TCORIYH - Chapter 93

People were gathered around a box wrapped in silk. Every time the person standing in the center put his hand in and out of the box, two sticks wrapped with eta of various colors came out.

Every time a bar came out, bursts of laughter and subtle glances were passed around. Cheraan said.

“I heard that it’s so popular at nobles’ parties these days. I don’t know who started it, but it looks like they’re doing it here too.”

“What is that?”

Cheraan pointed her finger toward the crowded crowd.

“Do you see the box Count Selder is holding? In that box, there are a lot of sticks with the names of the participants written on them. Two sticks are pulled out each, and the people in pairs dance with each other.”

“Who is the other person?”

“Yes, anyone. It is said that it originally started at masquerade balls, but it is also seen at royal banquets.”

Judith didn't seem very interested. As soon as the drawing of sticks was over, Count Selder, who had put down the box, began to call out the names of those who had been selected, and it wasn't long before the hall erupted into laughter.

It wasn't particularly funny that people of the same gender were paired up. There were also unions that had a history of people who were busy growling whenever they met, paired up, or engaged in a noisy duel, with one of them getting beat up. Judith, who did not show much interest at first, was also amused when she saw that Bartholomew was paired with a very old and strict marquis.

“Your Highness the Crown Princess, and Duke Laetian, please come out!”

For a moment, the noisy banquet hall became quiet as if cold water had been poured on it. The silence did not last long, but it was long enough to leave an impression on people's minds.

Judith unconsciously looked towards Queen Gilsis. However, she suspected that the Queen had not intentionally made it up. It occurred to her that if she wanted to make something up, she wouldn't have picked this time or this place.

As Judith stepped forward, all eyes turned to her. People were watching this situation, forming a circle around Duke Laetian and Judith.

“Your Highness the Crown Princess, this is my first time greeting you.”

Judith's gaze turned upward when she saw a pale hand reaching out. Her first impression of him was that she ‘does not resemble Queen Gilsis.’ Judith knew he was the Queen's half-brother, but she never thought he looked so much like her. Compared to Duke Laetian and Queen Gilsis, Franz and Krald could almost be considered brothers from the same litter.

As she lightly placed her fingertips on the outstretched palm, a chill ran down her back. It felt strange as if I had touched a damp, low-body reptile. Judith bowed slightly on her knees and deliberately looked straight into the face of the Duke of Laetian.

“Nice to meet you, Duke Laetian. I have often heard stories about the Duke.”

“Is that so? I don’t know what kind of story you may have heard, but I am proud that it has reached the ears of the Crown Princess, and that my reputation has increased considerably.”

Judith slightly twitched her fingertips and looked down at the floor. The patterns carved into the marble seemed to be shaking. It was the first time since Krald that she was so uncomfortable with someone that she couldn't stand just standing face to face with them. The hair on the back of her neck stood up as his long arms wrapped around her waist.

The music started. People's attention was now turned away from them as if they had found something more interesting to see than Judith and Duke Laetian. While standing facing each other and turning in a certain direction, touching the palm and the back of the hand alternately, Judith felt the eyes of the Duke of Laetian scanning her as if he were examining prey. But she didn't want to avoid it.

“I, too, have heard some rumors about the decline of the crown Prince’s wife.”

“I wonder what rumors the Duke has heard about me.”

The tune became a little faster, and the man tilted his head over her shoulder while holding the woman's waist. The moment a cold, wet chin touched her ear, Judith unconsciously curled her toes. The Duke whispered.

“It seemed like you were very resourceful at such a young age.”

Judith's body spun around as if it were being pushed around. The sound of cheerful steps rings in her ears. This time his face rested against her opposite shoulder.

“I think the Crown Princess is probably someone born with luck.”

Judith did not answer. But she, too, was slowly reflecting on his words.

She understood his intention was to be sarcastic, but she had no intention of denying everything he said. It was sheer luck that made Judith stand here today.

She was lucky enough to come back from the brink of death. She was able to save herself, save Cheraan, and save Franz. Until today.

“The Duke may be right.”

“But how far do you think you can rise with luck alone?”

It was a funny question. Judith did the same as everyone else, lifting the hem of her dress slightly and stepping alternately between her left and right feet. The smile did not leave her face the entire time she walked. On the contrary, Duke Laetian's lips were narrowed, without the slightest hint of a smile. Judith said.

“I think you have something you want to tell me, but wouldn’t it be better to just say it?”

“If you look up too high, you will miss the snake lurking beneath your feet.”

