TCORIYH - Chapter 77

Judith asked next.

“What subject did you enjoy the most?”

“It was interesting to learn about the cultural history of the continent. It's about how Delacca's industry and academics developed... I also had a lot to learn about trade.”

Because he originally had a strong academic inclination, studying was not difficult for him. Above all else, he was a person worthy of attention from scholars because he was quick at understanding. If he had not been in a position to return to Rotair, he could have stayed at the academy and continued his studies.

“I’m glad more than anything that you found it rewarding and enjoyable.”

Judith believed that Franz's skills would be on par with others, but she did not rule out the possibility that he would not be able to overcome the psychological burden and return midway. Even if something like that happened, she persuaded the King with earnest words several times to ensure that Franz could ascend to the position of Crown Prince without much trouble.

King Jedercayer never gave a definite answer to Judith's persuasion, but he did not consider Krald, who roamed the palace like a madman, to be a Crown Prince.

Perhaps even more desperately than Judith, the person who wanted Franz's success was the King. He was waiting more than anyone else to be able to place the Crown Prince's crown on Franz's head. And when Franz returned home, Judith read confidence in the King's eyes.

“His Majesty also had very high expectations. He was always happy when he received your letters.”

“It wasn’t my strength to stand at the starting point, so I just tried to live up to expectations.”

As he said that, Franz looked at Judith with a clearer gaze than ever. That gaze could mean nothing other than one thing. He tried to live up to expectations, and it was obvious without even asking whose expectations those were.

Judith suddenly felt like she was about to cry. It was a wave of emotion she had never expected. She couldn't believe that Franz had worked so hard for her, but at the same time, she was happy.

Judith quickly lowered her head, wrinkled the tip of her red nose, and smiled deliberately to suppress her tears.


Judith is glad Franz says that. That's what she was going to say. But for some reason, her mouth seemed stuck and wouldn't open easily. Instead, another word lingered on the tip of her tongue and then slowly popped out of her lips.

“...I waited for your return.”

Judith quickly recited as if she was making some kind of great confession and then slightly raised her gaze. Franz's cheeks were noticeably red as he stared straight ahead. When Judith saw this, the corners of Judith's mouth twitched. The palms she was still holding together felt itchy for some reason.


Among the nobles of Rotair, those who held official positions in the royal palace gathered together for meetings on a regular basis. In principle, even the lowest officials were to participate, including the King, the King's advisors, the Duke of Vergy, the Minister of Finance, and the Chairman of the Privy Council.

The agenda of the meeting varied depending on the period, but this time the focus was on diplomacy and trade centered on the imperial delegation, and preparations for the upcoming international founding. The Minister of Finance requested the King's approval, citing the finances to be consumed for the founding ceremony, and the heads of the families mainly responsible for trade with the empire wanted an opportunity to have a personal audience with the delegation.

King Jedercayer carefully listened to all the agenda items and processed them one by one. His only concern was his poor health, and his ruling ability was highly evaluated even in neighboring countries. Even while neighboring countries were troubled by conflicts large and small, he was maintaining a good balance and maintaining peace in the country.

“It is said that the situation in the Duchy of Catania has become more serious, Your Majesty. After the death of the previous Grand Duke, the eldest son succeeded him, but died suddenly shortly afterwards. Speculations about this are rampant, and the entire duchy is in chaos.”

“It is unusual for the southern emirates to be closely watching the situation in Catania. For now, the Grand Duchy of Melgan is blocking their movements under the pretext of territory, but it seems like it will only be a matter of time before it escalates into war.”

Catania and the Grand Duchy of Melgan were two countries located in the southern part of Rotair. Below it, several tribal nations and emirates were scattered, and as the internal situation of the Principality of Catania began to turn chaotic, the balance of power in the south was significantly disrupted.

Rotair had been in an alliance with Catania for a long time, but exchanges were cut off after a minor dispute arose between the previous King and the Grand Duke of Catania. However, as the fight between his half-brothers intensified, the current Grand Duke, who judged that it would be difficult to preserve his position, was showing signs of requesting allies from Rotair.

King Jedercayer pondered this issue for more than a year. For now, he was just keeping an eye on the situation, but if war really broke out, Rotair was also in a position where they would have to choose their stance. There were clear benefits to be gained by participating in the war, so the King could not just sit back and do nothing.

