IDMH - Chapter 86

For a moment, silence flowed through the training grounds.

That would be the case, for Perdes to challenge Aldor to a duel was like a tortoise challenging a hare to a race.

Everyone was dumbfounded and silent because it was such a reckless thing to do, like hitting a rock with an egg, with not even a 1% chance of winning.

I too was embarrassed and tried to stop Perdes.

“Lord Perdes can never defeat Sir Aldor.”

Perdes' eyebrows quirked as if he didn't like what I said.

What if you don't like it? It's true.

It was better than rushing in and getting Perdes hurt again.

“I’m sure I can’t win.”


“But wouldn’t it be possible to hit it once?”

...That seems impossible too.

The other knights all shook their heads as if they were thinking the same thing.

“Lord Perdes, that is too reckless.”

And then they each added a word.

“That’s right. The vice-captain is so strong that he’s having a swordsmanship duel...”

“I understand you want to look good in front of the young lady, but you might end up embarrassing yourself even more.”

I don't think that's the reason for the challenge.

“How about trying again after training for about 10 more years?”

“But it seems impossible... Ugh.”

Another knight standing next to him kicked the knight in the shin.

“You might as well spar with me.”

Sir Aaron, who had become friendly with Perdes while escorting him, stepped forward and spoke.

“I will take care of it.”

Sir Aaron was also one of the most powerful men in the Knights Templar.

There was not even a 0.1% chance that Perdes would win.

But the reason Sir Aaron stepped in was probably because he thought that Sir Aldor had to be prevented from ever sparring with Perdes.

That's understandable, because Si Aldor took his opponents seriously when sparring, even if they were beginners.

So how many people were there that cried?

There was a rookie knight who bravely charged at SI Aldor on his first day of service, was badly beaten, and was confined to bed for three weeks.

Of course, Perdes is not a knight, and Sir Aldor knows his skills well, so there is a possibility that he will be lenient...


...There is no such thing.

When I saw the gaze of Sir Aldor looking down at Perdes, I immediately changed my mind.

Sir Aldor intended to fight with full force if he were to face Perdes.

In that case, we had to stop it even more.


I stepped between the two of them, preventing them from exchanging glances.

If left alone, it seemed that Sir Aldor, who had read Perdes' true feelings, would accept his request for a duel.

Sir Aldor turned his head, and Perdes looked at me with discontented eyes.

“As expected, I...”

“Even Aaron Sir can’t do that.”

Sir Aaron, who was about to raise his hand and leave quietly, went in crouching.

“Youngest, try doing it.”

“Yeah. I think it’ll be okay if you’re the youngest.”

Meanwhile, the knights were encouraging the new knights who had just arrived.

“Everyone, stop talking nonsense.”

What's okay is okay.

Even though he was a new knight, he was a knight who had received formal training at the knight academy.

There was no way that Perdes, who hadn't even mastered the basics of swordsmanship, could fight him.

It would be better than when he faced Sir Aldor, but... I could clearly see that he would get beaten by the wooden sword without even being able to keep his composure.

“I’m going now, Perdes.”

I decided that it would be best to take Perdes with me before things got out of hand, so I grabbed Perdes' hand.

But Perdes did not move, as if he wanted to practice swordsmanship.

“There is something I want you to do.”

When I told him there was something I had to do, only then did his feet, which had been stubbornly stuck to the ground, move.

I'm telling you, he's a really hands-on person.

I clicked my tongue inwardly and left the knights' quarters, holding Perdes' hand.

After leaving the Knights, it was okay to let go of my hand, but for some reason, Perdes held my hand tightly, so I just kept walking while holding it.

“Why did you suddenly request a swordsmanship duel with Sir Aldor?”


Perdes answered in a gruff voice.

“I feel like Young Lady sees me as too weak.”

Are you saying that you were going to do something reckless just for that reason?

I stood there dumbfounded for a moment and looked back at Perdes.

He also seemed to notice that something was strange and averted his gaze.

Ha, really.

“I have never seen you, Perdes, weak.”

“That’s what I saw.”

“That’s because you ate poison...”

“It’s been over a week.”

That's... that's right.

“And if you’re worried that I’m weak from the poison, why do you make me work so much?”


I have nothing to say.

Actually, I didn't want to make him do it, but I had no choice but to do it because I really didn't have much time left.

Because I had to tell Perdes everything before I left.


“If you know, tell me.”


“Why do you plan out two years in advance?”

Oh, that.

I thought it was strange that he didn't say anything even though I gave him the plan, but it turned out he had kept it in mind.



