TPITT - Chapter 56

The employees who saw the injured Michael opened their eyes wide but did not act in a condescending manner.

After hearing the general situation from Hugh, Cedella sees how things are going.

It was thanks to him seeing it through and warning users in advance.

Since Cedella had also called the doctor, Michael went to sit on the couch in the parlor.

He sat down and received treatment right away.

The royal doctor was a doctor who knew how to use healing magic. However, in this era, healing magic fell far short of divine power, and was only effective in stopping bleeding or treating raw wounds.

The cuts and abrasions on his cheek healed quickly, but his right hand and left knee had to be bandaged for a while.

“It will be fully cured within this week. Just be careful about contact with water, and there won’t be any scars.”

"Great job. Then I’ll see you again tomorrow.”

“Yes, Your Highness. I will leave.”

I was relieved to hear that Michael's body was completely healed.

If the scar had remained, I would have blamed myself for not having gone to save Michael sooner.

When the doctor was sent back, a heavy silence fell in the living room.

What the hell happened?

I slowly explain the situation to the users who are curious and worried about what happened.

I had to give it.

I called everyone to the table and sat them down. Unintentionally, I ended up holding a tea time twice today.

I took a sip of milk tea and sighed.

“The 6th Princess and the 6th Prince had a fight with me.”

When it was confirmed that a power struggle had taken place in the imperial palace, which they had only heard about, the employees let out a sigh.

I don't know if Cedella had given them a hint in advance or if they had guessed it on their own.

The reaction was not severe. Peony even opened his eyes bright red and asked.

“Did you win?”


“Congratulations, Your Highness.”

“Thank you, Peony.”

Peony followed me, raising her glass of oolong milk tea high and drinking it down. It was clear that if it had been a drink, she would have handed it over.

I told a more detailed story. From what happened at regular tea time, including what happened in the windbreak forest.

The fact that the person behind the incident was Brigitte, a leading candidate to become the next Crown Princess, the workers showed signs of fear for a moment, but as the story progressed, their fear turned into anger.

"Oh my God. Her Royal Highnesses are like that. What did you say? It’s hard to believe that she comes from noble imperial blood.”

Cedella woke up quietly, but because her throat was sore, she drank three cups of milk tea.

"...If you're complaining about the night duty, maybe it's because I'm a conservative country aristocrat. Sometimes it was difficult to adapt to the latest culture, trends, and sentiments of the imperial palace, but this was especially true today.”

“Me too, Miss Granice. So far, the direct knight system has been romantic. I thought it was the enemy, but it was so promiscuous... No, I didn’t know there would be open parts.”

“In order to serve Your Highness well from now on, we must corrupt our souls a bit, Miss Lian.”

Since Peony and Lian were in front of me, they couldn't criticize me openly, so they took a detour.

As they talked about the superficiality of the imperial family's customs, they developed camaraderie.

“Her Highness the Third Princess is really being very generous. What she did was so scary that she said she was wrong."

You're plotting something.."

Young Hugh was shocked by the fact that Michael had been seriously injured and was almost expelled.

It seemed like I received it. Cedella comforted Hugh.

When the time of everyone's shared anger was over, Cedella lowered her eyes and spoke to me.

“I couldn’t pay attention to the rumors in the imperial palace. I have no shame as an exclusive maid, Your Highness.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about, Cedella. How can I stop someone who finds fault with me?”

"No. Every fault is different. For hearing such severe insults, I feel a keen sense of responsibility. Please make sure that Your Highness is not caught up in unnecessary gossip in the future. We will put a lot of effort into management.”

The teaspoon in Cedella's hand glowed like a sword. It looked as trustworthy as a knight's oath.

As if influenced by Cedella, other users also made their pledges one after another.

I took my time.

“I will help Cedella and thoroughly prevent false rumors from spreading through the imperial palace.”

“In the name of Granice, I will make sure something like this never happens again.”

“As a member of the Balzamic family, I will protect the honor of my Lady.”

In particular, the young Hugh's clenched fists and declaration were particularly solemn.

Time for the doctor to use healing magic. Because it had been so long, it was already early evening. 

Cedella spoke to me about her business.

“Your Highness, it is almost dinner time. Today, rather than eating moderately in the office, eat in your bedroom. I recommend taking a good rest and eating properly. Because a lot has happened.”

“Oh, I guess so.”

