DTS - Chapter 73

Dorothea's eyes quickly scanned the 'table feast' prepared by the Empress Dowager.

Her eyes lingered on the table for only a short time, but thanks to the simple attire, it was not difficult to make out who was who.

'It's simple, isn't it?'

It was a distribution that did not fit the status of Empress Dowager of the Empire.

This was especially true when you consider that it was called a banquet.

'Is this how you express your displeasure with me?'

Dorothea narrowed her eyes, curious about the meals served in the palace of the Empress Dowager, who was famous for her extravagance.

In the deep silence created by disappointment, it was the Empress Dowager who spoke first.

“You must have had a hard time worrying about this and that throughout the meeting. You really set a lot of traps.”

Dorothea wasn't particularly surprised by her sharp remarks as if she knew everything she had done since entering the palace.

Dozens of palace maids had passed by her as if watching her the moment she left the conference room.

What happened there would have been relayed to the Empress Dowager and to each palace at any given moment.

“I am sorry, but I am a foolish girl who has difficulty understanding what Your Majesty means.”

The Empress Dowager laughed at Dorothea's words, which were politely lowered but were said obliviously as if they were dully greeting her.

“If it weren’t for your urging, would Richard have been so eager to get involved in the work his father was so passionate about?”

She knew her grandson very well.

He was a total idiot and had a bad temper, but at least he had the judgment to know when to bow down and when not to.

“I just wanted to repay my debt to His Highness.”

The smile instantly disappeared from the Empress Dowager's face at those reckless words.

“Aren’t you trying to make it easier for you to get what you want by involving the Prince? You must be very happy to have all those annoying nobles shut their mouths with Richard’s help.”


The sharp voice penetrated deep as if pricking a person with a needle.

Dorothea blinked innocently at this woman, who was more annoying than anyone she had ever met.

The Empress Dowager, observing her expression, snorted.

“Richard, he will be in trouble if he goes to the council of nobles and acts stubbornly and arbitrarily for his own gain and the Emperor hears about it. Isn’t that what you wanted?”

“Why would I wish for the Third Prince to be in trouble?”

Rather, it was Dorothea who hoped that Richard would live as long as possible.

The tail is long so it's easy to step on, but it doesn't die easily either, so it's perfect for cutting off and using whenever necessary.

'Oh my, he looks like a lizard.'

Dorothea tilted her head to the side, thinking of a boar with a lizard-like tail.

Then, the cross necklace hanging around her neck moved to the side.

As the Empress Dowager's eyes turned to the cross necklace hanging around her neck, a soft voice urged Dorothea on.

“You didn’t kill the opponent for the sake of the 7th Prince?”

“The 7th Prince?”

Luke? You're saying I dragged Richard into the meeting to disrupt it for Luke's sake?

Dorothea burst out laughing in genuine amazement.

It would be understandable if she had tried to use Richard to overthrow Luke.

'If Luke disappears, I won't have to return Freed, and there will be no one who knows about Wood's past.'

Besides, he had a history of blackmailing Dorothea using Wood's past.

'If he wasn't a Prince and if there hadn't been some give and take, I would have fixed that mess long ago.'

As she giggled with her hands covered in laughter, the Empress Dowager's eyebrows twitched.

Lady Melinda, who was standing next to Dorothea, warned her in a stern voice.

“You are being very rude. Are we not in the presence of Her Majesty the Empress Dowager?”

“I’m sorry. It’s just too funny...”

The Empress Dowager raised her hand and silenced the angry Lady Melinda.

She asked again, playing with her long, well-manicured nails.

“I am quite happy that you have done something for Richard, but it is not a pretty sight to see the royal family involved in your work.”


“If you’re not careful, you might not have any neck left.”

The Empress Dowager, who had warned Dorothea about her life, soon softened her voice and asked another question.

“They stopped the performance at the theater.”

Even though it seemed like something she said without much thought, it was clear that she was trying to figure out something.

Dorothea pretended not to notice the pressure the Empress Dowager was putting on her and answered calmly.

“A very precious person I knew passed away. As you may or may not know, Countess Germain passed away last night in the early hours of the morning.”

The Empress Dowager's hand stopped moving towards the teacup, but there was no significant change in her face.

“I see. She was a good person, but it’s too bad she ended up like this.”

“Coincidentally, the Countess’s second son went missing, and she seemed to have been quite distressed.”

However, it is a story that would make the Countess, who had just left in a good mood, shake her head if she heard it.

Dorothea mixed appropriate lies into the truth to shake up her opponents.

And she is convinced by the current reaction.

'It was the Empress Dowager who stopped Luke from investigating Raymond's death.'

It may have been thanks to the Empress Dowager that the Emperor had already guessed that Raymond would die.

So what remains is the extent of the Empress Dowager's connection with 'them'.

To do that, she needs to have a long conversation and get to know the other person...

While Dorothea was calculating various things in her head, a maid came in hurriedly and whispered something in the Empress Dowager's ear.


The Empress Dowager, with a puzzled expression, looked at Dorothea and nodded.

As soon as permission was granted, Dorothea opened the door and tilted her head at the familiar face that came in.

'Why did he come again?'

She glanced at the Empress Dowager, but the Empress didn't show any particular emotion and just smiled affectionately at his grandson.

“It’s truly amazing. You, who rarely venture into other palaces, move so nimbly.”

“Your Majesty the Empress Dowager.”

“Do you have a connection with this child too?”

“When I first entered the palace, I met her and talked to her a few times. However, I was curious about her and my younger brother, so I decided to come.”

The Empress Dowager silently put down the teacup she was holding.

She looked at her fragile grandson in silence for a moment and then spoke softly.

