TCORIYH - Chapter 107

Franz, who only then realized that Rogero was joking, sighed and laughed helplessly.

“I can’t figure it out.”

“What else can’t you figure out? Few people can see through things like me. It’s like polished crystal.”

Rogero's expression was shameless when he said that, but Franz shook his head as if he could not agree with that at all. Rogero smiled, passed Franz, and approached Judith.

“Your Highness will agree with what I say, right?”

When an arrow came back at her out of nowhere, Judith looked at Franz and Rogero alternately with a perplexed face for a moment. But she soon chuckled and nodded her head.

“Of course, His Highness the Prince is a more honest person than anyone else.”

“I’m glad you know. Franz should at least follow the lead of Your Highness's shoes.”

“Aren’t you criticizing me too mercilessly?”

Franz said as if he was astonished. But Rogero pretended not to hear him, lightly took Judith's gloved hand, and kissed the back of it.

“Then, Your Highness, I would like to thank you once again for loving that piece of wood. You’re lucky he's not a frog, right?”

Judith burst out laughing. Rogero glanced back at Franz, who was just laughing in bewilderment and looked lost in thought for a moment. As they had been together for four years, Franz was sensitive to Rogero's changes. He quickly realized that Rogero had something to say but was hiding it.



“Why are you doing this? Do you have something to say?”

Rogero's eyes blinked a couple of times. Then he tilted his head and suddenly burst into laughter. Both Franz and Judith looked embarrassed by the unexpected reaction.

“What, what’s wrong?”

“No, I just thought it was funny. I said with my own mouth that I could see clearly inside, but was it really so clearly visible? I was surprised when you just asked me if I had anything to say.”

Now the two people looked more worried than smiling. However, Rogero shook hia shoulders and laughed in his usual mischievous manner.

“Why are you looking like that? Your Highness. It’s not a big problem, so you don’t have to worry.”

“I guess something is wrong, Your Highness?”

“Ah, rather than work... I'm just curious. Should I say curiosity? I can't hold back when I have questions. Whatever it is, I have to shave my head and reveal its identity to be able to sleep well at night. So, two people.”

Rogero's eyes quickly scanned Franz and Judith. The movement was so fast that for a moment, the two people had the strange feeling that Rogero was looking at them at the same time.

“Is there any noble who visits the royal palace who carries a serpentine ring? It’s like a family heirloom or something like that.”


Judith asked back in a curious voice. When Rogero nodded, the two exchanged glances and were lost in thought for a moment. Franz said.

“At best, serpentine can only be used for decoration. Isn't there any family that makes family rings like that? Maybe it’s jade or emerald.”

“There are noble ladies who have serpentine jewelry... Wouldn't it be difficult to pinpoint a mineral since it's not that rare? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone carry a serpentine ring.”

Rogero, who was listening to the two people answering in turn, made a hmm sound and shook his shoulders.

"Is it. Then there’s nothing we can do.”

“Wait a moment, Rogero. What’s going on?”

"Hmm... It's no big deal. Not yet.”

“Your Highness the Prince, please tell me clearly. Why are you looking for that person?”

When Rogero turned around, Judith was looking more serious and serious than ever before. Rogero, not knowing why Judith was reacting so sensitively, just grinned and gave a vague answer.

“It’s really no big deal. I happened to see someone like that during the Founding Festival, and he seemed to know how to do interesting magic. So, I thought, if I find out what kind of person he is, I will try to learn something from him.”


"Yes. You know magic, right? It’s like taking a bird out of your sleeve or something.”

Of course, Judith also knew what magic was. Although it was rare to see magic in the royal palace, there were young people from noble families who occasionally showed off trivial tricks to liven up the mood. What came out of the sleeves wasn't a confused bird, but only things girls liked, like flowers and headdresses.

Franz sighed after hearing Rogero's answer.

“This is a truly absurd reason.”

"What? What do you know? If you learn anything, it will be useful. How long do you have left to live, and how do you know that one day magic will be useful?”

“What about learning magic? If you want to use it, wouldn’t you have to quit being a Prince and get a job at a circus troupe?”

“That’s good too. Circus clowns have green hair. I don't need to dye my hair, so would you mind giving me some more money minus the cost of the medicine? Plus, I have a good sense of humor. I'm also good at seducing pretty girls.”

"It's okay. Who will stop your taunts?”

