HFMD - Chapter 13 < I Cried >

The Dukedom of Belfort was literally turned upside down. That's because this wasn't an attack caused by a twist.

“We need to find out what kind of bastard he is right now!”

Auston gritted his teeth and ran wild. In order to use the moving magic circle, you must know the exact coordinates of the destination point. However, because major bases, including the Duchy of Belfort, were at risk of being attacked, their coordinates were kept strictly confidential. 

On Sylvia and Randall's wedding day, the coordinates specially provided by the King for the wedding were also connected to the dungeon. Even if Belfort's people invade the palace with the intention of exploiting the coordinates, they will be locked in the dungeon. It felt bad, but not to the point where they couldn't understand it. It would have been a big deal if an enemy had invaded the castle through movement magic. 

However, an attack using movement magic occurred inside the Duke of Belfort, and precisely inside the banquet hall. This was because someone had leaked the castle's coordinates or had brought a gem engraved with a moving magic circle into the banquet hall. That alone was shocking enough, but the attack left the Duchess of Belfort with serious back injuries and a coma. 

Although Auston immediately treated her injuries, she was unable to come to her senses easily due to her original weakness and the shock of the attack.


While Sylvia collapsed. The people of the Duchy of Belfort froze for the first time in a long time, unable to even make a sound. Randall was clearly a sweet and kind person. But that was only as long as it did not cross the line of common sense and morality. The culprit in this incident betrayed his trust. In that case, there was no need to respect him as a lord anymore.

"Who is it?"

Randall picked up the jewel that was rolling around on the floor of the banquet hall with a frighteningly cold face. There was blood on the jewelry. Knowing whose blood it was, he gritted his teeth and pulled himself up. Behind him, everyone in Belfort Castle, including his vassals and servants, was gathered.

“I will ask you for the last time.”

People reflexively shook their shoulders at the low voice. Just hearing the voice that sounded like an abyss made them suffocate and their vision became blurry with fear. The current Randall was not much different from when he was slaughtering monsters and demons. People who had to face that deadly situation head-on trembled.

“If you come forward and confess now, I will end it with only your life. But if you don't come forward, we will find out somehow and stop that family. Unless you want to be torn apart and thrown into Kelvetia along with your family, now is your last chance. Come out."

People's eyes widened in shock at those words. For the people of the North who had lived their whole lives dealing with monsters and demons, the most terrible death was having their bodies eaten by the monsters and demons. It was said that in the past, it was used to execute the most vicious criminals, but now it is considered to be too cruel, so it has fallen into disrepute. 

Randall was now saying that he would punish the criminal. It was a decision uncharacteristic of Randall, who always tried to maintain common sense and morality. Those words showed how angry he was right now. No one was quick to open their mouth. An eerie silence oppressed the air in the banquet hall.

“Is there anyone?”

Randall asked, laughing with anger. At that moment, someone opened their mouth.


People's eyes all turned towards the direction where the voice was heard. Randall's eyes flashed like a wild beast that had found its prey.

“That jewel... It was attached to the hem of my dress. It got tangled up in the lace.”

The person at the end of the line of sight was the pale-faced Rubia Glever.


'I'm really going to die if I keep doing this.'

Sylvia had that thought just before she lost consciousness. The pain she felt in her back was enormous. It was an unbearable pain for her, even for someone who had experienced multiple deaths and had become accustomed to the pain.

'Wouldn't it be difficult to survive after losing this much blood?'

Even while Rubia was hugging her and giving her first aid, she could feel blood accumulating on the floor every moment, so she was really going to die this time. 

Sylvia thought so with her joyful heart. On the outside, it would appear that she was injured while trying to save Rubia, so the fact that she intended to die would also have been hidden. She seemed to have made a wise decision in many ways, and she was satisfied.

'...Although it takes Randall a bit.'

At that time, Sylvia suddenly remembered Randall's face which she had seen right before she lost consciousness. A fierce face that doesn't show any warmth and looks like it's ready to bite anyone at any moment. Sylvia found it quite unfamiliar. Because Randall has never shown that kind of face in front of her. Rather...

'I had a good laugh.'

The moment she realized that fact, her heart hardened. Sylvia hoped that she would soon lose consciousness completely, and she worked hard to erase her thoughts. But rather than losing consciousness, she was now even hearing auditory hallucinations.

"...What's your name, kid?"

It was a familiar voice as if she had heard it somewhere before. She had heard it before somewhere. The moment Sylvia felt her doubts, she heard a loud boy's voice and her vision suddenly brightened.

"Go away! I won't tell you!"

A boy with silver hair and dark eyes wrinkled his face in annoyance. The moment she saw the face of the woman standing in front of the boy, Sylvia realized as if she had been struck by lightning.

'It's my memory.'

Among them, are the memories of her first life, when she was ‘Alyssa’. ‘Alyssa’ continued to speak friendly words to the boy.

"What is your name? I saved you from almost being eaten by a monster, but you can't even tell me that much?"

"Who asked you to save me? Are I telling you to turn off the attention and go on my way?"

"Yes? Yes. Goodbye."

Alyssa drew a moving magic circle as if she were ready to leave at the boy's words. The boy was so contemplative that he didn't know that Alyssa was really going to leave and grabbed her.

