TCORIYH - Chapter 96

Judith saw Franz's eyes twinkling faintly as he looked down at her.

The room was still dark. The starlight on a summer night was so thin and soft that it seemed as if it would quickly fade if you stretched out your hand and stirred it. There was no moon today, and the silver candles that were lighting up the garden were too far away. A deep, intimate darkness seemed to cover the two people's bodies, hiding them from the eyes of the world.

Nevertheless, Franz's eyes were constantly shining here and there, as if touched by some diffuse light. It was blurry at first, then brightened to white as soon as he blinked once, and then disappeared as if it was being sucked through thin eyelids when their lips met.

Franz could hardly touch Judith's body while his lips touched her lips, cheeks, the corner of her mouth, and, with more courage, the nape of her neck several times. The heat boiling under his skin felt like his veins were about to burst, but he was still conflicted. Not only emotionally, but practically he didn't know what to do.

The same was true for Judith. When the hands that had been caressing her shoulders and forearms finally began to undo the ribbon on her collar and the tight buttons, Judith involuntarily sighed. The front of the soft summer dress, embroidered with blue poppies, was opened to reveal a translucent chemise along with the concave lines of the shoulder blades.

Franz suddenly realized that his fingertips were very cold. Not only did his body temperature drop, but his fingertips also felt tingling and numb as if ice had formed on them. Judith, who had been watching him quietly while he opened and closed his immobile hand a few times, asked.

“Your Highness, why are you doing this? What makes you uncomfortable?”

“No, it’s not like that. Just... I feel like my hands are a little cold.”

“Your hand?”

Judith, with her eyes wide open, stretched out her arm and grasped his fingertips. But her expression only became more puzzled. Judith, who had been carefully touching his fingers, palm, and back of his hand, tilted her head and said,

“It’s not cold at all.”

“...It’s not cold?”

"Yes. Rather... It’s hot.”

It's strange. Franz looked down at his hands with a thoughtful expression. Was it because he was nervous? Or was it because he was excited?

As he was thinking about other things, he felt like the feeling in his hands was slowly coming back. As he looked up, he saw a glimpse of concern flashing through Judith's eyes. Franz suddenly sighed and rubbed his rough face with his palm.

“Your Highness, why...”

“If I knew it would be like this... That is.”

"Yes? What did you say?”

Franz, who was burying his face in his palms, suddenly lowered his arms. The face that suddenly appeared had an expression of shame.

“...If I had known it would be like this, I would have learned something.”


Judith's earlobes turned red as she answered without thinking.

Children of royal or noble families were expected to receive some degree of sex education from a teacher, trusted relative, or nanny before marriage. Normally, you would be educated on the basic knowledge needed to prepare for the first night at the age of fourteen or fifteen, but Franz did not have that opportunity. And the situation was similar to Judith's.

Judith, who had been staring at Franz, who had taken off just one layer of his dress and was suddenly lost in deep regret, suddenly laughed softly.


“No, it’s just that you, um...”


"Just... Because you’re cute.”

This time, Franz's ears turned as red as Judith's. Seeing him with a pouty expression and his lips licking, Judith desperately held back her laughter and carefully stretched out her hand. When she held his wrist, which was exposed outside his shirt sleeve, she could feel his strong, manly frame and his throbbing pulse.

The moment she touched it, Judith suddenly realized something. It didn't matter if she didn't know anything. Even if he was clumsy, that wasn't important.

Judith was sitting across from him on a quiet, windy summer night. She can just look at him calmly, as he is neither crazy nor carrying heavy shadows of anger and hatred. It was difficult to imagine a more dreamlike night than this.

“I like it.”

“What is that... I don’t know.”

“Since neither of us knows anything, we can learn together.”

Franz's eyes widened. After saying those words, Judith was so embarrassed that she couldn't make eye contact.

"That... I didn’t know you would think like that.”

As Franz muttered as if he was talking to himself, Judith deliberately pretended to be calm and narrowed her eyes.



“...Are you saying that when you looked at me and your heart fluttered so hard that your hands got cold, you didn’t know that I would feel the same way?”

Judith's hand, which was holding her wrist, carefully tightened. Although it was a weak force that could hardly be felt, Franz's body was drawn as if possessed. Their lips met, and the tip of her small tongue touched slightly. Judith, seeing his straight eyebrows faintly frowning, closed her eyes, and as if it were a signal, Franz's hand gently wrapped around the round back of her head.

