TCIWTFY - Chapter 96

"Both the Fourth Princess and the Grand Duke are people who look for the reasons for failures in others. They should be especially careful."

Medea stared blankly at Acares, who left an unexpected warning.

He is a man who hides as many secrets as she does.

Every now and then, he makes a strange appearance and throws Medea's plans into disarray.

However, the process indeed resulted in a benefit to Medea.


In that case, it would have been right for her to give a handful of warnings.

"Grand Duke Castullo is not a good match for Facade. Stay away."

Although her face was expressionless, unlike usual, Cesare noticed that there was something different.

It was the first time the Princess had spoken to him so directly. Cesare's eyes lit up with interest.

"Aren't you going to tell me why?"

The gleaming golden eyes seemed to delve deep into Medea's mind.

"That's all for the reasonable advice."


A sneer escaped from his handsome lips as he repeated Medea's words.

Although the mockery was obvious, the target did not seem to be Medea.

"How could a lowly person who would do anything to please such a precious person?"

He bent down like a gliding moonlight and kissed the tip of a rose petal that was stuck on the table.

It seemed like a gesture of respect, or a temptation.

"If he's not kind and gentle like the Princess, he won't even treat me like a human being."

No, he was teasing Medea. She frowned slightly.

His attitude was so arrogant that it didn't sound sincere, compared to the harsh, self-deprecating words he spoke.

Rather, the gap between his speech and attitude clearly revealed that Jason was not even worthy of his notice.

'I'm glad.'

Medea looked at Cesare's figure shining white in the moonlight and thought wistfully.

He would have to be eliminated somehow if he joined hands with Jason.


The Valdina Palace in the dark of night.

A slender shadow like a leopard formed under the moonlight.

"Sir, Jared is running wild."

Alpha reported.

"I have sent an order to summon the elite of my domain to Katzen. It seems that they are seeking revenge. What should we do?"

He held out a small, crumpled piece of parchment. It was the kind of contact paper they always used on the front lines.

Cesare turned and looked at the Princess's palace.

The cream-colored palace glowed calmly in the darkness, like its owner, but it did not look sturdy at all to his eyes.

The sparse escort and blind spots that seemed easily penetrated were immediately apparent.

Cesare's beautiful eyes revealed a displeased light. The dog that rolled around in the mud continued to make mud even after leaving the house.

"The moment they set foot in this country, kill everyone and send them to Jared."

"Yes, my lord."

Cesare, who was walking past Alpha who was bowing his head, stopped walking.

"Take a picture of the Facade's sentence."

He should give Jared's red hair a warning. Tell him not to walk around with that unpleasant face on his face.

"... Yes, my lord."

Alpha hesitated, then obeyed.

In the Empire, the First Prince clipped Jared's wings as he tried to fly, and in Valdina, the mercenaries of the Facade completely threw his future into the mud.

He felt a little sorry for Jared, who had no idea that it was the same person both times.

Cesare nodded and turned to Zeta.

"You protect the Princess."

"Yes, my lord."

They disappeared back into the darkness.

"Come out now, Sissair."


"Since when have you enjoyed playing hide and seek?"

Behind the wall in the corner, Sissair walked out.

"I saw you coming out of the Princess's palace."

The monocle on the tip of his nose gave off an opaque color that seemed to reflect his mind.

"What on earth could Facade possibly be doing for Her Highness? Shouldn't you have already discussed Valdina's situation with me?"

It was a cold voice like never before.

Before becoming friends, as Valdina's prime minister and as a man, there was a sense of wariness.

"It's my business with the Princess. You don't need to know."


Silence fell.

Sissair, realizing that he would not hear any more from him, asked with a stern face.

"What on earth are you thinking?"

Cesare shrugged. 

"Make the subject clear."

"Cesare, I ask you why you are loitering around Her Highness Medea, which is so out of character for you.'"


"Is it your fault that you blocked the Rasai people's transport route?"

Sissair knew Cesare. He was the man who had always been cool and cold in the Tower of the White Nights.

Cesare is not a great man who extends a hand or does favors for anyone. He has never moved without a purpose.

So, volunteering to be the Princess's assistant meant that Cesare had another reason in mind.

"I didn't think you were as bad as the Empire. Or at least I didn't think you would take advantage of our friendship. I was wrong."

Sissair tried hard to suppress the emotions that were flowing out.

"Let go of the Facade and leave."

"Aha. The relief issue has been resolved. I have nothing more to do? Are the Valdinians always this indifferent?"

Sissair ignored his question and continued speaking.

"Don't approach Her Highness anymore. If only you knew what kind of danger you created that day."

"If it weren't for me, who would have brought Jared to his knees and shut the Fourth Princess's stupid mouth?"

Cesare snorted. His confidence, without a shred of doubt, was as natural as the clothes he wore.

"You? The Princess's knight? Or the old, famous generals of Valdina?"


"And Sissair. I think you're mistaken. This country you're so loyal to is not a very good deal for me."

In contrast to the slow voice, the content was sharp.

"A miserably weak national power. A people filled with unwavering convictions. You know as well that there is no way an invader would choose such a troublesome land." 

Sissair stared at him.

If not for Valdina? There was only one reason left.

"I was the best hand she could have, then and now. Don't you think it's a bit out of character for her to let go of me?"

A faint burning of irritation rose in his eyes.

"Sissair, you don't know the Princess. I'm the only one in this whole Valdina who can fully understand her vision."

"Cesare, you-"

"So, don't worry about anything that doesn't work out. She and I are just in a transactional relationship where we both have something to gain."

Sissair was momentarily speechless at the expression on his face that even the explanation was truly annoying. He felt like an unruly intruder who had crossed the line.

"You can ask the Princess too." 

Cesare didn't wait for an answer and disappeared back into the darkness.


Sissair took off his monocle and wiped his dry face.

"Protect the Princess."

The orders that Cesare gave to the shadows were certainly not false. It was not hard to guess that this was his plan to prevent Jared from venting his anger at losing the duel today.

However, even though he understands in his head that the one who made the arrangement was Cesare and that the person in question was a Princess, he cannot accept it in his heart.

Although he should have been relieved to confirm that his trusted friend was not targeting his country, Sissair's expression was still dark.

On the way back to his office, Sissair fiddled with his pockets.

Inside was a medicine to heal wounds. In fact, he was worried about Medea, who had been injured in the fight with the Princess, so he went to the Princess's palace as soon as he finished organizing the oath and found Cesare.

'What was I thinking?'

Sissair soon turned around again.

When he entered the office, he paused. The Princess's maid, Neril, was waiting.

"The Princess is calling."

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