Chapter 106 - The Importance of Blood Ties

Lucrezia suddenly stood up from her seat.

“What... How did you find out!”

Her blood pressure was so high that she felt like her eyes were going to pop out.

“Did you hear your uncle talking in the hallway back then?!”

Ippolito spoke hesitantly.

"That is... I heard that too, and why, on the morning of the Arabella memorial mass, did my mother come into my room...  It’s there that day.”

Lucrezia's head was spinning. She couldn't tell whether it was because she was frustrated with her son or because the situation was serious.

“She was in my closet that day.”

Lucrezia opened her mouth in surprise. Her jaw was on the verge of falling off. The only reason Lucrezia's jaw was intact was because she had closed it briefly to yell at her son.

“You little shit, are you crazy?!”

Since his mother was about to spank him, Ippolito decided not to mention that he had used his own words to discuss the fact that Arabella had a different father. Anyway, everything that Maleta knew was relayed to him, so there was no need for him to be punished. 

On the contrary, Lucrezia could not come to her senses. If Maleta only heard Stefano's slip of the tongue at the entrance, that is, 'Ippolito and Arabella have different fathers', that was Lucrezia's own problem. However, on the day of Arabella's memorial mass, this takes things to another level when Marleta overhears the conversation she had with Ippolito. 

Lucrezia made it clear that day that the reason she was living with Cardinal de Mare was because of Ippolito. The idiot son in front of her didn't seem to understand, but women are better at understanding subtle nuances and words than men. Although Maleta was stupid, she was secretly clever in certain areas. Did that maid really not understand Lucrezia’s words?

"Let's go."

Lucrezia walked out of the door immediately.

“I just told you to throw that girl out, but I have to find Loretta right now. I have to kill her.”

Knock knock! 

It was market day, and the door Lucrezia was about to open suddenly opened from the hallway following a gentle knock.

“Oh my gosh!”

Lucrezia was so startled that she almost hit her butt. Her maid Loretta, whom Lucrezia had been trying to find, was standing right in front of the door.

“Why are you barging in like that without even looking ahead and causing a fuss!”

“I’m sorry, Ma’am.”

“I was already on my way to look for you, but it went well. That Maleta girl.”

"Lady! I’m already here to tell you! I beat her with a stick and kicked her out!”


Lucrezia almost hit Loretta, who was waiting for praise. Ippolito quickly helped Lucrezia up and asked Loretta a question instead of his distraught mother.

“Where did they kick her out?! Where has she gone now?!”

“Where is her?” 

“I kicked her out the back door of the kitchen.”

"Hey! What should I do if I do things like that? let's go. Follow me right away.”

Ippolito left his mother sitting on the sofa and ran down to the first floor with the confused maid leading him. The first thing he did was run out the back door of the kitchen and look around, but his plump red-haired maid was nowhere to be seen.


He grabbed Loretta by the collar and shook her.

“Find out where she went!”

Loretta was shocked when she was suddenly struck by trouble.

“Young Master, why are you doing this! The madam clearly told me to beat her up and drive her out!”

“Stop talking nonsense and find that bitch Maleta! The bitch who kicked her out should take responsibility and come find her! I messed everything up because of you!”

Loretta, who had only done what she was told but suddenly became the culprit behind everything going wrong, was out of breath and waving her hands with tears in her eyes.

“Oh my, how can I find a bitch who has already left!”

“I don’t know, take responsibility and find out! If you don’t come to me within a day, I will throw you like dog food!”

Ippolito roughly threw Loretta away. Loretta, who had been feeling a little smug about being given a secret mission and becoming Madame Lucrezia's confidant, ran away in panic at the situation where she had lost her initial investment. Ippolito felt a pounding in his head.

'I can't let that bitch get away...! Somehow...I need to find her somehow...!'


Maleta truly thought that today was the luckiest day of her life. When Aunt Loretta, whom she thought she was quite close with, came in and told her to pull her out, she thought she was crazy. It didn't feel real as she was taken to the back room in the kitchen and beaten by the servants. 

