Chapter 81 < The Astrologer's Intention >

Ariadne closed the curtain and spoke to Sancha.

“‘Miss Rossi’ goes out often.”

Sancha, who was organizing her desk, nodded to Ariadne's words.

“Madam Lucrezia rarely goes out.”

To be precise, it was not ‘in’ but ‘out’. Lucrezia had no connections in the capital's social circles. There were no people to invite her, no women to call her home. It was just a regular grand mass, a small outing related to San Ercole Cathedral, or a visit to the store to buy her things. Going out twice in one week with an unclear destination was completely uncharacteristic of Lucrezia

“Is it windy?”

Ariadne also burst out laughing at Sancha's words. It was the first big laugh she had seen since Prince Alfonso left for Taranto without leaving a letter.

“You don’t have any money, but now you come here and ask for help.”

“Why, it could be true love found late.”

Ariadne, who had been giving and receiving tea and nonsense, was disgusted by her situation. It was unbecoming of Ariadne, who was always full of patience.

“At times like this, it would be nice to have a servant to follow you around.”

When she was under Cesare's wing as the Prince Regent's fiancé, all she had to do was borrow Cesare's people. For her, being someone's woman meant borrowing his prestige. It's a sweet refuge.

"I know, right. If only I had an excuse to use servants legally...!”

However, if you do not have teeth, you can chew with your gums. Ariadne told Sancha of another plan.

“Please find out who the knight who took Lady Lucrezia out today is.”

Sancha understood the owner's intentions with just one word.

"Ah! There was a way!”

Ariadne smiled and nodded. They planned to find out their destination by giving a small favor to the coachman accompanying Lucrezia. 

Gold can open even the mouths of dead people. 


When Lucrezia returned to the single-family house rented by the astrologer, the gypsy woman ran out to the front door with a smile on her face. 

Lucrezia was a big fish. The gypsy woman could not miss Lucrezia, or to be more precise, she could not miss the 'heart of the blue deep sea'. 

Countess Rubina promised to give the gypsy woman 100 if he brought her the 'Heart of the Blue Deep Sea'. It was a lump sum payment in gold. Countess Rubina kept her promises regarding money and rewards as well as her sword.

'If I succeed in just this one thing, my situation will be fixed!'

The gypsy woman had prepared perfectly in advance. She even spent a lot of money in advance to prepare a counterfeit product to replace when Lucrezia brought back the 'Heart of the Blue Deep Sea'. She was just waiting anxiously to see when Lucrezia would return.

"Ma'am! You've succeeded. Please come inside. Where is the damn thing?”

Lucrezia, feeling burdened by the gypsy woman's glaring gaze, tilted her head to the side and answered.

“That’s... There were some circumstances.”

The gypsy woman, who brought Lucrezia and the maid into the room and listened to their 'explanation of the situation', was so enraged that she almost threw the tarot.

"I beg your pardon? You said you didn’t bring the necklace?”

“I couldn’t help it, that girl was so meticulous...”

Lucrezia made excuses for why she couldn't bring the necklace, and Giada, sitting next to Lucrezia, pretended that it was none of her fault. She had an attitude as if she was listening to someone else's story. The gypsy woman wanted to punch that pathetic duo. Thinking about the gold coins that went into making a replica of the 'Heart of the Blue Deep' made her crazy and excited.

“...So, is it possible to have a purification ritual even if there is no physical object?”

The frustrated gypsy woman's ears opened brightly. A ‘purification ritual’! The story of the purification ritual that the customer brought up first was like a sign of protection. Even if she couldn't bring the necklace, it was an opportunity to recoup the cost.

“...It’s not easy if you don’t have the real thing…”

She deliberately dragged her horse's tail slowly and pulled her body back. Even though she couldn't get the necklace, she was Lucrezia and came all the way back. It was clear that there were still a lot of regrets left. She felt like a little bounce would work.

“A lot of ingredients go into it, a lot of sincerity goes into it... Can you do it?”

“Is the effect the same?”

The gypsy woman closed her mouth, which wanted to mutter, "What a foolish woman," but instead smiled a charming eye smile.

“It is a prayer that goes to the gods of heaven and earth and reaches them. It may be difficult to reach, but once you reach it, the effect is very effective! It’s the same.”

Lucrezia breathed a sigh of relief.

“I will do anything. If this succeeds, will my daughter be released from probation and the Cardinal relent?”

