DTS - Chapter 2

A day has passed since Jae-shin woke up in an unfamiliar place.

In the meantime, Jae-shin was able to find out many things.

The name of the blue-eyed girl who serves her is Jane.

She was a maid brought by her father, who was often away from home.

"Miss, did you sleep well?"

Contrary to her first impression of being somewhat slow, the child was very talented.

At the same time as taking care of the sick Young Lady, she was also responsible for all the big and small things in this small mansion.

Even a grown adult would find it overwhelming, but the sincere and loyal child was able to accomplish all of this with ease.

Of course, since Jae-shin is still a child, there are some places she can't reach. 

"Bring me a mirror."


An unfamiliar face appears on the other side of the mirror brought to her.

It was fascinating to watch again and again.

She had pale pink eyes and bright platinum-blonde hair that was slightly curled and hung below her shoulders. The face had clear features, with skin transparent enough to see through.

If it weren't for her thin, gaunt, and clearly sickly complexion, people would have been impressed that she showed signs of becoming a great beauty.

The veins were clearly visible under the transparent skin of the wrist, which was as thin as a dry twig.

"You need to eat, Lady."

The thin soup was placed in front of Jae-shin as he looked into the mirror.

A fragrant smell rose from the soup made with so much care.

"Can you close the curtains?"


Although the bright sunlight was dazzling, it was enjoyable to look at the scenery beyond the window.

It would have been nice if there had been more people passing by. According to Jane, the place where this mansion is located is a remote area of the village, so very few people go there.

A young maid suddenly spoke to Jae-shin, who was looking outside with regret.

"Miss, you've changed a little." 

Jae-shin laughed without saying anything. It's not that she has changed, it's that the soul has changed. Even if she said that Jane would not understand and would say she was crazy. 

Jae-shin picked up a spoon next to the maid who was busy cleaning. Her new body was in such bad shape that even eating the soup they brought her was difficult.

'The illness I've had for a long time has seeped into my bones.'

Since she had a healthy body and was brought into this body overnight, the feeling of discomfort was doubled.

Jae-shin, who was eating with slightly trembling hands, sighed.


It was the moment when Jane looked at her with a sad face and hurried over to her side to serve the dinner.

Someone knocked loudly on the door of the old mansion. At the same time, a loud voice echoed throughout the mansion.

"Thea! Baby! Dorothea!"

Even though she didn't know much, she knew that 'Dorothea' was the name of the body she occupied.

Jane's face distorted with anger as she heard the shout. With a red face, she huffed and walked towards the door. 

"Why are you so late opening the door!"

The guest who came in with a sigh walked straight into the room before Jane could open her mouth. Suddenly, the woman sitting next to Jae-shin, that is Dorothea, spoke to her pretending to be friendly, squeezing her bony hand.

There was no sincerity in the tingly voice.

"How are you? Did anything special happen while I was gone?"

"The Young Lady was seriously ill and had just woken up. She is not in a state to deal with people."

Even though Jane gritted her teeth, the woman smiled as if it was no big deal.

"Everyone in this village knows that Thea is sick. And that I am trying very hard for Thea."

She gave strength to the hand she was gently holding.

It hurts.

Dorothea looked at the woman as the pain radiated through her hands.

Instead of flinching, the energetic opponent flinched when she made eye contact and looked straight at her.

Jane took advantage of this opportunity and pulled the woman away from Dorothea with a straight face.

"Stay away, Ma'am!"

Is this the feeling of a middle-aged woman who has lived for a long time?

She asked again with a puzzled look as if she had noticed that something had changed in this sick little girl.

"Thea, are you okay?"

The intonation, which seemed forced, diminished.

Dorothea looked at the woman carefully and then nodded with a gentle smile.

"Of course, Ma'am."

Madam Marsha paused.

For as long as she had seen Dorothea, she could not look people in the eye.

She was such a timid person that even when having a conversation, all she could do was answer "yes, yes" in a voice that would creep into the other person's words.

But now Is this child who looks directly into her eyes and smiles really Dorothea?

The pale pink eyes drew Madame Marsha in as if they were entrapping her soul.

"Ah, baby."

Seeing her trembling and embarrassed, Dorothea lowered her eyes.

'I have a good feeling.'

Even Jane, who is always with her, just thinks. The Young Lady has become interested in strange things.

A look of caution appeared in the eyes of the person looking at her.

She should not use magic carelessly on someone like this.

If it bounces off, she will suffer a loss. Normally, the recoil of a technique like this would be something to scoff at, but with her current body, she couldn't be sure.

It's unfortunate, but she has no choice but to give up.

She narrowed her eyes and licked her lips with regret.

Unlike before, a layer of anxiety appeared on Mrs. Marsha's face, freed from Dorothea's gaze. 

'I'm anxious...'

What is that woman worried about? 

Taking advantage of Dorothea's thoughts. Jane raised her voice sharply.

"Ma'am, what about the famous healer you said you were bringing here?" 

Jane's triangular eyes were glaring at Mrs. Marsha.

"I heard a rumor that a renowned healer came to the neighboring estate, so I paid money to the owner to bring him there." 

Mrs. Masha, who had finally found her composure in response to the sharp rebuke, answered slowly. 