As her clothes came off, she heard the crunching sound of the fabric rubbing against her skin. It was a small noise, but it was enough to make her heart pound. Franz, who was watching Judith pull up the sheet to cover herself, crossed his arms and took off his shirt. As his neat hair became disheveled and his naked, naked body was revealed before her eyes, Judith felt as if her heart sank to her feet.

A sudden thought occurred to her that it was a pity that the moonlight was not bright. The outline, immersed in darkness and vaguely revealed, had the appearance of a complete man. The first thing that caught her eye was the curves of the densely trained muscles, like an elaborate statue or a delicate painting.

His shoulders looked much wider than when he was wearing a shirt, his arms had clear lines, and his ribcage was as smooth as marble, and Judith felt thirsty for no reason. The slender line from his waist to his pelvis looked as springy as a tree soaked in water after a rain.

Judith, who had been dazed, unable to take her eyes off his body, was startled by the sensation of the sheet being pulled down and unconsciously covered herself with both arms. Franz, who was watching her, pursed his lips inward and smoothed her protruding elbow with his fingertips with an expression that almost made him smile.

“...If you block it like that.”


“I can’t see it.”

Judith was momentarily confused. Should I show it? 

No, of course, it should be. But for some reason, she couldn't dare. Even though she knew that her previous shabby appearance was now gone, looking at his naked body suddenly made her feel like she was worthless, so she hesitated.

“Hey, over there...”

“Or do you dislike it?”

The voice that asked the question was warm and friendly. If she were to say yes here, Franz would put Judith's clothes back on, which she had obviously taken off, step by step, cover her with a sheet, and do nothing but lie next to her until she fell asleep. He will pat her back and shoulders and hug her.

Even though she knew this, Judith could not shake off the persistent hand caressing her elbow. She even felt like this was the first time she knew that such a part of her body existed. Every time his hand touched her body, moving slowly as if caressing a newly sprouted shoot, the vivid, tickling sensation made her breathing difficult.

“I don’t like it... It's not like that. I don't hate whatever you do. It's not like that..."

Judith trailed off and looked at Franz for a moment.

“It’s just that I’m unsightly, so I wonder what if Your Highness is disappointed... I’m worried about that.”


Suddenly Franz called her in a serious voice. As if teasing her, as if he was pleading, his hand, which was hovering over his elbow, held his shoulder as if holding her.

Their eyes met. Even though Judith had already met his gaze several times, it felt like she was about to burst into tears at that moment. Franz quietly kissed her round forehead and spoke in a whisper.

“No matter what you do, no matter what happens... I would never hurt you like that. I can swear.”


"I love you."

Judith's eyes blinked slowly. As she breathed in, she felt the tip of her nose tingle and the corners of her eyes get wet. Judith hurriedly tilted her head slightly and closed her eyes.

At that moment, all sounds disappeared at once. Only Franz's sad confession seemed to linger endlessly in my ears.

This beautiful man loves me.

- I can't help but think of you as a wife worth loving.

King Jedercayer once said something like that. At that time, Judith did not take those words seriously.

She had known for a long time that Franz cared about her. But it was strange to her that she would never be told that he loved her.

What is the difference between caring and worrying and love? If desire comes in between, does it become love? When something is so precious that you can even give up your desires, can it be called love?

Judith couldn't figure it out. Because she has never received or given love like that. It was natural because she had never been the object of uneasy desire and had never deeply desired someone.

But things were a little different now. She felt like a small fire was blooming inside her body. She guessed she could call it desire. She wanted to see something other than the face he could show to everyone. She wanted something that only she could see, that no one else would know but that she would know and that she could touch and sense. She wanted it.

Please beg me

Please press me with your lips that say I love you, lift me up, and let me fall asleep again in the darkness, holding only you. because.


“...Me too."

Judith's lips opened slightly. Franz was listening intently. As if he wouldn't miss a word or even the slightest whisper.

“I love you too. For a very long time... I have loved only you.”

With those words, Judith closed her eyes. The bed shook loudly and she could feel his weight. It was as if a curtain had been drawn over her mind, blackening all her thoughts.

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