Chapter 99 < Respect For Our Bodies >

Only when Prince Alfonso was about 1/3 of the way from Taranto to San Carlo did he learn that the person in the obituary report sent by Cardinal de Mare was not Ariadne but her younger sister, Arabella. 

At the train station attached to the monastery, he met a monk who had officially received the news of the funeral. 

“Miss Arabella de Mare, under His Majesty Cardinal Simon de Mare, set out on a long journey under the guidance of the Heavenly God on the afternoon of February 1, 1123. We would like to inform you of this. Mortuary: Residence of Cardinal de Mare Memorial Mass: Sunrise on February 15, 1123, Basilica of San Ercole, Benedict Hall. " 

'Arabella, Arabella de Mare.'

Alfonso glanced over the deceased's name written in the obituary two or three times, fearing that he had misread it.

“Brother, is this the death of someone you know?”

As Prince Alfonso could not take his eyes off the obituary for a long time, the monk who showed him the obituary written on parchment cautiously asked. Alfonso handed the book back to the friar, clutching his trembling hands.

“No, no.”

Alfonso didn't say things like 'I'm so glad it was someone else who died', but he was internally thanking the Heavenly God. And he blamed himself for his selfishness.

“We have to hurry up so that our parish can pay tribute to the deceased at the mortuary before the memorial mass.”

The monk stared at the winter sky filled with snow and rain and muttered worriedly. The monk was on his way to pay condolences to the Diocese of San Carlo in the center on behalf of the Diocese of Salvitele in the south.

“Where are you going, brother? Taranto?”

Now that it was confirmed that it was not Ariadne's death, it was right for Prince Alfonso to return to Taranto.

"No. I’m going to San Carlo.”

Alfonso held the reins tightly.


“Alfonso...! How can you get here...!”

She saw Alfonso's face for the first time in almost 100 days. Ariadne almost burst into tears. A few tears formed in the corners of Alfonso's eyes when he saw her haggard and sad face. He stroked the area around her eyes that looked like she was about to cry with his thumb. A very warm body temperature touched her skin, breaking through the cold winter temperatures.

Ariadne felt Alfonso's cold fingers and came to her senses.

'This is not the time.'

She barely managed to control herself from crying as soon as she saw him and looked around. Ariadne could easily guess why Alfonso de Carlo, the so-called 'Golden Prince' of the Central Continent, had cut off contact with her. It must be because of the Kingdom of Gallico and the Archduchess of Gallico. He was in no position to come here now. 

Ariadne looked around and quickly led Alfonso to a small hall next to the main aisle. It was originally a room used as a family dining room connected to the kitchen.

“Let’s go in here. Many eyes are watching the Great Corridor.”

Alfonso obediently followed Ariadne in. They were alone in the small space with firewood burning in the fireplace.

“How did you get here!”

“I heard about your sister's death. May the souls of the deceased refrain."

Ariadne's eyes filled with tears again. Arabella was the family Ariadne was attached to and lived in this house. Alfonso, who was familiar with this fact through his exchange of letters with her, crossed himself. 

She had received countless mourners over the past eight days, but this was the first condolence that felt like it was for her. This time Ariadne could not hold back any longer and sobbed and said a silent prayer for her sister. They sat on the chairs in the restaurant and were silent for a long time. Alfonso was the first to break the silence. Among them, it was always Alfonso who spoke first.

"How are you feeling?"

Ariadne smiled empty-handed and answered.

“An innocent child died.”

Ariadne clutched the sleeve of her mourning robe.

“A child who really did not commit any crime. The Heavenly God does not take sinners, but only those who have not sinned. Good deeds are not rewarded and evil deeds are not punished.”

She swallowed the last words, 'I will punish evil deeds that are not followed by karma.' Firewood was crackling in the fireplace. The sound of a winter snowstorm could be heard outside the window. Even though Arabella is dead, the dawn rises and the sun sets. The dead left no traces and the living could not make a difference.