"Now, wait! A real store?"

"You want me to go?"

"This is the forest of monsters?"



The boy was embarrassed by the fact that he received help, so he couldn't readily ask her to take him with her. Alyssa was teasing the boy even though she clearly knew that fact. Sylvia stared at the scene with a new feeling in her eyes.

'Now that I think about it, what happened to that child after I died?'

First life. When the war against demons was in full swing, she went to a forest full of demons to get the materials needed for research and met that boy. The boy eventually gave in to his pride and followed him, and from then on he served as an errand boy within the camp. Towards the end of her research, she was so nervous that she didn't see the boy for a while...

'If I had known that would happen, I would have given you some money before I die.'

Sylvia clicked her tongue, feeling sorry for that fact again. After all, he was the child she had saved, so she felt some responsibility. Even as Sylvia was lost in her thoughts, her memories flowed. The boy, who had been frowning the whole time, reluctantly pressed his lips to hers. She knew Sylvia's name would come out of his mouth.


She watched the memory boredly as if watching a play whose ending she knew. But the next moment.



"...Leon, my name!"

Sylvia's eyes widened when she saw the boy's lips moving.

"Ah, Leo? Leo?"

"No, not that! Are you deaf?"

"Yes, it's Leo. Should you go with sister?"

"... You don't even listen to me. Okay, my name is Leo from now on. Is it okay?"

The boy muttered in resignation, and Alyssa finally accepted the boy's declaration of surrender, smiled happily, and left with him.


Meanwhile, Sylvia, who was left alone there, did not even realize that her surroundings were gradually becoming blurry.

'It was clear just now...'

"Cleon, my name!"

Did you say ‘Cleon’? As she blinked her eyes in confusion, her vision suddenly changed.



As her eyelids fluttered open, air rushed into her lungs. The sensation was unfamiliar, so Sylvia had to fixate her gaze on the ceiling for a moment and get used to the act of her breathing.

'I'm alive.'

It was a disappointment, not admiration. Sylvia, who felt a brief disappointment, immediately took note of her expression. This was so common in her 99 lives that it wasn't surprising anymore. As her disappointment subsided, the confusion that had receded for a moment took its place again. Sylvia was quite confused because of her memories of what she had seen just before she woke up.

'Leo is Cleon?'

Apparently, she knew him as ‘Leo’. In fact, even after Leo followed Alyssa into the camp, he didn't say much when people around him called him Leo. Everyone thought the boy was Leo, but she was actually mistaken? 

Cleon is clearly the one who killed ‘Demon King’ Alyssa...

“Are you awake?”

At that time, a low voice came from a short distance away. Sylvia suddenly stopped thinking and turned her gaze to the side.


Only the scarlet candle flame flickered in the dark room. Sitting by the bed with his back to the light was Randall, whose face strangely looked very damaged. Hearing Sylvia's voice, he was silent for a moment, then opened his mouth as if whispering.

“How are you feeling?”

"My body..."

Only then did Sylvia remember that she had seriously injured her back. When she reflexively tried to turn over and get up, Randall reached out and grabbed her shoulder.

“You shouldn’t wake up yet. Auston’s magic healed the trauma, but there may have been some aftereffects.”

Sylvia nodded and said, “Ah,” to those words.

'For some reason, I was lying down on my stomach.'

Randall hesitated when Sylvia said she would not move, and then bit withdrew his hand. He clasped his hands on the bed and closed his mouth again. It was the first time the atmosphere had calmed down this much since she was with Randall, so Sylvia just rolled her eyes awkwardly. Then suddenly Randall's face came into view. She doesn't know how much time has passed since she collapsed, but he looks noticeably haggard...


Next moment. Sylvia was surprised by something in him and stretched out her hand to cup Randall's face. He flinched and tried to back away, but Sylvia didn't let go. White, thin fingertips lightly brushed the area around his eyes. Randall's eyes were so red that they were clearly visible even in the dark.

“...Did you really cry?”


Randall hastily denied it and tried to move back. But when Sylvia made a move to raise her body, he urgently stopped her.

“Didn’t I say you shouldn’t wake up?”

“That’s not the point. Did you really cry?”


The silence that followed was an affirmation. Sylvia suddenly blurted out without realizing it.


Her heart is racing again. Sylvia was a person who did not trust the human heart. A person's mind and emotions change from moment to moment, depending on each situation. She also saw a person who acted like he would give her everything suddenly turned cold. She also saw someone who abandoned their promise to be together forever after only half a day. Sylvia did not believe in human good intentions or the eternity of the heart. But...

“...I’m afraid you won’t wake up.”

Why do I keep thinking that this man might be different? Why does it feel like Randall Belfort, this man's heart, will forever be as straight as it is now? 

Sylvia withdrew her hand from Randall's face as if running away without realizing it. But Randall was the first to lean his face into her hand, letting out a soft sigh of his own.

The body temperature touching her palm felt hot. The movement of his lips, his breath, and the fluttering of his eyelashes tickled her palms. Randall leaned his face into Sylvia's hand and smiled pitifully at her.

“I was worried, really.”

The face, the emotions, the voice. Everything came together and shook Sylvia heavily inside. So strong that even she was embarrassed.

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