"That's right, I definitely went to St. Square to pick him up... How can you say that he suddenly left for another territory? It's unfortunate, but he was just wasting my time."


"How can you be sharp? It's not like you can stop a therapist's wanderlust."

Jane's face turned red at the sight of the woman sighing exaggeratedly with her hand on her cheek.

Unlike the young maid who could not hide her emotions, the middle-aged woman spoke in an experienced manner. 

"I also went there without sleeping a wink. I was wondering where the therapist might have gone, which is why it was so late." 

The woman who stayed up all night to visit the neighboring estate and even made inquiries here and there had a very beautiful complexion.

There wasn't a single stain on the satin dress, which was made with sturdy stitching.

It was different from Jane's clothes, which were worn and tattered here and there, and Jae-shin's simple clothes.

The high-quality shoes made of leather shined as if they were new and had never been used, let alone showing signs of long walking.

Maybe she never went anywhere.

"It's not make sense...”


Dorothea cut Jane off.

It's useless anyway.

Although the woman's lies were insincere, her attitude was quite confident.

That means there is no one to blame but herself even if she is caught lying.

The confidence that she would not be put at a disadvantage by accusations made by a young maid or something like that made her feel confident.

"Stop and take the soup back." 

Jane pursed her lips and came to the side, taking away the tray containing the soup.

Mrs. Marsha, unable to read anything else in Dorothea's expression, faltered as usual.

"Instead, I went to the herbalist and bought some herbs that will heal your body. As you know, the price of medicinal herbs has risen so much these days..."


Dorothea cut her off.

"Thank you for bringing me the herbs. The kitchen is empty, so I would like you to use the remaining money to buy ingredients."

A thin voice that seemed to cut off finally finished what it was saying.

Madam Marsha's dumbfounded face turned to Dorothea.

'Has this child ever spoken like this in front of me?'

The child, who was exhausted from a long illness, was unable to control her body, so all she could do was fall asleep or look at herself helplessly.

But what about now?

Although the child's illness was still evident, something unknown deep in the child's eyes tugged at her. Mrs. Marsha, who unconsciously avoided her gaze, nodded. 

"Yeah, that's right. Don't do that."

Instead of making another excuse, she hurried to the kitchen. A while later, Jane, who had entered the kitchen with Mrs. Marsha and returned alone, grumbled with an angry look on her face. 

"I received double the money, but the herbs were the same as they always gave me. It's really too much." 

"I can't help it. Because no one but her would travel to the distant herbalist."

Dorothea was sick and needed someone. The two were too young to interact with other neighbors.

"Madame Marsha is a petty thief at best."

She left behind just enough money for two people to survive. Although she was hypocritical and sometimes greedy, she never crossed the line, so she was not a threat.

"Besides, Madam is sure I will gone at any moment."

Jane stopped speaking and closed her mouth as if she was in tears. 

"You're acting like you're going to die." 

The words she swallowed lingered in her head.

Even though the young maid swallowed her words, she could tell. The reason that Madame Marsha gives her cheap herbs instead of finding a healer is because she thinks that Dorothea will die soon.

"It's okay." 

Dorothea comforted Jane and looked over to where her wife was sitting.

The dark shadow still remained, squirming in place.

The bad relationship that someone created a long time ago was slowly gaining ground.

Because she was a small person, she may not have committed any major crimes, but it was clear that she was an overly greedy person. Because she does not feel any guilt about filling her pockets by extorting those who are inferior or weaker than her. It couldn't have been just two young girls.

'I guess that's how I lived.'

She will continue to live like that in the future.

The whitish, moving malice followed her traces like flowing water.

As she was staring at the black stain that had belatedly disappeared, Jane cautiously called out to her.



"What were you looking at?"

She slowly turned her head in response to Jane's question.

"It's no big deal."

Jane's face became tearful.

Ever since she got sick, Dorothea had been staring into space a lot.

The more times she stared at something she couldn't see, the more Jane's anxiety grew.

She thought that the Young Lady who was very ill might have some aftereffects.

"Do you want to lie down?"

Dorothea blurted out, laying her head on a pillow that had been washed clean but still had traces of age.

"Prepare a meal tomorrow afternoon with care using the ingredients you received today."


"It looks like a guest is coming."

Jane's eyes widened at the unexpected remark.

"A guest?"

Then her face distorted.

"There's a guest when we don't even have anything to eat."

Dorothea smiled faintly at the maid's honest expression.

"They won't be our guests, they'll be Madam Marsha's guests."

"That Lady is now letting her own guests into this house?!"

Jane's voice rose as if she was shocked.


Dorothea looked out the window as it got dark and listened again. An unusual wind knocked on the window, and strange sounds filled the mansion.

"Can I sleep with you, Miss?"

Perhaps because of the strange noise, the dark, old mansion felt especially gloomy today.

Dorothea stretched out her hand at Jane's small voice.

"Lie down next to me."

Eventually, the last light in the mansion went out.

Someone was wandering around the mansion, where no one but Mrs. Marsha was snooping around.

The person who was looking at the unlit room soon turned around and went back. Every time the man walked, a clanking sound rang out from the long sword on his waist. The footprints of a man wearing military boots were deeply engraved on the ground and had become soft from the rain.

No one paid much attention to the footprints.

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