“His Majesty never gave you permission to participate in this. You were too hasty in your desire to achieve great things.”

“I see. I guess I was short-sighted.”

“As a member of the royal family, you must be aware of this. It is disrespectful to get involved in diplomatic matters with foreign countries without His Majesty the Emperor’s order.”

A strange expression appeared on the face of the Empress Dowager as she spoke.

That would be the case, for her words were also applicable to her, who had called Dorothea in and scolded her for intervening in Richard as soon as the meeting was over.

As soon as the meeting was over, she was already aware of everything that had happened in the conference room, so she was able to peek into diplomatic matters without any permission.

The Empress Dowager, who had indirectly admitted that she had planted an eye, turned her head away without saying a word.

After silence, what she handed over was a congratulatory message.

“I’m tired. Now let’s take that kid out.”

Now that you've spat in my face, there's no reason to keep you around any longer.

The Empress Dowager narrowed her eyebrows and said a word.

“It’s pretty good.”


“You treat Princes so well, so I can understand why your shoulders are so haughty.”

Dorothea felt aggrieved that William's independent actions had led to her being accused of such a ridiculous crime.

“Now go back. I’m tired.”

Lady Melinda closed the door at the repeated denunciations.

Dorothea blinked as she was suddenly kicked out without even finishing the conversation.

She was thinking of looking into the inside a bit more.

The palace gates were as firmly closed as the opponent's heart as if they would not easily open again.

‘This is difficult...’

The person who had stolen her from the Empress Dowager looked extremely relieved.

"Are you okay?"

Dorothea slowly turned her creaking head to face him.

Just like when they first met, the second Prince, who seemed somewhat fragile, was asking about her well-being in a worried voice filled with his characteristic kindness.

“It’s not okay.”

“You don’t have to worry about Her Majesty the Empress’s words. Once you leave the palace, she won’t do anything directly. She probably just called you to say a few words about Richard.”

“No, I wanted to stay in the palace.”


“Thanks to you, I got kicked out too.”

William, who was looking at Dorothea's grumbling face, looked at her as if he was measuring her, and muttered something like a sigh.

“You’re serious.”

“I’m serious.”

The Empress Dowager was a person of many secrets.

No matter how deep your heart is, if you had stayed a little longer, there would have definitely been things she could have figured out.

Since it came out like this, the other party would never invite Dorothea again.

William laughed in vain.

“When I was young, I was scared just by seeing her face. You, who even got scolded by her, look perfectly fine. You wanted to stay longer. That’s too bad.”

William, who was giggling alone, nodded with an awkward face.

“Luke was right.”

As Dorothea raised an eyebrow at the familiar name, William added.

“He told me I wouldn’t have to pick you up. He told me you wouldn’t need a helping hand.”

But did you really have to risk the wrath of the royal family?

She was once again amazed by the man's bravery in front of her.

“Hmm? What does that look mean?”

“I wonder how you survived until now.”

There is a saying in the palace that you should not even breathe carelessly.

It was a miracle that William, who was busy with his work, sticking his face here and there and saving this person and that person, survived.

William smiled bitterly at Dorothea's words.

“It seems like you really hate me because of this incident.”

“Well, not necessarily.”

First of all, he was a Prince, and if he knew that Dorothea had 'deliberately' brought Richard into the picture, it meant that he had some influence within the palace.

Dorothea can't fully see the reasons why he is so kind to her, but it may be something that will ultimately benefit her.

Besides, William seemed more likely to answer questions than Luke.

“Does His Majesty the Emperor often listen to Her Majesty the Empress Dowager’s opinions?”

Dorothea was curious.

If it was the Empress Dowager's request to stop Luke's investigation, did the Emperor have no choice but to side with her even though he knew the truth?

Or was the incident covered up because they calculated that even if the truth were to be known, it would only harm the nobles' reputation?

William blinked at Dorothea's question.


There had been quite a few eyes on her for some time, but it wasn't really a problem for Dorothea.

“A spirit? To use a spirit in a place like this.”

William, who recognized Lily's efforts to block out the surrounding sounds, smiled softly and leaned down to whisper in Dorothea's ear.

“At least, it is clear that His Majesty the Emperor does not welcome the expansion of her influence further. The alliance with the Kingdom of Rohen must be strong, but at the same time, we must not become overly oppressive toward each other.”


“That is why His Majesty did not see any children from my grandmother.”

Dorothea's eyes lit up for a moment.

This is a story she's never heard from Philip before.

Is it really that difficult for people on the other side of the fence to fully understand what's going on in the house?

“She has never had children, but she is powerful enough to become the ‘Empress Dowager.’”

“She's never had children...”

Dorothea chuckled.

“Oh, that’s an interesting story.”

At that moment, William was about to ask what the strangely-sounding words meant.

Dorothea's expression, which had always been somewhat chilly, began to change to something warm like melting snow on a spring day.

As the strangely quiet surrounding sounds returned, a voice called out to her.


Dorothea, who saw the Marquis come to the palace on a day when there were no meetings because he was worried about his granddaughter, walked towards him with quick steps.

“I heard that a Prince was causing a commotion in the conference room...”

A sharp gaze was turned towards William.

William swallowed a sigh at the questioning gaze, “Are you the Prince who caused a ruckus at the meeting Dorothea attended?”

William should have listened to Luke's advice.

His younger brother's words, "If you go there, you'll be treated like a weirdo, treated badly and taken advantage of, or you'll only end up incurring resentment from the wrong people," were not wrong.

He was just trying to save Dorothea some trouble.

'That girl looks at me like a tasty meal, and the Marquis looks at me like a shameless thug.'

Well, he thinks his life might have been shortened a bit.

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