TCORIYH - Chapter 88

“I am more happy that Judith has become Crown Princess than that I have become Crown Prince.”

When Franz said something unasked, Flavia's face turned pale. Fortunately for her, the deep-seated darkness hid the change. Flavia trembled her lip. Her voice also trembled.

“Well, that’s... Why is that...?”

“Because she suffered a lot because of my shortcomings. It’s because she had to go through hardships as soon as she left her home country and came to a strange land.”

Flavia couldn't understand why he would say such a thing. How amazing must it have been for Judith to have gone through some difficult times? If the much-loved Princess was having a hard time, how much hardship is she going through right now?

Tears welled up in Flavia's eyes. She hated Judith more than Franz, who said such things. She couldn't understand why everyone loved and worried only about Judith. She doesn't even get any concern from her mother, who gave birth to her now. Flavia was alone.

“Her Highness, no... The decline in the royal family... But, for now... She is loved by everyone.”

"Yes. So I’m happy.”

“Well, I... I don't want anyone... I’m not loved that much.”

Franz then realized that Flavia was sobbing. After the embarrassed silence passed briefly, Franz spoke as if comforting her.

“From no one... It doesn't mean you won't be loved. There are definitely people who care about you...”

"No! There isn’t one!”

Flavia, who was shaking her head hysterically, suddenly leaned towards Franz. A clear look of embarrassment appeared on Franz's face as he suddenly caught her as she stumbled and fell.

“Get up. It’s difficult.”

Flavia felt her whole face heating up at the monotonous and firm tone. But when she finally touched his shoulder, it was so firm that she didn't want to let go. The stronger mint scent paralyzed Flavia's feeble sense of reason. Flavia said.

“W-what... Are you having trouble? There is no one, there is no one... I just... I just want you to comfort me... Just doing it..."

“I can give you as much comfort as you want, but you may be misunderstood, so please stand up.”

“A misunderstanding, that kind of thing...!”

However, Flavia's words did not last until the end. That was because Franz grabbed her shoulders and lifted her up. Her face grew pale with shame and contempt. But Franz spoke regardless.

“I’m not just afraid of being misunderstood. If that misunderstanding becomes a rumor and reaches my wife's ears, my wife's reputation will also be tarnished, whether she believes the rumor or not. Also...”


“I don’t want to accidentally do anything that could hurt her.”

Flavia looked at Franz's face. Eyes whose color was difficult to discern twitched. His narrow jaw was pulled tight as he kept his lips pursed, and his high cheeks twitched as if he was about to sob.

"Your Highness?"

The two people's heads suddenly moved in the same direction. Flavia bit her lip even harder when she saw Judith appear. Then she ran away, covering her eyes with tears. She didn't even say hello to Judith.

Judith just watched Flavia's back in silence as she walked away. Her heart pounded with unknown anxiety and doubt. Then Franz spoke.

“She seemed dizzy, so I told her to go and rest.”

“Is that so?”

Judith noticed that her voice sounded a little awkward. Franz must have felt it too, as he rubbed the corner of his mouth in an embarrassed manner. It was him who lied for a moment. He was afraid that she might misunderstand.

Fortunately, Judith did not ask any more questions. She quietly came over and sat down next to Franz. It was close enough for her shoulders and arms to naturally touch.

“Why were you here? Everyone is looking for you and asking where you have gone.”

“I wanted to get some air. I was about to go in.”

It was quiet for a while. Then, suddenly, Judith burst into laughter.

“Why are you smiling?”

“Just like that. Everything that happened today feels like a dream.”

Franz's shoulders, which had been tense for no reason, slowly dropped. As his body softened, a smile returned to his lips. His expression was completely different from when he faced Flavia, with no stiffness and a relaxed expression.

“When I think about the founding of the nation when you were not around... I think this is my first time seeing His Majesty so happy. It’s noisy.”

“...What about you?”

Judith looked up and saw Franz. Franz asked again.

“Are you happy?”

“Of course, My Lord. Is there any way it wouldn’t be fun?”

Those words were sincere. After the King declared him Crown Prince during the ceremony, Judith felt as if she was floating in a cloud all day long. She had many other events after that, all of which she attended, but she couldn't quite remember who she met and what they said.

“I’m glad you’re happy.”

