IDMH - Chapter 84

Adele came to see me?

She didn't even send a letter, but went directly to the palace?

“Are you saying that Adele Leopold really came to see me?”

When the Empress asked in surprise at the unbelievable news, the maid answered that it was so.

“Why on earth is that kid...”

“How about you meet, Your Majesty the Empress?”

The Marquis of Prasis spoke to the very embarrassed Empress.

“Since she came all the way here, I don’t think it’s for a normal reason, so I think it would be better to meet her first.”

"...Is it so."

Whether it's a rabbit or a fox, if you want to catch them, you have to meet them first.

The Empress answered elegantly, straightening her slightly disheveled clothes.

“Tell her to come in.”


“Welcome, Young Lady Leopold.”

The Empress greeted me with an elegant smile, just as I had seen her before.

However, the pupils often called the windows of the soul, were filled with suspicion and caution.

In the past, she hid her true feelings well enough that I couldn't even be seen in her eyes.

That meant she was anxious, so I greeted her with a brighter smile than ever.

“Hello, Your Majesty the Empress. His Excellency the Marquis of Prasis is also here.”

“It’s been a while, Young Lady.”

I then greeted the Marquis behind her. The Marquis of Prasis greeted me curtly and spoke to the Empress.

“Then I will take my leave now, Your Majesty the Empress.”

The Marquis of Prasis observantly left, and I sat down on the sofa opposite the Empress.

As soon as the maid left after setting up the tea and snacks, the Empress spoke in a tone that showed great regret.

“I heard about the Fourth Prince. Oh my. Such a terrible thing can happen. If only we hadn’t caught the culprit, things would have been really bad.”

“Yes. I am also glad that I was able to catch the culprit with my own hands. But Your Majesty the Empress.”

When I called, I could see the Empress tense up through her shaking eyes.

“The culprit says that it was done on Her Majesty the Empress’s orders. What do you think?”

“That’s nonsense.”

The Empress flatly denied it.

“In the first place, I didn’t know that His Majesty the Emperor had given medicine to the Fourth Prince. How could I give such an order?”

I smiled faintly.

“You didn’t know.”

“Yes. I didn’t know.”

“But how do you know now?”


“I didn’t tell anyone about that.”

Even when handing Kobe Alstein over to the court, I only said, "He poisoned the 4th Prince," and did not provide detailed circumstances.

When that point was pointed out, the Empress's expression hardened.

That's why you should have thought carefully before speaking.

Well, I did nudge you to say that.

As I continued to deal with snake-like Emperors throughout my life, dealing with someone like an Empress became easy.

I looked down at the tea in my cup. As luck would have it, the tea was red.

I continued speaking, pushing the teacup towards the Empress.

“His Majesty the Emperor is truly worried about his health and has prescribed medicine for him.”

It wasn't a blatant lie. After all, Perdes needs to be healthy to have a baby.

“But Her Majesty the Empress has done something terrible with that medicine... What will happen if His Majesty the Emperor finds out about this?”


“I’m really curious. Since I’ve come all this way, I should go see His Majesty.”

“What you want!”

As I was about to stand up, the Empress spoke in a voice that seemed to tear apart.

“What do you want from me!”

“What do I want?”

“Yes. What you want. Isn’t that why you came all the way here to say that to me?”

“Oh, of course. Of course, I came because I wanted something.”

I put my half-lifted butt back on the sofa and looked straight at the Empress and said.

“What I ask is simple. When I make a request, Your Majesty the Empress should cause a mess so that His Majesty the Emperor cannot look elsewhere.”

“...A mess?”

Oh, did I speak too vulgarly?

But no more appropriate expression came to mind.

When I nodded, the Empress laughed in vain.

“In short, you are saying that if I blindfold His Majesty, you will do something else in the meantime.”

“Would you please listen?”

The Empress's lips were stubbornly closed.

It seemed like she was thinking about how I could benefit her.

“Don’t worry. I will never do anything that would disgrace Her Majesty the Empress.”

“...How can I believe that?”

“Well, from my perspective, I have no choice but to ask you to trust me.”

If I had made any moves to persuade the Empress here, it would have been counterproductive.

I looked at her calmly, thinking that staying still would have shaken the Empress's heart more.

...To be honest, it was a bit difficult to look at her like this.

Because the fact that she had poisoned Perdes kept coming to mind.

As the thought grew, I suppressed my anger, fearing that I would make a mistake, but the Empress nodded, as if she had finally made a decision.

