TCORIYH - Chapter 56

“I come to meet the Queen Mother of Rotair.”

“What kind of strange thing is this?”

“I am Throan of the Delaka Empire. I have come to receive orders from His Majesty the Emperor and to serve His Highness the Crown Prince. Please forgive me for not being able to greet you in advance to ensure the Queen’s safety because I had to follow urgent orders.”

Queen Gilsis' face turned dark and earthy. Her whole body was shaking and her eyes were dizzy. What on earth is going on? Who planned this?

No, there is no need to think about who planned it. Duke of Vergy, there was no one but him who could have done something like this. The Queen gritted her teeth until she made a clicking sound and took a step forward. She didn't care about the fact that she had to represent her country or anything like that.

“At a time when His Majesty is ill, everything in Rotair has to go through me. But who on earth planned this without even saying a word to me? I didn’t know about the big deal of a country’s Prince going abroad, so who dares!”

The Duke of Vergy and Franz were staring at the Queen with their mouths closed. Their calm, unfazed gaze made the Queen even more crazy.

The Queen also glared at the man named Throan as if she were going to kill him. She doesn't know how great a position he holds in the Empire, but she has no doubt that he planned this in conjunction with the Duke of Vergy.

This is absolutely unacceptable. The Delaka Empire, and even the imperial family, was a powerful force that even Queen Gilsis could not control. What if Franz colludes with them and has the empire behind him? She didn't know what he was planning to do, but it was clear that the Emperor even sent his envoy to get him. It means treating Franz as the next great King.

“I cannot allow this, absolutely! I knew nothing about this. You can’t take the Prince abroad without my permission!”

Some of the nobles who saw the Queen stamping her feet and acting viciously frowned as if they had swallowed something bitter. Although there was no one in Rotair who was unaware of her temperament, and they could turn a blind eye to it as she was in the position of Queen, it was unseemly for her to show such indecent behavior even in front of a foreign delegation.

Throan also seemed quite surprised by the Queen's attitude. Rumors that King Jedercayer's second concubine had a very different personality had spread to some extent in the Delaka royal family and social circles, but he did not expect it to be to this extent. Even so, does she not even know who he is dealing with?

“Mother Queen, it may be presumptuous to say this, but serving Your Highness the Crown Prince is also related to the wishes of His Majesty our Emperor. So...”

“The Prince! What a Prince! There is no Prince in Rotair! Your Majesty did not designate a Crown Prince, so who are you referring to as the Crown Prince?”

She doesn't hesitate to point a finger. A deep crack was etched between the eyebrows of Throan, who had a difficult temperament.

“In the Empire, the eldest son of His Majesty the Emperor is referred to as the Crown Prince. His Highness Franz is clearly the eldest son of His Majesty the King of Jedekayer, so I don’t think it would be rude to call him Prince.”

“No matter how much you are a noble of the empire, this is the Kingdom of Rotair! Franz can't take a single step from here unless I give him permission! Still, if you take the Prince by force, Rotair won’t stay still!”

“Your Majesty, what is your intention in saying such things!”

A cry full of anger eventually came out of Throan's mouth. Queen Gilsis' words were just as dangerous. Depending on what he heard, she could have been seen as meaning not only that she would break up all friendly relations so far, but that she would not hesitate to create an even bigger dispute.

When the situation became like this, the nobles who were watching began to mutter anxiously. The whispering grew louder, asking each other if they should stop the Queen. Queen Gilsis pretended to have lost her senses as she listened to them all. If anyone dared to step forward, they were planning to use that as an excuse to commit even more evil.

“Tell me who did this! Duke of Vergy, did you do this? How dare you try to sneak the Prince out of the country without my eyes! Unless the Duke’s family wanted to take over the country, how could they act so boldly?”

“You are talking too much, Queen Mother!”

The Duke of Vergy came forward. It was then.

“It was all my will.”

In an instant, the sharp noises that had filled the front yard of the central hall disappeared all at once. As if a stone had been thrown into a deep well, no sound was heard except a distant ripple.


“Uh, Your Majesty!”

The Queen could not quickly understand what she was hearing. She couldn't understand the screams and moans made by the shocked nobles. She also couldn't bear to recognize the sight of King Jederkayer walking towards her, step by step, as real.

“How could you...”

The Queen's disheveled mouth trembled. She looked at the King's haggard face with wide-open eyes that could no longer grow, and then he moved to the girl who was supporting him. It was Judith.

