DTS - Chapter 14

In a small room, the beautiful singing voice of a woman wearing a light slip had been going on for several hours.

She stopped singing when the man who was listening with a bored expression raised his hand.

“Shall we sing another song?”

The beautiful face reflected in the moonlight looked at the woman with no emotion and shook its head.

Black eyes under long eyelashes stared out the door.

“Come in and tell me.”

The guard next to him opened the door with his hand on the scabbard.

When a small, scrawny girl appeared, a look of embarrassment appeared on the face of the woman who was singing.

Unlike her, the room's owner and guard stared at Dorothea in silence.

The girl who opened the door with difficulty and entered fell flat on her face.

“I want you to help me serve wine to my uncle.”


“I will repay you with an overflowing heart in the future for the kindness of a glass of wine.”

The man with long, shiny blue hair became lost in thought as Dorothea spoke clearly.

Although she was small and skeletal, Dorothea's eyes as she faced him were clear and clean.

The corners of his mouth slightly turned up as he looked at the girl lying at his feet.

After a while, Dorothea came out of the room and found what she wanted in her hands.

A glass of alcohol in a sparkling bottle.

The moment she returned to the room with it, what she encountered was not the escorts or maids in the room.

The pale-faced ‘second maternal uncle’ was glaring at Dorothea.

'As expected.'

Dorothea smiled brightly at the man who had come to give her the ‘last’.

“Are you here, uncle?”

Even though she gave a friendly greeting, the murderousness in the man's eyes became even deeper.

When Dorothea calmly accepted the sparkling look in her eyes and smiled, he asked with gritted teeth.

“Where are you going?”

“I have some business to run.”

As she answered, she placed the bottle of liquor she had borrowed on the table.

The man took a deep breath and looked at the stunned people.

“What did we do with them?”

A bright blue anticipation seeped into his eyes, and the veins stood on his temples.

Dorothea responded kindly again to the man who was overwhelmed with his emotions.

“I fell asleep.”

To be more precise, it would be more accurate to say 'I was mesmerized.'

As she came into contact with unclean and evil energies, it was natural that it would take a toll on her body.

The glass of water on the table shook in the windless room.

Dorothea glanced up at the man who was glaring at her as if he were going to tear her to death.

The interrogation continued.

“What did you do out of the room at this late hour?”

“I borrowed a drink from the guest in the next room.”

Her calm words brought even more contempt to the man's eyes.

Dorothea, holding a clinking kettle, turned her gaze to the shadows fluttering across the window.

Then she weakly shook her head.

Not yet.

It's not your turn yet.

She had to wait a little longer. No matter how skinny and weak she looked, the other person was an adult male.

When he raised his hand and pressed Dorothea's shoulder, her body was pushed down.

Despite the throbbing pain in her shoulder, Dorothea stared at him without even screaming.

The man muttered in anger.

“Just like your mother. She ignored me because I was a bastard, but what did she do? She tried to run away with a man of low social status who wasn't a big deal. It’s truly a disgrace to the family!”


“After all, it was the first time I was recognized for my work! The time when I finally tried to let my family know my usefulness to the family that always treated me as a member of lowly blood!”

What was so unfair was that he held on to his dead sister's child and screamed loudly.

Dorothea listened quietly instead of stopping.

Every time he expressed deep emotions, distant shadows and the clouds surrounding him appeared.

The shadow on the window slowly began to seep in.

Dorothea, who was looking for the 'moment', eventually called his name.

“Colin Highclere.”

“Don’t call my name!”

He shouted like a thunderbolt.

He was so excited that he couldn't sense the discomfort around him.

In the quiet surroundings, a shadow crept up on Colin's body.

Colin, who didn't even notice that his trembling body was being swallowed up in the darkness, revealed the truth he had been hiding.

“Your mother is the one who disgraced the family in a terrible and vulgar way and left! Nevertheless, your father tried to find you again just because you were his wife’s child and because you were a legitimate woman!”

The corners of the mouth rose on the distorted face. A bizarre smile spread across his face.

“I don’t regret telling your mother to get away and not cling to the family like a scoundrel.”

The voice was filled with joy.

“It was I who gave him your mother’s divorce certificate that he was forced to obtain! Even though it was the right thing to do, my father was distraught for three days and nights. Every day when mother sobbed, I had to realize that I was nothing more than the illegitimate child of the family!”

The eyes of a person overcome with jealousy and an inferiority complex were ugly.

Colin, who had already lost his temper, grabbed Dorothea's thin neck with both hands.

The force slowly tightening around her neck seemed like it would take Dorothea's life away at any moment.

“Wave (破).”

After spitting out a single word, Dorothea slowly sprinkled the alcohol in the bottle in her hand onto the floor.

The water glass on the table trembled.