I took Cedella's advice. Then Cedella made one more suggestion.

“Then how about having a meal with Lord Agnito?”

"Yes? Ah... Well, what if Lord Agnito is the only one who likes it?”

There was no particular reason to refuse. No, when I thought about it again, I thought it would be better to do it this way.

I responded positively and handed the choice over to Michael.

Michael regarded it as an extension of his duties as a direct knight, and immediately nodded and stood up.

“Then I’ll go back to the knight’s quarters and wash up.”

It was natural since it was impossible to eat dinner in a uniform that was dirty and tattered with dirt and blood.

‘Her Highness the Princess and Lord Agnito had dinner together..!'

Meanwhile, the three people's eyes lit up as they confirmed that Cedella's dinner arrangement was a success.

They tried to leave the verdant room without any regrets.

They could not leave Michael behind.

After a quick exchange of glances, one of the three users came forward. Lian was quick to respond.

“Hold on a moment, Lord Agnito.”

“What is it, Miss Lian?”

“You heard what the doctor said earlier, right? He told you to be careful not to touch the water, but Lord Agnito just injured his right hand. You're going to need help washing up.”

"Okay. It is enough to place a waterproof strap over the injured area.”


Lian, who couldn't think of a solution, was confused. It was a time when Peony and Hugh were also lost with expressions of regret.

Help came from an unexpected direction.

"Yes? Michael, do you know how to make a waterproof barrier? You’re weak in the barrier area.”

“It’s a low-level magic, so I can learn it quickly just by knowing the spell. I am a homunculus.”

“It will be easy to cast. But since the homunculus has too much mana, it may not be able to sense it and will hit the barrier too loudly. Learning and doing it yourself is a waste of time.”

Since it was true, Michael made an embarrassed face. I said with a smile.

“My major is life magic. I'll do it for you. And since it would be inconvenient, I stopped by the room. Wash up here so you don’t have to come back.”

The employees clenched their fists with flushed faces. It was as if she was shouting, ‘Her Royal Highness, nice!’

I motioned for Michael to come closer.

Soon, the white light on my hand reached Michael's right hand and left knee, one after another.

“It seems like it’s causing trouble to the employees who have to serve Her Highness the Princess.”

“It's not like that at all!”

The person who intervened with a loud voice was Hugh. There was a lot of impatience in his voice.


At this time, Michael felt something suspicious and narrowed his eyes.

“Then, let Hugh take charge of Michael’s bath.”

“I will follow your orders, Your Highness.”

“Then see you later, Michael.”

I also went into the powder room with Cedella to take off my uncomfortable dress.

With the sound of the door closing, the space where I and Michael were separated was separated.

A simple partition was erected in the living room, and water was poured into a wooden bathtub.

Peony and Lian only helped prepare the bathtub and went out of the shelter.

I said I had to go to the Protocol Department to meet someone on an errand.

Hugh stayed behind and helped Michael.

“Lord Agnito, take your clothes..."

" I get it."

Michael started to undress.

As he threw off not only his uniform coat but also the dress shirt he wore underneath, his artistic upper body was revealed.

His upper body, which did not lose its sleek appearance despite its strong muscles, was strong and beautiful.

In particular, the shoulder blades, which were prominent on the straight back, looked like the wings of a bird of prey.

Michael took off his bottoms and became naked in a wooden bathtub.

Hugh, who saw this, was dazed as if he had seen something unreal, like a moving living statue.

Michael's voice awakened Hugh's spirit.

“Lord Balzamic, there is no need to help. I will do it myself.”

Basically, he had the title of knight, but the status of a homunculus was not high.

It was uncomfortable to be served by a nobleman.

That was the reason why the word ‘help’ is still used rather than commercially.

But Hugh was adamant.

"No. It is a natural duty of an attendant to attend to Her Highness the Princess’s direct knight when he or she is bathing.”

“Lady Arpel didn’t do it.”

In fact, even on the first day of the imprinting ceremony, Michael did most of the grooming himself.

Cedella helped him with his long hair. All she did was cut the hair short and check the fit of the uniform.

“Hey, today is different.”

That was when Michael's eyes narrowed again.


Hugh started pouring something into the bathtub water.

A cool yet sweet scent hit Michael's nose.


Even colorful flower petals were floating around.

Michael laughed to himself.

Now everything is clear.

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