TPITT - Chapter 82

It was when Euclid bit his lip that I stepped in to lighten the tense atmosphere.

“You see, Brother. What can I do when even Euclid can’t do it? If you really want to see it, will you teach me yourself, Brother? I can’t learn this from the Princess, Rosie, who is my junior.”

“Uh, ahem. I was wrong. I won’t do it again, so stop it.”

“Yes, brother.”

The atmosphere relaxed. Euclid looked at me with a look of surprise.

Shortly after Stephania arrived, Desmond II appeared.

Five people, including me, greeted each other as if singing in chorus.

“Meet His Majesty the Sun of Hadelamide.”

“Yeah, yeah. Stop standing with sore legs and take a seat. Oh? Eve is here today.”

Desmond II discovered me and looked at me with joy.

“Are you feeling better now about the surprise you got from the hunting competition? You need to relax and not overdo it.”

“It was already two weeks ago, oh, Father. Last week, when I was greeting you, I showed you how healthy I am, but I don’t know what to do with myself because you are so worried.”

“Just because your body is healthy doesn’t mean your mind is healthy. Wasn't it a case of being bound by a dragon? What if there are aftereffects? Whether it's alchemy or magic, it's all mental. You have to take care of not only your body but also your mind.”

“I will engrave Father's warm teachings in my heart.”

A warm conversation took place between the father and daughter. The faces of the watching royal family were filled with shock.

'What is that!'

Because it was the first time they saw Desmond II, who looked like a caring father.

Desmond II's favorite child was truly Rosenite.

But the favor given to Rosenite was closer to a reward for observing her loveliness.

It was not like Desmond II to be flirting with Eve and asking her how she was doing and offering advice like that.

“Would you like me to bring you a magic stone that has been imbued with stability magic?”

Even when Desmond II said that Brigitte bit the flesh in her mouth. She remembered that she had not been able to bring up the story of the magic stone.

It's because it went up.

“I can use stability magic too. Taking care of myself is also something that Father gave me. I will think of it as a homework assignment and do my best. Don’t worry, Father.”

“Yeah, you too.”

Desmond II's face was filled with pride as he looked at Eve.

Brigitte's already cold walls became even colder as time passed.

Stephania was nervously watching the situation and tried to change the subject.

“I, I was also very worried about Eve. During the Demon Hunting Competition. I still have trouble sleeping when I think of Eve standing there blankly before Galamut’s.”

“Yes. It’s horrible to imagine Eve being upset.”

“In fact, wasn’t it Betty’s sister who played a big part in Eve’s safety? At that time, because Sister Betty made quick decisions and built a front line, we were able to minimize the damage."

The topic was directed towards praising Brigitte, with Michael's existence erased.

Stephania nodded to Euclid, telling him to join in.

“Oh, that’s right. I saw it too. Sister Betty set up a defensive line in the rear so she could block the breath.”

“I heard that story.”

Desmond II's response left Stephania unimpressed, but she didn't give up.

“It felt like we were actually slaying a real demon dragon. I think Betty is also a great leader.”

“...Hmm, really?”

Desmond II decided to give Stephanie a try just for once.

“I bet it was a pretty good experience, Betty.”

“Yes, Father.”

Finally, Bridgette was able to get some attention with her good looks.

Rubio, who had read Desmond II's mind, accepted the conversation.

“I remember that too. I was impressed by the sight of Betty leading the way.”

“As expected, Big Brother has also been keeping an eye on Betty’s activities. Wasn’t she really decisive and cool?”

“Well, I guess that’s what it was.”

“Right? I thought Betty would win even if she dealt with a real dragon.”

“Oh my. A real demon dragon? You’re making a scary assumption, Nia.”

“I’m sorry, Brother. But I don’t think we should just ignore it because we’re scared.”

“What does that mean?”

“The Galamut Magic Light will soon be depleted. We must prepare.”

After much deliberation, the main point finally came out.

Although Stephania's efforts to bring up the topic to this point might seem admirable, Brigitte did not praise her but rather scolded her.

“Nia, stop it. Father doesn’t like talking about policy at greeting parties.”

It was then that Desmond II lifted his teacup and spoke.

“It’s okay. Keep going.”

Desmond II's permission was granted. In an instant, the corners of Brigitte's mouth curved into a line.

I sighed when I saw this.

'Sister, you're laughing so vulgarly. Are you so excited about taking a picture of me?'

The topic that had put me out of favor in the first life came to the surface.

It seemed that the time had finally come to deal with the things that had been put off since the first day of the return.

Stephania said.

“Due to the decrease in the amount of magic stone mined, the price of magic stones in circulation has skyrocketed. They are used as materials or fuel. There is virtually no field that does not use magic stones, so if things continue this way, prices will soon skyrocket out of control.”

