TCORIYH - Chapter 104

A few fine wrinkles appeared around the Queen's mouth. She looked like she wanted to spill something at any moment, but she seemed to be holding back.

Judith looked at the King's face for a short time. And after calmly greeting them, she passed by them and tried to go outside. Then the King spoke.

“You guys should go out too.”

That was what he said to the Duke of Vergy and other ministers.

They had come here today to discuss Krald's investiture ceremony as Grand Duke. But he didn't know that sending them out at this point might mean canceling the plan to give Krald the title of archduke.

Queen Gilsis must have guessed this, too, and glared at the King with an indignant expression. It seemed like she wanted to scream at any moment, but she couldn't seem to keep her mouth shut, perhaps because of her anger or because she was wary of the King.


As the Duke and ministers hesitated, the King spoke once more in a stern voice. In the end, they had no choice but to follow Judith and go outside. As soon as the door closed, the Queen's raised voice began to be heard as if she had been waiting. It was a sharp sound even though it sounded inaccurate as it hit the wall.

“The Crown Princess.”

Judith, who was leaving the hallway of the Queen's palace with Cheraan, looked back. It was the Duke of Vergy who called her. The two ministers were not visible as they had already gone.

“Are you going back to the Argent Palace?”

“Yes, Duke. That's right. Why are you doing that?”

“Is it okay if I take you there?”

Duke Vergy, who said that, looked at Cheraan blankly. Cheraan, noticing this, took a step back from Judith and said,

“Your Highness, please excuse me for a moment.”

“I understand, Cheraan.”

After permission was given, Cheraan immediately turned around and went outside through the corridor in the other direction. A smile appeared on the Duke's lips as he watched the back of Cheraan walking away with long strides. It was an expression that was a vague mixture of satisfaction and pride.

“Cheraan is smart. She is quick-witted and loyal.”

Judith turned and said. The Duke smiled and nodded as if he was embarrassed, perhaps because he had been caught off guard.

“Both my wife and I are becoming busier. In particular, my wife says she wants to meet Ms. Ebelta as soon as possible, and she is being harsh to me as well.”

“Bartholomew and Cheraan are building their relationship step by step, so it would be best to ask the Duchess to wait a little longer.”

It goes without saying that the Marquis of Ebelta and his wife were also growing impatient in the Duke of Vergy, wanting to prepare for the marriage of Bartholomew and Cheraan as quickly as possible. However, even when he tried to nudge Bartholomew, she only responded that she would take care of it when the time was right.

The Duke said nothing until he left the corridor. He and Judith kept their mouths shut as they walked along, but he could not do so when they entered the path away from the King's concubine.

“Do you have something to say to me?”

The Duke looked back at her. There was no way he would say he would take her to the Argent Palace without any reason. Even after dropping it to Cheraan.

The Duke smiled faintly at her words.

“How do you view today’s events?”

Judith raised her hand and covered her forehead. As summer deepened, the daytime sunlight became stronger day by day, making her skin hot. Under the shadow cast beneath the canopy of her hand, her eyes were moving slowly with a clear light.

“There are not many reasons for Your Majesty to come to the Queen’s Palace accompanied by the Duke and the two ministers. I guess you came to discuss the appointment of Prince Krald as archduke?”

"That's right. You noticed it well.”

“But Your Majesty sent everyone out... Can I interpret that to mean that His Majesty's intentions have changed? In a direction that the Queen did not want.”

"That's right. But it will only be a temporary measure.”

It was the same when he placed Franz in the position of Prince both in name and reality, but King Jedercayer did not try to compromise with others when granting the position of archduke to Krald. Not only the Duke of Vergy but also many nobles opposed making him an archduke, but the King's will was firm.

Judith had doubts rather than complaints about that fact. He knew well that the king loved his former Queen more than anyone else, and that she still could not forget him. So what do you think about Queen Gilsis? Also, what about the Krauld she gave birth to?

“That’s why I wanted to tell you that today’s incident may come back as a threat to Rain in the future.”

It would have been fortunate if the queen's mistake had resulted in Krauld never receiving the title of archduke. But the King will not do so. Whatever the timing, it was clear that he would give Krald the position he deserved before he stepped down. He probably believes that it is right to do so.

Even if Judith or Franz had to risk something for it, he would do so. Or he had no choice but to do so. Judith said.

