TCORIYH - Chapter 60

Even though Krald had a mistress or a lover as he pleased, he was anxious because he couldn't get into an argument with Flavia. It was not even a secret among thr maids who served Flavia that they would criticize and hate her and even stab her when she responded in a clumsy manner, and when she obeyed obediently.

“It looks like it’s scratched somewhere, right?”

Judith, unable to see Flavia feeling embarrassed and not knowing what to do, struck her. She rolled up her lace-flowing sleeves to show the inside of her elbow.

“Not long ago, I was trying to put down a vase and got scratched by the corner of the table. I applied the medicine Mary Anne made and the wound healed quickly. If it's okay, would you like to go to the Argent Palace for a while? I’ll give you some medicine.”

Argent Palace was the name of the palace where Judith stayed. It was originally a detached palace with no special name, but last fall, when the ceiling of the entrance and exit was repaired and new silver decorations were installed, it was the name given by the King himself.

However, Flavia had a gloomy expression, frowned as if she was about to smile, and shook her head. She said.

“I can’t inconvenience Your Highness...”

“Why are you saying that? And Flavia, you are a Princess just like me. It’s okay if you just call me Judith.”

“Well, I can’t do that. I am... I, so...”

Flavia's thin lips were tightly closed. She never once thought of herself as a Princess in the same position as Judith.

Isn't that so? 

Although Judith did not say anything, she believed that she would never view Flavia herself in the same way. It wasn't just because of the differences in positions between Franz and Krald. Judith has the King's trust and favor, but what about Flavia herself?

Isn't she a being who is not recognized by anyone, is not loved by anyone, and even looks at her with disdain, even by her husband, Krald?

Whenever things became miserable, Flavia would imagine what kind of person Judith's husband, Franz, would be.

Before becoming Princess, she heard rumors that Prince Franz was a pitiful person. He was hated by Queen Gilsis and had to endure a miserable situation from a young age. There were times when she wished she had been his wife.

In Flavia's opinion, Judith was a person who lacked nothing. When she was newly married, she said that she had had a difficult time, but it was difficult for her to believe that.

Could such a person love someone like Franz? Or could Franz love someone like Judith? 

When she thought about how their relationship could never be smooth, her heart calmed down a little. Even though she knew it was a cruel and pitiful thing to do to Judith, she could endure it only by consoling herself with such thoughts.


Flavia turned her head to avoid Judith's gaze, which was looking at her intently. When she looked into those pale blue eyes, she felt like everything inside her was being exposed, even though she knew it couldn't be so. She was uncomfortable, scared, and at the same time unpleasant.


Judith said.

“If you need medicine, come to me. Whenever."

She just said that, but Flavia flinched as if she had been stabbed by something sharp and ran away.

The hem of the olive-colored dress that Flavia was wearing swayed gently through the side path on one side of the garden and was soon out of sight. Even so, Judith stood there for a while as if she were stuck in that position. It was a complicated feeling.


The Duke of Vergy, who was slowly sipping tea with a sweet caramel scent, looked around with an expression that seemed quite new.

Although it doesn't have a luxurious feel, it is a classy yet charming drawing room. The tapestry decorations and grayish blue carpets hanging here and there gave a mature feel compared to the owner's age, but the walls covered in light mint-colored lanterns and the rose-shaped chandelier refreshed the otherwise heavy atmosphere.

Argent Palace, where Judith stays, is the most beautifully decorated of the many villas in the Royal Palace of Rotair. It was a remarkable change, considering that when she first arrived here, she gave off an empty feeling without any decorations suitable for a seventeen-year-old girl.

“Have you been waiting long?”

The Duke raised his head at the sound of a voice coming from the entrance. Judith, wearing a light peach-colored dress, was walking in with an apologetic smile.

“I heard you were going out, but I’m sorry for coming by unexpectedly.”

Judith's smile became clearer at the Duke's words. As soon as she sat down facing him, the Duke of Vergy's face flashed with a contented expression similar to that of King Jedercayer.

“Why are you doing this, Duke?”

“It always makes my heart happy to see that Your Highness has grown so noticeably.”

“Your Majesty often says that. Have I grown that much?”

“Can’t you feel it yourself?”

After a moment of silence, Judith twitched the corners of her mouth in a rare mischievous manner.

