RBMH - Chapter 2

The novel (Everything is Too Late After You Leave) is a typical story of regret.

Liliana Locke, the only Princess of the empire, is in trouble due to all sorts of misfortunes.

She was the poor heroine of this novel.

Her father died suddenly. Her older brother went to war and lost contact.

With the mainstay of the family gone, the Locke family has fallen prey to packs of lynxes.

Liliana makes a choice that will turn her life upside down to protect the family she loves.

That is, marrying Jermione Winder, who comes from a wealthy family.

Jermione Winder was a man of no honor, though he had the title of Count. He was merely an adopted son of commoners, not of noble blood.

He needed a woman of noble blood, and so he chose Liliana.

A contractual marriage is determined by each party's needs.

However, there was someone who was unaware of these circumstances and was terribly harassing Countess Liliana...

'That piece of trash was me!'

I was left in despair at the unbelievable reality.

Vanessa Winder, Liliana's mother-in-law, was the greatest villain in the story.

Despite not being related to Jermione by blood and never actually acting as his mother, she behaved Iike a typical media mother-in-law.

'It's ambiguous to even play the role of a mother in the first place. Where can you find a mother who has a son six years younger than her?'

Vanessa was Jermione's young stepmother, so there wasn't much of an age difference between them.

Anyway, she would often call Liliana and do all kinds of things to her, forcing her to do all kinds of things and tormenting her as much as she could.

"Daughter-in-law, the soup is salty. Are you trying to poison me with salt poisoning?"

"Daughter-in-law, did you buy this as a gift? It's clear that the eyes are on the soles of the feet."

"Do you really think you have become a member of our family when I call you daughter-in-law?"

Even I, who was reading the original, was suffering from 'daughter-in-law neurosis' because of how often Liliana was bullied.

Liliana felt terribly alienated from her mother-in-law's constant harassment.

"As long as I stay here I will be a foreigner forever."

But there was something else that really gave Liliana a hard time...

That's Jermione, the male protagonist of this novel.

Liliana's greatest misfortune was that she fell in love with the man who would become her husband.

'There was even a way to cancel the marriage later on... but she just chose to be with Jermione.'

However, her married life, which began with great expectations, was far from what she had imagined.

Because Jermione was a truly hopeless husband.

'Well, I guess that's natural since there's no normal guy who leaves regrets.'

Jermione did not interfere with or ignore the harassment of Liliana by his mother-in-law. He never once protected her from her harsh in-laws.

No, is that all?

He treated Liliana like an invisible person whenever she came to visit.

When people ignored his wife, he just laughed it off.

"That bastard... Even if it's something to regret, is it okay for a husband to do that to his wife?"

It wasn't because he was awkward with interpersonal relationships that he acted that way. He was deliberately being cruel to Liliana, even though he knew she was suffering.

It was because of an inferiority complex about one's origins.

Unlike himself, who could not shake off the label of being adopted from a commoner family no matter how hard he struggled, he felt jealous of Liliana, who had a noble birth.

His inferiority complex clouded his judgment, and he was unable to recognize that he, too, was in love with Liliana.

It is only after she runs away that he realizes his feelings for her.

The first thing he did after deciding to belatedly settle his karma was to kill Vanessa.

"Even though you are my mother. I cannot forgive you for touching my wife."

Whenever he pretended not to know, he killed Vanessa with considerable persistence.

After that, he kills other villains in order and reunite with Liliana.

That is absolutely not allowed!

The moment I recalled the original story, I screamed and fell backward without realizing it.

'Madam? Are you okay? Ma'am! Ma'am has collapsed!'

Of course, a doctor! You over there! Call a doctor right now!

I closed my eyes and fainted among the servants surrounding me in a circle.

It was because the shock from the original work was too great.

Is it that shocking that I'm the character who dies at the hands of my son?

No, that's none of my business.

From the beginning, I had some inkling that my son, Jermione, would come to harm me someday, as his history as a troublemaker was long.

Even if we get solid evidence now, nothing will change.

The reason I was shocked was...

'Our Liliana is marrying that bastard Jermione...! Absolutely not!"

When I watched the original, I thought Jermione was a really shameless guy.

First of all, he's a bad guy who harasses the good Liliana by proposing a contract marriage!