“It would be too much to expect them to understand your intentions.”

By them, they were referring to Queen Gilsis and Krald. The Duke of Verge smiled bitterly.

“It would be wiser to hope for corn to grow in the cracks of the rocks.”

“Krold won’t try to do anything himself. In that direction... “Because he doesn’t know how to use his head.”

“Do you think so?”

“For as vicious as he is, he doesn’t know how to manipulate people.”

That was true. Unlike his mother, Krald rarely tried to take advantage of anyone. From a young age, he was accustomed to a life in which what he wanted would quickly fall into his hands just by shouting, so the idea of ​​having to go through some trouble to get something never occurred to him. This was also the reason why the queen still had to take action to clean up what he had done.

“Do you need to know who the Queen is close to these days?”

Judith asked. The duke nodded her head slowly, but he was not looking at her. She looked like she was lost in thought alone.

“The number of people coming in and out of the queen’s palace has decreased significantly compared to before. “It may not be difficult to find someone who stands out, but as you know, the people who have stuck with the queen so far are not very good people.”

So, this meant that it was difficult to predict what kind of dirty move they would come up with. Judith lowered her gaze with a pensive look on her face for a moment and then spoke again.

“Do you know much about Count Bloset?”

Hearing his name, the Duke of Verge's brow immediately furrowed.

“There are few people who don’t know about his reputation. “But we have no personal relationship at all.”

“Today, I ran into Count Bloset at the queen’s palace. Did he often meet the Queen in person? Or maybe he stopped by to say hello because he is the father of Princess Flavia?”

The words behind his back were no different from just saying something. Anyone who knew anything about Count Bloset could not have guessed that he had stopped by to say hello to her queen without any ulterior motive. It was natural to assume that something insidious had definitely taken place between him and the queen.

said the duke.

“It won’t take much effort to monitor Count Bloset’s movements. “He is a person who is very good at shooting through streets with a lot of snow.”

“There is no law that says the Queen will definitely target me through him, but after hearing the Duke’s words, I feel like I should be careful. If you find out anything, please let me know. “I’ll have to find a way too.”

“I will. However, with the rain falling, you need to be careful. “The safety of rain comes first.”

“Yes, I know that well.”

While they were talking, the two arrived at Argent Palace. Cheraan, who had gone back another way, had already arrived and was leading the servants who were carrying the luggage. The duke, who was looking at the corridor where people were busy coming and going, smiled inadvertently.

“Have you looked around the National Palace?”

“No, I haven’t been there yet. “After the investiture ceremony, we all decided to go together.”

“After you two combine your residence, people’s expectations will be through the roof.”

It was a remark with the birth of a royal grandson in mind. An embarrassed yet shy smile appeared on Judith's face.

“I don’t know what the duke will think, but even if you and I have a child someday, I hope it won’t be too soon.”

“Why is that?”

“Everyone would hope that the path their child will walk on is free of even the smallest stones. The same goes for me.”

Even if they were lucky enough to have a child with them quickly, they couldn't rest assured. If Queen Gilsis and her forces, or the environment in which Krauld could freely flourish, were not eliminated, even if the child was born, there would only be uncertainty.

But Judith had no intention of telling Duke Verge that far. There will come a time when the Duke of Vergi's help will be needed, but not now.

“If His Majesty Rain needs my help someday, I will respond to his call without delay.”

However, even without saying anything, the duke seemed to have a clear insight into the other person's thoughts. Judith was relieved that he had such insight.

“The Duke always helped me. It was like that a long time ago and it is still like that now. I am grateful.”

“You know why I am as loyal to Your Highness as I am and help you both materially and spiritually.”

Of course, I knew it well. Because Judith helps Franz. To be precise, it was because they were trying to make him king. Although she had never said such a thing openly to the Duke of Vergis, the Duke had already sensed Judith's goal.

“I love Rotair. But she loves Franz just as much. Because they are my flesh and blood. “It’s also my sister’s bloodline.”

“It seems like you had a deep friendship with Queen Humama.”

A bitter smile appeared on his face like a painting. That expression, as if drenched in rain, somehow resembled Franz's.

"That's right. To me, it was more special than any other family. So I hoped that Franz could somehow survive and claim glory in his hands. Even for my sister.”

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