Judith smiled without answering and played with the lace on the edge of her sleeve. She liked the fact that she didn't feel uncomfortable even though the conversation was intermittently interrupted. The feeling of hiding with him in such a secluded place, leaving behind the bright lights of the banquet hall, was unbearably exciting.

“The construction... I heard it’s almost the end.”

When those words came out, Judith's fingertips that had been fiddling with the lace stopped for a moment. It felt like warm heat was rising in her earlobes.

“Are you talking about the National Palace?”


The two were planning to merge their residence after the construction of Nation Palace was completed. They will clean up their respective Argent Palace and Astel Palace and begin living as a complete married couple.

This didn't happen in her last life. Even though Franz and Judith had come of age, Queen Gilsis did not provide a palace suitable for them to live in. It was because the Queen thought that if a royal child were to be born between Franz and Judith, it would be a bother if the child were also a son.

Even if they had merged their residences, Judith would have felt fear just by having to stay in the same room with Franz all day. But she couldn't really tell now. Of course, she was afraid of something she had never experienced, but more than that, her heart swelled with anticipation.

Look forward? What?



“What are you thinking like that? I called you.”

Judith, whose eyes were wide open, pursed her lips. Then she turned her head and looked away from him. Franz looked puzzled.

"What's the matter?"

“... It's nothing."

Judith was nervous for no reason. In addition, Franz wanted to know what she was thinking. Would she be excited to have her live with him too? Wouldn't she find it annoying?

“...If we merge our residences.”

It was a small voice. Franz leaned closer to her to hear her voice better. The scent of wisteria flowers wafted from her hair, which was neatly combed down to her shoulders.

“What if we merge?”

“...Will it be fun? When you and I are together.”

“Don’t you want to stay together?”

Judith suddenly raised her head at his words. Then, when he saw Franz's face coming closer, her expression became even more surprised. While Judith was struggling to find something to say, she felt a warm body covering the back of her hand. It was Franz's hand.

"I am...”


“I’m really looking forward to it.”

Judith's eyes blinked once. At that moment, she felt a tickling sensation next to her eyelids. It didn't take long to realize that it was his eyelashes. A moist, light sound was heard, and his face, which had been so close that she couldn't see it properly, moved away at an angle.

“Uh, Your Highness.”

Only then did Judith realize what had happened and covered her cheeks and lips, which were as red as embers. But Franz gently grabbed her wrist and lowered it. Her lips were exposed.

Judith was embarrassed and did not know what to do. She didn't know where to put her eyes, and the burning sensation of her wrist being held by him was unbearable. The heat from Franz's palm seemed to seep into her skin and light small flames all over her body.

“Your Highness, what should I do if someone comes? Excuse me..."

“It doesn’t matter who comes.”

Judith's lips parted slightly. Meanwhile, Franz was pulling Judith's wrist and pulling her body into his arms. Her knees touched lightly.


A breath mixed with the scent of mint and sweetness flowed over his lips.

Judith raised her head and looked at Franz's face. The delicately lowered eyelashes seemed to touch her cheek, and the tip of his undisturbed nose quietly brushed and tickled her. And underneath, the red lips, like slightly wet maple leaves, were beautiful enough to captivate and tempt both eyes and hearts.


Judith said.

“It doesn’t matter, Your Highness.”

A delicate tickling sensation passed over her cheek. The moment their lips met, Judith's hand, which had been wandering in the air, tightly grasped Franz's jacket. A sound so small that you could barely hear it unless you listened carefully escaped their lips and made the backs of their necks tickle.


“It was like that yesterday, but the weather is really nice. I’m glad it didn’t rain for this year’s Founding Festival.”

Cheraan, who had made an awning with her hands to block the pouring sunlight, stamped her feet as if jumping in place. Not only Judith, Bartholomew, and even Franz laughed quietly at her inability to hide her excitement.

The day after the founding festival, there were many events held at the palace, but Cheraan had been pestering Judith since the morning to go out to the square. Apparently, the Emperor's argument was that he should visit the square and the downtown area.

“Actually, last year I tried to come out to the square because of the rain, but it started raining the next day. Thanks to you, I didn’t get to see anything.”

As soon as she got off the carriage, Cheraan took Judith's hand and practically ran toward the rows of stalls. Franz and Bartholomew followed them leisurely.

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