TCORIYH - Chapter 86

The Queen hit the armrest of the chair with her palm. The ring on her finger made a loud noise as it hit the hardwood, but Rosero didn't even raise an eyebrow.

“I probably didn’t ask you to do something difficult. Are you foolish enough not to know that the empire can benefit from the Prince’s conduct?”

“What is the meaning of what Your Majesty wants to do? I am grateful that you think so highly of me, but I am not the only one who praises Franz. Or are you going to call each and every one of the empire’s envoys and give them orders?”

The Queen's eyebrows rose fiercely.

“How dare you say such disrespectful words! Have you forgotten who I am!”

“Of course, I didn’t forget. You are the Queen Mother of Rotair. But I heard that the Queen Mother is a very rational and strict person, but it seems like she is this weak when it comes to her children, right?”


“I heard that the second Prince has just had his coming-of-age ceremony, but surprisingly, it looks like he hasn’t been able to leave his mother’s arms. He can’t even control his own reputation, so he makes the Queen Mother do such a troublesome thing.”

Queen Gilsis' mouth twisted. However, Rogero raised his body with a nonchalant expression.

“He’s a grown son, so tell him to make friends on his own.”

As Rogero leisurely left after greeting her, the Queen's body trembled as she clenched her fists. The Queen, who was panting with her teeth exposed, screamed.


Margit, who was standing outside, hurriedly ran inside. Queen Gilsis spoke with a sword raised to her eye.

“Bring the paper.”

“Queen, what do you want to use it for?”

“Duke Laitian will be near the capital, so I will write a letter to him. And, bring your husband to the Queen’s palace.”

Margit’s body tensed and froze for an instant.

“Well, my... Do you mean my husband?”

"Yes. How many times do you make me say the same thing! Go at once, get some paper and pen, find your husband, Count Bloset, and bring him back!”

“Yes, I understand. “I understand, Your Majesty.”

Margit hurried out with a frightened look on her face. She pursed her red-painted lips and moved the Queen's eyes back and forth with an ominous glow.


The morning of the day the National Foundation Festival began was clear.

It rained loudly in the early morning of the previous day. Judith, who was startled awake by the sound of rain, could not sleep as she looked up at the sky full of dark clouds, but fortunately, as the sun began to rise, the rain gradually subsided. As the birds began to cry and sunlight began to shine through the clouds, the whole world shone brightly, as if sprinkled with white crystal powder. Only then was she able to put her mind at ease.

Led by the royal carriage of the King and Queen, the royal family and nobles went out to Michiel Square all at once. The people who gathered to watch the procession were especially enthusiastic when they saw Franz riding in a carriage without a roof.

Everyone seemed to welcome the unfortunate Prince, who grew up well despite losing his mother at a young age. As a result, it was clear that Krald's screening, which was already twisted, became even more distorted.

"Your Highness...”

Flavia, who had been looking at Krald, who was crumpled the whole time, carefully grabbed the back of his hand. However, Krald coldly slapped Flavia's hand away as if it were a bug.

“Don’t touch me carelessly. Who dares...”

Who else but the wife can personally touch the husband's body? But Flavia couldn't even dare to talk back to him. All she could do was hold back her tears, lowering her head and holding onto the handle of the carriage to support her body. Seeing that, Krald clicked his tongue as if he was even more displeased and swore a few foul words.

The carriage arrived at the square. The fountain, which had already been completed a week ago, was already sparkling with commemorative coins thrown in by people. The scent of olive trees, vetiver oil, and iris wafted from the streams of water spouting out in various directions toward the bright blue sky.

King Jedercayer and Queen Gilsis stood shoulder to shoulder and went up to the stage for the ceremony. Franz, Judith, Krald, and Flavia followed, and the four Dukes followed in that order.

There was thunderous applause, but it soon quieted down when the King raised one hand. As he winked, the attendants waiting on both sides began setting up candlesticks for the ceremony. The candlestick, which is made in the same shape on both sides, becomes taller as it gets closer to the center, so when viewed from the front, it looks as if the ridge resembles a gently curved hill.

White candles made of beef tallow were placed one by one in the candle holders. When the servants set up the candlesticks and retired, the King and Franz stood up. As the people who saw the two father and son standing side by side began to flutter with excitement, the impressions of Kraald and Queen Gilsis became even worse.

They heard someone whispering, 'He looks exactly like the late Queen.' Those words reached the ears of not only the Queen but also King Jedercayer. The King looked at Franz with happy and sorrowful eyes.

