IDMH - Chapter 73

Instead of going to the training grounds where the new knights were being ordained, Perdes climbed up a nearby tree and watched.

The reason he didn't go was because Adele asked him to, not because of his will.

“Perdes, please do not come to the investiture ceremony.”

When Perdes heard that, he didn't show it, but he was honestly very embarrassed.

Why did you take me to other things like management meetings and territory patrols, but tell me not to come to the new knight inauguration ceremony?

“What is the reason?

When he asked curiously, Adele answered with a slightly sad expression.

“People think that when Perdes comes of age, you will become Duke Leopold.”

He hated to admit it, but it was true.

There was a rumor that Perdes might not actually be an idiot, and as he began to dive headfirst into the affairs of the estate and the duchy, the rumor became almost a fait accompli.

It bothered them that Perdes didn't have a knighthood, but people didn't pay much attention to that since he could get a knighthood later.

“But when Master Perdes comes to the investiture ceremony, they will swear loyalty to Master Perdes rather than to me.”

"No way."

“If I say it’s not possible, it means there is a possibility.”

Perdes was left speechless by those words that hit the nail on the head.

“So don’t come. I don’t want to see knights who will join the Leopold Knights swear loyalty to someone who doesn’t belong to Duke Leopold’s family, even if implicitly.”

The reason he understands why she says that, but at the same time feels sad, is because she clearly drew the line that he was not a member of Duke Leopold.

'It's not wrong.'

Because his last name is not Leopold.

So, even though he thought there was no need to feel upset, Perdes frowned as he kept thinking about it.

Even though he didn't know why he kept thinking about it or why he felt bad, he felt like he knew, so his mind was confused.

So he tried not to watch the investiture ceremony even from afar.

He tried to quietly look at the documents in the mansion because he thought it would make him feel worse if he looked at them for no reason, but he couldn't do that because the servants who remained in the mansion thought it was strange that he didn't go to the inauguration ceremony.

When he made excuses, saying that he had a lot of work to do, they said that he had to see this even though he had a lot of work to do, so Perdes was forced to leave the mansion as if he was being kicked out.

But he still didn't want to see the new knight's inauguration ceremony.

As Perdes was walking aimlessly without a set destination in mind, he ended up near the Knights' quarters.

“I swear allegiance to the Duke of Leopold!”


The loud voices of the knights were echoing in his ears along with the cheers and applause of the onlookers.

He wondered what was going on inside.

'Let me just take a look.'

Perdes just going to see how it goes.

With that thought in mind, Perdes climbed up a large tree nearby and began to watch the investiture ceremony.

He was planning to just watch a little bit and leave, but he got so absorbed in the sword dance and the fighting that he ended up watching it all the way through.

He couldn't take his eyes off Adele, especially, who was wearing a red knight's uniform that matched her hair.

He knew she was the one when he saw her in her engagement dress, but she looked great in red.

It was as if the color existed just for her.

Is it because Adele received the blessing of the red dragon?

While he was thinking about this, the last new knight saluted Adele politely, then placed his sword in front of the statue of the first Duke Leopold and knelt on one knee.

For a knight to kneel meant that he was swearing eternal loyalty to that subject.

They are swearing allegiance to the 'Duke Leopold' and not Adele Leopold, so they are swearing allegiance to the statue of the first Duke Leopold.

“ appointed as a knight of the House of Leopold.”

Adele stood beside him and read the letter of appointment.

“I swear allegiance to the Duke Leopold! I will serve the Duke until the day I die...!”

The new knight swore a great oath of loyalty as the training ground left and then received his letter of appointment from Adele.

Then Aldor, who had been standing behind Adele, stepped forward and placed the Knight Leopold badge on the new knight's chest.

The face of the new knight, who had now officially become a knight of the Duke Leopold family, was filled with pride.

With the last new recruit having joined, the inauguration ceremony was over.

But no one moved because Aldor suddenly pulled out the sword he had on his waist and stuck it in front of Adel.

No way...?

Common thoughts floated over people's heads.


Perdes, who knew why Aldor was acting that way, also looked at them nervously.

Aldor knelt on one knee in front of Adel and bowed his head.

“Aldor Shanktis, I swear allegiance to Lady Adele Leopold, daughter of Duke Leopold.”

As they hold the inauguration ceremony for new knights every year, they have seen countless instances of knights swearing their loyalty.

It was rare, but not uncommon, for someone outside of one's family to swear an oath.

But that oath of allegiance was not as pious as it is now.

Aldor looked at her with straight eyes as if there were no one else in this room but Adele, and spoke each and every phrase with emphasis.