“Let’s discuss that issue some more time. After the founding ceremony is over, have a messenger secretly dispatched to Melgan. The game will change greatly depending on whether they stand by or actively protect Catania.”

"Well, Your Majesty."


The Foreign Minister carefully lowered his voice. It seemed like he was watching something. The King said.


“This is a story about the Kingdom of Tien, Your Highness.”

The expressions of the King and the Duke of Vergy suddenly hardened. Tien was Judith's homeland, but at the same time, it became the bane of Rotair.

Eland, the current king of Tien, had no military knowledge or plausible strategies but was keen to start a war by attacking other countries whenever he had the opportunity. Some people mocked him and said he was like a moth jumping into a fire, but he could not stop his pathetic behavior even as the foundation of the country was shaking.

“It is said that the King of Tien has deployed troops to the border area with the Kingdom of Anne-Granard. It is certain that this was an intentional provocation, so there is a possibility that a war will break out between the two countries before it occurs in the south.”

“I don’t know what the King of Tien plans to do. Didn’t he ask for extravagant aid last time?”

It was for that reason that Tien's problem came to Rotair's conference table. Eland cited the fact that his sister was the Crown Princess of Rotair and argued that they had naturally become allies through her marriage. Therefore, they argued that if Tien went to war, Rotair should also provide military and material support.

Of course, Rotair did not listen to Eland's words. Additionally, the King strictly controlled the mouths of the nobles to prevent such matters from reaching Judith's ears. After being rejected several times, Elan seemed to be a little quiet, but then he started causing trouble again.

The King said.

“Watch the situation for the time being, and if news comes that a delegation will be sent from Tien, tell them that a meeting with them will not be possible for the time being. Discussions with the imperial delegation are getting longer.”

The Foreign Minister nodded. As the important agenda seemed to be almost over, the Duke of Vergy, who was observing the time, spoke.

“And Your Majesty, since His Highness Franz has returned home, it is time to prepare for the wedding ceremony.”

The atmosphere was tense due to negative discussions about Tien, but the Duke could not miss this opportunity. As soon as the founding of the nation begins, they will be preoccupied with issues related to it, and the summer will pass by forever.

If they start preparing for the ceremony in the fall, it will naturally be delayed, but there was a custom in Rotair to avoid getting married in the middle of winter as much as possible. So, if they were not careful, Franz and Judith's wedding might not be held until next spring.

“Even if the scale is not large, it is a national wedding, so we must prepare everything. We must send letters at home and abroad, inviting guests and letting them know that the wedding of His Highness the Prince is a very important event.”

Some people looked uncomfortable at the Duke of Vergy's words. They were mainly people from the side of Queen Gilsis, and they realized that the Duke of Vergy was trying to use the wedding as an excuse to imprint Franz as a Crown Prince.

However, since the King nodded, they could not openly express their opposition. They were also well aware of the fact that, unlike before, many of the nobles who participated in the meeting had turned away from Krald and the Queen. They themselves were torn over whether they should trust Queen Gilsis more or not, and they did not have the loyalty to stand up for her son, Krald.

“I also had some thoughts on the matter. I would like to start preparations as soon as the founding ceremony is over and hold the ceremony before winter comes. What do you think?”

“I think it would be best to do as the Duke says. Aren't the birthdays of Franz and Judith coincidentally also in the winter? It would be a good idea to have their wedding in late fall or early winter and then have the two of them go on a trip to celebrate their birthday.”

“His Highness Franz will not be away for long. But as long as it's not too far away...”

The rumbling sounds grew louder. The King raised one hand.

“First of all, preparing for the wedding ceremony should come first. Let the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Protocol discuss together and decide on the basics.”

"Well. I will follow Your Majesty’s orders wholeheartedly.”

When the King gestured that it was okay to leave now, the nobles stood up one by one. Eventually, the last person left the room, but the Duke of Vergy was the only one who sat in his place without moving a muscle.

The servant brought cold brewed green tea. It was a tea with a strong floral scent, but it actually tasted refreshing when you drank it. The King lifted his teacup and slowly quenched his thirst, then glanced sideways at the Duke of Vergy.

“Why are you still here?”

“Why am I here, Your Majesty?”

The Duke grinned as if he were trembling. At the rather sly response, the King burst out laughing as if he couldn't help it and put down the teacup.

“You probably have something to tell me. That’s something other people shouldn’t hear.”

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