Chapter 97 < Promise Of Revenge >

Ariadne gently placed Arabella's fingernail-marked hand back in place. She crossed her two fern hands neatly and stroked Arabella's cheek once more. It felt different from how it felt when she was alive, but it was a cheek she would never touch again. 

And Ariadne stood on the platform and turned her body around. A burning anger burned in her eyes.

“What happened before this child died?”

The first person Ariadne asked a question about was the maid who was politely serving the household. This is because she was the maid who first discovered Arabella.

“It was a little noisy, but boom! I heard a noise and went out to find Lady Arabella on the floor...”

Ariadne sneered coldly. Is it possible for a person to fall alone?

“Didn’t she fight with Lady Isabella right before she fell?”

Isabella was startled, and right after that, Lucrezia and Isabella exchanged surprised looks.

'How did that girl know?'

‘You were out and just came home! Who had a bird to listen to? No, were there witnesses in the first place?'

Ariadne saw the mother and daughter, Lucrezia and Isabella, exchanging glances, and without hesitation, she came down from the stage and approached Isabella with strides. Then she slapped Isabella on the cheek. 


Isabella's head jerked to the right as she was hit without defense. She held her left cheek, cast a resentful look at Ariadne, and let out a fierce scream.

"What are you doing!"

Ariadne screamed without even moving.

“Are you still human?”

“What are you talking about?!”

“You pushed Arabella!”


Arabella struggled with Isabella, lost her balance, and fell. Ariadne believed that her actions against Arabella were nothing short of murder. But Isabella said she thought what she had done was a perfect crime.

“What nonsense are you talking about! What did I do! How could you make such a terrible slander?!”

But Ariadne was not shaken at all. She snorted and scolded Isabella, who was not as good as she was.

"You! If you have eyes, look straight!”

Ariadne grabbed Isabella by force and dragged her forward. Isabella didn't want to go, so she struggled, but she couldn't overcome the angry Ariadne's grip, which seemed to have her own super strength. 

The place where Ariadne dragged Isabella was in front of the coffin where Arabella was lying. Ariadne lifted Arabella's hand and placed it in front of Isabella's eyes. She could see fingernail marks from a recent injury.

“Who else in this house but you would dare make claw marks on Arabella?”

Ariadne put her face right in front of Isabella's face and growled.

“You were fighting with Arabella and you pushed her away when she made a mistake. But then the child falls while playing alone? A terrible frame-up? Even this beast couldn’t do it!”

Isabella couldn't agree to a single thing. If she got pushed out here, it was the end.

“I pushed her? Did you see it?”

I saw. But I couldn't say I saw it. 

Isabella took advantage of Ariadne's moment of silence and made her move.

“Do you have any proof? Do you have any proof?”

Ariadne responded harshly to Isabella's hostile response.

“Arabella’s body is the proof!”

“Those are just fingernail marks!”

Isabella was not pushed back even an inch.

“Yes, it is true that I had a bit of a fight with Arabella in the morning. That's when the fingernail marks appeared. But the place where we fought was my room! I didn’t even go near the stairs!”

It was indeed Isabella. She was defending herself by cleverly mixing truth and lies. The words Isabella said were the kind of things that could not be proven false at this point. There were no witnesses, and the dead man said nothing.

“Ariadne! I don’t know how much you hate me, but how could you make such a terrible slander just because we don’t have a good friendship?”

Isabella changed her stance, turned her upper body to Cardinal de Mare, and made a pitiful appeal to her father.

“Father, Arabella is my biological sister. I have never done anything like this to deserve to be called a murderer!”

Cardinal de Mare sighed. Isabella turned to Ariadne again and asked earnestly: Her amethyst-colored eyes sparkled.

“Aria, do you hate me that much?”

"Aria? It’s not that kind of problem, you rotten...”

The moment Ariadne was so angry at the hateful Isabella that she raised her right hand in the air and was about to say something, Cardinal de Mare came forward.

“Ariadne. Go there.”

Ariadne turned to look at the cardinal. The cardinal spoke in a somber voice.

“I understand that you are very upset about Arabella. But Arabella and Isabella are family, just like you. It’s not like you to go crazy and say that Isabella killed Arabella with that little evidence.”

Ariadne gritted her teeth. What the Cardinal said was correct. She was Ariadne and she was always an obedient daughter. Before she returned, she took things for granted, and even after her return, she obediently followed her father's words while outwardly wearing a mask of rationality and reason. But the result was this.

“If it’s family, you have to protect it like family!”

Ariadne glared harshly at the Cardinal and raised her voice.

“What is me, father? It's okay, no problem. Turning over the bend and bending? To yield whatever happened and understand if it's good?"

She poured out rapid fire.

“What is the result! And then Arabella died!”

“It was an unfortunate accident!”

Cardinal de Mare finally couldn't stand it anymore and raised his voice.

“There is no evidence!”

“Aren’t you trying to avoid seeing the evidence, father?”

Cardinal de Mare finally revealed his true feelings.

“The youngest is already dead, and the older daughter, whom you are pushing now, is alive! How far will we go as a family!”

"Come one!"

Ariadne snorted and laughed at Cardinal de Mare.

“In this situation, are you not trying to distinguish between right and wrong, but are you measuring the shock waves that will go to the proud ‘fe Mare family’? The youngest daughter is already dead, so she can’t be brought back to life, but if word gets out that the eldest daughter killed her youngest, you’ll lose your eldest daughter too!”