The attendant brought an ignition pole wrapped around an oiled wick around an azalea branch. The King and Franz exchanged a glance and then began lighting the candles one by one, starting from the end. The people watching were somehow more nervous than usual as they watched the fireworks being lit one by one.

There is an old superstition that if a fire is ignited without a single problem until the last second, the next year will be prosperous and peaceful for the kingdom.

It was something people would recite for fun, like throwing commemorative coins, but the atmosphere was different this year. Not only the nobles but also the commoners wanted to know whether this ceremony would end smoothly. Their attitude was serious, as if the next move to the throne depended on this.


The tense silence was replaced by a low murmur. Franz's brow furrowed slightly. There were only a few candles left until the candle in the center, but one candle did not light well. He heated the wick with embers for a long time, but only the sound of crackling and oil splashing was heard.


A sneer burst from Queen Gilsis' mouth. Since the surroundings were quiet, the sound must have reached Franz's ears. Judith shifted in her seat, clenching her fists and looking anxious. Sweat could be seen on Franz's frowning forehead. The noise from the people filling up the stage became louder.

“I think there’s a problem with the Prince’s side?”

“The candle never catches fire.”

“It’s not a good sign...”

Each person's voice was small, but when the whispers came together, it became a sound so loud that it could not be ignored. That was when even Krald, who was sitting in the back, started giggling openly.

“Please bring a new candle.”

The King's stern voice silenced everyone. Not only that, he pulled the candle out of the candlestick and snapped it in half.

“Your Majesty!”

"Your Majesty!"

Not only Franz, but the Queen who was watching, and even Judith stood up in surprise. The founding festival was a big event. Since the ceremony was also an important event, the objects used in it were things that even the King could not handle carelessly. It was natural that people were shocked because he broke something like that in half without anyone having a chance to stop him.

However, the King calmly handed over the broken candle to his servant.

“Isn’t it because the wick burns and doesn’t absorb the oil properly, so it doesn’t catch fire? It is not right to use such poor quality items in an important ceremony.”

Queen Gilsis pursed her lips with an expression of astonishment. The servant immediately removed the broken candle and brought a new one. Franz lit a new candle with an even more anxious expression. Fortunately, this time, a spark ignited in just one attempt. Some relieved people started clapping their hands. Then applause rang out throughout the square.

Judith glanced sideways in the direction where the Queen was. Sure enough, her expression was a sight to behold. When the Queen turned her head towards Judith, Judith indifferently looked at her as if asking her when she had seen her. It wasn't a big deal to her, but it was refreshing.

After lighting every last candle, Franz handed the ignition stick into the servant's hand and stepped back. Soon there was a speech from the King. King Jedercayer has been known for his excellent speeches since he was Crown Prince. His father, the previous King, often asked his young son to review drafts of his speeches.

“People of Rotair.”

As soon as the King opened his mouth, the place became quiet again. The only sound of water gushing from the fountain was the sound that passed cheerfully across the silence.

“Like the sparkle that shines here, our lives are finite and fleeting. However, the wisdom and glory of Rotair, passed down from our ancestors, will not fade for eternity and will brighten the darkness. Once upon a time, the founding King, Selgius, ascended the throne, holding the star of prophecy and the blade in his hands, and wearing epaulets of iron and elm, and Rotair’s traces never ceased. Today, we would like to rejoice together with you on this day.”

When the short speech ended, everyone cheered. Judith looked up at the blue sky with a smile. She didn't know why, but her heart was pounding loudly. She would describe this feeling as overwhelming. Franz, who was sitting next to her, also had a typical smile on his face, having forgotten his earlier anxiety.

“Also, I would like to take this opportunity to proclaim one thing.”

As the cheers died down, everyone looked puzzled by what the King suddenly added. Franz looked at Judith unconsciously, but Judith also had no idea what the King was trying to say.

Queen Gilsis was also confused. Not only was she embarrassed, but her heart started pounding for no reason. Her stomach turned and she felt nauseous, as if she sensed something bad was about to happen. And that feeling became even clearer the moment the King turned to Franz.

“My eldest son, please come forward.”

Franz's eyes blinked slowly. At that moment, Judith held Franz's hand tightly. Franz, surprised by the power, raised his body and moved to the front of the stage. Queen Gilsis, who saw the backs of the father and son standing side by side, looked like she was about to scream.

“On the glorious day of Rotair, I declare this clearly before everyone present.”


“I hereby appoint my eldest son, Franz Emmalden Wein Jedercayer, as Crown Prince from this time on.”

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