100CIM - Chapter 58

“Tell me more. Are you saying that the servants summoned the God of revenge among themselves?”

When Grand Duke Illeston, who was very angry, asked interrogatively, Claire trembled and started to shed the tears she had been holding back.

Claire was already very scared.

She was scared because the servants disappeared in the morning, but she held on tight and ran around all day trying to help out the lack of help.

But how sad it would be if, instead of being praised for that effort, one is being questioned.

“Grand Duke, it’s not for you to be angry at Claire. Claire is fine. This kid doesn’t know anything.”

The Archduke was on edge due to the disappearance of those he had been with for a long time, including Kelle.

The Archduke sat down on the sofa with a sigh after a silent conversation with Simone, who took Claire's side indifferently.

“Speak calmly. What does it mean to summon a God of vengeance?”

It was only after receiving Simone's encouragement that Claire finally calmed down and started talking.

"From the past... There was a story like that...”

If there is someone you hate so much that you can't stand it, pray to Osasanisasao.

Then the God of vengeance will come and take revenge in return.

“It’s a story that has been told for quite some time. They say it’s a story that happened before I entered the mansion.”

Duke Illeston, who had been quietly listening to Claire, spoke softly.

“I think I’ve heard of it.”

“Is this something you’ve heard before?”

Duke Illeston nodded.

“If that’s the case, then it’s in the manual.”

Grand Duke Illeston took out a manual from the bookshelf and opened it.

Fortieth, do not curse others.


Simone let out an exclamation. 

I pray to take revenge on someone I dislike so much that I cannot bear it.

If it is an effective prayer, it is a curse.

It would be a violation of the rule in the guidebook not to curse others.

Grand Duke Illeston said.

“Perhaps this guideline was created because the same phenomenon as today occurred in the past.”

However, all events are bound to fade as time passes.

This guideline, which was well followed at first, lost its meaning, and the events of that day were soon forgotten by people, and only stories about the God of Vengeance remained among the employees.

As a result, the same thing happened again and the God of revenge descended once again.

Duke Illeston and Claire waited for the thoughtful Simone to open her mouth.

Simone, who had been gathering her thoughts for a while, finally opened her mouth.

“Then this is necromancy.”

Simply put, it is a necromancy that involves summoning a ghost and giving it a price to make its wish come true.

Osasanisasao is the God.

Those who spread his questions are like believers spreading the word of God.

The God of Vengeance takes revenge according to the summoner's wish and in return turns the summoner into a believer.

Could it be that an evil spirit called Osasanisasao descends through prayers and increases his followers by asking questions?

The reason that only the youngest servants were able to stay in the mansion until morning in their right minds was highly likely because they had not yet formed a relationship to the point of pretending to be with anyone in the mansion.

When employees ask questions, they would preferentially ask people about whom they have negative feelings.

“It’s necromancy...”

Archduke Illeston sent Claire away, who was still frightened, and began to think seriously.

“Summoning a God? How could that be...”

How on earth should I solve this? How did the previous Grand Duke who created this guideline solve this problem?

Unlike Archduke Illeston, who became serious, Simone defined this situation as 'necromancy' and returned with a carefree expression as if she had found the answer.

“It’s easy with necromancy. Where will the God summoned from the mansion descend and hide?”

She thought it was really pathetic and ridiculous to think that God was hiding secretly.

Simone sneered as she thought back to the time before she arrived at the Archduke’s study. At least, despite her thorough search of the mansion today, Simone had never felt any powerful mana that could stand against a God.

So, this is the expected result.

“I think Osasanisasao, that evil spirit resides in the body of the first summoner. Of course, it's just an expectation. It’s not certain.”

“...Your thoughts may be right. If a God had taken possession of the body of the first summoner, it makes sense that the previous Grand Duke would have been able to resolve this situation.”

To put it simply, this problem can be solved by killing the first summoner.

But then there is one more problem.

“How do we find the first summoner among all the servants who ran away?”

“Oh, don’t worry about that.”

Simone grinned.

“Because there are very trustworthy people helping me find the servants.”

Great people who won't even listen to questions about Onisasao or anything like that.