“Very well. Since Duke Leopold, Young Lady’s father, saved the Crown Prince’s life, I will grant Young Lady’s request.”

The Empress refuses to admit to the fact that he poisoned Perdes until the end.

I had expected that the Empress would not readily admit it, but when I actually saw it, I was extremely annoyed.

As the anger I had been suppressing rose to my throat, I took a deep breath and calmed my mind.

Let's be patient.

I'm holding back now for bigger things.

“So when can I... do that?”

It was a little funny to see the Empress, out of respect for her noble image, not be able to say that it was a mess and just try to cover it up.

“You can do it next week. Please cause trouble for at least two weeks to catch the Emperor’s eye.”

“Two weeks each?”

A look of embarrassment crossed the Empress's face.

It certainly isn't easy to keep the Emperor's eye on her for two weeks.

“If you will do me a favor, I will trade Max Top and Pura again.”


The empress's eyes widened at my words. She seemed to not believe me.

Why are there so many doubts? I asked again, smiling on the outside while clicking my tongue inwardly.

“You will do it, right?”


The Empress thought for a moment and then nodded.

“Let’s write a memorandum instead.”


I also wanted to get a memorandum from the Empress to prevent her from saying anything else later, but she readily accepted it when I told her first.


I carefully packed the memorandum with the Empress's seal in my bosom and left the Empress's palace, when a long shadow appeared before my eyes.

“Lord Perdes.”

It was Perdes.

After them were Lord Aldor and Lord Eren.

Even though Aldor was supposed to be my escort, he didn't want to come with Perdes.

Because he drank poison.

He said he got better after taking the antidote made by his doctor, but he needed to recuperate.

However, since Perdes said he would go with me, that he would never let me go alone, and that if I went I would have to trample on him, I had no choice but to come with him.

Perdes glanced at the silver-gleaming Empress's Palace and asked me.

“Did it work out well?”


I smiled and patted the bag where the memorandum was kept.

Perdes laughed, immediately realizing what my actions meant.

“That’s good.”


“Isn’t this definitely better than the method Young Lady had originally thought of?”

"I know, right."

I was secretly worried that when I tried to carry out that plan, the Emperor would notice and try to stop me.

Thanks to Perdes' great advice, I was able to use the Empress as my shield.

No, I should be thanking the Empress for this.

Because it happened because she did something useless.

...But I can’t forgive her for poisoning Perdes.

“Now that I’m done with my business, shall we go now?”

I didn't want to stay in the palace for even a single second.

Perdes nodded immediately as if he had the same thought.

As we were about to go to the carriage, a person was standing next to the carriage we were riding in who we absolutely did not want to meet.

It was Chernosser.

You said you were going to study abroad, but you haven't gone yet?

Perdes' face also hardened when he saw him.

“Let’s just walk.”

Anyway, that carriage was owned by the imperial family, and we had come to ride it to move around the spacious palace more quickly.

So it didn't matter at all if I left it behind.

Well, it was a bit of a problem that I had to walk all the way to the distant palace gates, but it was ten, if not a hundred times better than meeting Chernosser.

Perdes turned around without answering.

I was also going to turn around and leave.

“What? So it’s you who came? Leopold Young Lady is there too.”

Chernosser found us and approached us.

How can he be so unlucky?

I wanted to ignore him and leave, but I was afraid that doing so would be considered insulting to the royal family, so I tried to turn around.

"Do not look back."

But Perdes grabbed my shoulder and said, preventing me from looking back.

“There’s no need to deal with him. Just ignore him.”

“But he is a Prince...”

“I am also a Prince.”

That's... that's right.

“So it’s okay.”

Unless you are a Crown Prince, there is no hierarchy among Princes.

Although there were slight differences depending on the power held by the mother, the maternal side, and the Emperor's favor, officially they were the same rank.

So it wouldn't be a problem if Perdes ignored Chernosser.

If Perdes had told me to do so, then that would have been the end of it.

I'm glad I don't have to deal with Chernossor.

It was surprising that Perdes used his position as Prince in this way.

In the past, the title of Prince was not used even by a speck of dust.

I glanced at Perdes out of the corner of my eye.

“Hey, aren’t you standing there? You dare ignore me when you’re just a penny?!”

Although Chernosser shouted and cursed from behind, Perdes' expression did not change and he just walked straight ahead.

Because the sight is unfamiliar.

Because it doesn't seem like the Perdes I know.


When Perdes looked at me, I averted my gaze without realizing it.

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