DTS - Chapter 38

It was a very tiring day.

Only later did Philip realize that all of this had happened in just half a day.

When the group returned to the room, Wood Denver, whom Dorothea called 'the leg', was still sitting there, unfocused.

It was natural as if no one noticed the absence of the group.

“The spell I set will soon be broken. Because it’s a crude form of hypnosis that’s close to catching, with only the tricks learned.”

Philip nodded his head slightly in response to Colin's words as he rubbed his face as if he were tired.

“I know there are still things I need to say, but go back to your room and take care of your mother first.”


“Isn’t the reason you desperately protected this child because it reminded you of your mother?”

A fragile and thin body that collapsed helplessly in the hands of a man.

The poor mother was so tired of the hardships of life that at some point she couldn't even smile.

Philip used to imagine it every day.

He imagines sneaking in at night while his father is asleep and stabbing him with a sharp knife that he has hidden during the day.

He imagines swinging a weapon at the back of his father's neck as he walks.

He imagines his fist hitting the top of his father's head.

Philip lowered his eyes and asked quietly.

“Are you going to ‘show’ your mother too?”



“It’s not necessarily an area she needs to know about. Actually, you are too.”

Even he didn't expect that the damn girl would open her eyes as she pleases.

She must have been planning to reveal Colin's identity from the moment she set off with Philip to meet Hertia.

The former reaper sighed as he laid Dorothea, who was sleeping with a very confused look, on the bed.

'She's like a colt who doesn't know where she'll fly.'

Philip, who was standing in the doorway, turned around without saying a word.

In fact, he must have been worried about his mother, who had been left alone the whole time.

After the boy's presence disappeared, Dorothea, who was breathing unevenly with a bloodless face, opened her eyes.

“If it was Philip, I would send him out. He’s probably with his mother.”


“You can’t go back to the Marquis like this, so stay here tonight. I'll send thr letter.”

“Yes, you can rest now too. Because there won't be anything to do for a while. After I return to the mansion tomorrow with Wood, you will stay here until I call you again.”

Colin, who had been silently listening to Dorothea's words, instead of answering her, suddenly said something else with a strange look on his face.



“Isn’t there a cynical side to humans somehow? I thought you put a certain amount of wall behind you, even towards those you consider family.”

Dorothea showed 'interest' in others, but he couldn't clearly tell if she was liking them.

Because she was always vague in expressing her emotions and maintained a mysterious attitude that did not easily reveal her true feelings, she seemed to be a different being from humans.

“You give that guy more than he needs and care about him.”

A faint smile appeared on Dorothea's face.

She giggled, her eyes still hard to tell what she was thinking.

“Well, first of all, I wanted to relieve my uncle of some of the hardships he will have to endure in the future.”


Who was it in the first place who arbitrarily locked him in a human body and made him a servant?

Now even his sacred device has become a scarecrow that can only be used with Dorothea's permission.

It couldn't have been a kindness shown out of consideration for his situation.

Dorothea stopped giggling and muttered softly.

“He tried to help me, even putting himself in danger.”

Philip could have lost everything he had, and the other person, no matter how inferior he was to others, Colin was his father.

Didn't he desperately struggle to save her?

The boy's struggles reminded her that there was once a being who promised her such salvation.

Her 'savior' took back his outstretched hand, but Philip was different.

Even though he knew clearly that it was no different from hitting a rock with an egg, he never withdrew his outstretched hand.

“I thought he was a good brother.”

If Dorothea were alive, she might have followed him very much.

Colin, who was looking down at her words, said in amazement.

“You’re uncharacteristically sentimental.”

“I’m good to good people.”

After saying that, Dorothea closed her eyes again as if it was too much for her to stay awake.

Colin, who was looking down at the little girl who was quickly falling asleep, shook his head filled with various thoughts.

It was like that every moment, but today he couldn't figure out the identity of this strange girl even more.

Although there are sometimes sensitive people who can predict death or sense the presence of the reaper, what she showed was another form of power.

As a warlock, you can say that she uses the power of demons, but she is different.

Rather than gaining strength in return for sacrificing one's soul, one obtains energy from the soul itself and has eyes that can see into the crossroads of life and death.


Shouldn't he go to his boss right now, beg for forgiveness, confess his sins, and inform him of the child's existence?

Colin, who was deep in thought, recalled a similar episode in the past.

'To save his wife, a crazy man attacked the reaper who came to get her soul and drove him to the brink of extinction.'

He was still under Hades' watch and was being punished by having to lift a rock as big as his body to the top of the mountain.

Although it is not known, the ending of the reaper who was almost eliminated was also difficult.

Hades' anger upon learning that his family was almost killed by a mere human was enormous.

