HFMD - Chapter 28 < The Next Lord of Kalvetia >

“Wow, I really thought I was going to die.”

After Sylvia leads Randall out of the tavern. Bella muttered as her legs became weak and she flopped down on the sofa. Before she knew it, she noticed that her hands were covered in cold sweat and laughed again.

“Why is it that a human subject is so full of murderous intent?”

The murderous aura felt in the green eyes that were glaring at her was so fierce. She almost instinctively pounced on him like a mindless monster. Bella took a deep breath for a while to regain her composure and then stood up.

'Anyway, it was going to be a big problem. If I had known this would happen, I would have done some research a long time ago. If I had, I wouldn't have brought her here.'

However, since they cannot undo what has already happened, the only option is to at least report it on time. After making up her mind, Bella gave instructions to the completely pale staff member.

“I’m going in, so if the Belfort people come back and ask the boss for the crime, say you’re the boss.”

"Yes? Me? Why!"

“They pay you well.”

“Anyway, it’s like that...!”

Bella drew the curtain in the face of the protesting employee. She blocked the view of her surroundings with her curtains and reached out her hand to fumble under the table. Then there was a clicking sound and the wall behind the sofa split in half. 


As Bella took her steps inside, she heard the wall close behind her again. 

How long did she walk on the narrow road? As soon as Bella picked up the crow mask hanging on the wall and put it on her face, the sides suddenly opened up and a wide space appeared.

“Hey, are you kidding me? You’re cheating!”

“Why don’t you act like a loser and just admit defeat?”

“This bastard wants to see him!”

Inside, everything was red. People who were already drunk and passed out continued to drink and raise their voices. They, too, were wearing masks shaped like various animals like Bella. The table was covered with poker and other game tools, as well as gold coins. A staff member wearing a crow mask could be heard asking politely.

“Are you all in, sir?”

This was the true appearance of a ‘store without a sign’. Of course, the only people who can come here are those who are addicted to the store's 'special drinks'.

'You fools.'

Bella took a deep breath, as if inhaling the scent of corruption, and walked inside in a good mood. Even so, people kept betting money on games, losing money, and screaming. At first glance, they looked no different from beasts. 

After crossing the secret party hall, her 'real' office appeared. After entering the office, Bella touched the black marble on the desk. As she took off her mask and ran her hair, a red light seemed to leak out from the marble, and soon a low voice echoed in the empty office.

[What is happening?]

“Ah, Prince. Who did I see a moment ago?”

[Not a Prince, but a Crown Prince. How many times do I have to say it?]

“Oh, come on, that’s not important right now. Who did I see?”

The other person showed signs of discomfort without filtering, but Bella did not give in. When she just smiled and didn't continue speaking, her partner eventually sighed deeply and responded.


“The Duchess of Belfort! She was really pretty. If you just look at it, is it as pretty as that?”


"Hmm... that is."

Bella rolled her eyes and eventually confessed. She said that Sylvia had followed her first and that she had fallen in love with her face and was trying to attract her to her staff when she discovered that she was the Duchess of Belfort. The man, who had been silent for a long time after hearing her entire story, gritted his teeth viciously.

[Are you crazy? It's already been several months since you moved to the North. If something big like the Duke's wedding had happened, you should have investigated it yourself... ]

“Oh, I said I was wrong! But I didn’t get caught doing my job!”

Bella covered her ears with her fingers and screamed. She let out a groan as if she was in pain and changed the subject.

[...What happened to that guy who installed it without knowing his place?]

“Rapold? He's dead. He got caught by the Duke.”

[I never expected it, but still.]

The man was snarky. He suddenly muttered as if the word 'Duke' was unpleasant.

[Belfort doesn't even move at all. A dog like a dog.]

Bella was calm. It was no secret that he hated Randall Belfort. Of course, Randall Belfort would also despise her master.

'If you say they're both the same, then that's right. Let's keep quiet.'

The man mumbled harsh curses for a while and then called out to her.



[Work is slowly starting on the Marquis of Seicrine. Among the people brought to the party, there was one who was close to the Marquis, right?]

“Oh, that’s right. I've already accumulated about 100 gold in debt. That’s stupid.”

[I’ll introduce you to the Marquis on the condition that he’ll forgive some of the debt. The excuse is... I’ll say something about the supply of alcohol, and I’ll properly brainwash him so he can’t think of anything else. While I’m at it, it would be good to find out about the Duke and Duchess.]

“That’s my specialty.”

[If you make one more mistake, I'll stick your head in the lake.]

After saying those harsh words, the light on the bead went out. Bella shook her head and let out an exaggerated sigh.

“Anyway, our Prince, you are a bit of a prick.”

Should I just ignore it? 

It’s already hard to suppress her murderous desire whenever she sees a human these days. Bella, who had been thinking that, pursed her lips, soon stopped complaining.

“Well, anyway, he will be our new King.”

And when that time comes, she will be able to kill as many humans as she wants. Just like in the distant past when 'Demon King Alyssa' reigned. Bella stared into space with a trance-like face, intoxicated by the image of the massacre, and then made a dramatic gesture toward the orb.

“I will obey your command, the next Lord of Kalvetia.”


Time passed quickly. As the start of the social season was quickly approaching, Philia had to leave Belfort Castle and return to the Marquisate.