The corners of Judith's lips rose more thoughtfully. As she turned with one arm on his side and their eyes met the Duke's shoulder brushed Judith's ear.

“If I had a sword in my hand that could stab that snake, it would be a different story.”

“Aren’t you overconfident in your abilities?”

“I appreciate the Duke’s concern, but I don’t think I need it. If you threw me into a pit full of poisonous snakes instead of snakes under my feet, I wouldn’t even blink.”

When she said those words, Judith's eyes were not looking at Duke Laetian. She looked at Queen Gilsis, who was sitting on the King's right hand. She didn't try to hide that look, nor did she make excuses. The Duke's cheek twitched nervously for a moment.

“I gave you a warning for the safety of the Crown Princess, but it breaks my heart that you ignore it so lightly.”

“They say that in the barren land of the north, there is a beast that sheds tears every time it chews the bones of its prey. It seems to me that the Duke bears some resemblance to that beast.”

Suddenly, Duke Laetian's hand grabbed Judith's wrist with strong force. The song was approaching its climax, but the two people did not move. Their nervous battle was obscured from others by the hems of the countless fluttering dresses and the sound of steps shaking the ground.

The Duke murmured in a sinister voice.

“I wonder if you would be able to say such a thing even if you were face to face with that beast.”

He held Judith's wrist tightly and tried to bring it close to his lips. Judith clenched her molars, pulling his arm to the other side with all her might. Under the light of the chandelier, the bright blue eyes sparkled like well-honed blades.

“I wonder if the Duke would be able to say such a thing even after having his neck pierced by a sword forged by a hunter.”


“Let go of this hand right now.”

The next moment, Judith violently shook off Duke Laetian's grasp. The Duke's chin turned slightly with a clicking sound. As she was shaking off his hand, Judith's fingertips brushed against his cheek, causing a scratch.

The song is over. Judith spread the hem of her dress like everyone else, greeted the other person, and left the place without even looking back.

Through the joyful crowd of people scattering, Judith looked straight at the seat where Queen Gilsis was sitting. Her queenly black eyes remained fixed on Judith. If her eyes could kill, the Queen would have killed Judith a hundred times that night.

But she can't do that.

She will never be able to kill her or imprison her again.

Judith slowly spread the hem of her dress and bent down. She saw the Queen who was watching jump up and grab the armrests of her chair. Even from a distance, Judith could see her red-painted lips trembling.


It was the exact moment when the Queen was about to jump off the stage. Judith lifted her head when a gentle hand grasped her shoulder. It was Franz.

“What are you doing?”

He had been restless with worry ever since he found out that the Duke of Laetian and Judith were going to dance together. There were so many people who came out to dance with him that he had a hard time finding her, and was only able to find her when he saw her bowing to the Queen.

Franz's gaze glanced toward Queen Gilsis. Franz, seeing her indignant expression, deliberately wrapped his arms around Judith's shoulders and turned around.

Judith's cheeks were flushed when she glanced down. She couldn't tell if it was because of the dancing or some other reason. Franz said.

“Are you okay?”

Without answering for a moment, Judith touched the back of his hand on her shoulder. Then she smiled brightly and looked at him.

“What is it, Your Highness?”

Franz's eyes widened for a moment. Neither Franz himself nor Judith knew why. Franz, who was just looking at her face like he was at a loss for words, finally had a faint smile appear on his lips. Holding Judith's hand, he left to one side of the banquet hall to avoid the crowded people.

“I thought you were in a bad mood.”

“What’s there to feel bad about? I just danced.”

“You don’t know who the other person is.”

“Of course I know, but I didn’t choose the person, nor did I ask for it. There was nothing to feel bad about. Don’t worry.”

If he had any idea what Duke Laetian and Judith were talking about, Franz would never have agreed to what she said. However, Judith reassured Franz with a natural expression. She didn't want to put an unnecessary burden on him.

“I’m glad if you’re okay.”

Franz's hand straightened Judith's headdress. She lowered her head slightly and smiled with a shy expression on her face. Franz asked.

“Would you like to dance some more?”

“With you?”

“Even if it’s not me... Anyone.”

The light from the chandelier was softly reflected on the dark glass window. It scatters and shines here and there like red stars are rising.

Judith, who was looking at the light, suddenly grabbed Franz's hand. Franz blinked slowly, surprised by the warm body temperature that reached him as she intertwined his fingers.

“I want to take a walk, My Lord. Would you like to go out for some fresh air with me?”

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