HFMD - Chapter 25 < Fox's Back Explodes In Dog Fight >

“What are you doing here at this hour, Lady of the Marquis of Saicrine?”

Jeffrey's face was expressionless and stiff, unlike usual. But Philia smiled brightly and looked expectant.

“Did you come out to see me?”

“I was just on night patrol today. Please come in now.”

Jeffrey, who spoke harshly in a low-pitched voice, turned around without regret as if he had done his job.


Philia bit her lip, horrified by the attitude that seemed to be treating a stranger.

"This is the daughter of the Marquis of Philia Saicrine, Madam. I assisted my lord and saw her several times."

"I met a security guard on the way and explained the situation, so he will be here soon. I will meet her there."

He had that attitude several times during the day. As if he were saying that there was no connection between her and him. Philia gritted her teeth as she hurriedly followed him as he walked away.

“Are you still angry?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You said you would only protect me. You said you wouldn't be escorted by anyone other than me. But why...!”


As she spoke, Philia's voice became louder as she was filled with sadness. Jeffrey, who pretended not to notice her and was walking away from Philia, suddenly turned his body towards her as if he were in tears. When his gaze met her tearful blue eyes, he felt his breath catch in his throat.


However, Jeffrey chewed the flesh in his mouth and struggled to compose himself. Soon regaining his composure, he looked down at Philia with dry eyes and muttered lowly.

“That was a promise made to ‘Philia’, not a promise made to the ‘Daughter of the Marquis of Saicrine’.”


“I’ll go. From now on, please be careful about using informal titles.”

“Jeffrey, wait...!”

Philia tried to catch Jeffrey, but he quickly disappeared behind the corner of the castle. Left alone in an instant, she crouched in her place and bit her lip in exasperation.

“...You bastard.”

A small murmur echoed in the darkness.

“You look like the world’s most idiotic fool. Just go ahead and fall asleep.”

After that, Philia curled up in the cold wind and cursed various things for a long time.


Meanwhile, Jeffrey was leaning against the wall around the corner, silently listening to her swearing until she returned to her room. The hand hidden behind his back was held so tightly that the veins stood out.


The next morning. Randall, Sylvia, and Philia gathered at the restaurant and had breakfast. She had been out for a long time last night to soothe her anger, and Philia, who was wearing a thick shawl and eating warm soup, felt her expression gradually rotting away.

“Please eat more.”

“It’s okay.”


“It’s okay.”

Randall took great care of Sylvia as usual. She also gritted her teeth with a smile on her face, as Sylvia always did. Philia, who witnessed the couple, who were as harmonious as they appeared, dropped her spoon in her bewilderment.

'What is he?'

Even she, who had grown up with Randall as a brother, had a face like melted ice that she had never seen before.

'The realization that his wife is from the King's side... Is it there? I don't think there is one?'

The day before, Philia at first thought they were lovers because Jeffrey called Sylvia 'Leah' and reflexively became angry. She later realized that she had misunderstood when she heard Sylvia say that he was the Duchess of Belfort, but once she was offended, her mood did not easily improve.

This is Philia Seicrine, Duchess. She is also the Duke of Belfort's childhood friend.

In that situation, she was angry at the sight of Jeffrey ignoring her and only taking care of Sylvia, so she deliberately offended her. After the meal, she was going to explain these facts to Sylvia and apologize. 

When she saw the scene before her eyes, her feelings disappeared.

‘I need to come to my senses, too. We are on high alert for the time being.'

Randall seemed to have already made a mistake, so it was right for her to be wary of that woman. Philia fixed her burning gaze on Sylvia, chewed her food thoroughly, and swallowed it.

'...Are you jealous?'

Meanwhile, Sylvia, who mistook the gaze for jealousy, developed a childish mischievousness. She suddenly leaned toward the fork that was near her mouth while Randall was stabbing the fruit. Then she opened her mouth and swallowed the fruit that was stuck on the end of Randall's fork. 

Clink. Randall, embarrassed by the unexpected situation, dropped his fork and stumbled.


"Thank you. Now you can eat too, you can stop taking care of me.”

Sylvia, who gave strength to her words, folded her eyes and smiled, trying not to cringe at the bitterness in her expression. She glanced sideways and, sure enough, saw Philia crumpling her pride. Thanks to this, Sylvia was able to finish her meal feeling much more refreshed.


“I'll call you Lord Cedars.”

“I understand, Ma’am.”

After a strangely refreshing breakfast. Sylvia said that she was checking things that she had not noticed yesterday because she was meeting Philia, and she prepared to leave. Of course, it was an excuse.

'I guess I'll have to go around places with frequent twists and turns, not places like this. There is no good excuse for a place like that...'

While Sylvia was clicking her tongue, Jeffrey, who had been called by Thelma, arrived.


Sylvia was worried because he looked somewhat depressed the day before. Fortunately, the current Jeffrey was as cheerful as usual.

“Are you going out today too?”

"Yes. I don’t know if I’m causing too much trouble to you.”

“It might be better to leave the castle...”


“Oh, it’s nothing. Let’s go!”

Jeffrey, who was muttering with a pensive look on his face, hurriedly gave up and left the room. Sylvia tilted her head and followed suit. So the two of them crossed the garden and headed toward the front gate. Philia, who had been feeling unwell due to Randall's affections she had witnessed at dinner, spotted them on her walk and stopped dead in her tracks.

“... Princess?"

“Young lady.”

"Where are you going?"

“I thought I’d go out to that street again.”

Philia caught a glimpse of Jeffrey standing behind Sylvia and quickly spoke.

“I will accompany you too.”



Sylvia had a clearly suspicious look on her face. After all, hadn't she been glaring at her with those devouring eyes at the meal the morning before? 

But she, Philia, laughed shamelessly.