“No one knows better than me how much I have changed.”

The words contained more meaning than they sounded, but it was something the Duke could not understand.

The Duke, who had been chatting with Judith for a moment about nothing special, put down his teacup and got to the point.

“As you know, His Highness Franz will soon return to the royal palace. My secretary Heimrad told me that the imperial ship already arrived at the port two days ago.”

Although Judith had guessed that the Duke would say such a thing, when she heard Franz's name, Judith felt her heart sink and slowly become agitated. The Duke continued.

“It will take about three or four days by carriage to reach the capital. There are a lot of people, so it might take another day or so.”

“You mean there are a lot of people?”

“Didn’t you know? It is said that the Emperor of the Delacca Empire sent an envoy to accompany Franz on his return home and to discuss the relationship between the two countries.”

Judith had already known about Franz's return, but this was the first time she had heard of the delegation accompanying him. Judith's puzzled expression seemed to brighten a little, and a hearty smile slowly appeared. Just as she assimilated those feelings, the Duke's expression also became similar to hers.

“It is said that the Emperor of Delacca was deeply impressed by the fact that Franz beat so many talented people in the empire and achieved excellent results.”

“I’m so glad. Happy...”

Suddenly, her throat closed up. The Duke could not blame her, knowing that it was Judith who cared for Franz more than anyone else.


The Duke's words slowly blurred. The smile on his lips became somewhat faint, and a shadow of concern appeared over it.

“I’ve been worried since he came back.”

Judith also slowly lowered her gaze at his words. Just because the King woke up, that he had his trust in him, didn't mean all was over. The danger was still nearby. It was lurking like a poisonous snake, waiting for the moment to pounce and bite.

“No one can feel safe against him.”

It was a hard voice, almost like sarcasm. The Duke nodded his head in agreement.

“Queen Gilsis has long regarded Franz as a thorn in her side. There were several moments when his life was threatened. Franz's return home will never be welcomed. Even more so in situations like now.”

“The Delacca Empire is a country that has had a long relationship with Rotair and is a powerful country. The fact that the Emperor is keeping an eye on him means that he is looking at you as the next King, right?”

“Yes, Your Highness. Not only from the empire’s perspective but also from the intentions of His Majesty who is nearby.”

“Your Majesty wants to make His Highness Franz the Crown Prince.”

It wasn't something difficult to predict. Judith was deep in thought. Currently, the reputation of another Prince, Krald, was in ruins. Except for those who blindly followed Queen Gilsis, no one thought of him as the next King.

Even if Franz had not achieved any notable achievements in the empire, there was no possibility that Krald would be chosen as Crown Prince over him. It was a situation where the queen could not help but become more abusive day by day.

“Queen Gilsis probably knows. That she has no chance of winning without getting rid of Franz. So she will stop at nothing when His Highness returns. Your Highness, you should also keep this fact in mind.”

The Queen Mother was desperate to get rid of Franz even when she was not in an advantageous position. Judith remembered how many times he had overcome dangerous obstacles. It was already known that situations where even taking a single step was dangerous had driven him to the edge of the cliff.

“I’ll keep that in mind. The Duke, please do the best you can for me.”

“Of course I will.”

The Duke of Vergy was the one who had protected young Franz from the Queen's sword many times before. Until Franz himself could further increase his support, relying on the power of the dukedom was the most rational choice.

"By the way."

The Duke's voice became lighter. Judith, who realized that he was trying to change the atmosphere, also relaxed her tense posture and looked at him.

“When he returns, shouldn’t you two merge your residences?”

Judith's ears, with her lips slightly parted, were dyed just lightly enough to be unnoticeable.

The King and Queen had their own palaces with separate bedrooms and separate rooms, but when the Prince and Princess were married, they lived together in one palace, but each person was supposed to share only the space they needed. Currently, Krald and Flavia also share the Serene Palace, which is close to the Queen's palace.

The reason Judith and Franz lived in separate residences was because they were not adults when they got married. If Franz had stayed at Rotair instead of leaving for the Empire, he would have taken up residence after the spring of his twenty-first year.

Now that they were both adults, it made sense for them to live together in one place from now on. Judith, who hesitated and said nothing, slowly moved her eyes and looked around the palace, just like the Duke had done before.

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