TCORIYH - Chapter 40

Franz, who took Judith to the Princess's palace, had Mary Anne call the palace doctor. Judith, who had gone out fine in the morning, was brought in crying and Cheraan panicked in shock, thinking she was hurt again. However, she later heard the full story from Bartholomew and was ready to pick up her sword and go kill Krald.

“That damn brat! I will hang you on the castle wall and make you food for eagles. Let go, Bartholomew!”

When Cheraan was unable to free her arm from Bartholomew's hold, she pounded her fist on the table next to her. Bartholomew, seeing her actions which were extreme for a noble lady, burst into laughter despite the serious situation.

“You say you want to feed that bastard to eagles, but I want to tie that bastard up and feed him to the fish in the lake. But if we mess with the royal family, we will become food for eagles or fish. So calm down.”

"Calm? Calm down? In this situation, does the word calm come out? What on earth did you learn from that brazen crazy bastard that dares do such a thing?”

After screaming once, Cheraan continued to wheeze wildly as if she couldn't calm down. If she hadn't heard that Franz had beaten up Krald, she might not have been able to show this much patience now.

The court doctor who was called in looked around at Judith and said that there was nothing wrong with her, except that she was a little shocked and weak, and recommended that she drink a cup of tea made with mint. Mary Ann immediately ran over and made the tea. Judith just looked down, holding the teacup with her still trembling hands.

“You’d better drink it.”

Franz, who was watching from the side, said. Judith's eyes looking up were not very clear. She just looked down at the tea again, took a very slow sip, and set the cup down.

“You just moistened your lips.”

“I’ll leave it for a while and then drink it, Your Highness.”

Franz raised an eyebrow. With a small sigh, he uncrossed his arms and came over to sit on the edge of the bed. The distance between the two became closer in an instant, but the atmosphere in the room was still subtle. It was a mixture of regret, embarrassment, anger that had not yet cooled down, and anxious tremors.

It was exhilarating that Krald had gotten to that point, but she couldn't just be happy. Behind the image of him screaming in anger, Queen Gilsis came to mind one after another. Her mind was blank as to how to deal with the fact that the Queen would not leave Franz alone.

What if the daughter of the Montfort family is brought in as a witness? No, it won't be of any help. 

Unable to organize her thoughts, a flood of anxiety came over her. Judith, who had been unconsciously chewing her fingernails, flinched in surprise when Franz gently grabbed her wrist.

"Your Highness."

“If you’re so nervous because you’re worried about me, it’s okay.”

His voice was strong and calm, but Judith could not relax. She had barely thought that she had turned the Queen Mother's target from Franz to herself, but she never thought something like this would happen.

“Queen Mother will never....”

“She probably doesn’t want to stay still. I know.”

"Why... Why did you do that? No matter what rude things Krald does regularly... You didn’t...”

“I can tolerate as much rudeness as he wants. But this is a different case.”

Franz's voice suddenly lowered. Not only his voice but also the way he looked up at Judith had changed.

What is it? 

In his eyes, it seemed as if she could see things that were difficult to name, wriggling and shaking from the dark depths. When Judith realized that fact, someone's voice rang loudly in Judith's head.

"Perhaps His Highness Franz, perhaps, because of that incident, to His Highness Krald..."

What Samona said. When Judith heard that, she did not believe Samona's words. She thought it could not be so, and only the news that Queen Gilsis had imprisoned Franz in the spire made her despair.

If that were true.

Was it true that Franz had tried to kill Krald because he had tried to brutally terrorize Judith? 

Her tightly closed lips were trembling. She could not ask what the truth was for Franz now. She'll probably never know in the future.

The overflowing tears fell down her cheeks. Franz thought she was crying because she was scared and sad, but even Judith herself had a hard time explaining exactly why she was crying.

There was sadness and regret in those tears. And she felt both joy and a little relief at being comforted.

“Don’t cry.”

Franz, who spoke soothingly, clumsily grabbed her shoulder and eventually pulled her into his arms. Judith felt like she was going to laugh even in the middle of this because he was very clumsy with patting her back.


“Krald! Krald! Ah, my son. What should I do, my son?”

“Your Majesty, calm down! The palace doctor said it wasn't a big wound... Oh!"