“Why on earth do we have to live? Alfonso, why do people live?”

It was a voice filled with deep regret and a sense of helplessness. Prince Alfonso looked at the green-eyed girl in surprise at the dryness that permeated her appearance. Her cheeks, as dry as firewood, were puffy. When he first met her in her last year, Ariadne had her girlishly plump cheeks. Now, her wrists, exposed beneath her thick, heavy black mourning robe, were so thin as to break. Alfonso sat down with Ariadne, closing the gap between him and her.

“Ari, it’s very difficult.”

Once she started crying, she couldn't control it. This time, the tears she had barely been holding back welled up. Tears flowed endlessly from Ariadne's eyes like clear spring water. She didn't cry once for a week, except right after she learned of Arabella's death. She was so busy dealing with various things that she had no time to cry. But now, when she heard Alfonso's kind voice, the sadness that had been building up came flooding back.

"That is...”

She whispered through her tears. A mixture of sighs, cries, and words came out.

“I just want it all to be over. When I close my eyes, I hope tomorrow never comes again...”

Hearing Ariadne's voice sobbing softly, Prince Alfonso couldn't stop himself and hugged her in his arms. The smell of the hood soaked in by the unfamiliar winter wind and the warm body temperature hit her at the same time. A cloak lined with sable fur on the inside covered Ariadne's eyes. She wailed, intoxicated by his warm body temperature and bittersweet body odor. 

All of her self-control was gone. Wearing the double protective gear of a fur cloak and Alfonso's arms, she cried loudly until she couldn't breathe, paying no attention to her voice or expression. Alfonso just held Ariadne in his arms and patted her back. His hands brushed her back to the beat of her sobs. Warm body temperature, comfortable weight, and communication between people. 

As Ariadne's crying subsided, Alfonso shared his thoughts in a low voice.

“I think like that sometimes too. Why do we live?”

Even if someone dies, time passes. As time passes, people eventually die. The end is ultimately decided. What utility is there in making up the intervening years mechanically?

“In the end, people die without living forever. Some people claim that one has a choice about death, but death is ultimately unavoidable in the sense that the end comes even to those who do not want to die. A choice is nothing more than being able to delay the moment of death.”

He was afraid that she would be the type of person who insisted on having a choice about death.

“Since you were born, live hard, be thankful for being alive, and enjoy the time as happily as possible. Even if life doesn’t go your way, don’t be disappointed, save your energy for disappointment, and try to go somewhere and find maximum happiness.”

After crying for a while, Ariadne stopped crying and pulled her head out from under his cloak. Alfonso wiped her tears with the hem of his cloak. Her front teeth, slightly exposed between her plump lips, looked like rabbits. He knew what not to do. There are lines in the world that, once crossed, can never be returned. However, even when they look back on the past in the future, there are times when they could not have acted differently. 

The moment when the world's options are narrowed down to one. Now was that moment. Alfonso could not stand it anymore and lowered his head and placed his lips on Ariadne's open lips.


Soft lips touched. An unfamiliar heat spread from the contact area to my cheeks, from her cheeks to the nape of her neck, and from there to her entire body. Ariadne opened her mouth in surprise, and Alfonso did not miss the opportunity. The first thing Alfonso found was a cute rabbit tooth. Contrary to the preconceived notion that Ariadne's white front teeth would be cold, they were as smooth as candy and as sweet as candy.


The woman, who was short of oxygen, let out a low moan. The man parted his lips halfway, giving her time to catch her breath, and then he swallowed between her parted lips again. One day, when he entered her room, the scent that remained deep in his mind sweetly stimulated Alfonso's sense of smell. He deeply sucked in the scent he craved but could not have, over and over again. The kiss of the man who crossed half of the country, pierced his gaze to see her, was persistent and fierce. She didn't avoid it either. 

Alfonso buried his hands deep in the hair on the back of her head, and Ariadne clung to Alfonso's neck, receiving the man's barrage of affection. The posture in which he held her in his arms was exactly the same as when he wiped away her tears with his purple ceremonial cloak at the Debutante Ball, but many things were different from then. 