“So, are you saying we should develop a new magic light?”

"That's right."

Stephania only talked about things that a ten-year-old would understand.

This is designed to allow Brigitte to show off her abilities.

As expected, Brigitte dug in with sharp wit.

“Father, I too was worried about the cost of living like Nia. I was worried about the cost of living, that is, the cost of living. I think politics exists for the economy. So stabilizing the economy is the answer. Wouldn’t that be the most important thing in Father's reign?”

Today too, Brigitte decorated the beginning with a concise and precise argument.

“Yes, Betty, you have a good grasp of the nature of politics.”

“I am glad that my opinion is similar to Father's heart. If so, could you elaborate a bit more on my thoughts on the reduction in magic stone mining?”

“Tell me.”

“First, to stabilize prices, we need to increase the labor force of lower-level homunculus in the short term. We need to increase the mining of magic stones. This will not completely stop the rise in prices. Even if it is like that, there will be some degree of suppression.”

“Yes. It will be enough to buy some time.”

“Yes. This time should be used to form a subjugation force of mid-level homunculus in the long term. Since the magic stone is created through the crystallized body of the magic dragon, it is ultimately created by defeating the magic dragon. We need to develop the magic light. There is a sleeping Lord-class magic dragon in the north, so the subjugation war is on our side. It’s possible whenever you’re ready. How about it?”

“That is the right decision. I also know that the solution to this problem will inevitably lead to a war to subdue the Dragon.”

Desmond II responded positively to Brigitte's suggestion.

Brigitte took this as an opportunity to attack and grabbed me by the hair.

“Eve, why don’t you tell me what you think?”

A gloomy light of anticipation shone within the cold eyes.

It was clear that she was hoping me to quickly side with the homunculus and make Desmond II hate me.

'I've reached a turning point in my life again.'

While I was feeling emotional, Brigitte urged me more explicitly.

“For generations, our Hadelamide Empire has enjoyed prosperity through the Homunculus. This time too, they must sacrifice themselves and show their noble loyalty. I think it’s time. Of course, you would also agree to the development of a new mine, right?”

Everyone's eyes were focused on me, who was holding my teacup in both hands and drinking it slurp. Desmond II also seemed to be expecting an answer.

What are you hesitating for? 

I said with a smile, putting down my teacup.

“I think it is right to say that we need to develop a new magic light.”

“...Do you agree?”

“Yes. As Father said. It’s something that has to be done someday.”

“That’s... not like you.”

Brigitte's eyes wavered.

It seems that I had no doubts about the outcome because I had been dealing with homunculus for so long.

I looked back at Desmond II It was now time to say what I had prepared.

“Betty did a great job talking about short-term solutions and long-term solutions. So, I would like to suggest a short-term solution that will come in the meantime.”

“Huh? Eve, do you have a solution too? What is it?”

“Actually, I found a way to secure the magic light right away without having to wage a punitive war.”


The crowd was shocked. Even Desmond II glared.

At that moment, the sound of Brigitte putting down her teacup rang out loud.

“Where did you get that lie...!”

“It’s not a lie.”

I cut her off, showing my displeasure.

No matter how much I know about the future, if I want to persuade others, I have to find the basis for my argument with my own hands.

So, as if staying in the library all day yesterday wasn't enough, I ended up staying up all night in my office.

But to say it was a lie was ridiculous.

I raised my right hand and began writing in the air with light ink. I spoke as I wrote down the names of various historical, geographical, and military documents I had looked through yesterday.

“According to my research, during the expedition to Galamut, there was an air battle. It is said that during this time, Galamut's tail fell separately to the ground."

“What? Is it true?”

“Yes. I am telling you this because I have checked it several times and am sure of it. This tail is falling off. It is highly likely that it crystallized in place and formed a separate magic light from the main body. Until yesterday, I looked at the 56 books and 237 records I have examined, the most likely location is the Zelkatos Canyon. It’s not far from the Galamut Magic Mine.”

In my past life, I was a magician who was accidentally discovered by a stranded traveler.

At that time, the existence of the dragon was belatedly revealed after the end of the war to subdue it.

There was no development. However, the value of this small mine was astronomical now, so there was no reason not to develop it.

“It’s worth checking. First, bring all the documents you saw to my office..."

Desmond II, who was thinking for a moment, changed the subject.

“No. I believe it. We need to organize an expedition immediately. Listen, Chief Chamberlain! Prepare a supreme council immediately and summon the ministers!”

Desmond shouted loudly. Then he turned back to me and asked me an excited question.

“Do you have any guesses as to the reserves?”

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  1. Thank you. Eve is showing more and more. Show them.


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