Cardinal de Mare did not reply. No, he couldn't. He had hit the nail on the head. At this time, Lucrezia intervened.

“I guess that was my command.”

A trace of anger appeared on Ariadne's lips. She clearly ‘saw’. Arabella's vision blurred, the last words she heard.

You stood up to my sister and you earned your own money.”

“On a day when I’m not good at anything, all you do is cause accidents! Really, why did I give birth to you? I’m really upset!

“Even if it wasn’t for you, my life would be better than this! Better than this!”

Arabella has done nothing wrong to deserve any of those horrible rants. Lucrezia never fulfilled her role as a parent to protect and educate her children. The last things Arabella saw and heard should never have been those stories. Ariadne couldn't hold back any longer and exploded.


She pounced on Lucrezia. Ariadne pounced like a beam of light and grabbed Lucrezia by the collar with her thorn-thin forearm. Ariadne howled like an animal.

“You are the mother! You are a person! Where in the world is there fate? Where in the world can there be such a shitty fate! Is life just about following what is set out for you? Nonsense! I will never understand!”

Ariadne clung to Lucrezia and cried out bitterly.

“Arabella’s fate is definitely not like mine! It's not like she's destined to die at the age of ten! No, even if that were the case, if she were born unluckily, should you just live ‘within your means’ and then die? No matter how hard you try, there is something that doesn't change no matter how hard you work! I can't tolerate it!! I’m going to change everything!!”

Cardinal de Mare winked at Deacon Nicolo. He told them to bring servants and take care of Ariadne. 


While Ariadne's cries were the only thing filling the great gallery, three or four servants approached. Ariadne, noticing the sign, threw away the hand holding Lucrezia and strode right in front of the cardinal.

"Father. I can see everything. Right now your second daughter is out of control, and you're wondering if you can trust that second daughter.”

She made eye-to-eye contact and glared straight at her father.

“If you think that the second child who gets angry at the oldest child is more out of control than the first child who killed the youngest child, then you are making a serious mistake in judging the situation. Please think carefully about who to bet on.”

Ariadne caught a cold glimpse of her butler Nicolo and his servants, who were approaching without knowing what to do, as they had been commanded.

“Don’t come any closer. I walked on my feet.”

Ariadne turned her head and declared to the remaining family members.

“Even if there is blood on my hands, even if I end up in hell, those who touch Arabella will end up in hell. I don’t care what happens in return!”

She looked at Isabella and Lucrezia in turn with burning eyes.

“Get ready to pay for your sins!”

Ariadne stamped her feet and left the great gallery.

Cardinal de Marre could only shake his head at the sight of his family being in such a mess. 


Cardinal de Mare thought that his second daughter's declaration that 'those who touched Arabella will be thrown into hell' meant that she would accurately determine the cause of Arabella's death and clearly determine right from wrong. 

However, the Cardinal only understood a half-rational world. There was no need for proof for Ariadne, who had crossed over time. The Golden Rule showed her the truth. It was all calculated how much she had to accept. All that remained was the execution of the blood price. 

Ariadne entered her room and muttered to Sancha, who followed her in, her face burning with anger.

“Sancha, if you want to see the face of Maleta, your own flesh and blood, see it in advance.”

Sancha asked cautiously.

“Miss, why is Maleta suddenly doing this?”

“I will have to pay for Arabella’s life. It explodes from there. Maleta, or rather Ippolito, is a crack and a weak link, and if Lucrezia’s karma explodes, it will explode from the evil she committed because of Ippolito.”

Ariadne clutched the blanket until her hands bled.

“Blood and flesh will explode. A feast of slaughter is held.”

"Do you know the story of the Porto merchant? You pound of boneless beef. If only flesh can be taken, it is a legitimate debt collection, but if even a drop of blood is shed, it is a new crime. You can't take everything you have to take. Live a good life even if you lose.”

Ariadne shook her head, recalling the gypsy woman's words.

'Even if I end up in hell, I'll take everything I can get! A lost soul who succeeds in taking revenge with a lot of gold coins is a hundred times better than a foolish soul who enters heaven by being obedient and good!'

After vowing revenge, what came over her was a sense of loss. Even if she rips Lucrezia and Isabella alive and drinks their blood, Arabella will not come back. 

Arabella’s laughter, Arabella’s small hands, Arabella’s stubbornness, Arabella’s body temperature. And the strongest feeling that remained was guilt.

'Because of me. To bring me an iron clamp. What the hell is wrong with me...'

The thoughts continued one after another. If she had been a little more determined, this wouldn't have happened...! If they had gone out of their way to poison Lucrezia and put Isabella in a convent forever, Arabella would still be alive...! 

February 1, 1023. The day Arabella died. She lived about nine months less than her original age.

'If I hadn't regressed, would Arabella have been able to live happily for nine months..

Even though she went as far as regressing, she couldn't change the lives of her loved ones for the better. No, on the contrary, it did harm. Ariadne was so helpless for a long time that she locked herself in her room and cried until her strength ran out.

‘Is it really possible to change something called fate??'

Every time she felt like giving up, Ariadne thought about the future she had changed. Sancha, who should have been dead by now, was next to her, and Gian Galeazzo, who had committed evil deeds for another 10 years, was nowhere to be seen.

'I can do it.'

She reflected on her promise. She can. She had to do it. She would grieve until today and work tomorrow. Lucrezia and Isabella will pay for their sins. Soon.

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