TCORIYH - Chapter 43

“It is said that he was saddened by the death of Fifnor, who saved him, and his whole body froze and fell into pieces. It is said that the scattered ice crystals at that time brought endless cold to the north.”

“The reason why that herb was nicknamed ‘Fifnor’s Hand’ is...”

Judith's voice trembled slightly. Bartholomew answered.

“The plant is said to contain properties that induce deep sleep, Your Highness. It is very expensive because it is very difficult to obtain, but it is said that nobles suffering from insomnia often use it. However, very small amounts must be used with caution.”

“The doctor said that even with that amount of what he gave us, a decent person would spend three days asleep. They also say that if you take it for a long time, dark blue spots will appear inside your mouth.”

Judith was so shocked that she was speechless. The amount of herbs Judith gave to each of them was very small. It made her wonder if she would need three to four times as many tea leaves to make a cup of tea, but if that amount could have such a powerful effect...

“Isn’t it true that the royal doctors intentionally mixed this into the medicine His Majesty takes?”

Bartholomew said. But Cheraan soon shook her head.

“It probably wasn’t mixed into the medicine. It would be correct to say that His Majesty has never taken medicine in the first place. Right, Your Highness?”

Bartholomew looked at Judith with a shocked expression at Cheraan's words. Judith traced the rim of the cooled teacup with her fingertips, slowly curling her lip and biting it.

“According to what Cheraan found, this herb has a unique and spicy scent before it is dried, but when it is dried and brewed, it has no scent or taste.”

“The Your Highness, that means..."

“When I was serving His Majesty’s medicine, there was no smell from the medicine.”


With a crash of the table, Bartholomew leaped from his seat and stood up. Judith and Cheraan's expressions were also stiff. The three people's eyes met on the table.

“It’s something we can’t just ignore. How dare they do this to His Majesty the King? This is an unforgivable sin.”

“That’s right. However, as Bartholomew knows, Queen Gilsis has kept this matter completely hidden for several years. It would mean that the mouths of the doctors in the palace are all in the hands of the Queen.”

“I will go back immediately and tell my father about this. No matter how great the Queen’s power is, if this matter is revealed, she will not be able to escape.”

“Is that really true?”

Cheraan, with his arms crossed, looked up at Bartholomew. Cheraan snorted indifferently as if she was not at all afraid of his burning gaze like an angry beast.

“Do you think the Queen wouldn’t have made that much preparation? Even though the mouths of the doctors are kept tight, the word can leak out anytime, anywhere. The Queen has prepared measures for that as well. If we are not careful, the dukedom will suffer even greater damage for falsely accusing the royal family.”

“So are you saying we’ll just leave it like this? That’s what it sounds like from what Miss Ebelta said.”

“Can you please stop arguing? I never said anything about waiting and seeing.”

The air between Cheraan and Bartholomew was tense. Since they are two people with strong personalities, their clashing is intense. Bartholomew, wheezing and panting, blew out his short bangs.

“Your Highness, according to what I have researched, this herb is not toxic. They say that if you take it for a long time, you will develop tolerance and have to gradually increase the amount. So, how about reducing the amount of medicine His Majesty takes?”

Judith was lost in thought with a pensive expression.

Could this be the reason why the palace doctors never left the task of making medicine to her? 

More than the suspicion that the true identity of the herb would be discovered, the amount of herb used when making the medicine would have been more important than anything else to keep King Jedercayer asleep.

They probably knew that if she reduced the amount without their knowledge, problems would most likely arise.

“Making medicine is not my job, so it would be difficult to reduce the amount of herbs. However, since I now serve medicine, I may be able to give up medicine little by little when I have the opportunity.”

“Then I guess you have no choice but to try that method for now. I will also meet with the doctor again. I might be able to hear some useful advice.”

Judith nodded. Bartholomew also belatedly agreed with Cheraan’s words.

However, one question remained. If the Queen was able to bribe all the doctors and give her medicine that was not the right medicine for such a long time, then why has Queen Gilsis kept King Jedecayer alive until now?

The reason the Queen could not place Krald in the position of Crown Prince was because the King was still alive. It was clear that the Duke of Vergy, as well as the nobles who remained neutral, would not allow the Queen to decide important issues such as Crown Prince or abdication until the King officially died. In fact, perhaps they had failed to make Krald the Crown Prince because they expected their opposition to be strong.

