TCIWTFY - Chapter 27

Episode 27

I could see him stumbling around due to lack of strength, barely able to support himself with his arms on the floor.

'Even a newborn colt would be str onger than that.'

Unlike the useful head, the body was useless. A pitiful look passed o ver his golden eyes.

It's only been three days, and if it had been a battlefield, he would ha ve been dead already and become f ertilizer for a pile of corpses.

At that time, I noticed something disturbing about the fence in the c hapel yard.

A lump that looked like a wild bo ar was waddling along.

Cesare, who had trained his sense

s. heard their conversation.

"You must not approach."

"Uh huh. "It only takes a momen t!"

"Minister! "What kind of rudeness is this?"

As the servants had to deal with t

he maids who blocked her, the prin cess was exposed and defenseless.

The lump walked quickly with an agility that did not match its bloate

d body.

The princess was motionless, as if she couldn't hear anything.


When it found the princess, it sno rted.

For some reason, Cesare felt very unpleasant.

A couple of small pebbles in a flo wer pot placed by the window disa ppeared under my outstretched ind ex finger.


The lump that hit my calf scream ed.

The huge impact, as if a strong ro ck had rolled over, caused his knee s to buckle and he fell.

"Minister, are you okay?"

"It's an attack! "Someone is trying. to assassinate me!"

Unlike the owner who made a fus s, the servants were embarrassed as they could not find any traces of th e attack.
"what's the matter?"

As soon as he heard the commoti on, Cicero woke up.

The remaining pebbles rolled into the flower pot under my hand.


Cesare turned again with his usua 1 bored expression.
Shoot. Shoot.

By the time the three of us had le ft our seats, it was raining hard.

Due to an urgent report from the battlefield. Sisair left first, and the t wo were about to leave the palace.

"There must be a hole in the sky, It's pouring down like a torrent."

Gallo grumbled.

"Boss, wait a moment. "I'll bring

a carriage.

"It's okay. "Let's go together."

"No, the boss is here. "I'll be back


He disappeared into the rain in an instant, wondering if anyone wou Id follow him.

Even Gallo, who continued to sco If even after being hit with countles s daggers, sometimes treated Cesar e like the first prince.

As if even raindrops could not be tolerated on the precious body that would sit on the throne.

It may not be Cesare's anymore.
It felt like bitter water was rising f rom inside.

Cesare forgot Gallo's instructions

and walked alone in the rain.

Gallo did not bother to throw awa y the umbrella he had stuffed betw een his arms.

Crackling. The sound of rain fille d the world.

Then, my steps stopped.

The golden eyes inside the silver mask found the figure kneeling und er the statue.

The pouring rain drenched the gi rl from head to toe.

Rainwater continued to flow dow n my pale, pale face.

Although the princess stumbled, s he never collapsed. Blood appeared on the back of her hand as she pla ced it on the floor..

My clenched teeth burst and bloo d poured out.

Soon, pink blood drops mixed wit h the rainwater fell to the bottom o f the stone.

Thanks to Gallo's constant chatte r. Cesare now got to know the little princess quite well.

"Cesare. "Do you really have fi m's blood?"

The princess's awkward appearan ce. threatened by enemies on all si des and even by her blood-sharing family, gives us a feeling of déjà vu that is somehow familiar.

"I don't lose. "I will survive."

Someone's old memories were ov erlaid on the image of a girl struggl ing alone.


The princess's arm, which was ho Iding the white stone, was suddenly bent.

As his body fell forward, Cesare t ook a step closer. Funny enough, h e didn't even realize it.

The princess was seen gritting he r teeth.

I struggled with both arms to rais e myself up. I could feel the will to never break down in the bulging ve


Then the princess raised her hea


Her wet eyes found Mrs. Pinatelli standing behind the chapel, and sh e lowered her head again.

Cesare took a step back. He saw t

he smile on the princess's lips.

"You make an interesting play."

A belated laugh broke out.

Even I, who noticed the princes s's plan, approached her, but the o thers were shocked.