'I also watch Jeffrey and monitor her. Kill two birds with one stone.'

Randall had always been a fool, but now he seemed to be accepting of Sylvia's permission to show him the poisonous plant. So, to keep an eye on Sylvia to see if she's doing anything suspicious, let's take a close look at Jeffrey's face!


...It was an action that came from the thought, but in fact, the latter was closer to his true intentions. Philia couldn't hide her excitement and laughed a single laugh. Jeffrey sighed secretly from her. Sylvia was still puzzled, but since she couldn't find an excuse to refuse, she agreed to accompany her. 

The group formed like that, who were a little uncomfortable with each other, took to the streets.

“It seems like there are more people than yesterday.”

“I guess it’s because the social season is getting closer. After the debutante ball held at Belfort Castle, each family will have to take turns holding a ball, so there is bound to be a lot to prepare.”

Philia answered Sylvia’s question. One, two, three... Sylvia counted the number of northern noble families and shook her head as if she was horrified.

'How many times do I have to attend just the major families' balls?'

After the social season is over, even the King's Birthday... Her head was hurting.

‘After hosting the debutante, I’ll have to stay away for a while. The punishment has already ended in the first place, so why are they saying I shouldn't die?'

Sylvia glanced at the sky with dissatisfied eyes.

‘Is everything possible if you are God? Not everything.'

She lowered her head sullenly and looked around to shake off her complicated thoughts. She picked up a bunch of the flowers as she found them light pink.

'I heard that the debutante ball was mainly decorated with white and pink flowers, so I guess this would be okay too. I guess I'll take it back and ask Thelma for her opinion.'

With that in mind, Sylvia paid for the flowers through the maid. She had come out under the pretense of looking at things, so she had to get her assortment sorted out to some extent. However, Philia, who was looking at the stall on the other side of the street from her, noticed the bouquet of flowers in Sylvia's hand and suddenly said,

“Oh, you can’t leave that flower in the castle.”


“Ran... No, the Duke is allergic to siren pollen. Didn’t you know?”

Philia blinked and tilted her head. It had been a while since she was with Jeffrey, so she had calmed down a lot. So she said it without malice, just unconsciously.

Sylvia, who misunderstood that Philia liked Randall, felt like she was laughing at her. She says that Sylvia, who is in fact Randall's wife, knows less about him than she does. 

Sylvia closed her eyes and took a deep breath to suppress the irritation rising inside her for no apparent reason.

'Yes... Because she is still very young. You can be cheeky like that, that's what it is.'

Of course, whether Philia likes Randall or not has nothing to do with Sylvia. She kept attacking her because of her feelings, so it was natural for Sylvia to feel bad since she was his person too. At least Sylvia thought so. She said it was not because she had any special feelings for Randall, but that it was a completely natural feeling for humans. 

After finishing her rationalization, Sylvia looked down at the bouquet in her hand with an embarrassed expression and passed it to Jeffrey.

“I have already paid the price, so there is nothing I can do. Lord Cedars, it’s a gift.”


“Do you have a mild siren pollen allergy?”

“Oh, no! doesn't exist. Thank you."

It was not the duty of a subordinate to refuse a gift from a superior. Jeffrey rolled his eyes and quickly took the bouquet and smiled. Philia, who saw that scene, felt like a fire was burning inside her.

'Does he accept that as a good thing again?'

Philia narrowed her eyes, wondering if Sylvia was really interested in Jeffrey. The misunderstanding between Sylvia and Philia deepened silently. At that time, a person walking opposite her was pushed by the crowd and lightly bumped into Sylvia.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

"It's fine...”

The woman with her hood pulled down deeply bowed her head in apology and walked past her. Sylvia was about to reply that she was okay, but immediately turned her head without realizing it.

'Just now.'

A little while ago, when she bumped into a woman. Although it was only for a moment, she think she felt ‘darkness’? However, the woman's back was already swept away by the crowd. Sylvia, in her urgency, chased the woman through the crowd.

"Lady? Where are you going!"


She could hear Jeffrey and Philia's panicked voices behind her, but she quickly moved away.

'Is it another demon?'

Sylvia was lost in thought with a complicated face. She could control the ghosts with the 'darkness' of the demons, but she could not change her appearance. But the woman who had bumped into her, her complexion half-revealed beneath her hood, was human.

‘I heard there was a magic potion that changes your appearance before. It's not attack magic, but that kind of magic also applies to demons.'

While Sylvia was lost in the most wizard-like questions, the woman entered a deserted alley. Sylvia quickly came to her senses and quickly followed the woman. However, by the time she stepped into the alley, the feminine appearance had already disappeared.

'She definitely went in here.'

It was when Sylvia took a small breath, exhausted from exercising for the first time in a long time. At the same time that she felt an eerie feeling down her spine, a beautiful voice penetrated her ears.

“Hmm. I guess I didn’t take a wrong turn.”


“Who are you to follow me? What’s going on?”

Sylvia tried to turn around reflexively but stopped when she realized that the blade of the dagger was touching the back of her neck. Being this close made her confident. A unique discomfort that can only be felt by those born in the dark.

'She's a demon.'

The woman, no, ‘that’ was a demon.

“Let’s take a look at your face first.”

The woman, who was mumbling as if she were humming, suddenly pulled Sylvia's hood up. In that wind, the pure white silver hair that had been hidden under the hood flowed down.

"Oh my goodness?"

The woman seemed surprised and amazed. Such clean and bright silver hair was rare even within the kingdom. Perhaps her curiosity was aroused, she withdrew her dagger and turned Sylvia's body to face her. And right after that.

“Oh my, my!”

The woman flipped back her hood and smiled brightly.

“How is it that you’ve never seen someone as pretty as me?”

Sylvia distorted her face without realizing it. 

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