I thought it would be okay to tell him now, but then someone called me.

He was an official in charge of clerical work in the Knights Templar.

“I was already on my way to the office to see the young lady, but I was on my way back when I heard that you had joined the Knights Templar.”

Oh, by the way, I had some business to attend to.


The manager looked at Perdes and his hand was tightly clasped together and smiled strangely.

Oh no. There's going to be rumors going around about me dating while I'm working.

Well, it doesn't really matter.

I let go of Perdes' hand and said to the manager.

“Let’s go back in.”

“Yes, Miss.”

“Mr. Perdes, please wash up and come to the office.”

Because he sweats a lot and he's wearing a training suit.

Perdes also thought that was right and entered the mansion without saying a word.

I took the manager back to my office.


The manager whistled as he looked at the vase of sunflowers on the windowsill.

“I guess you got a confession.”

“Confession? Ah.”

You're talking about me knowing that I visited the capital during the Sunflower Festival.

“That’s not it.”

“But you went to the sunflower festival, right?”

“Not everyone who goes to a festival gets a confession.”

“You received flowers too.”

“I just gave it to you without any meaning.”

The manager tilted his head.

“Is there anyone who just gives sunflowers?”

Yes, it's Perdes.

“Stop talking nonsense and give me the documents you brought.”

When I held out my hand, the manager's eyes widened like crescent moons.

Why are you like that?

“Stop making weird faces and hurry up.”

"Yes, yes."

The manager still gave me a strange look and gave me the papers.

I tried to suppress my uneasy feeling and checked the documents.

“You know what, Miss?”


“The sunflower’s flower language is ‘I love you’. That’s why it’s given to someone you have a crush on during the sunflower festival. It means ‘I’ve waited this long for you’.”

Phalang, phalang-

“The meaning also changes depending on the number of sunflowers. If there are 4, it means that I will look at you anytime, anywhere, and if there are 999, it means that I will only look at you no matter how many times I am reborn.”

How long do you plan on continuing to say such strange things?

It was annoying, but I ignored it and kept checking the documents because I thought it would make me do more if I paid attention to it.

“But still, one flower is the most meaningful. Seeing that Lord Perdes gave you only one flower, I can see that he truly loves you.”


How did you know that Perdes gave you those sunflowers?

The manager clapped his hands as he looked at me with some surprise.

“As expected, it was given to me by Lord Perdes!”

...You just poked me.

I sighed deeply and closed the document, feeling sorry for having fallen for his shallow tricks.

“I’ll review it later and bring it to you, so I’ll go now.”

It would have been easier to just give it to him right away after seeing it, but I sent it away because I thought he would only say strange things if I kept it.

And then, as I was reading the documents again in a quiet atmosphere, there was a knock on the door.

It was Sarah.

“Miss, there’s a letter for you.”

It was usually Hannes who brought me the letters, but when he was too busy, Sarah did it.

“Give it here.”

I sent Sarah out and checked the letter.

A sword in a crown.

It was a letter from the United Royal Knights Academy.

The moment I open an envelope sealed with sealing wax.


The letter floated into the air on its own, and I read its contents.

[Notice to Young Lady Adele Leopold.]

It's magic.

I've heard of this kind of magic, but it was my first time seeing it in person, so it was amazing.

I stared at the letter as if I was possessed by it.

[The Academy Entrance Ceremony is on September 1st at 10:00 AM. All incoming students must arrive at the Academy by then. Please keep in mind that being even one second late will result in your admission being cancelled.]

After reading all the contents, the letter fluttered and went back into the envelope.

I heard the entire content, but at that moment, I was about to take out the letter to check it again.


A cold, chilling voice was heard from the door.

“You’re enrolling... in the academy?”


When did you come?

I looked at Perdes in confusion.

Perdes' eyes widened as he encountered me.

It was the same look in his eyes when he found out Jack had betrayed him.

Do you really think I'm going to break my promise to him and go to the academy?

"That is..."

I thought it would be best to clear up the misunderstanding right away, so I stood up, but Perdes turned around and left the office as if he didn't want to hear my story.


The sound of the door closing was loud.

“Lord Perdes!”

I came to my senses late and hurriedly chased after Perdes, but he had already disappeared without a trace.

I was tempted to chase after him, but since I didn't know where he went, I returned to the office.

Then, a sunflower appeared, broken and fallen to the ground without any strength.

It was fine until just now, so why?

I went closer and picked up the sunflower.

The withered yellow petals looked similar to the eyes of Perdes that I had last seen.

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