TCORIYH - Chapter 91

Krald's momentum, which seemed as if he would strike Duke Laetian at any moment, gradually subsided. With his shoulders slumped, he looked more like a child trying to throw a tantrum than angry.

“So what do you mean? Even if you are my maternal uncle, do you think you can do anything? Father has already made a public statement in front of so many people, so who can ask for it?”

The Duke stroked the area around his smooth chin with his fingertips. His small, lightless eyes were moving around, wondering what he was thinking about.

“Well, it would be pointless to expect His Majesty to suddenly change his mind one day. But I’m sure you’re not the type of person to have such lukewarm expectations.”

Krald's brow furrowed even deeper. His curved, furrowed face resembled his mother, Queen Gilsis. Duke Laetian, who was tapping the head of a cane made of heavy metal carved into the shape of a dog, raised his gaze diagonally.

“If you don’t like the Archduke...”


“Please give me that position, and I can go higher someday. Isn’t that right?”

The tongue that skimmed the corner of the mouth was noticeably bright red. Perhaps because of the sharp contrast of colors, his impression seemed even more inhuman. Krald, who was blinking his eyes while standing, suddenly burst into laughter.

“You speak so easily, but are you talking about any useful plans?”

“We’ll just have to wait and see.”

Duke Laetian's lips parted as if torn. While Krald and he were talking about various things, on the other side of the wall, Libencia was putting her ear under the doorknob with her eyes wide open.

Libencia was not very intelligent. She had no interest in complex power relationships, and she was not a woman capable of political maneuvering.

If she had wanted more stable power than relying on Krald, or if she had been able to judge information that would be advantageous for Count Montfort, she would have quickly realized how to use the conversation between Krald and Duke Laetian.

But unfortunately, she was not interested in anything other than the jewels and precious silk she could get her hands on right away. There was only one thought in her mind as she overheard the conversation between Duke Laetian and Krald. If Kraal dethrones Franz and becomes Crown Prince or even King, how luxurious will she be?


At the very moment when Krald was rolling around with Libencia in the salon, Flavia was leaving Anne Mille and going to Astel Palace, avoiding the eyes of others.

During the National Foundation Festival, the central garden of the palace was open until the sun set, so many people passed by wherever they went. However, among the noble ladies who were as stylish as peacocks, Flavia was fortunately not someone who attracted attention.

Still, there was no harm in being careful, so she deliberately chose a path with few people and took the long route. As soon as she arrived at Astel Palace, she noticed that the surroundings were extremely quiet, but she had no sign of disappointment on her face.

Since the number of soldiers on guard was small, it was not difficult to get inside the hallway. Flavia found Nadine making a grim expression in front of the bedroom at the Astel Palace and bit her smile as if she had gotten her way.

“What are you doing here?”

Nadine's expression became even more sour as he turned his head towards Flavia. Flavia's eyes looked down at Nadine, who didn't even bother to greet her, but only pretended to bend his knees, and his eyes had an unusually cold look to them. But that look disappeared like a lie the moment Nadine lifted his gaze.

“The second Princess is degraded.”

“It looks like everyone went to see the festival, but were you here?”

Nadine twitched his lips with a dissatisfied expression. He then gestured at the closed door.

“His Highness the Prince is inside. That’s why we’re protecting this place.”

"Oh... so? Your Highness the Prince?”

"Yes. He drank a lot of plum liquor yesterday and can't wake up because of a hangover. The Crown Princess told Mart Anne and me to take good care of His Majesty the Prince.”

Since it was Judith's order, he couldn't bear to disobey it, but since he had abandoned work in the morning and was only looking to go out to play, his judgment couldn't have been good. Flavia glanced for a moment with her fair eyes at the door of the quarters, then suddenly drooped her eyebrows and smiled with an almost exaggerated soft smile.

“Your Highness the Crown Princess has a very kind heart. Is not it?"

Nadine, who was standing slanted with a sad look on his face, lifted his shoulders triumphantly as if to say, “Isn’t that natural?”

“Of course, of course. There is no one more kind than the Crown Princess. Even though I didn't attend her closely, wouldn't I have watched her for a long time? She is like the daughter of a beautiful fairy and has a kind heart like the goddess of the spring breeze. Furthermore...”

Nadine's praise of Judith could go on all day long if no one interrupted him. Flavia's eyes narrowed sinisterly.

“You seem to know very well about the decline of the Crown Prince.”

“When it comes to the decline of the Crown Prince’s wife, we must assume that there is nothing we don’t know.”