“I will serve you as my lord forever, I will wield my sword for you, and I will lay down my life for you.”

The green eyes that looked down at Aldor were filled with a complex mix of emotions, but there was no sign of joy.

“Please give me a chance to protect you.”

A wind laden with the hot air of summer swept between them.


Perdes looked at Aldor, who was swearing loyalty to Adel, without even breathing.

Although he had developed a certain level of friendship with the people in the Duke's household and even with the officials who had been gossiping about Adele, he had difficulty becoming close with Aldor.

Perdes didn't know why. He just hated him.

He thinks that would make him hate Aldor even more.

...At the same time, why is he jealous?

“Give me the honor to be your sword and shield.”

At the moment when the period was put on the oath filled with firm determination, Adele closed her eyes tightly.


This moment has finally come.

I was hoping you wouldn't come.

I was hoping I wouldn't have to hold your life in my hands again.

I should have let you go a long time ago.

The day you came back to the mansion, I should have told you to leave the Duke's residence.

Even after that.

Instead of shouting "Just a little more", I should have just let you go without any regrets.

If that had been the case, this wouldn't have happened.

Late regrets came crashing down like a tidal wave.

Who can I blame?

It's all my fault that this happened.

Yeah, it's all my fault.

When I realized that fact, it was like having cold water poured over me and I came to my senses.

I opened my eyes, which had been tightly shut, and looked down at Lord Aldor.

During the long inauguration ceremony, there was not a single waver in the eyes visible through the disheveled silver hair.

Looking at those eyes, I felt bitter in my mouth because I thought I was even more foolish for regretting this.

“...Aldor Shanktis.”

Now, there was nothing I could do but hope for.

So that I don't have to throw away this poor, foolish life with my own hands again.

This time, there was no other way than to hope and hope until my hands and feet were worn out so that I could protect him.

“I accept your... oath.”

The sound of a sword being drawn was unusually loud in my ears.

“From today onwards, you are my knight.”

I tapped his shoulders lightly with a dull ceremonial sword.

“Give me your faith, your trust, your loyalty, and everything you have.”

Spitting out unwanted, ceremonial words.

“I will grant you the honor of becoming my sword and shield.”

Finally, I held out my hand that wasn't holding the sword, and Lord Aldor smiled faintly and kissed the back of my hand.

That smile was the second happiest I've ever seen from Lord Aldor.

The first one was... yeah when we got married.


When there was an important event like the appointment ceremony for new reporters, I didn't make any other plans in order to focus only on that event.

I didn't have any energy left to do other things.

As I returned to the mansion after the inauguration ceremony, Sarah approached me with a smile.

“I’ve prepared it for you to wash right away, miss.”

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I took off my dusty knight uniform and headed to the bathroom.

I soaked my body in warm water with herbal-scented bath salts and my fatigue melted away.

I closed my eyes tightly and tried to sort out my complicated thoughts as if untangling a tangled thread.

As I was organizing things like that for a while, the image of Lord Aldor smiling and kissing the back of my hand came to mind.

At the same time, I remembered the smile that Lord Aldor had shown me when he married me in my second life.

“Why were you laughing like that?”

I thought as I touched the bubbles floating on the water.

Lord Aldor, do you like me?

No. That can't be possible.

If so, he should have done something when he married me, but he didn't.

He always thought of me as his master's daughter and treated me politely, calling me Lady.

...Like before, I occasionally smiled without knowing the meaning.

“Wow, my head hurts.”

I wanted to ask Lord Aldor directly, but even if it was true or not, I couldn't because it would be a headache.

Just... Let’s pretend I don’t know about this and ask.

Even if Lord Aldor likes me, seeing as he doesn't confess it, it seems like he doesn't have any intention of getting along with me.

I also had no intention of accepting Lord Aldor's heart.

To be exact, I couldn't afford to do that.

Knock knock.

“Miss, aren’t you sleeping by any chance?”


“Thank goodness. I was worried you might be sleeping since you’ve been here so long.”

Has it been that long?

By the way, the water has cooled down a little.

I thought I might catch a cold if I stayed any longer, so I put on my bathrobe and went outside.

“Here, have some tea.”

"Thank you."

Sarah dried my wet hair while I drank some tea, which is said to help relieve fatigue.

As I felt the gentle hands and drank the warm tea, I began to fall asleep little by little.

I was trying to wake up, forcing my eyelids open, when Sarah spoke cautiously.

“Hey, Lady. Did you hear that story?”

“What story?”

“During the knighthood ceremony, Jack, the servant of Lord Perdes, and May got into a fight.”

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