As a reader, my favorite was Liliana, so I always disliked Jermione.

'I couldn't help but feel angry when I saw him rolling around trying to pay off his karma.' 

But anyway, since it was a happy ending in the end, I brainwashed myself into thinking that the two of them were a good match. But now that I have become Jermione's mother, my thoughts have completely changed.

Jermione and Liliana are a match? That's ridiculous. 

'In the first place, that guy Jermione is someone you shouldn't marry. How dirty his personality is!'

The novel that had made me so excited was just mild.

The real Jermione was exactly 103 times more shameless than the one in the novel.

Now that I know the truth about this guy, I can never let Jermione and Liliana get married.

'Is there anything that could ruin a young person's life? We must do something to prevent the two from getting married.'

Having read the original, I knew very well how hard Liliana had worked to live.

She was a cheerful person who always tried to keep a smile on her face even in difficult situations, no matter what misfortune befell her.

I know full well that she is such an upright person... There is no need to leave a stain on her life as my son.

'I may not be able to pave a flowery path for her love, but I should block a thorny path.'

So I decided.

To ruin the marriage of two people!

'It turned out great because I happened to be the mother-in-law...'

If I had been in an ambiguous position like the female protagonist's friend, it would have been difficult to prevent the marriage.... 

Fortunately. I was the 'mother-in-law'. And I was known as a wicked woman at that!

I was already so used to playing the villain that it was almost like a new thing. It was so easy for me to break up a couple who didn't even love each other yet.

'Because the incident where Liliana falls in love with Jermione hasn't happened yet... Okay! We can stop this wedding!'

As soon as I woke up from my fainting state, I immediately gave orders to my servant.

"Bring me every bit of information about Liliana Locke."


"I told you not to open your mouth twice."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry! I'll find out right away!"

I stopped the servant who was running away with his buttocks stuck in his throat and added what I had left out.

"By the way, find out more specifically how much debt the Locke family has that needs to be paid off immediately."

"Yes! I'll keep that in mind!"

The servant gave an answer full of spirit and left right away.

Left alone in the room, I let out a sinister laugh like a villain. 


I don't know how much debt there is, but...

'If it's about money. I'm pretty confident.'

Come on, give me 10 billion shillings or 100 billion shillings!

I'll pay off all that debt!


And so we have reached this point.

I did some thorough research on Liliana and found out that the Locke family currently owes 4.8 billion shillings.

'If it were normal circumstances paying it back wouldn't have been a problem, but the circumstances weren't good."

So the Duke of Locke, a prestigious family with a long tradition, was now facing an unprecedented crisis.

His successor, Tristan, has been out on a campaign and has had no contact for the past five months, while the Duke himself died suddenly two months ago.

The only direct relative staying in the mansion is the innocent Liliana.

The Duke's right-hand man ran away with the business money as if he had been waiting for this day, and the collateral branches began to squabble.

Although she had not received proper training as a successor, Liliana did her best even in times of crisis.

Thanks to talking things over with people in the family, things were somewhat sorted out, but... there was still 4.8 billion in debt remaining.

'If it's the Locke family's fortune, it shouldn't be difficult to repay that amount...'

Unfortunately, Liliana was not the heir and thus had little control over the family's finances.

There wasn't much money available right away because the Duke's right-hand man had run away.

The poor girl tried to ask for help from outside sources, but......all the families she had been close with ignored her pleas for help. It was as if they had conspired against her.

The only option Liliana had in her despair was my son, Jermione Winder.

He agreed to pay off her debt in exchange for getting married after dating for three months.

This was the beginning of the novel, "Everything is Too Late After You Leave."

'But now that's all a thing of the past...'

As I recalled the events of a few days ago, I looked back at the wine glass. The red liquid sloshed helplessly along my hand.

It felt like I was watching the original story being ruined by my own scheme.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo..."

There is no such thing as an original any more. There are no regrets full of sweet potatoes, and no incidents occur.

Because Liliana took the 10 billion shillings cheque I gave her and ran off with it.

She will also break up with Jermione, which means her life will be different from the original.

"Let's go on a flower path, Liliana!"

I raised my glass again and celebrated the heroine's new life alone.

I have no idea what will happen in the future.

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