TCORIYH - Chapter 140

The man's eyes suddenly flashed like a madman's. He glared at Duke Laetian with bloodshot eyes, then clenched his fists and spoke.

“Stop chattering. Scratching me won’t help anything.”

“Hmm, I didn’t mean to get on your nerves. It seems like your erased homeland is your sore spot?”

The backbiting was definitely meant to get on his nerves, but the man didn't rush at the Duke. He just shook his face, which was dark with anger. The Duke of Laetian slowly tapped the edge of the table with a more interested expression than before. The light sounds that continued to ring made the atmosphere even more eerie.

“When I heard the news that the Empire had struck Modrum in the back of the head, I too was surprised. Who would have thought that the Emperor of Delaka, known for his gentleness, would resort to such a mean trick...”


Another loud noise. The man who had slammed his fist down on the table with such force that it seemed like it would break it bared his teeth like an animal. The more he did so, the more the Duke of Laetian grinned sinisterly and vilely, and he moved his head back and forth like a snake.

“It is truly regrettable that even a capable officer like you has come to this point. Of course, this is a golden opportunity for me...”

“Let’s finish what we were talking about. Are the conditions you are trying to set still the same as before?”

"That's right."

Laetian's fingers moved as if they were twitching. The Duke's lips twisted strangely as he fiddled with the Duke's ring on his left index finger.

“Please kill Prince Franz at the hunting competition in a few days. You must do it properly. No matter who comes running, they will never be able to save him.”

The expressionless face moved up and down a couple of times. Laetian only asked to kill Franz but did not explain the exact method. To him, there could be no easier request. It was easy to end a life by any means.

“I would like to add one condition.”

Duke Laetian looked straight at the man at his unexpected words.

“What is it?”

“Please let me kill not only the Crown Prince of Rotair but also the Third Prince of Delaka who is here now.”

A faint twitch appeared at the corner of the Duke of Laetian's mouth. Suddenly, laughter burst out of his mouth, which had been twitching as if he had heard an absurd joke. However, the man showed no reaction to Laetian's attitude.

“Are you serious?”

“That’s true.”

“Why? For what reason? Are you trying to exact some old revenge? On a little brat whose forehead hairs haven’t even fallen off yet?”

“I will not accept this request unless you also put the Third Prince into the trap.”

The Duke spread his thumb and index finger diagonally and rubbed his chin with them.

“Don’t you think the risk is too great? If you personally want to get rid of the Third Prince, it doesn’t have to be now.”

“Do you think I’m a fool? If the Prince dies, the royal family will fall into chaos. If they return to the empire because of that, I may never get another chance like this.”

“This is...”

Duke Laetian, who had been laughing in vain, turned his gaze to the side. Although his expression seemed relaxed at first glance, it was very difficult to suppress the irritation boiling inside him.

For him, the old grudge between the man and the Prince was of no concern. If he could just get rid of Franz, he didn't care where the man went or what he did.

What could be so great about a military officer of a country that had fallen because of its foolishness and had blindly trusted a powerful nation that didn't even have the name of an ally? 

Even the man's current status was nothing more than a mercenary. He couldn't accept that someone like him, who normally wouldn't even be tolerated to look at him, let alone talk to him, was making such bold demands.

But now, the Duke of Laetian needed this man. As a mercenary, Tudban's skills were certain. As is typical of those from military backgrounds, he did not adhere to useless principles when receiving money for commissions. He was not a man who stayed in one place, so if he missed this time, there was no way of knowing when or where he would be caught again.


The answer finally came out of the Duke's mouth. The man was neither happy nor excited. He only briefly flashed his cold, sunken eyes.

“I am sure you will handle the matter well.”

“Don’t worry about that.”

“Starting with the Crown Prince. After killing the Crown Prince, you can either tear the third Prince to pieces or stab him to death, as you wish. If you don’t promise that, I will also pretend this request never happened.”

“I promise.”

A feeling like joy flashed across the man's dark face. He was filled with a nervous excitement that he could finally repay the anger he had been brooding over. It was a feeling no one could understand. Now that everyone who had been involved in his past life was dead.

For years, whenever he closed his eyes to sleep, his face would inevitably come to mind. The difference in skill between the pale young boy and him was too obvious. Having lived his entire life as a non-combatant, he knew it the moment he crossed swords with the Prince. There was no way to escape this confrontation. He would die here.