“Is that all? The blue blood will fall in love with your eldest daughter at first sight and make her the noblest woman in the Etruscans.”

It's a lie that's been said for a long time. What if the scale was a little bigger? Moreover, her own prophecy that Isabella would become the King's woman was true. She felt the same way when she saw the fate of Countess Rubina. Isabella's fate, as seen by the gypsy woman, burned even stronger than that of Countess Rubina.

“The biggest problem is that the energy of Madam and the eldest daughter is opposite to that of the younger daughter. Unleash the power of precious gems through a purification ritual! If you drop it, everything will calm down and everything will go back to how it was before.”

She narrowed her eyes and looked at Lucrezia.

“Shouldn’t we restore the honor of our eldest daughter, who suffered a bad name, and bring back the glory that was rightfully hers?”

The gypsy woman had already done some research on the Cardinal de Mare family before preparing this plate. Now, rumors were rife in social circles that Cardinal de Mare's eldest daughter was the mistress of the Marquis de Campa. A mother who loves her daughter will not be able to resist the temptation of purification rituals.

“It’s not a mother’s attitude to give up even though there is something you can do.”

Indeed, to Lucrezia's ears, this story sounded like a story that Isabella would somehow be able to marry Prince Alfonso as long as she performed a purification ceremony. And anxiety filled Lucrezia's mind that if she did not perform the purification ritual, Ariadne would take Isabella's place. Lucrezia took the gypsy woman's hand.

“Let’s do it.”

But this time it was the gypsy woman's turn to bounce. She took a step back, looking at Lucrezia suspiciously.

“Can you do it?”

“I will do anything.”

“The blood of a dead frog, the inner altar of a poisonous snake, myrrh brought in from the Moorish Empire, and frankincense from Jesak. Gold melted like lead. And the price the shaman must pay.”

The gypsy woman stared at Lucrezia.

“Materials are precious, and people who can do it are even more precious. I must offer ‘Casality’ in return for this purification ritual.”

She held out two fingers.

“200 Ducato. Anything below that is impossible.”

Lucrezia opened her mouth wide. 


In the carriage on the way home, Giada spoke carefully to Lucrezia.

"Lady. I guess 200 Ducato wouldn’t be too much.”

Lucrezia looked at her and added.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been unable to send money to Taranto. Is there any extra money left in the household account book now?”

Actually, there was. They say that even if a rich person goes bankrupt, they last for three generations, and it has been over 20 years since Lucrezia took full control of Cardinal de Mare's household account book and managed it. She had some lump sum money saved up both inside and outside the house. However, since there was no promise to build it up again, it was not easy to touch it. Lucrezia was furious at Giada, who had followed her from the Rossi family and knew everything about her situation.

“You are right, the money you send to Taranto is melting money. Am I wrong?”

The Rossi family, who received the living expenses sent by Lucrezia, spent it extravagantly. Cardinal de Mare suspected 20 ducato per month, but in fact, the money Lucrezia sent to her family was more than 30 ducato per month. 

If they received 30 to 35 ducato every month, they would have saved and invested it, but the Rossi did nothing. If they had bought land and started farming with the money Lucrezia sent them, they could have been called a smallholder, not to mention living expenses. Instead, they leaked out as alcohol, silk, and gambling money.

“Oh, Ma’am, but you can’t not send it..."

Giada's mother worked for the Rossi family. It was clear that Giada would also be in trouble if the Rossi family went bankrupt. But on a more fundamental level, Giada could not advise Lucrezia to ignore the Rossis of Taranto. What Giada had was the belief that if she ignored her parents, she would be in big trouble and that even if she did not receive anything from her parents, she had to do everything for her brother to be a proper human being. And that belief was something Lucrezia also shared.

“You are right, you are right. But just wait until this month.”

The gypsy woman placed a note on the back of Lucrezia's head as she left.

"Two weeks! In two weeks, the 'Ophiuchus' constellation will close and move on to 'Sagittarius'! This ritual can only be performed while the dark constellations are in the sky, and the door will be closed once we move on to the normal zodiac era!”

Since there was a preparation period of about a week before the purification ceremony could actually be performed, the money had to be raised within a week. In the meantime, she had accumulated about 60 ducato of money that she could not send to Taranto because she was worried about Cardinal de Mare and Ariadne, so it was worth doing something if she could save 140 Ducato.

“If this goes well, we can go back to the way it was before! You say my daughter is going to be Queen, huh?”