The heat was different, the earnestness was different, and the futility of love that could not be reached overflowed. Unlike Alfonso's cloak that day, which was so pretty and beautiful, the cloak he wore today was covered in traces of pieces of ice that had stuck to it and then melted and turned into water, or traces of pieces of grass that had frozen in the winter. Only after enough time had passed for the soup to cool in the cold room did Alfonso slowly part his lips.



The contact was like a dream and there was nothing left after it was over. The only evidence of what had happened was a long strand of saliva, red swollen lips, and a rapidly rising body temperature. He looked into her deep dark green eyes. He hoped that hope would bloom within the despair that lay within her.

“Don’t even think about dying.”

Alfonso raised his hand and brushed away Ariadne's tangled hair. It was similar to how Ariadne had once touched Alfonso's hair below his ear at the fountain in the Queen's palace, but it was a more powerful and profound gesture. 

The girl's black hair, which had been tied up in a messy bun, flowed down like a waterfall.

“It’s a life courtesy. Courtesy of the heart, blood, and the body in which you live and breathe.”

And make an effort for me, for the man who loves you. 

Alfonso just whispered to himself. 

Do not die. I realized this time. I can't live in a world without you.

“If you are alive, good days will definitely come.”

Alfonso was also comforted by the scent of Ariadne, even though he had a hard time crossing the 280 Miglio (approximately 500 km) snow-covered road through the harsh winter winds. Even if the kingdom of Gallico threatens with conflict, even if he is on the verge of being sold to a woman he does not love, there will definitely be a good part of her life. He paused for a moment and then added words.

“I was really scared of losing you.”

Ariadne could only nod helplessly. Alfonso looked down at Ariadne, then tightened his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

“I thought you were dead.”

Alfonso counted the emotions he felt as he left Taranto and drove through the snow. He regretted coming first.

'Why couldn't I even tell her that I loved her?'

There were countless reasons. For the country, for the people, and for the protection of the throne. But ultimately, what he felt when he thought Ariadne was gone was a terribly heavy loss. He wasn't okay without her. 

Alfonso grew up learning that he must live by sacrificing himself for his country and people. But he realized as he worshiped her lips. Without this girl, he would be nothing but a shell. He was the kind of person who could not abandon his responsibilities and duties. Even now, he wouldn't hold her hand and run off into the fields. Instead, he had the unique optimism and determination of a young man that he could accomplish anything. 

Alfonso lowered his head and brushed his nose against her cheek, still held tightly in his arms.

“I’ll take care of everything and come back.”

There were more than ten ways in which Grand Duchess Lariesa behaved inappropriately as a civil partner. The regular army of the Etruscan Kingdom was disbanded and in shambles, but they had abundant gold, a rich land, and overflowing people. Even without Gallico's help, it would have been fine. He has to make it like that. 

Prince Alfonso, the future young King, secretly swore an oath to his future Queen before his eyes.

“Please wait a moment, Ari.”

Alfonso kissed Ariadne's cheek. Ariadne immediately understood what the Prince was talking about. She knew what would happen next. Can she really handle it all? 

Ariadne wanted to reveal the future to Alfonso, but it was impossible. For a moment, Ariadne shuddered as she remembered Giada's hands burning like ash. She didn't want to think about anything right now. She just wanted to believe Alfonso's assurance, that sweet promise. 

She looked up at Alfonso and nodded her head, and he kissed her lips once more. The lips that were put together again were not rough. The two young men exhaled heavily and shared the warmth once again, and Alfonso's hand, which was holding Ariadne in his arms, gradually rose like a salmon swimming up the water and touched the edge of the front of her dress.


No one knows if it was touched by mistake or if he moved with intention. But the first thing that came to Ariadne's mind was the actions of her ex-fiancé. Without even considering the possibility that it might be his mistake, she reflexively straightened her posture in shock.

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