Franz threw up his hands as if he had lost. Rogero greeted Judith in a truly humorous manner, like a clown, and left, pretending to dance on tiptoe.

"So goodbye! I hope the block of wood and the Princess have a beautiful night!”

Both of their faces turned red at the same time because of Rogero, who never left out mischievous comments until the end. Franz, who was watching the backs of people slowly moving away like a local villager, let out a huh and laughed again.

“Your Highness the Prince is always a fun person to see.”

“Because he’s such a ridiculous guy. Suddenly some magic.”

“But don’t you think it would look good on him?”

“Well, I really want to see that guy dressed up as a clown.”

Judith laughed softly.

The place where the three met was in front of the crossroads leading to Nation Palace. The reason they were able to leave the still-crowded banquet hall was entirely due to Cheraan's urging. She said that if Franz had stayed until this time, he had done enough to be the main role of the day, and almost pushed his back, telling him to sneak out before he came to ask for another dance.

It was understandable that neither Franz nor Judith had time to sit properly all day. There were several toasts to celebrate the Crown Prince's accession to the throne, and after each drink was passed around, he usually had to dance. It was an exciting day with everyone having fun, rejoicing, and giving blessings. Except for a few.

“Aren’t you tired?”

Franz, who was walking slowly, glanced back at Judith.

"I'm OK. You must be tired...”

“I’m fine with this too.”

The two people were walking side by side, barely able to touch each other. The tips of each other's fingers lightly brushed each other as they took steps. When Judith noticed this and unconsciously twitched her fingers slightly, Franz slowly stretched out his arm and gently squeezed her hand.

The soldiers guarding the Nation Palace stoically bowed their heads when they saw the two people. As they entered the hallway, the knight guarding the front of the bed politely stepped back. The blue-black insignia on the silver pauldrons was the symbol of the King's elite combers.

“Are you back?”

“Thank you for your hard work, Director Bibiyu.”

He was Neos Bibiyu. Some people questioned why he, who was the leader of the 2nd Combler Knights, came to guard the Nation Palace.

Comblers are the King's elite soldiers who put the King first, but depending on orders, they also serve as bodyguards for important royal family members. In the case of Neos, he was also ordered by King Jedercayer to guard Nation Palace with his members. It was a clear measure of how important the King considered Franz and Judith.

When he was put in charge of guarding the Nation Palace, the most surprised person was Bartholomew. Neos' presence seemed to feel even more strange to him, who had had a mysterious conversation with him during a betting boxing event during the founding of the nation.

“There will be one shift at dawn. At dawn, one more shift takes place and the same soldiers guard the palace until evening.”

Receiving shift reports was also the job of the owner of the palace. Franz listened carefully to every word of Neos' report and nodded.

“You know much more about the soldiers of the 2nd Knights than I do. I will get to know the soldiers as soon as possible, so please do your best until then.”

“It is my honor, Your Highness the Crown Prince.”

Neos was a faithful man. Although he spoke little and was blunt, his eyes were deep and sincere. Franz was first reassured by the premonition that Neos would be a trustworthy person, even more than the fact that he was a combler.

The two opened the door and entered the room together. Servants and maids stood in a large space that doubled as a salon and living room.

Although they all worked at the Argent Palace, including Mary Anne, it was difficult to hide their embarrassed feelings. As expected, as soon as Judith and Franz came in, they took them into the bathroom as if they had been waiting.

There was no need to ask why the sweet-smelling scented oil was mixed into the warm bath water. Mary Anne, who was attending to her bath, embarrassed Judith by laughing every time her eyes met.

“I’m glad though, Princess.”


“In Tien, when the royal family celebrated their first night, maids and nobles guarded the room. How great is it that Rotair doesn’t do that?”

Judith's face turned red. Judith cutely pulled the end of Mary Anne's two-braided hair and spoke in a poignant voice.

“You know everything.”

“Hehehe, I’m an adult now too. I know everything there is to know.”

A soft chemise was put on top of the bare body that was still warm and soaked with moisture. The door leading to the bed was on both sides. It was a door leading to each person’s personal space.

The maids, who had been guarding the room with the lights on in advance, quietly retreated back when Judith and Franz entered. It had been quiet up until now, but when only the two of them were left, it suddenly became quiet, as if all the sounds in the world had disappeared.

The two stood with a bed between them, looking at each other in silence as if they were having a snowball fight. It was Franz who broke the strange standoff first.

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