TCIWTFY - Chapter 101

"Yes. Isn't there a friendly hunting competition coming up soon?"

It's a small convention attended only by royals and delegations, and it seems like they're trying to let it go there.

"Ha, your liver is also big. Angelique still thinks this is the center of the empire."

Jason shook his head but smiled.

"Good. I can be active."

Jason was able to easily guess who the wolf summoned by the 4th Princess was aiming at.


The beautiful and elegant Princess of Valdina.

"The Princess has become pitiful. Why is she opposed to Angelique?"

The staff looked surprised for a moment.

"Your Highness, are you not going to stop it?"

Since he was trying to win the favor of the Princess, they thought he was trying to prevent a crisis that might befall her?

Jason shook his chin slightly. There was also an arrogant look in his eyes that looked down on his staff.

"Why me? How could a woman of such strength fall for me? It's difficult unless she's being chased by a pack of wolves."

His imagination unfolded in his head.

In a dense forest, a Princess is left alone and chased by a wild beast. At a desperate moment when her life is in danger, a man blocks her path and kills the wolf.

Green eyes that would look up at him like a hero. He held the scared woman, comforted her delicate back, and reassured her...

Somehow, just imagining it made Jason feel very satisfied.

Jason told his subordinate to sharpen his sword.

He had no doubt that even if the first button was sewn incorrectly, he would be able to sew the next button perfectly without it falling off the body.


The day of the friendly hunting competition has dawned.

The royal hunting ground, where the hunting competition was held, took about half a day by carriage from the palace.

Although it is a place covered in thick forests, dangerous wild animals have long since disappeared due to the long management of the gamekeepers.

It was also a clean area with little pollution as people were strictly prohibited from entering.

Soon, the royal family of Valdina and the envoys of Katzen arrived at the hunting ground. 

Medea followed the Queen out of the carriage. The clear sky and the cool scent of the forest tickling the tip of her nose welcomed her.

In the center of the plain was a row of barracks for the royal family and on either side were rows of small barracks where people not participating in the hunt could rest.

"I was going to cancel this competition considering their circumstances, but I came this far because I really wanted to do it."

However, the Queen Mother's lumpy appearance showed with her whole body that she did not deserve to even look at the Katzen people.

"I meet Your Majesty the Queen Mother and Her Highness the Princess."

The people who arrived first and were waiting said hello.

The Queen Dowager nodded, then frowned when she noticed the Katzen delegation standing across from her.

Both the 4th Princess and Jason were well-dressed in hunting clothes. It gave off the appearance of those accustomed to hunting.

The rules of the hunting competition were simple.

Team up in pairs to hunt animals that live in the forest. The ranking of winners varied depending on the rarity of the species or color of the beast.

"Your Royal Highness, please draw lots."

The color of the swallow's feathers chosen by Medea was blue. Green eyes looked to the side.

The 4th Princess had a pink feather-like one of the envoys, and Birna had a yellow feather like Jason.

"Oh, Your Highness! You have the same collar color as me!"

Oh my God, how lucky can I be? 

Birna couldn't hide her joy and it looked like she was going to jump up at any moment.

Not realizing the regret in Jason's eyes, she lowered her eyebrows and glanced at him.

"What should I do? I'm worried. I'm not used to hunting at all, so I don't know if I'll be a nuisance to Your Highness."

"It can't be. It's just a friendly match where participation is important, so don't worry too much, Princess Claudio."

Even as Jason gave her exactly the answer she wanted, Jason's eyes kept wandering as if looking for somewhere else.


When everyone was busy looking for their partner.


She raised her head. She saw Samon walking towards her, holding a feather of the same color. 

"You and I are in the same group."

Only then did Medea smile.

"I'm so glad. I just need to trust you."

"That's what I'm going to say. Last time, I saw with my own eyes your swordsmanship skills that defeated Her Highness the Fourth Princess."

"You know I was lucky." 

Samon laughed at Medea's words.

"Don't worry, just trust this brother. I will definitely keep you safe."

However, Medea did not miss the cool coldness in the eyes that curved with a smile.

At that time, Sissair, who looked suspiciously at the fact that Medea and Samon were in the same group, made a suggestion.

"Your Majesty the Queen. The hunting ground is not small. If they go alone, they might get lost, so why not have a knight accompany them one at a time."

'If there is a knight, our plan wilI go wrong.'

The faces of the 4th Princess and Samon hardened. The 4th Princess came out first.

"It's a friendly relationship, so let's keep it light. I'm sure there aren't enough dangerous beasts on the hunting grounds that would require escort knights, right? Or are you trying to target me?"

It still seemed like a provocation.

The Queen Mother looked down at the 4th Princess indifferently and smiled generously.

"No way. The 4th Princess is a precious person who has brought twice as much relief to our Valdina, but we cannot allow wild beasts to harm her."

That old ginger! 

The 4th Princess was shaking.

In any case, due to issues of fairness, the participation of knights was prohibited.

"You can come back here after you finish hunting for half a day!"


The hunting competition began with the noise of gunfire breaking the clear sky.

Today, the royal family, delegations, and even high-ranking nobles from Valdina participated as audience members.

Step-shaped seating was prepared under the large barracks that blocked out the sunlight.

It was a seat facing the flat area where the game was laid down, and it was a spectator seat where one could watch the hunting competition.

"Lord Claudio, have you been okay so far?"

Sissair gave an unusual greeting.

"Yeah, you look nice too."

The Prince Regent's eyes closely examined Sissair's face.

'Why are you still okay?"

It's about time Halus made a change to his head...

Is the effect of the drug minimal or has the fish developed a tolerance? 

The person in front of him, far from being maniacal, actually looked more intelligent and refreshed than usual.

"Yes, you are sharp. In fact, the other day, my head felt very heavy and foggy, so painful and dizzy that I was going crazy."

Sissair, who noticed the regent's doubts, had a deep smile on his face.

"But the cockroaches that litter the palace have disappeared and hunger has been solved by Katzen's slogan, so all my worries are gone and my mind feels very refreshed, isn't it?"


The Prince Regent glared at Sissair.

"Yes, then that's really fortunate. Wouldn't it be a big deal if you, the prime minister of Valdina, fell?"

"Yes, so these days, I even airlift holy water to take care of it. No matter what, I realized that it was for the good of this country that I serve His Majesty for a long time." 

Sissair raised his medicine with a sigh.

"Ah. The Queen Mother is calling. Then, Prince Regent, I hope you enjoy today's hunting competition comfortably."


The Prince Regent trembled and swallowed his anger.

"If I become King, I will never let you live, that blue goby. I will pull out its tongue and hang it on the castle wall!"

"Your Excellency, please fix it."

The back of his neck was aching.


The Prince Regent tried hard to show composure to his subordinates and hide his shame.

His eyes shone with vigor and life.

"Let's see if he can be that confident in a little while."

Will he be able to shake off his arrogant mouth in front of the corpse of Medea, who was bitten by a wolf?

He saw his son preparing to hunt in the distance. The Duke of Regent unfolded his black fan.

Samon nodded as if he understood what he meant.

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