Meanwhile, Maleta curled her body into a ball and protected her lower abdomen. It was not because she was overflowing with maternal love, but because she thought the child was her last lifeline.

"Go away! Don't even think about taking a step this way again! Hehe!”

When she was kicked out of the back door of the kitchen, she was completely out of her mind. Maleta thought about going back into the de Mare mansion, but the fear of having been beaten so badly by Madame Lucrezia's henchmen held her back.

‘I need to see His Eminence, Cardinal de Mare...!'

The only lifeline left for Maleta was Cardinal de Mare. He was a man who treasured his bloodline. If she threw herself at his feet and cried, saying that there was a child of Master Ippolito in her womb, wouldn’t he take her in? No, would he take her in...? Maleta wasn’t sure. In fact, the easiest solution was to go to the Basilica of Saint Ercole, stand in the way of the Cardinal’s movement, and then tell him that there was a son of Master Ippolito in her womb (she didn’t know if it was a son or a daughter, but she decided to assume it was a son) who had been beaten by Madame Lucrezia and thrown out of the house.

'But what if His Eminence Cardinal de Mare does not accept me then...?'

A chill ran down Maleta's spine. At that time, it was really a scam. Cardinal de Mare is not one of the gentlemen, and if he decides not to accept Maleta, he will not send her back unharmed. So Maleta subconsciously decided to put that option aside. But since she could neither go to the Basilica of Saint Ercole nor return to the Palazzo de Mare, Maleta really had nowhere to go. She had no money. She didn't have a single penny saved because she was spending a lot of her meager salary. There were luxuries that she had coaxed Master Ippolito into receiving. If she leaves them at a pawn shop, she can exchange them for a good deal. But she was suddenly kicked out without being able to take care of anything.


But Maleta had no home to return to. Maleta was a refugee who had left his hometown and flocked to the capital due to famine. Her father died after drinking alcohol and her mother starved to death. Really, there was no place to entrust oneself to in this vast world. Maleta trembled in despair. It was then.

“I shouldn’t be here like this.”

A woman wearing a brown hood pulled down low called out to Maleta. Maleta recognized the woman and took a step back in surprise.

'Why is she here?'

The woman took off her hood. Beneath it, covered in her scarf, streamed her hair, burning orange like the sun.

It was Sancha, Maleta's younger sister. Sancha gave instructions to Maleta with a very dissatisfied expression.

"Follow me."


Sancha took Maleta across the city of San Carlo.

“Where are we going?”

“Don’t use the word ‘we.’ It makes me feel bad.”

“Shouldn’t you tell me where you’re going?”

“You know what to do. It’s a place you know.”

Maleta, who was dragged by Sancha on the street, was dissatisfied the whole way. The final destination only made Maleta more dissatisfied. When they reached the destination, Maleta was not only unable to control her expression, but she even became irritated with words.

“What are you doing?”

Maleta pointed at the sign in front of the main gate of her destination.

“Why do you come here? Are you kidding me?”

Rambouillet Relief Center.

They were standing in front of the Rambouillet Relief Center. Maleta stood on her legs in front of the main gate of the relief center and fiercely criticized Sancha with a pointed finger.

“Are you mocking me by saying you’re going to throw me back here?”

In response to Maleta's anger, Sancha coldly scolded her older sister.

“Stop talking nonsense. Do you have anywhere else to go besides here?”

“Anyway, it’s Rambouillet Relief Center...!”

When Maleta and Sancha were children, they were urban poor and were imprisoned in the Rambouillet relief, where they almost starved to death. If there was one place Maleta never wanted to return to, it was definitely here.

“I’m not going in. I can’t go!”

“Don’t learn only bad things from ‘Miss Rossi.’”

Sancha clicked her tongue and walked into the Rambouillet relief center without any hesitation.

“It’s not what you think. Follow me.”

As Sancha had said, Maleta had nowhere to go. She was thrown out on the street without even a single silver florin, let alone a place to go. She had no choice but to follow her sister, who was her enemy. Sancha passed the central block where the poor were housed and headed to the office block where the manager's office and living quarters were located. She visited Mr. Camondo, the planning and financial officer who was in charge of the Rambouillet Relief Center.