“Duke, Duchess. See you again soon.”

Philia bowed in greeting and glanced at the couple. Randall and Sylvia were at the front door to see Philia off. However, with her mouth wide open and her mouth awkwardly closed, it felt like there was a distance between them, as if they were in the North and the South.

‘...What happened?’

Philia rolled her blue eyes in puzzlement. But she soon put her doubts aside as she was saddened by the fact that she would not see Jeffrey for a while.

'Well, if Randall has finally decided to distance himself from the Duchess, then that's a good thing.'

Rather, Randall had been excessively affectionate towards Sylvia up until now. She wondered if a demon had entered Randall's body while he was down south.

'Of course, if you just look at the face, you can understand.'

Even Philia, who was wary of Sylvia, readily agreed that she was beautiful. Randall, who had never known a woman before, could understand that his wife was so beautiful. However, understanding and acceptance were two different things. Randall had a duty to be wary of Sylvia as the lord of the North, and fortunately, he seemed to be slowly coming to his senses. 

Philia patted Randall on the arm with a proud expression.

"I'm going?"

“Disappear, quickly.”

“Anyway, it’s ticking.”

Randall frowned and waved his hand as if swatting away an annoying fly. Philia stuck out her obnoxious tongue at Randall and then hopped into the carriage.


Perhaps because she was worried that Randall might break the carriage door, she urged the driver to leave in an instant. It was not far from the castle of Belfort to that of the Marquis Seicrine. Philia took a deep breath, fastened the straps of her cloak, and got out of the carriage. As she expected, as soon as she set foot on the ground, she felt a harsh hand on her back.

“This is crazy, this is crazy! Is the South your playground? Huh? What do you mean by watching war, what do you mean by that! Without going far, let me start a war on your back right now?”

“Oh, Mom! It hurts!”

Philia frowned and whined at the Marchioness. The Marchioness paused at the shout, looked down at her palm, and tugged at her daughter's cloak.

“Take it off.”

"Why not...!"

“I told you to take it off!”

Philia held on by holding on to the hem of her cloak with both hands, but was unable to defeat the Marchioness. The Marchioness' eyes widened when she discovered the layers of cotton hidden beneath her cloak.

“I knew it would be like this. For some reason, the feel of my hand felt strange! You know I can’t hit you just because you’re wearing extra clothes, huh?”

“Mommy, Mommy, Mommy! I’m dying! I’m dying!”

Philia desperately twisted her body, thinking that she might die this time. It was only when her back started to tingle that the Marchioness let her go. Philia was afraid that the Marchioness might raise her hand and say, 'Just one more hit,' so she hurriedly changed her words.

“What about Dad? He said he would wait at the gate and break my legs...”

“He was here until yesterday. Today, a guest came, so he went to the reception room for a moment. It would be better for your health if you went in while your father was there.”

The Marchioness clicked her tongue and turned as if she was about to enter the mansion. Philia quickly crossed her arms and laughed.

“I missed you, Mom. But who is the guest?”

“Well, I heard he's from a bar somewhere. If you're curious, call your father...”

“Oh no, that’s okay. Let’s go in!”

When the Marchioness turned towards the drawing room, Philia hurriedly dragged her towards the stairs. She pushed the Marchioness's back and glanced back at the door of the drawing room.

'Is it because it's cold? Why do I feel so...unwell?'

“Philia. Aren’t you coming?”

“I go now!”

Philia's shoulders trembled with an eerie feeling, but she thought it must be an illusion and turned her head away. 


A few days before the debutante ball at Belfort Castle. Randall and Sylvia boarded the carriage together to inspect the orphanage sponsored by Belfort Castle. There was no word between the two. It had been silence for several days since Sylvia drew the line at Randall. Of course, it didn't mean they didn't talk. The two still shared the same bedroom and ate together. Since they were the Duke and Duchess respectively, there were a few conversations that were necessary for business purposes. But that was it. 

Sylvia rested her chin and looked out, then glanced at Randall, who was sitting across from her.

'The mood... It must have been bad.'

Her face darkened a little. Although neither of them clearly expressed their feelings. Sylvia implicitly told him not to come any closer, and Randall seemed to understand what she meant and politely kept his distance from then on. The subtle sense of distance is reassuring, but at the same time, it is probably her fault that she feels somehow empty. 

Since Sylvia wanted her dead anyway, it was inevitable that she would hurt Randall. Isn't this something she knew from the moment she decided to get married in the first place? There was no reason for her to feel sorry again. 

Sylvia took her gaze away from Randall and tried to erase her guilt. Then the carriage stopped. Randall first raised his body and got out of his carriage, then held out his hand towards Sylvia.


Sylvia stared blankly at Randall for a moment, then slowly reached out her hand.

Different hands touched each other and soon overlapped lightly. Randall saw that Sylvia had lightly put her feet on the ground and immediately withdrew her hand. Her movements were simple and did not give the impression of regret. Like a drop of water falling on a thirsty person, or a moment of sweet sleep that comes to someone who desperately needs rest. As the warmth that had touched her hand disappeared for a moment, Sylvia felt the subtle emptiness, so she quietly squeezed and opened her hand. 

At that time, a middle-aged woman who appeared to be the director of the orphanage approached and greeted them.

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