Only then did the Queen understand everything. No, she didn't understand, she just believed it, but her beliefs were closely aligned with the facts. She realized that the person who had planned all this was none other than Judith. She didn't know what she had done or how she had done it, but she knew that it was Judith who had taken Franz abroad and awakened the King.

“How dare you... You!"

“See you, Queen Mother. Are you at peace?”

Judith did not even bend her knees and only nodded in greeting. It was because he was supporting the King, but Gilsis knew that was an excuse.

Throan, who was so angry that his face turned red, passed by the Queen and knelt before King Jedercayer to show his respect as an envoy.

“His Majesty the King of Rotair, I offer my greetings.”

“Get up. I’m just sorry that my body isn’t fully healed yet and I can’t welcome the Lord like my heart.”

“That is absurd. I heard that you have been sick for a long time, and I am just happy to be able to meet you and say hello to you.”

Although his face was as pale as that of a sick man, King Jedercayer had a gentle majesty on his face. He patted Throan's shoulder encouragingly and then looked at Franz, who was standing there with a complicated expression.


“Yes, Father.”

Franz, who had been called, approached the King. The King smiled silently as he looked at his son who had grown tall. His growth, which he could not clearly feel while lying in bed, seemed to be engraved in his heart.

“Make sure you arrive safely.”

“Don’t worry, Father.”

“When you return, I will officially give you the title of Crown Prince.”

Franz's eyes slowly widened. Judith, who had been quietly looking down while supporting the King, also raised her head in surprise.

“Queen Mother!”

At Margit's scream, everyone's eyes turned to Queen Gilsis. She had collapsed. Although she did not lose consciousness, her face was mesmerized. She had bitten so hard that a thin stream of blood was flowing from the corner of her bluish mouth.

"You...How can you do this to me?”

The finger pointing at the King was trembling. However, there was no change in King Jedekaire's expression as he looked down at the scene. It was hard to find a gentle smile or a sad generosity like it had been some time in the past.

“How on earth can you! How could you do this to me! 100 million...”

“Queen Mother!”

“What are you doing? Take the Queen to the bed. And call the royal court.”

It was the Duke of Vergy who took the place of the silent King. The servants rushed out and rushed to carry Queen Gilsis on their backs. Margit hurriedly followed behind him. None of the other nobles followed suit.

Franz's eyes, looking at that figure with his brows furrowed, contained emotions that were difficult to express. The King said, holding his shoulder tightly and letting go.

“Go without delay.”

“...Yes, I will go.”

“Never forget who worked the hardest for you.”

Those who were listening to the King thought that he was indirectly praising the Duke of Vergy. But Franz and the Duke knew that was not the case. Franz's gaze moved down to Judith. Water-colored eyes swayed quietly like the surface of a foggy lake.

“Please take care of Father.”

“Yes, Your Highness. Do not worry."

“Don’t forget your promise to me.”

Judith's eyes blinked quietly. That night when she sobbed for the first time while holding hi., Franz's voice reached her ear and rang in her head.

- Can you promise me that you will be safe here while I am away? Can you promise to protect yourself before anyone else?

Judith smiled so softly that others could not recognize her.

“I don’t forget, my dear. I will not forget, keep my promise, and wait for you.”

Her voice was very small, so it sounded dreamy and distant. He wanted to kiss her once more on her exposed forehead, but Franz ended up turning away without doing anything. The King, who was watching him get into the carriage, spoke softly as if Judith was the only one who knew of his hesitation.

“You won’t be able to see each other for a few more years, so he should at least hug and kiss you. Ugly guy.”

Judith let out a small laugh. But tears were flowing from her eyes. As soon as the carriage door closed, she couldn't control herself.

“Don’t cry.”

The King's weakened hand gently tapped the back of Judith's hand. The carriage slowly moved away, waving a flag with a symbol symbolizing the empire. People still couldn't leave the place, looking as if they were possessed by a ghost.

Said the king.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“My body hasn’t fully recovered yet, so the Duke will have a lot of work to do to help me in the future. Please inform the nobles attending the meeting that I have awakened, and summon the ministers of each ministry.”

The Duke's eyes bulged red. His lips were trembling as if he was about to burst into tears, and he lowered his head and answered, “Yes.” It was a voice full of emotion.

The King turned his head. The nobles who had been standing there in a daze all lowered themselves and bowed to him. Sobs and exclamations filled the wide yard.

Judith's wet eyes, looking at them as they bent down, took on a sharp light that was completely different from before. The eyes were like those of a fierce hawk that had just broken the nest that bound its body.

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  1. ini begitu cepat, aku penasaran bagaimana penulis akan melanjutkan cerita ini. Ahh i love the plot


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