'In the end, I heard that that bastard has his salary garnished for 10,000 years and works overtime without any holidays.'

He is being exploited by that insignificant person.

Colin, who thought about the future he would face after confessing his sins, quietly gave up his thoughts.


By the next morning, Dorothea's condition had clearly improved significantly.

It was thanks to Colin staying by her side all night and transferring the soul power he had gathered in one way or another, but even so, it was not enough to completely hide her pale complexion.

“I guess it’s still difficult to bring out the power of divine energy.”

“This alone is great.”

Colin, who glanced at her in bewilderment, shot a cold look at Wood, who kept tilting his head next to her.

“We need to put the carriage on standby right now. What are you doing?”

"Ah... Of course.”

Wood nodded, massaging his stiff neck.

Even as he obediently left the hallway, he couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling.

When Wood opened his eyes, he found himself sleeping on the bedroom floor, and Colin, who had taken his bed from Dorothea, was half-lying on a chair at the table, looking at him with wide eyes.

“I definitely remember drinking tea yesterday.”

All memories after that were blurry.

From what he heard, he started to doze off shortly after drinking tea and fell asleep with his head on the table.

Wood would have doubted Dorothea's words, but he couldn't dismiss Colin's words as lies.

“I must have forgotten something.”

A few vague memories of last night passed through my mind and soon became hazy like fog.

“More than that, why is my body sore here and there like this?”

The moment he swung his arms, a maid passing by in the hallway flinched and crouched.

“Oh, excuse me.”

At his awkward apology, the maid quickly ran away with a very frightened expression on her face.

Wood, unable to understand what was happening, blinked.

It's not Aiden either, he didn't think his face was so vicious that the maid was scared when she first met him.

After hesitating for a moment, Wood quietly turned around and headed toward the stable instead of looking for the maid who was already gone.

He's not sure, but a lot of things have happened in this mansion, so it might be natural to be wary of outsiders.

Moreover, aren't they employees of the mansion managed by the meticulous Colin Highclere?

“Are you going to drive the horse yourself?”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a coachman.”

With those words, it was the moment Wood held the whip in his hand.


A maid who was passing by a little distance away saw him holding a horsewhip in his hand with a very puzzled look on his face and quickly passed by.


Wood, who was looking down at the whip that felt tight in his hand, decided to pretend not to notice the discomfort that continued to surge over him.

“The carriage is ready, let’s go back now.”

At his words, Dorothea jumped out of bed and held out her hand.

Wood, holding the tiny girl, was about to leave the room, but soon he found a bundle of rope in a corner of the room and tilted his head.

“Why is there something like that here?”

“I don’t know either.”

Is this the taste of Colin, the room owner?

In the end, he ignored it and turned around, so he never found out the truth.


It was the Marchioness who welcomed Dorothea back to the mansion.

After a month, Dorothea ran into the arms of the Marchioness, who tenderly opened her arms toward the child.

“Thea, welcome.”

“Philip is going to stay at the mansion with Uncle Colin for a while. I think they would like to spend some time together.”

“Yes, if the child wants. It would be nice to do that.”

The old woman responded kindly to her granddaughter's words and looked at Dorothea's complexion, which seemed somehow tired today.

She heard Dorothea stretched out and fall asleep after playing to her heart's content.

It seems she was happy to see her second uncle after a long time.

'I didn't know you would follow Colin so much.'

The Marchioness never thought Colin would maintain such a close relationship with Dorothea, as he was strangely outward and unfriendly, and rarely even attended family events.

'Well, it was Colin who brought this child.'

Perhaps a strange bond developed between the two.

Moreover, it would be a good thing if this incident brought Colin's estranged family closer together.

“It’s really spring now.”

Spring has finally come to the mansion that has been frozen ever since Ellen was chased away.

The granddaughter, who flew into his arms like warm sunlight, smiled brightly.

“I want to eat a snack.”

The old woman who was gently stroking the cheek of Dorothea, whose eyes were sparkling, shook her head.

“Unfortunately, that will have to be postponed a bit.”


“Today, there is a guest in the parlor who came to see you.”

Dorothea blinked at the words spoken by a friendly voice.

A guest. Did she have any guests to visit her?

The maid next to her spoke carefully.

“His Highness the 7th Prince came early to meet the Young Lady. The Marquis is now welcoming him.”


The old woman's worried gaze followed Dorothea as she uttered a single word.

For a moment, Dorothea, who was bothered by the annoying human's visit, calmed down the old grandmother's worries with a smile.

“I guess His Royal Highness missed me. I’ll just show my face for a moment and then come back.”

She has to go and kick him out right away.

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