100CIM - Chapter 70

Thud- thud- kwaang- thud!

A dull sound is heard regularly, accompanied by the painful screams of a woman floating in the air.

"oh my God..."

Simone and her party watched this strange sight in silence and exchanged glances.

They had a generally bewildered expression on their face as if asking Simone what to do next.

Simone stared at the woman floating in the air and said.

“Let’s just take her down. She’s just a person.”

At first, she thought she might be a ghost that starved to death because her appearance was so hideous and she even ate rotten porridge with her hands, but looking at her this way, she sees she's not.

She was just a person, with no trace of death in her.

“A person?”

Louis looked back at the woman in the air as if he thought it was nonsense.

With that kind of appearance, floating around like that, you can't call her a person?

“How is that a person?”

Are there people who can fly? Of course, a skilled magician like Orkan could use levitation magic, but even if that woman were a magician, she probably wouldn't float in the air and bump into things all over the place, causing herself pain.

“Ahh! Oh! Oh! Sa, save me!”

Louise moved towards her only after hearing the woman's screams of agony once again.



Whether it's a ghost or a person, let's just save her first.

Abel jumped high and hung on to the woman, and she quickly fell down in his arms.

Even though she looks so bare, she definitely feels heavy, so she seems to be a person.

“Look over there.”

Orkan pointed into the air.

Simone looked in the direction he pointed.

"What is that?"

Abel frowned. Some of her torn hair still floated in the air. The group looked at Simone again.

They don't know what that means, but Simone will have all the answers.


What on earth is that?

Her hair floated in the air even though she had already fallen.

'Oh, no way.'

Simone thought for a moment, then stretched out her hand and quickly threw her mana towards the hair.

Then, bang! 

Mana quickly scattered with the sound of hitting something, and in its place appeared a man's head with a woman's hair in his mouth.

The man with the chubby face and cracked skin looked like a ghost to anyone who saw him.

First of all, the eye sockets were empty without eyeballs, and most importantly, the face was floating without a body below the neck.

When they saw the mysterious woman, the group was hesitant, but when they saw that a ghost had definitely appeared, they all took out their weapons.

“Simone, can I beat that up? If I hit it, it won’t be there, so it won’t pass, right?”

“I don’t know if it’s a ghost that’s so obvious. I can touch it though.”

Considering that they hadn't even seen the nine-foot ghost on Simone's shoulder until just now, it's possible that normal human attacks wouldn't work.

Because the children and teachers at the orphanage would pass through ghosts that were visible only to Simone dozens of times a day.

“I don’t know. Then I’ll just try to lose.”

The moment Abel was about to attack the floating head with the sword he had drawn, Simone raised her hand to stop him.



Abel stopped in an awkward position. Simone glared at the ghost.

The face of a man looking at this place while still holding a clump of woman's hair in his mouth.

It was a ghost that Simone knew, although it was more hideous than before.

“That ghost, it’s a ghost I know.”

“Do you know any ghosts?”

“It’s a ghost I often saw when I lived at this orphanage.”

“Are you from this orphanage?”

Abel and his group, who found out the truth late after Louis, were startled and asked. Simone nodded to them and pointed to her shoulder.

“It’s gone now, but as soon as I arrived at this orphanage, a ghost with nine arms sat on my shoulder.”

"...as soon as we arrive?"

“It may have been only my eyes that saw it, but that old ghost is the ghost that followed me from the time I lived in the orphanage until just before I entered the mansion, and also when I went to Hertin Village.”

It was a ghost that suddenly disappeared to nowhere, but it would appear and stick to Simone whenever she left the mansion.

“While I’m in the mansion, I feel like I’m staying in this orphanage, and when I leave the mansion, I feel like I’m being stuck again. The mansion is a place that’s too scary for even a weak spirit like a nine-foot ghost to enter because of the curse.”

Orkan, who had been quietly listening to Simone, let out a small 'Ah'.

“By the way, I heard from the Marquis of Barrington that among the ghosts found in this orphanage, there is one with nine arms.”

“So the ghost people saw was the one that was attached to Simone’s shoulder?”

Simone nodded.

“That’s right. And that ghost is the same one that’s been chasing me for quite some time, ever since I was living in the orphanage.”

Simone searched through her past memories.

One day, she noticed that her hair was gradually getting shorter, so she stayed up one night and waited, and saw the man's head chewing on Simone's hair.

Among the ghosts in the orphanage, a warm-looking ghost who could speak human language said that if he chewed and swallowed all the hair, he would soon devour the person's head and put his own face on the remaining body and live on.

From that day on, Simone barely managed to survive by hiding her hair under her pillow every day.

Abel nodded as he listened to Simone's words.

“So? Why don’t you just kill it? It’s a ghost after all.”

“Why are you stopping me from killing it?”

Simone shook her head at Abel and Bianchi's questions.

“I’m not saying to stop it, let’s deal with it all at once.”


All the ghosts discovered so far are the ones Simone saw many times at the orphanage and the ones that tormented her.

That meant that all the ghosts that had been seen so far were most likely the ones Simone had seen at the orphanage.

They continued to wander around here and surprise people even after the orphanage was closed.

“There will be many ghosts. At least twenty. I will gather them in this room and deal with them all at once.”

First of all, since she came today for a preliminary investigation before the request, she'll just check the number of ghosts remaining, and then the next time she comes back, she'll make a talisman for that number.

“Okay! So today we just have to check how many ghosts there are?”

“But what about this guy?”

At Abel's words, everyone's eyes turned to the woman who had collapsed and was gasping for breath.

She lay there, sweating profusely, as if she had no strength to stand up, looking at her companions, especially Simone.

“More than that, who is this person? Why was she here?”

“Well, maybe she’s a homeless person who came in hiding-”

While Orkan spoke his thoughts to Abel, Simone met his gaze silently.

'Why are you...'

Her frightened eyes seemed to say so.

It was so strange that she couldn't believe it at first. It looked so different from the last time she saw it.

But now, looking at those still disgusting eyes, she knows for sure.

This woman.

“She is the director of this orphanage.”

It was the director of the orphanage who ignored and tormented Simone and fed her alone.


Everyone turned serious at Simone's words and glared at the director. She seemed oblivious to their gazes and continued to stare intently at Simone.

Simone. A necromancer who sees ghosts.

The skinny, shabby child had gained some nice weight, the smelly clothes that used to drip with broth had turned into beautiful dresses that only high-ranking nobles would wear, and the disgusting smell had turned into the fragrant scent of flowers.

Am I seeing things? Why on earth is that kid so happy and surrounded by such kind people?

The director thought she would have run away in her necromancer form and eventually starved to death.

But Simone's eyes told the director something.

This is not a hallucination, this is a real situation.

“...Then I will take this person and lock him up. The one who deserves punishment from the Empire is hiding here.”

Louis said in a cold voice. Simone nodded and Abel spat on the floor and pulled the woman up to sit.


The director groaned in pain as if she had broken a bone somewhere while being hit all over the place. Bianchi checked her condition by pressing here and there, then took a rope out of her bag and tied her hands to a pillar.

“We’ll be back in a bit - just wait here -”

“Please, please save me... Please save me..."

The director, who had barely come to her senses, belatedly tried to beg, but Simone and her group pretended not to hear and left the kitchen.

Simone nodded to the man's plump head.

“Don't touch her.”

Even if Simone said this, the man's face would not listen, but in fact, during the time she lived in the orphanage, he never once listened to Simone's request to not be bullied.

The man's face stared intently at Simone and then quietly disappeared.

The new series, The Villainess Doesn't Want Love is out now! You can check it HERE!

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