TCIWTFY - Chapter 45

"Too many things have happened around you these days. This aunt must have been so stressed out that I even collapsed several times."

She placed her hand gracefully on her chest as if she was truly worried.

"So, to ward off bad luck and celebrate Your Highness's recovery, we prepared a small banquet at Duke Claudio's house. Only for our Princess."

There is no way Medea, who is hungry for affection, would refuse th Is.

Catherine was confident. She had already received permission from the Queen Mother.

"Mother, we must show the world how much the royal family cares for Medea. Then no one will be able to treat her kindly."

She was quick-witted and took advantage of her mother-in-law's wariness.

'Did I think I was wrong in thinking that the second child would step forward like this and do it for Medea?'

The Queen Mother was taken aback by the sincerity of Catherine wishing only for her niece's comfort.

Moreover, their cause was valid. The Queen Mother thought it was necessary to show Medea's status to the capital once again.

'Did I go too far? I guess these kids haven't had a very bad dream yet.'

Naturally, the wariness toward the second son and his wife softened.

Catherine had no qualms about fooling even her strict mother-in-law.

From today, Medea will be alone again. Count Montega will also turn his back, and the Queen Mother's love will once again be monopolized by Birna.

She didn't even notice that her niece's gaze toward her had cooled, and she cheered inwardly.

'I remember very well the celebratory banquet you held.'

Medea bit her lip bitterly.

Although the circumstances were very different from the previous life, the banquet was held the same way back then.

It was a banquet that only remained a nightmare in her past life.

Medea wore the dress they 'gifted' and went to the banquet they had prepared.

Her heart swelled as she thought that the sparkling chandeliers, the champagne flowing like a waterfall, and the diamond-dusted dress were, love and affection for her.

That moment... 

Someone taunted Medea, calling her a wicked woman who drank the blood of the people, and the ridicule grew louder.

Startled, Medea took a step back, and her dress tore when she accidentally stepped on it.

So easily, as if someone had deliberately made it tear apart.

Even amid the cold ridicule, no one came forward for Medea.

She was too young to handle the loneliness of being left alone in a crowd.

Medea, who did not know what to do, was belatedly able to escape from the banquet hall with Catherine's help.

She looked miserable, her dress half torn and her face wet with tears.

From that day on, Medea completely confined herself to the palace, engaging in only minimal external activities.

Rather than being ridiculed and despised by people, she wanted to protect her pride, which only hurt her, by voluntarily not meeting anyone.

'And Birna began to act as an acting Princess in earnest."

Looking at her aunt's triumphant face, Medea realized that she was plotting the same plan this time.

Claudio's mother and daughter had no idea that she was listening to the progress of the banquet from Madame Pinatelli.

Medea pretended not to know anything about the banquet and raised her voice.

"Are you saying the banquet is tonight? It's a bit sudden. I didn't hear anything."

"Hmph, that's because you don't like going to places where there are a lot of people, so you just stay in the palace all the time."


Catherine gave her daughter a harsh look. Birna pouted her mouth and asked everything.

"The banquet is a surprise gift from Duke Claudio to Your Highness."

Catherine gently brushed Medea's shoulder and winked at the maids. The maids brought several boxes with large ribbons.

"Look here, we have prepared everything so that Your Highness will not be inconvenienced."

Get ready. Medea grinned.

Catherine felt reassured as she saw the anticipation in the Princess's sparkling eyes.

Look at those thrilled eyes. The only people who think of her this way are her family.

There was no need to worry either.

Then they headed to the salon to prepare for the banquet.

When Medea arrived there, she turned to the maids who followed her and said.

"For a moment. Marieu helps me today."

Medea pointed to Marieu.

"Yes, Your Highness." 

Marieu bowed her head and answered quietly.

Birna and Catherine recognized her face and exchanged glances for a moment.

They knew that Medea had personally asked the Queen Mother to get Marieu out of prison.

'How stupid are you to forgive the maid who betrayed you and let her be with you again?'

While laughing, they were relieved.

The fact that the Princess was so weak at interpersonal relationships was not a bad thing for them.

"Your Highness, then I'm ready so I'll go first. Birna here will serve you with all sincerity."

Catherine winked at her daughter.

'Don't forget, Birna. You must put Medea in that dress and bring her back.'

'Okay, I got it! I'm going to have scabs on my ears.'

Birna nodded with disgusted eyes, having already heard it several times from the dukedom.

After Catherine left, the salon's seamstresses helped Medea dress up.

"You are beautiful, Princess."

Her eyes sparkled even more under the expert touch.

She didn't know that her bright eyes that weren't covered by makeup were what made her look even brighter.

The seamstresses were busy preparing for the climax.

"Her Royal Highness, this is the dress prepared by Duchess Claudio."

When the curtain was lifted, the silver dress sprinkled with fine diamond dust shone so brightly that it hond dust shone so brightly that it hurt her eyes.

"Oh my goodness!"

"So beautiful..."

Exclamations erupted here and there.

"It is a gift from my mother to Her Royal Highness. Please wear this to the banquet today."

Birna added an explanation with a reluctant expression.

"Come on, try it on. Your Highness!"

The maids urged the Princess, unable to take their eyes off the shining dress.

Birna thought to herself as she watched Medea change the dress.

'It won't suit you. It would be as tacky and funny as the duck wearing hers.'


However, contrary to her expectations, the silver-haired girl reflected in the mirror looked as mysterious as a snow fairy.

The dress fit Medea well as if it were tailored perfectly.

The maids were amazed.

"I feel like I gathered all the starlight in the world and sprinkled it on Your Highness. Plus, the arms fit perfectly."

It was natural. Because it was a trap that Catherine prepared just in time for Medea.

Medea touched the rustling flimsy material of the dress and swallowed a laugh.

Instead of sparkling with the generous sprinkling of jewel powder, the durability of the fabric was miserable.

If someone stepped on it or put a little pressure on it, it would not be able to hold up and would tear.

"...Really... It's pretty, Your Highness."

Birna bit her lip and forced out a compliment.

'Should I dress such an expensive and pretty girl who is going to be worthless anyway?'

Is it possible for a lowly mongrel to have such luxury?

"Miss Birna, I also brought your dress. Miss, you need to get ready quickly."

Birna looked alternately at her azure dress and at Medea's diamond dress.

If you wear that and enter next to Medea, you will look like an insignificant maid.

'Why should I be Medea's maid? What am I lacking?'

Birna, who did not know that Medea's dress was a tool of her mother's plan, could not stand it and was about to leave.

"No. I will wear that today. Marieu, bring that thing you saw earlier."

When Medea winked, Marieu quickly brought another dress.

It was a black satin dress composed of a drape without any special decoration.

The seamstress at the salon was anxious.

"How... Your Highness, please forgive us if we were rude and hurt your feelings."

"It's not because of you guys, so don't worry."

Medea waved her hand.

"You want to wear that dress?"

Birna intervened.

"But this is a dress that my mother prepared for you after inquiring all the way to the empire. It would be too wasteful to put it back like this."

Birna tried her best to put the related emphasis.

Aside from jealousy, it was because she remembered her mother's words.

"After falling from a horse, my physical condition is not what it used to be. It's pretty, but it's so heavy I won't be able to move around properly."

Medea shook her head.

Even a slight annoyance appeared on her frowning face.

"But it's a gift from my aunt, so I can't help but show it, so..."

Medea made a worried face.

"Well then... Birna, do you want to wear it?"


For a moment, Birna was intrigued.

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