That was a bluff, of course, but it didn't really matter to Flavia. Flavia, who was clutching the sleeves of her dress tightly as was her habit, asked.

"Yes? Then... Can you tell me what the Crown Princess likes?”

“What does Her Highness the Crown Princess like?”

A suspicious expression appeared on his dazed face as if he was drunk. Flavia, seeing his freckled cheeks twitching to utter a word of rejection, quickly added before his lips could open.

“Her Highness the Crown Princess’s favorite flowers, perfume, jewelry... Something like that.”

“Why is Your Highness the Second Princess curious about such things?”

Although Nadine was just a servant, he knew well the relationship between Krald and Franz and how Queen Gilsis treated Franz. Because of that, his attitude towards Flavia was not good from the beginning.

It was natural to show caution, but Flavia found it very unpleasant. But here she couldn't scold Nadine. If that happens, if this arrogant servant's mind is upset, she won't be able to get the information she wants.

"That is... To give her a gift.”

“A gift?”

"Yes. Since Franz has ascended to the position of Crown Prince, Judith has now become Crown Princess, right?”

“That’s right.”

“That’s why I want to give her a gift, and if possible, I want to give her something that will make the Crown Princess happy. But I can't ask you directly... However, it is difficult to ask the Crown Prince... I mean.”

“Wouldn’t it be okay to ask the Lady of Count Ebelta or the Lord of the Duke of Vergy?”

Flavia's thin eyebrows drooped even lower. Her expression was completely downcast as she fiddled with her fingertips and glanced at Nadine. Her gestures made her look too servile to be a Princess.

“Miss Ebelta is like that, and the royal family of the Duke of Vergy... They don't like me. No matter how good I try to give a gift, those people will be suspicious of me.”

“That’s it...”

“So I’d like you to help me out, how about it? It's not that difficult. If Her Highness the Crown Princess is happy after receiving the gift, to some extent... Since you have merit, wouldn’t she favor you even more?”

Nadine didn't answer. However, his eyes were constantly moving as if he were thinking about something. He did not dare to think about what to do with Judith. However, he was satisfied as long as she smiled at him. If he wants to be a little more greedy, she could make him a chamberlain so that he can serve her nearby...

“If Her Highness the Crown Princess is happy... I will make sure to tell her that I will not forget you and that you also have merit. How do you feel?”

Flavia's voice had a tone that was unusual for her. Nadine, who was grinning, cleared his throat and crossed his arms.

“Your Highness the Crown Princess loves all flowers, but she especially likes roses, lilacs, and iris. Since she is not an extravagant person, she does not collect a lot of gems, but she often uses blue gems or pearls. Oh, and the perfume...”

Flavia, who was listening to Nadine's endless words, twisted the corner of her mouth slightly to avoid his gaze. She was somewhat horrified that the only attendant, who was not one of Judith's nobles who often met her, nor served her closely, knew so much about her subject.

And Nadine's intelligence made Flavia secretly look down on Judith. She goes around pretending to be nice and kind, meddling everywhere, so even this guy's servant is trying to sit on top of her head without any fear.

“Thank you so much.”

Nadine, who was talking passionately about the color of the dress that Judith often wears, widened his eyes when he saw Flavia interrupting his sentence.

“Do you mind if you don’t listen anymore?”

“This is enough. that's enough. Really... Thank you."

"What? If it’s about the decline of the royal family, feel free to ask me.”

Flavia smiled brightly. But the faint smile on her lips disappeared like a lie as soon as she turned her body.

Nadine looked at her back as she walked away with a shocked expression and scratched his head.

At that time, the door to the bedroom, which had been closed the whole time, suddenly opened. Nadine was startled and jumped up from his spot. Rogero, whose face was noticeably dull compared to last night, frowned when he saw Nadine like that.

"What? Why are you so surprised?”

“Woe, Your Highness the Prince. No, ah... it's nothing. Sorry. I was surprised when you suddenly opened the door...”

“I feel so sick inside that I’m going to die.”

Rogero growled in a dying voice. Then Mary Ann came out from inside, grabbed Rogero's shoulders, and dragged him inside.

“Your Highness the Prince, you must eat all of this! That way, your stomach will hurt less!”

“Please look at me... I'm the person in the world who hates drinking milk in the morning. Besides, I don’t like things like pickled peaches in honey.”

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  1. Ughh my gad Nadine. Guess he's like one of those crazy fans with greedy dreams.


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