrows.

“It’s so vicious...”

I smiled as I faced her distorted face.

“It looks cheap.”


Elena’s face began to turn bright red as if it were autumn leaves.

She suddenly sat up and shouted.

“What have you been saying since a while ago?!”

“As expected, you’re an outstanding soprano, Elena.”

I followed suit, put a hand on Elena’s shoulder, and whispered.

“The role of the female protagonist isn’t a persona, it’s like you’re yourself.”


Sophie, whose lips were twitching, let out a laugh and covered her mouth with a cold expression.

“Ha, ugh, ugh...”

Elena trembled with wide eyes. She seemed to have no idea where to counterattack, like a swordsman who had been suddenly attacked from a blind spot.

Elena let out a sharp laugh with her face flushed red.

“Sister. You’ve been talking strangely since a while ago?”


“Are you pretending not to know anything! Where is the older sister who calls her younger sister vulgar and vicious?! Why are you doing this, all of a sudden? Did you eat something bad-?”



At that moment, the door opened without warning.

I turned my head and found some quite familiar faces.

A middle-aged woman with her brown hair elegantly tied up.

And the people spread out on both sides like wings around her all looked familiar.


The middle-aged woman who was at the center and in the front, the Marquis of Pedegrin, clicked her tongue in annoyance.

Then, the women standing behind her spoke up one by one.

“Oh my. What are you doing standing there in front of your future mother-in-law?”

“You should bow your head properly, Miss Ariana.”

“How dare you look straight at your future mother-in-law? You haven’t even mastered these basic manners yet.”


Elena laughed openly at the words being aimed at me.

At that sound, the Marchioness turned to Elena and raised one eyebrow as if she had just discovered her.

“You were there too. But why are you so pale?”

“...Oh, hello, Marchioness.”

Elena blinked quickly, not knowing that the arrow would suddenly turn to her. The face that had been red when I had insulted her earlier became even redder.

“Your sister is getting married to a great family, but you didn’t even receive proper care? Tsk.”

The Marchioness clicked her tongue as if she was displeased and muttered to herself.

“So that’s why you’re from a family...”

Elena’s face turned red as if it had caught fire.

Although she was apparently a member of the same Count’s family, Elena was her half-sister with a commoner mother.

The fact that she had no noble blood mixed in her was a sore spot for Elena.

Elena couldn’t say a word and just smiled.

The Marchioness, Lucas’s mother and the mistress of a prestigious family was a being more fearsome than a tiger to Elena.

“I apologize, Marchioness...”

Elena muttered in a voice that sounded like crawling ants, bowed her head, and left.

The Marchioness clicked her tongue sharply once more and turned to me this time.

“You seem to have been treated only on your face.”

Her blatant gaze scanned my entire body.

“How can you be so skinny in a wedding dress... I’m worried that you won’t be able to have children properly when you’re so skinny.”

“Is it really my fault, Your Grace?” 

As I slowly opened my mouth, the Marchioness's eyebrows twitched.

I smiled broadly.

“I think that only when the seed is full can the sprout properly grow.”

The New Series, I Came To Find Flowers is out now! You can check it HERE!

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