Suddenly, a shadow covered the man's face.

Colin's eyes began to turn black and cloudy. As his consciousness faded, the strength left his hands.

Dorothea naturally got away from him and immediately placed her finger on the spilled drink on the floor. Then she started writing like a picture.

"Takdanbangbyeong (坼壇放兵: Demolition of the complex to release the soldier of the underworld)"

In a sonorous voice, she began to call the monk.

Parorang, Parorang.

I have never worn nice clothes before.

I've never worn a nice hat.

The Jade Emperor enshrined me as Parorang.

The water in the glass on the table shook and splashed everywhere.

Before she knew it, a black crow that had been circling around came through the window and swarmed the unclean things.

The initials engraved on the cuff got wet with water and slowly disappeared. It was proof that Colin's body was being successfully eaten by the soul.

'Of course, it's easiest to make a sacrifice.'

Although it is annoying and difficult to choose something to sacrifice other than herself.

She looked at Colin, who was being consumed by her soul, with an indifferent face.

His body was floating in the air and twisting grotesquely.

Saliva flowed from the wide open mouth. The dilated pupils could not hold anything.

'Is there any reason to take matters into my own hands when the other person has the intention to kill me first?'

Instead of showing affection, he was a foolish and ugly person who tried to relieve his younger niece of his inferiority complex.

When the shadow was about to consume Colin's soul, his body bent and straightened like a shrimp. An animal howl came out of his open mouth.

Black blood flowed with a cry and poured out onto the table. Something hazy started to glimmer on the water-soaked cuffs.

“Now it’s time to come.”

Dorothea muttered.

She sat on the bed with a relaxed face and stared into the distance, checking Colin's condition.

'Should I call you one more time?'

As soon as she finished speaking, the bell rang with a bright sound. The surrounding temperature became cooler, and the crow, which had been cawing ominously, left, her body trembling.

The body slowly stiffens with goosebumps rising on the back. Dorothea raised her head at the familiar sensation.


Since souls that have not yet been engraved in the list have been consumed and have begun to disappear, it is only natural that a messenger comes.

However, its appearance was strange. The long, large scythe held in the hand of the ‘skeleton’ wearing a pitch-black cloak shone sharply in the moonlight.

'The chaps here have a very strange appearance.'

At least he was completely different from grim reaper in her previous life, who had the appearance of a human being. The bones of the skeleton moved, making a sound.

Dorothea's eyes swept over him.

The register that should have been attached to his side was not visible.

She admitted that her calculations were slightly off. It was her mistake not to have thought that the chaplain here would look completely different.

However, answering the soul's call means that she also has a chance.

Dorothea’s little mouth opened.

Don't worry about Hubaek Noya and Baektae Nangnang.

We will tear down the old pavilion and build a new pavilion.

Do not be a beginner when it comes to Hubaek Noya and Baektae Nangnang.

We will tear down the old altar and build a new one.

Around midnight, the old pavilion was torn down.

I will build a new pavilion around the time of the early morning rooster.

The sonorous voice echoed through the room again.

The 'reaper' here, who climbed through the window and came close to Colin's soul engulfed in darkness, began to struggle within the camp of the Nine Pillars of the Eight Trigrams.

Who dares attack the household of Hades!

A strange voice rang loudly in her head.

Dorothea smiled happily. It's not like she doesn't know that the car accident right in front of her could take her life.

“Nice to meet you, Sergeant. You were wearing a pretty unique outfit, so I almost thought you weren’t.”

What are you doing girl? How to see the death of death in a living body!

“I’m sorry, but I don’t have time right now.”

The shadow that had just eaten Colin's soul began to touch his body. Dorothea quickly disrupted the camp that had been imprisoning the Reaper.

At that moment, the reaper realized that the 'camp' that had been constricting him had disappeared and raised his sickle high.

It is my responsibility as a reaper to humiliate and punish those who challenge the power of death. I made known your sins!

However, the scythe that was supposed to hit Dorothea at once remained in the air.

By the time you think something is wrong, it's already too late.

The body, which was empty of soul, began to suck in the life around it in search of its soul.

The 'unclean shadow' that consumed the soul disappeared due to the death of the reaper 

However, Colin's empty body began to powerfully suck in the reaper in front of him as he searched for a soul to contain.

'Since it is the death of a soul that is not even on the list, the power of the body to find the soul is even stronger.'

Dorothea lowered her eyes.

When she first learned how to deal with death, she never thought she would use it like this.

She remembered her teacher's teaching that she should only write in the right place and in the right way.

A teacher who taught her for a very short time at the request of her family.

Suddenly she became curious.

What would her teacher say when he saw that she had sacrificed herself and captured and imprisoned the reaper to save her own life?

'But Master, I want to live.'

There was only one reason.

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