There was no need to force himself to admit that absurd and self-deprecating fact. The title of Imperial Green Field, which was too heavy for a young person not even seventeen, was pushed around so fearfully that it did not seem to be insignificant at all.

The moment he let go of the sword he had been gripping so tightly that the leather on his palm was peeling off, he picked up Modrum's flag, which was lying on the ground, torn and bloody. Using it as support, he raised his body and knelt down, and the cool sensation of the blade came to the side of his neck.

But that was it. The Prince did not cut down the man who bowed his head in defeat. Why was it? Was it because his young heart was actually young? Was it because he felt a momentary pity for the defeated nation's military officer who had been tricked? Whichever way, what did it matter? 

He did not want to survive. The situation was already hopeless. It would be a disgrace to save his life.

"Kill me, what are you hesitating for?"


The sword that touched the side of his neck did not even waver. It seems that the young one has great strength. Even in the moment when his life was in danger, the man was purely amazed. If he had the chance to have a child, if it was a son, he would have wanted him to be like this.

"Do you want to die?"

The man who had been deeply bowed raised his head and his eyes trembled with anxiety and regret. It was a momentary event, and it was the instinctive reaction of a living creature that wanted to survive. However, it was a fatal mistake for a proud officer. The moment the sword hanging next to his neck was withdrawn, the man grabbed the broken flagpole and shouted like lightning.

"Kill me! Why have you treated me so cruelly? Don't burden me with life! Don't make me a coward!"

"You still want to lie at this point? I can't understand what's going on in your heads, you ignorant people to the core."

Why do I want to die like that when no one will recognize me? My country is finished. The King who ignored the advice of his loyal subjects and lived a carefree life is dead. Even if I offer him his head, no one will pretend to cry and throw a few gold coins. So, do you think I don't need to die?

That was the end. The boy who turned around was covered in blood from head to toe, just like a demon. Should he be relieved that the demon turned away without taking his life? 

No, he couldn't. He couldn't forgive him. He had lived for decades, but this was the first time in his life that he had experienced such humiliation.

Rudban was a cold and righteous officer, but he changed after the war. He became a mercenary and took on all sorts of dirty requests without batting an eye. When there was someone he had to kill, he didn't care about anything. It didn't matter their status, gender, or age.

As rumors of his identity spread among the mercenaries, he could no longer stay there. Having crossed the continent by smuggling, he was slowly forgetting his lost homeland. Then, by chance, he happened to see him. It was the Prince of Delaka, who had brought him great shame by sparing his life.

The moment he saw his face, Tudban felt the anger that he thought had completely faded rise up again as if it were yesterday. Only the thought of killing him, the thought of twisting his still boyish white neck, was boiling over.

As he was wandering around the area looking for a way to invade the palace, his opportunity came from an unexpected direction. It was the Duke of Laetian.

The man who was rummaging through the inside of his shabby jacket took something out of it and lightly swung it down on the table. It was a small knife, no more than half the length of a palm, without even a blade. It seemed to be suitable only for decoration, but it was so sharp that it cut through the solid table with a thud, like a piece of soft fruit. 

An interest flashed through the eyes of the Duke of Laetian who was watching it.

“What is this?”

“This is the sword that will assassinate the Prince.”

“With just something like this?”

Then the man placed a small glass bottle down next to the sword. The Duke of Laetian picked it up and held it up to the light. It was filled with a peculiarly colored liquid, barely reaching the neck of the bottle.

“What is this?”

“This is the venom of a rare snake.”


The Duke understood the man's way of doing things. When he nodded with a satisfied expression, the man put the knife back where it had been on the table and put it in his bosom.

“The Prince will not survive. So I hope the Duke will keep his promise to me.”

“I’ll put up with that level of hassle as long as you do your job properly.”

The man was silent for a long time. Then he glanced at the diamonds still scattered on the table and floor, then stood up without picking up a single one.

“I will not accept this advance payment. I will exchange it for the Prince’s life.”

“Wouldn’t you regret it? With this much diamond, you could live off the down payment alone.”

A loud laughter erupted. The man who had picked up the glass bottle and put it in his pocket turned around to leave, but suddenly looked at the Duke of Laetian and spat out.

“Surely hatred is something that cannot be exchanged for a stone?”

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