100CIM - Chapter 78

Simone hid her embarrassment and smiled at him as if to comfort him.

“It’ll be dangerous. Much more dangerous than you might imagine.”

If he were a normal person, it would be extremely absurd and ridiculous for her to take him to a dangerous place without being able to protect himself.

However, the Jace in front of her has only grown physically and is in a situation where time has stopped in his memories and way of thinking of a ten-year-old.

Telling someone you want to be friends with that you want to follow them is something that any child can do.

Simone was not the type of person to be cold to people who had done nothing wrong.

Jace stammered.

“Even if it’s dangerous... it’s okay, Simone.”

“No, that’s not okay. Ask me again when you can protect yourself.”

But being cold and giving permission were two different things. Simone politely but firmly refused.

Jace fiddled with the Saint's Desire in his hand, his face sullen.

From Simone's perspective, he must be disappointed that he still bears the worries of the people and cannot let go of the Saint's desire.

Jace thought back to Simone and her friends who were with her.

They were all tall and strong and seemed to communicate well.

They were similar in age to him, but completely different people.

In contrast, he is weak in his body and has no strength, no talent, and no knowledge.

Simone is not an attractive person to hang out with.

If he persists any longer here, the Savior will get tired of it, right?

Jace nodded reluctantly and stepped back cautiously.

“It’s okay to listen.”

At that moment, a familiar voice was heard from behind the two people.

Jace turned around in surprise to see the Grand Duke Illeston approaching him, looking at him.

“It’s okay to hear about what Simone does. Don’t follow her. It’ll interfere with her work.”

Illeston gave Simone a refreshing answer to what she wanted to say.

Illeston spoke to Jace and looked at Simone.

“I wish Jace knew about the request. It’s not about the mansion, of course, but you need to get used to such strange phenomena by now.”

Of course, Grand Duke Illeston has no intention of continuing the curse until Jace has safely completed his training as successor and become the head of this family.

However, there were still many unresolved curses in the mansion, and soon Jace, the successor to the mansion, would also become deeply involved in Simone's affairs.

As it is faster to experience something once than to be taught ten times, he wanted to listen to Simone's work for a while and then solve it together someday so that he would realize how bizarre and serious this matter was.

“This child has also been freed from the curse, so he should know what he needs to know.”

As Grand Duke Illeston stepped forward to persuade her, Jace looked at Simone again with a glimmer of hope.

Simone stared at Jace for a moment, then nodded willingly.

“If Your Highness says so, I will do so.”

What can I do if my employer tells me to do so? It's nothing serious, so I have to do as I'm told.

“If you don’t mind just listening, I’m just now planning how to handle Abel and the Marquis of Barrington’s next request.”

Simone looked at Jace and smiled faintly.

“Shall we go together and listen?”

“Ahh... Yes!”

Jace followed Simone with a blush on his face, and Grand Duke Illeston looked at Jace with displeasure before heading to his room.


“Simone, why did you bring that young master with you?”

Now, naturally, Abel and his group, who were in Simone's room, looked at Jace who was coming in with her, and asked.

Jace hid behind Simone, cowering as if he were afraid of their gazes, and Simone spoke indifferently as if she found it annoying.

“The Grand Duke instructed that the conversation regarding the strange phenomenon be heard by the young master.”

“Huh? Our timid young master is scared, so he just runs away after hearing that?”

When Bianchi spoke teasingly, Jace frowned and straightened his hunched shoulders as if he were offended, and Orkan silently pulled out a chair and made room for Jace.

“Are you just listening? You’re not taking me with you, are you?”

Abel asked with a worried tone. Abel and his group knew how dangerous it was to accompany Simone, having experienced the previous Osasanisasao incident and the incident at the orphanage.

But Jace was obviously weak. He looked so weak that they would have liked to step forward and feed him this and that and exercise him if they could.

It was so weak that Abel wondered if it would even be possible to run properly, let alone fight.

If he were to go along, Abel would take off his shoes and oppose it.

“Of course, I just listen.”

Simone sat down next to Louis as if asking him why he was asking such a question.