"Come on in."

After receiving permission from inside, Sancha calmly entered the office of the Director of Planning and Finance.

“Miss Sancha. Thank you for coming. Would you like something to drink?”

Maleta's eyes seemed to pop out in surprise. He was the planning and finance officer, and when she was at the Rambouillet Relief Center, he was the person who had the power over the life and death of the inmates. When the planning and finance officer told her to reduce food rations, the poor starved to death, and when he told them to cut off the heating, they shivered and froze to death in the huge stone building. It was literally as high as the sky. That person was now using polite language towards Sancha.

"No. I have to go back right away. The person our lady asked for a while ago is here today, so I stopped by to say hello.”

Only then did Mr. Camondo look at Maleta, who was standing behind her.

“Ah. This is the person that Miss Ariadne spoke of.”

Sancha was about to tell Mr. Camondo that he didn't need to call Maleta 'this person', but she held back by pouting. After Ariadne deposited the Ducato gold coin in the Queen's name at the Rambouillet Relief Garden, she frequently visited the Salvation Garden and became close friends with the officials. With small donations, constant contact, and small gifts, she maintained very favorable relationships with the officials.

“That’s right. She will be staying at the relief home for the time being.”

Maleta rolled her eyes because she couldn't figure out how things were going. 

You're not saying you're going to throw me into a poverty camp, are you? How did Lady Ariadne know that I would come here?

“As much as possible, try to stay in a place where others can’t see her...”

Sancha briefly considered asking Mr. Camondo to keep Maleta out. But that seemed a bit too much. Maleta would know that it was dangerous outside, and she had no money to spare, so she had no use for going out. Besides, asking him to keep a guest locked up might harm the Young Lady’s reputation.

“Is there anything else you would like to ask for?”

"No. I will come to get her when the time comes. If there is anything unusual, please contact me at any time.”

"Of course."

"I look forward to it."

“Don’t worry.”

After greeting Mr. Caamondo, it was time to head to the accommodation. The manager, Mr. Stampa, was in charge of showing us around the accommodation.

“Mr. Stampa? Is Mr. Stampa here?”

“Who are you to be such a bother?”

In contrast to the humble Mr. Camondo, Stampa was a middle-aged man with a bushy red beard covered in food and his body soaked in sweat. His work attitude didn't seem particularly sincere either. After calling for a while, he came out to the window, his red magpie hair messy as if he had been taking a nap since midday. Despite Stampa's blunt response, Sancha greeted him kindly. It was under the belief that her attitude was that of a Young Lady.

"Hello! Are you Mr. Stampa, the operations manager?”

Stampa reluctantly softened his attitude a little when a young girl dressed in luxurious clothes gave such a compliment.

“That’s right, but who are you?”

“I am Sancha, working for the second daughter of de Mare.”

Sancha specifically stated that her affiliation was not under Cardinal de Mare's residence but under Ariadne.

“I would like to ask that this person live in the lodgings managed by Mr. Stampa for the time being. We have already received approval from Director of Strategy and Finance Camondo.”

Stampa clicked his tongue as if dissatisfied. He scratched his red maple hair and got irritated.

“If you tie my hands and feet and ask me to do something, is that a favor? If Mr. Camondo tells me to do something, I have to follow. What else can I do?”

Sancha greeted him with a sad smile.

"I look forward to it."

Sancha added one more thing.

“Please take good care of that person so she doesn’t wander outside freely.”

It was a word that left it ambiguous whether she was a hostage or a protected person. Mr. Camondo was a high-ranking official who could influence the reputation of Miss Ariadne, but Mr. Stampa was just an ordinary manager whose opinion would not be conveyed to society. Sancha asked him to keep an eye on Maleta without any worries. She could have given Stampa a silver coin, but she did not want to do that for Maleta. So she left Maleta with Mr. Stampa after making a vague speech. Just before leaving, Sancha said to Maleta quietly.

“Madam Lucrezia is watching you. You’d better not come home for a while.”

Maleta screamed.

“What are you going to do with me...! Are you going to leave me here forever?”

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