Between duty and greed, it was greed that won. Now Lucrezia was feeling the greatest pressure she had felt in nearly 10 years. Isabella was Lucrezia's pride and treasure. All her life, she had looked forward to the day when her daughter would proudly become the loyal wife of a nobleman and relieve her mother of her lifelong resentment. 

But she doubted whether any man would want her as his permanent wife in the future. She is beautiful, but an illegitimate child with a fatal blemish on her reputation. Anyone can see that Lucrezia is a mistress.

"No... I can’t let Isabella live like me!”

If Isabella goes to a man of low status, she might be able to become a mistress. But she hated that more than dying. Meanwhile, a royal companion...! 

This had to be done. She came here and there to retrieve the money she had left with her business partners, and Lucrezia went out three or four more times to look for the hidden money. Among them was the Ragione dressmaker. Lucrezia's movements came to Ariadne's ears through the old coachman who accompanied her on most of her outings, and the young coachman Giuseppe who accompanied her on one or two outings. 

The old coachman's tip came through gold, but the young coachman Giuseppe's tip came through the world of beauty.

“Are you talented?”

Ariadne smiled and teased Sancha.

“Miss, what are you saying!”

Sancha got angry, her freckled face turning red. Sancha's skin was usually very pale. Now, Sancha's skin and hair were the same color.

“It’s not like that!”

“Why, I can see that you really like it.”

Giuseppe, in his late teens, was a quiet and reliable apprentice coachman. He was a young man who diligently learned his trade at the stable. Ariadne gave Giuseppe some money and planned to ask him a question. However, as soon as she sent down the mountain cart and gave Giuseppe a chance, Giuseppe immediately turned bright red, right down to the roots of his ears. And she told Sancha everything Ariadne wanted to hear.

“I asked Giuseppe if he liked to talk, and he said no!”

Sancha declared that Giuseppe was a young man with a reputation for being quiet, loud-mouthed, and trustworthy.

“Men don’t do that much unless they’re in love with you!”

"I don't know! No, miss, I hate him!”

“Don’t you have feelings too? You say he is ‘quiet and reliable’!”

“I said he was quiet and trustworthy?!”

“That’s it.”

"I don't know! No!"

Ariadne decided to stop teasing Sancha. According to the testimony obtained thanks to Sancha, Lucrezia mainly saved money by visiting stores. He also said that at the Ragione dressmaker, she took the 30 ducato in advance that she was supposed to receive as a kickback.

'Where can Lucrezia spend her money now?'

There was money that had to be sent to Taranto. But the amount was too large for that. Moreover, the money to be sent to Taranto was money that Lucrezia could have covered from within the house in the first place. There was no need to raise the money hidden outside like this.

'It looks like there's a place where you need to spend a large sum of money.'

The answer to Ariadne's questions came quickly.


A shout rang out that shook Cardinal de Mare's residence. And then the butler Niccolò hurriedly ran up to Ariadne, who was spending time with Arabella in the girls' drawing room, and whispered to her.

“Second Lady, His Holiness the Cardinal, please come up to your room quickly. Right now!”

"Yes? Sancha, get ready.”

"That is... Miss. Don't bring anyone with you and come on your own...”

Ariadne's left eyebrow rose.

“To my room?”

Why are you calling my room and not your study? Why are you telling me not to even bring a maid with me? 

Butler Niccolo, who saw Ariadne's face filled with doubt, nodded his head in the affirmative.

“Yes, the Second Lady’s room is correct.”

There was a reason why Cardinal de Mare sang only Ariadne. A sweet and sticky smell was present in the hallway leading up to the second floor, following the guidance of butler Nicolo. The black liquid was dotted on the dark brown oak floor. The tail of the liquid extended all the way inside Ariadne's quarters. The view of the black liquid was visible only after entering Ariadne's quarters. 

The liquid was blood. There was a black pentagram on the ivory carpet in Ariadne's living quarters. Pentagram painted in black, blackened blood with a terrible smell. At the top of each star were frankincense and myrrh burning on a burner. It was a trace of black magic that was obvious to anyone who saw it. And in the middle of the pentagram, Ariadne's treasury was located. It was the very same safe that contained the ‘Heart of the Blue Deep Sea’. Next to the vault, Lucrezia, who had been severely slapped on the cheek by Cardinal de Mare, was lying lying around.

“What kind of person are you...!”

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