100CIM - Chapter 76

It's strange. There's no place to step where that wall is. There's no way there's a knock on the door.

'Did I mishear that?'

Viscount Delang carefully climbed into bed and put his ear against the wall.

But there was no sound. The Viscount of Delang breathed a sigh of relief.

'I guess I misheard-'

Knock knock


Viscount Delang was startled and lifted his ear from the wall.

This time, the sound was followed by a vibration that felt like a door being knocked on his ear.

The knock sounded exactly like someone was floating in midair and knocking on the wall, right in the direction of Viscount Delang's ear.


Viscount Delang stared at the wall and then just turned his head away.

'I guess I'm tired.'

People tend to react dully to situations they experience for the first time.

He must have just misheard and misunderstood. The wind must have been particularly strong.

Since Viscount Delang did not believe in psychic phenomena at all, at first he just brushed it off and ignored it.

However, it would be okay to just ignore it at first, thinking that he had misheard because he was tired, but as the phenomenon continued for several days, even Viscount Delang could no longer ignore it.

“This is driving me crazy. Why do I only hear this noise in my room? I need to move rooms or something!”

The Viscount of Delang complained to the butler, grumbling.

“That was never the wind. That was never the wind! The wind can’t knock on the wall so clearly.”


“I can’t do anything because of that noise! ​​I can’t even focus on my work! That sound is definitely a ‘person’ knocking.”

“Who on earth would do something like that...!”

“I’m going to catch that guy and punish him. But when I try to check, he disappears. What should I do...?”

Viscount Delang was so angry that his face turned bright red and he paced back and forth.

The butler thought for a moment and then said.

“Then how about having a servant wait outside when the Master hears the sound and catches the culprit?”

“Speak sense!”

The butler flinched at the sound of the Viscount's voice.

“The only place you can see behind that wall is the garden downstairs! Who would try to knock on the wall when a servant is watching from a place with no place to hide?”

“That, that is...”

Although he was not usually kind, Delang was treated better by his servants than other nobles, but when his work was interrupted in this way, he changed into a scary person.

After much fussing, Viscount Delang finally came up with a brilliant idea.

“Okay, let’s do that!”

“Yes? Master, what...”

“A hole! I’m going to make a hole!”

“A hole...?”

“Yes! A hole! Put a small hole in the wall at the head of the bed. And when I hear a sound, I will look through the hole. I will see who is climbing the wall and playing tricks!”

Of course, the butler knew how absurd the Viscount Delang's plan was.

The mansion was built of smooth stone, the walls of which were impenetrable, and there was no third floor or roof above the second floor, where the Viscount Delang's rooms were located.

Therefore, it is impossible to come down from above and knock on the wall.

But the butler just followed his words silently.

The fact that someone as intelligent as Viscount Delang could be so blocked up means that he is very angry. It would be best to just not get angry and do as he is told.

And that evening, a small hole was made in the bedroom wall of the Viscount Delang.

That night.

Knock knock 

Today, the Viscount, who had put down his work and was sitting on the bedside waiting, heard another knock on his ear.

'This guy is caught!'

Viscount Delang quickly put his eyes into the hole. Then he let out a 'whoa' and fell backward as if he was jumping in surprise.

The hole that was thought to be open was blocked by someone on the other side.

And it didn't take long to realize that it was the eyes of the person who was glued to it.

Someone was standing right next to him, looking into the room, and knocking on the door.

Viscount Delang was so shocked that his heart almost stopped before he finally came to his senses.

This is the second floor. The place where the eyes are is an empty space where there is nothing to step on.

Even if you were to use trickery to hang on to this smooth stone wall, you wouldn't be able to knock on the wall with your eyes glued like that with your evil strength.

At least the shoulder, jaw, and neck joints would have to be twisted to be possible.


“That’s the end of the story. The client, Viscount Delang, asked you to identify that person and deal with him.”

After the Marquis of Barrington finished speaking, Simone asked what she had been thinking about.

“Has anyone else heard that sound?”

“None. Only Viscount Delang heard of it.”

“Has he ever had anyone else sleep in that room besides him, Your Grace?”

“No. That room was made just for him so he wouldn’t be disturbed while he was working.”

The Marquis quickly answered any questions Simone might have had before coming here.

“Does this only happen when he's alone?”


“Hey, then how will Simone solve it? You said he won’t let anyone into his room.”

Abel said annoyedly. Abel also knows from his experiences how nobles treat commoners.

Many nobles would hate to see a commoner enter their bedroom, but from what the Marquis said, it seemed like the Viscount was just that type of noble.

The Marquis did not deny his words and answered.

“But now you can go to bed comfortably.”


“Viscount Delang has been staying in lodgings in the outskirts ever since, saying that the mere presence of something in the mansion makes it difficult for him to concentrate on his work.”

“He's a coward-”

Bianchi said teasingly. The Marquis seemed to agree with Bianchi's words and snickered.

“Anyway, if you receive the request, I will stop by the mansion for a moment. What are you going to do?”

“Yes, I will go and see.”

“I’ll give you a lot of compensation. Please take good care of it.”

Marquis Barrington finished speaking with a satisfied expression and returned.

“We’re going too.”

Abel blurted out, and Simone nodded and picked up her fork again.


Squeak- click.

Late in the evening, Simone stopped by a small room in the corner of the basement.

It was once used as a black magician's quarters and is now a temporary prison where the orphanage's director and teachers are imprisoned.


Simone looked at the three people kneeling before her and bowed, recalling the conversation she had had with the Grand Duke of Illeston in the study earlier.

“They asked to meet you.”

“I don’t want to meet them.”

At Simone's firm answer, Grand Duke Illeston nodded but then gave the order to go underground once more.

It didn't matter whether they were killed or kept alive, but it meant that at least they should receive an apology as their victim.

The Duke of Illeston spoke to Simone, who reluctantly headed underground.

“Their disposition will be at your discretion.”

'I don't think anything will really change whether I go or not.'

But what can I do if my employer tells me to go?

So here we come.

“I was waiting...”

Simone sat on the bed, not caring what the three people were saying, kneeling and resting their foreheads on the floor.

A terrible smell, and an unsightly face.


Just being in this space made Simone sigh.


The director, who had been standing still for a while, suddenly groaned and flinched.

The pain in her legs and ribs still seemed excruciating. Simone looked at her broken leg.

Something was strangely stuck together in that broken shape.

It wouldn't be easy to lie down like that.

What on earth did Grand Duke Illestone say to these people that made their attitudes change so much?

The principal and teachers shed tears of shame, pain, and a complex mix of emotions.

'Why do I have to end up like this?'

The director still felt like she was going to die from injustice.

But now, she can't even express her resentment in front of that arrogant Simone. Because her life depends on Simone.


The director recalled the last conversation she had with Grand Duke Illestone.

He didn't say much.

At first, he just stood there and watched them cry out in pain and fear until they got tired.

Then, when the director said that she would not ask to be released, but to please just fix her leg, he finally opened his mouth.

“Recently, the curse on our family has been lifted.”

It was a story completely unrelated to the director's physical condition.

“Yes, yes! I know! Really, ugh, it’s great! So please-”

At least within this realm, no one does not know that House Illestone is cursed.

And since the news of the Illeston family's curse being lifted had been spreading recently, the director and teacher who ran the orphanage in the outskirts naturally knew about it as well.

“Simone, the child let go.”

The director, who had been wailing and praying, suddenly stopped talking.

'Simone lifted the curse on this family?'

Only then did the director realize the truth about this bizarre ending, as if she had been hit in the head.

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