Cesare had no choice but to admi 1 that the princess had a knack for

eliciting people's sympathy.

Medea had no idea that someone was laughing at her.
This was because I was doing eve rything I could to not lose my mind amidst the freezing rain.

'Not yet, not yet. 'Hold on a little longer.'

At some point, the world became quiet.

The sound of rain hitting my ears stopped. Medea was startled and ra ised her head.

What blocked the pouring rain w as the large black umbrella in front of her.

She looked around.

However, no one could be found i n the empty chapel yard.


Queen Dowager Palace.

The Queen Mother did not look g ood after hearing Mrs. Pinatelli's re port.

"Who do you resemble to be so vi cious?"

First of all, it was definitely not my son.

"What on earth do you want, why are you being so stubborn? "You ca used this mess for no reason."

The Queen Mother was disgusted.

said Madame Pinatelli, wiping her hands with a cloth soaked in hot w ater.

"Your Highness, do you remembe r the maid who said she would take the punishment for Your Highness the Princess?"

"Are you talking about that insole nt thing that dared to interfere?"

"yes. That maid named Neril is th e reason Your Majesty had a conflic t with her maid Jean. "Her maid. Je an, almost killed the child, so Her Majesty got angry and beat her as well."

The Queen Mother frowned.

"under. "If being a princess comp etes so simply with those below he r. then what is she supposed to d o?"

"But, Your Highness. It turns out t hat the child is from His Majesty's 1 ate Majesty's personal guard."

Mrs. Pinatelli spoke softly, preten ding not to notice the wrinkled han d holding the ring stilling.

"For Her Majesty the Princess, tha 1 maid is like the only trace left beh ind by the late King. My guess is th at the reason she holds on like that Is not to oppose Her Highness, but to protect the child."

She also added that the princess did not allow Neril to leave the pal ace.

"Don't let anyone easily touch yo u. "The memories of His Majesty th e late King are like an offense to Hi s Majesty, so His Majesty cannot ba ck down."
The Queen Mother was silent for a while.

My eldest son, who left in an insta

nt, always felt like a nail stuck in m y heart.

It hurts when pulled out and com plains of aching pain even when st anding still.

So I hated and resented my grand daughter even more...

"joy. John was the king of this cou ntry. But the only trace left behind was that maid? "You have to say so mething that makes sense."

He was still blunt, but his voice w as much softer than before.

"I guess that's true for the queen. But you know. To Her Majesty the P rincess. "There is nowhere to put y our mind."

Even when she was not holding th e princess's hand. Madame Pinatell

I cared about her. Is it because he personally experi

enced how cruel the world was whe n his family fell and he became an orphan living alone?

"I also wandered for a long time a fter my husband left. But I was a sai nt at that time, and I had a king."

"Unfortunately, Her Royal Highne ss was not like that. "How can I und erstand how she felt when she lost both her parents, who were like he

aven to her, overnight at such a yo ung age?" "Are you trying to blame me no


The Queen Mother glared at her and asked. But all her anger was go


"It can't be. But, Your Majesty, m ay I ask you one more question?"

Mrs. Pinatelli spoke with a cautio us yet prudent air.

The smile on his face disappeare d and he became quite solemn. The

Queen Mother nodded her head.

"Isn't it strange that the head mai d tried to slander Her Highness so r

epeatedly? Rather than simply hold ing a grudge because of the beating
"I think there is another reason to bring Her Highness down."

"...... Well, in the first place, it w as strange that he came to me beca use it was for Medea's sake. "Even t hough she was close friends with C atherine."

After the immediate hatred and a nger subsided, I became suspicious of the maid's intentions for making such a fuss and coming to visit me to make matters worse.

"so....... Even though I knew you would be angry, I made the first m ove. "I will gladly accept your scold ing."

Mrs. Pinatelli held out a bundle of documents and asked for an apology.


"Cuisine, you damn thing!"

The table in the Queen Mother's Palace shook greatly.

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  1. This chapter needs proof reading, broken sentence or paragraph made the whole chapter unreadble.


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