Jayce also stood awkwardly. He carefully sat down on the chair Orkan had brought out for him and looked around.

Excluding Jace himself, there are five people in the group here.

Among them, only Louis is Simone's official companion, and the others are said to be adventurers staying here temporarily.

To Jace, the atmosphere was comfortable, as if all five of them had become a team while solving a couple of strange phenomena together.

Simone said, placing the request of the Viscount of Delang on the table.

“Let’s start by discussing what we should get out of the first survey.”

The meeting regarding the request of Viscount Delang began.

As people familiar with operations and actions gathered, many opinions were expressed and the process went quite smoothly.

“I’ve heard that Viecount Delang is very picky and gets angry at even the slightest rustling in the mansion. So I think it would be best to start by kicking him out.”

“No. I think it would be better if there was one. The goal of the investigation is to find out the cause of the knocking sound, right? What if it’s something only the Viscount can hear? If he's not there, we might not be able to hear it at all.”

“But if the Viscount is there, I won’t be able to enter that room?”

“There must be a Viscount.”

During the noisy conversation, Simone said.

“If no one other than the Viscount has experienced the same phenomenon, it would be better for him to remain in the mansion while the curse is lifted.”

After all, having someone close to you who has experienced it firsthand not only allows you to deal flexibly when something doesn't happen but also increases the chances of encountering it.

“The Viscount said that it appeared every night until he found lodging, so if we use him, we can quickly confirm the phenomenon.”

“But will things really be resolved as easily as you say? Viscount Delang is sensitive to noise-”

“If he says no, I’ll withdraw. Well, it’s not really my business.”

Simone interrupted Orkan and spoke lightly.

The commission from the Viscount Delang was not something that Simone had to do, but something that the Marquis of Barrington had accepted.

If he says he won't cooperate, then just leave and it's over.

So, there is no need to worry about the personality of Viscount Delang, who is sensitive to noise and gets angry easily, and to include that in her plans.

“Therefore, my opinion is that we should stay at the Viscount Delang's mansion and try to figure out the cause of the phenomenon.”

“...We’re staying?”

Louis frowned as if to ask what she was talking about.

“Are you saying that instead of just going to the orphanage for a quick visit, you’ll be eating and sleeping there until you figure out the cause?”

“Yes. Why are you asking me that with such a serious expression? I didn’t say anything particularly problematic.”

Simone thought about it for a long time and came to this conclusion.

This phenomenon happens every night.

It is extremely troublesome and difficult to run that long distance every day and wait like a mouse dead every night to investigate a cause that is already difficult to find.

At the Illeston Manor, there is a place to sleep and rest, so it is possible to wait for the phenomenon every night, but wouldn't it be extremely tiring if it were someone else's house?

“Unlike the closed orphanage, the mansion of the Viscount of Delang has many rooms and the means to prepare meals. It is a noble mansion after all.”

“That’s true. I don’t care.”

Abel blurted it out. Either way, the Illeston Manor or the Delang Manor were both luxurious accommodations for Abel and his party.

“If we could stay there, we could hide in the garden overlooking the room all night while the Viscount is alone in the room.”

Simone nodded at Abel's words and said.

“That’s right. And more than anything, we can experience it ourselves and find out if it’s something that only happens to him or if it’s something that happens to people who stay in the mansion and spend the night alone in the last room.”

“That’s great - it can also significantly reduce travel time!”

As Bianchi seemed to agree with Abel, Louis also agreed without a word.

Orkan also nodded and said.

“Then it has been decided that I will stay at the Viscount’s mansion, the question is whether the Viscount will allow me to stay.”

“Please leave that to me.”

Louis said, looking at Simone.

“I will try to persuade Viscount Delang together with the Marquis of Barrington.”

Louis had a determined expression on his face as if he could do it no matter what.

It seems like he's trying to use the Crown Prince's authority.

Judging from the fact that Louis had been avoiding the Marquis of Barrington before, it seemed that the Marquis knew the face of Crown Prince Louis, and judging from the fact that he suddenly stopped avoiding him, it seems that he had revealed his identity without her knowing.

Simone nodded with a sly smile.

“I trust you. Please take good care of me.”

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