TCIWTFY - Chapter 83

Duke Claudio.

The light in the Duke's office did not go out until late at night.

"I have already heard what the Minister of Palace and Home Affairs said. It's a shame we lost him, but the ball was right. It is right to put out the spark that can burn everything."

Claudio and Raju.

They were helpers on a ship called Jason. Both goals were the same. Making Jason Emperor.

Thus, the Regent becomes the King of Valdina, and Raju becomes a public servant of Katzen.

The Prince Regent looked moved.

"I thought the Count would say that. My rotten son claims that he is right, and my vassals come looking for me first when something happens... How lonely it was to carry the burden alone..."

"Don't worry, Sir. Now that I am here, everything will fall into place again."

Count Raju spoke confidently.

"Our mission will reject Valdina's aid. What if the Duke made a request and ended it with us providing at least a little food?"

"My mother won't stay still..."

"If the Queen Mother keeps blocking you, you can use that as an excuse to refuse aid. Then your mother will also lose her strength. Because all the blame for stopping the relief will be directed at the Queen Mother."

Count Raju reassured him that there was nothing to worry about.

"Also, our delegation's communication will only be through Prince Claudio, not the royal family."

Then the Prince Regent's face brightened.

The only means of communication with the empire. In Valdina, the value of its scarcity was enormous. Especially at a time like now, when winter is approaching, Katzen's relief is desperately needed.

If that happens, he can rebuild his shaken position.

"Very, good idea. That will do."

The Prince Regent's eyes shone with relief and joy.

"Count Raju, I will not forget this help from you. If you need anything while you are here, please feel free to let me know."

The Prince Regent brought out his favorite drink. It was worth every penny.

"What can we do while on the same boat? I also don't know how precious it is to have a friend as trustworthy as the Regent. It's a feeling of homeland that couldn't be felt in a bloody empire."

"No matter what, you must be worried every hour and every minute of your life as a foreigner living in the empire. Nevertheless, it is truly amazing to have His Highness the Archduke by your side."

The Prince Regent, a staunch classist, treated Raju with surprising consideration as if it had never even occurred to him that he was originally a commoner.

As the night progressed, the number of glasses we sipped from each other increased.

"Count Raju. Indeed you have come. At the right time... I'm so glad."

Even though he was a cool-headed person who never lost his temper, he seemed to have no reason to drink alcohol repeatedly.

His tongue became more and more loose. Then, suddenly, the drunk Duke hit his head on the table and fell asleep.

Count Raju was also unable to control himself as he was under the influence of alcohol.

"Lord Claudio? Uh-huh. this person shouldn't fall asleep like this..."

Even when Count Raju tried to shake him, the Prince Regent was extremely drunk and showed no signs of waking up.

How much silence there was like that.



There was a sound of a chair being dragged.

Jerk, jerk.

Count Raju's footsteps, as he quietly left the office, did not falter in the slightest, unlike before.


Duchess Claudio's bedroom.

"Ma'am, shall we get ready for bed?"

"It's okay. I'll take care of it today. Go in first and sleep."

She waved her pretty hand at the maid and sent her away.

"Don't wake me up until I call you tomorrow."

"No problem. Then, sleep comfortably, Ma'am."

The Duchess was very sensitive, and once she was asleep, no one was allowed to enter her bedroom without permission, no matter what.

The young maid, who knew her temper well, nodded and walked out the door.
Catherine sat down at the dressing table.

Wearing a silk gown that clearly revealed the curves of her body, with her hair up, she looked as beautiful as if she had forgotten her age.

She didn't look like she was ready for bed, but she didn't even remove her makeup, which she put a lot of effort into, and even had a faint scent of perfume.

It was the moment she touched her face in the mirror.

The rough man's arms came in and grabbed her slender chin and waist and pulled her up.

"Robby, you surprised me!"

Catherine took a deep breath and shouted in a shaky voice, but soon silenced herself.

"My love, you are as beautiful as ever."

Count Raju hugged her and kissed her passionately.

"How about him?"

"Say, what are you doing? I put sleeping pills in his drink, so he'll be asleep until midday tomorrow."

A look of mockery flashed through Count Raju's eyes as he remembered the Prince Regent lying face down on the table in an unsightly manner.

"But he's my husband, don't be so mean."

"Your husband? So who is your man? Say it."

When Raju could not hide his jealousy, Catherine hid her silent laughter.

Robert, even after so many years, this man is always as passionate as the first time.

The two were lovers for a long time.

A long time ago, when Catherine was not Duchess Claudio and Robert was not an imperial count

"Cath, run away with me. Go to the empire and live together."

"Robby. I am.. I cannot go against the will of my family."

The love story between a Princess and a commoner young man who worked for a Duke did not end well.

When Catherine's father found out about their relationship, he beat up Robert and kicked him out.

He had to lie in his sick bed and listen to the bells of the cathedral where his beloved was getting married.

"I will never come back to this damn place again."

Robert, who had his eyes set on success, did whatever he could in the Katzen Empire.

Then one day, after saving the Emperor, his life changed.

With the new surname Raju, he became the nobleman who had persecuted him so much. The fruits of success were sweet and vain.

"Count Raju, this is Duchess Claudio from Valdina-"

However, one day, after meeting his first love by chance, the spark of passion he had buried was rekindled.

"Of course Robbie, it's just you."

Catherine, who woke up from a flashback, answered sweetly.

"That's right. Me too. That's why I brought a general to the Grand Duke. To make your husband King."

Even as Count Raju spoke, he held her in his arms as if he could not bear it anymore and did not let her go.

"How long has it been? Shit, it's only been a year and it feels like I haven't seen you in decades."

Catherine pushed his chest away and rolled her eyes.

"Hmph, I already heard that there was a girl in Katzen. You said she was introduced to you by the Archduke himself?"

"It's just a political opponent. You know that only you are in my heart, Cath."

The two entangled people fell onto the bed. The air in the bedroom became hot.


The small noise of the bedroom door closing did not reach their ears as they were absorbed in indulging each other.



Crumpled sheets. Noisy air. Catherine pulled away, panting to catch her breath.

"Cath, but where is my sweet daughter? I haven't seen her since a while ago."

Raju smoothed her tangled hair as if he loved her.

"They said they filled a carriage with gifts for Birna. I can't wait to see how much she'll like it."

"Birna... Medea, she's still in the monastery because of that girl."

Catherine gritted her teeth.

"My heart aches. I wonder how much our Birna is suffering in that cold and harsh place..."

"Then tell them to bring her. Etienne is dead too, so there's no need to worry anymore."

When Raju answered as if there was no problem, Catherine looked concerned.

"But people's eyes..."

"What does it matter? If anyone dares to speak ill of my daughter, I will stab them in the eye."

His confident mustache swayed slightly.

"Cath, your man is someone that even the empire's nobles couldn't do anything about. How much more so, who would not be able to go against a small country like Valdina?"

He spoke arrogantly.

"My daughter will receive the best treatment. When the Grand Duke ascends to the throne, you will become the mistress of the empire, and nothing like the Princess of Valdina can compare to it."

Catherine even felt a chill in Raju's dark eyes.

"Nothing to worry, my love. The Princess's blood and flesh will serve as fertilizer for our Birna to spread her wings."

Catherine moved and threw herself into his arms again.


Princess Palace. 

"Count Raju with my aunt?"

A note from Duke Claudio's family surprised Medea.

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