Simone hurriedly left the mansion and headed back to Hertin village.

As soon as she entered the entrance, the restaurant owner, who had been teasing Simone and Louis earlier, pointed in one direction and shouted loudly.

“Miss! Over there! That young inspector is over there!”


“They pulled out all the people! It wasn’t even a fuss!”

But why are you acting friendly?

Simone pretended to ignore the excited words of the restaurant owner and quickly walked towards where he was pointing.

The owner shouted from behind her.

“I told you! Tell that young inspector that I got my money’s worth, young lady!”

It seemed that Louis had spent money on the owner to inform him of their location.

It wasn't very pleasant to have done something helpful to the owner, but thanks to it, she was able to quickly get to the building where the employees were imprisoned without wandering around looking for them.

Even before entering the dormitory that Louis had arbitrarily rented for confinement, loud noises could be heard from the occupants, demanding to be let out and asking questions.

At this level of noise, other guests might have looked at them with concern, but perhaps it was common in this town for people to be kidnapped and imprisoned, so no one seemed to care.

Simone took a deep breath before reaching for the doorknob and pulling it down.

In this room, there will be her, Louis, and the main characters from the original work who run out to catch anyone and ask questions.

The ones she only saw in books.


What should I do? What if she covets my power like in the original and suggests that we go on an adventure together? 

Of course, Simone would refuse.

Is this tension or excitement?

With an indescribable emotion, Simone knocked on the door and pulled down the doorknob forcefully.

“I'm going in.”

That moment.

“Oh, shut up! Orkan, try putting these damn bastards to sleep at once. You can put him to sleep.”

Someone's shouting could be heard through the crack in the door, and the door that was supposed to open was stuck and wouldn't open.


As Simone stopped moving in panic, another person's shout was heard through the crack in the door.

“Shut up! Is it easy to put him to sleep all at once? These crazy people have to listen to my orders to sleep or not. It's so noisy that I can't recite the spell! Then you go around and try to faint.”

“Oh, you two are so noisy! My eardrums are on the verge of exploding!”

Simone laughed without realizing it.

The woman who shouted at the end must be the thief Bianchi.

Still, since she had read it all the way to the end, she may have unconsciously developed affection for the characters in the book, but even though it was her first time hearing their voices, she recognized who was who just by the way they spoke and immediately felt glad to see them.

While Simone was laughing heartily, forgetting about the urgency of the situation, someone showed half of their face through the crack in the door and suddenly spoke.

“Is that Simone? Wait a minute. I’m going to put these noisy bastards to sleep now, so open the door when they quiet down.”

Anyone could see that it was Abel's tone of voice. A more gentle voice came from behind him.

“We will open it shortly, so please wait. It's dangerous to open it now. Those who are imprisoned will try their best to escape.”

It was the narrow-eyed Orkan who had scolded Abel just a moment ago. He is a wizard who only shows his true face to Abel and his group, but to strangers, he smiles with narrowed eyes and pretends to be kind.


Abel sighed and gave a signal to Orkan.

“I’m on the left, you’re on the right. Let’s compete to see who can stun them faster.”

“Stop being childish and start doing things. Lady Simone is waiting for you.”


“Haha, pretty girl, just wait a minute-”

Bianchi smiled and slammed the door shut.

And then, all at once, the groans of the servants, the dull thud of them being struck, and the sound of magic being activated were heard.

Simone took a step back from the door.

“Really... It’s a lot of noise, befitting the protagonist.”

Just as she felt while reading the book, they didn't do anything special, but they were a very noisy group.

A moment later, the door opened with a click and Abel looked at Simone with his characteristically fierce yet warm gaze.

“Okay. Come in carefully so you don’t step on anyone.”

Simone took a deep breath as she carefully entered the room.

The sight of people fainting all at once. It was a horrifying sight in a different sense than a ghost.

“Have you been waiting long?”

Orkan asked in detail, and in the meantime, Louis was sighing deeply and was orderly dragging the servants who had collapsed in the chaos to the ground.

Simone swallowed without realizing it and shook her head.

"No. Hello. Nice to see you."

It was her first meeting with the main characters.

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