However, when the King dies, the Queen becomes the King's representative in name and reality and holds all decision-making power. It included not only the appointment of a Crown Prince but also sensitive and important matters such as establishing a regent or abdicating the throne.

Doesn't the outcome that Queen Gilsis so desperately desires ultimately depend on the life of King Jedecayer? Still, what was the purpose of leaving him in a state of unconsciousness for several years?

Although Franz is the King's legitimate eldest son, there is no way he would be able to ascend to the throne smoothly even if the King were to pass away right now. It was ridiculous to hope that those who had been silent about all the unreasonable suffering he suffered would be willing to take Franz's side at this critical moment. Even the Queen wouldn't know that.

'Is there perhaps some other purpose?'

Judith tapped the saucer of the teacup with her fingertips. Although she learned something she didn't know before in her life, her doubts about Queen Gilsis' incomprehensible behavior deepened even further.


When Krald's wounds were almost gone, Queen Gilsis held a loud tea party as if it were a surprise. Although only a few noble ladies were invited, she only sent invitations to the most prominent families in the kingdom, so the rumor quickly spread.

The noble ladies who filled the drawing room, the most luxurious and large of the many separate rooms in the Queen's palace, came to see the Queen wearing expensive and luxurious dresses as if they had promised. Margit deliberately moved around and pretended to work to avoid being noticed by them.

She was also a Countess in terms of status, but compared to the guests who came, she was extremely shabby and was wearing an out-of-date dress. She was embarrassed by the fact that she did not look like a maid who was close to her.

“Queen, I am so glad to hear that His Highness Krald has recovered.”

“That’s right. I was so surprised when I heard that His Highness Krald was injured that I didn’t even finish eating.”

A ripple-like sound of laughter spread through the colorful feathers of the fan that were spread out as if showing off. Even though the flattery was clearly visible, no one noticed anything. It was only natural that they were all trying to please the Queen.

Rumors spread secretly about why Krald was injured, but no one mentioned that fact openly. At the same time, some people could not hide their blatant curiosity, and the Queen memorized their faces one by one, twisting her lips and pretending to smile.

“I heard that the Queen Mother’s health has suffered greatly while taking care of His Highness. I was worried.”

“Do I care about my health when I’m taking care of my only son?”

"Perhaps! Your Majesty is so beautiful and full of grace. She is truly a woman who has reached the pinnacle of this country. She is so outstanding as a mother that we don’t dare raise our heads.”

“Didn’t the Marchioness raise three children on her own? I left Krald in the care of her nanny early on.”

“Looking back, I realized I did the same.”

Again, a high-pitched laugh echoed through the ceiling of the living room. The Queen, who was drinking tea and listening to the conversation with an arrogant and noble attitude, glanced at the Marchioness who was speaking to her.

“We know that Your Majesty cares and loves His Highness Krald very much, but in this matter alone, if His Highness Krauld had had a Princess, wouldn’t the noble Queen Mother have been less concerned?”


"Yes. Isn't he already sixteen, His Highness Krald? It was also time for him to get a wife.”

The Queen's face seemed to frown slightly but soon relaxed into indifference.

It wasn't that she hadn't thought about Krald's marriage. She just didn't like any woman of any kind. Even though it was a family that was unconditionally loyal to her, she did not change that perception. In her mind, there was no way she could be the right woman for her son, the best person in the world.

Everyone's attention was focused on the words the Marchioness said. In fact, most of the noble ladies gathered there had one or two or more daughters of Krald's age. Of course, they knew that Krald was a miserable bastard, but as long as the Queen was alive, there was no need to doubt that he would become the next King of Rotair.

The dream of making their daughter the Princess of Krald and becoming a family that would produce a Queen in the future was the desire they all had.

“It’s not that I'm not, it’s time to prepare.”

Several eyes flashed greedily at the Queen's answer. The Marchioness, who was the first to speak, pretended to sit closer to the Queen.

“Of course, Your Majesty. In general, marriage is not something that can be decided overnight, so you have to be careful. From now on, you should meet women from various families and find a girl who will serve Prince Krald well.”

“The Marchioness is right, Queen Mother. You have the first daughter-in-law, so she let anyone in a hurry, but can the second daughter-in-law do that?”

This is a mockery of Judith. Although Judith was the first Princess of the royal family, they whispered and laughed without fear. Since the Queen did not even pretend to reprimand her, the gossip became even bolder and more base.

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