Margit, who was struggling to calm the Queen down, was frightened by the sharp pain that struck her cheek and hunched her shoulders. The moment the Queen swung her hand, the ring on her finger scratched her skin. Margit became contemplative as she noticed blood stains on her trembling fingertips.

“It’s not a big wound? Isn't it a big wound? Open your eyes and see what you see! He was injured like that, but it wasn't a big injury! Only if you don’t look down on the Prince can you dare say such a thing!”

“I absolutely did not mean that, Your Majesty! It's not like that, I'm worried that Your Majesty's health will be harmed...”

The end of Margit's gibberish words was drowned out by the Queen's shouting and could not be heard properly. During all the commotion, the palace doctor who treated Krald's wounds came out of the bedroom. Queen Gilsis rushed at him intending to grab him by the collar.

“Krald! My son! How did it go? What happened to the wound?”

“Queen, calm down. There are some scratches here and there, but I think he'll be fine. I’m sure his scars will disappear soon.”

“Get out of my way!”

The Queen violently pushed away the doctor and hurriedly entered the bedroom. She was furious as if she was going to break and throw everything she touched, and as soon as she saw Krald sitting on the bed with a sulking face, her eyes filled with tears.


The Queen, who was sitting close to him while shouting a single word, sobbed nervously as she tried to smooth out Krald's face, which had been covered with cloth here and there.

“Krald, my son! How much it hurt. How scared you were. It's okay now. Because there is a mother here.”

The Queen treated her sixteen-year-old son as if he were a five-year-old. From the perspective of parents, their children could feel like children no matter how old they were, but in the case of Queen Gilsis, that was very extreme. It was only natural that Krald's existence could be considered the Queen's everything.

“Krald, let’s take a look at your face, huh? My baby, Please raise your head.”

“Oh, mother! Do not touch. It’s hurt.”

Krald angrily slapped away the Queen's hand that was covering his cheek and tried to look at his wound. It was a rude attitude, but rather than scolding him, the Queen quickly took her hand and nodded her head.

“Yes, that’s right. This mother feels sorry for you. But raise your head a little. Did the palace doctor properly treat the wound? Where...”

“Stop talking about that damn palace and punish the bastard who made me like this! If he dares to touch my body, the heir to the throne, shouldn’t he be imprisoned!”

Krald's face, which shouted hysterically, was incomparably violent. As the words about the throne came out of his mouth without any hesitation, the eyes of the maids who were holding their breath widened silently. Even the Queen Mother's eyes twitched for a moment, but she soon softened her expression and smiled flatteringly.

“Of course, he should. Don't do it that way. He dared to hurt my son's handsome face. How could a mother let this go? I will never leave him alone. Your mother will never forget what happened today.”

“That big bastard! That bastard should be put in jail too.”

“Who are you talking about, big bastard?”

“The son of the Duke of Vergy! That bastard who thinks he's Bartholomew or something! He yelled at me!”

Bartholomew. Queen Gilsis' eyes sparkled like a snake biting its prey.

She almost wanted to drag Franz, who had scarred her son's face, into rags. It seemed like her anger wouldn't go away even if she chewed and swallowed, but since her opponent was also a Prince, the fact that she couldn't do that drove her crazy.

Instead, it would have been refreshing to have the Princess whipped instead, but after the rumor that she was nursing the King spread, public opinion began to praise the Princess among the nobles, so even that was not easy.

But if he is the son of the Duke of Vergy. She can vent his anger however he wants to that man. The Queen held Krald's hand, which was frantically hitting the sheet, and patted the back of his hand.

“Don’t worry, Krald. My precious son. The Duke of Vergy's son dared to shout at my son. Can your mother leave him alone? I should at least pull out his tongue. If I can’t get his tongue out, I’ll have to sew his mouth shut.”

“Then will the Duke of Vergy be still?”

Krald grunted. As he thought about it, her mother wanted to tell them to drag Barth here right away. Krald wanted to rip out his tongue with his own hands, but it was clear that he wouldn't be able to deal with him if he did that. Because the Duke of Vergu has a private army.

The Queen's brows furrowed as she realized what Krald meant.

Among the many noble families in the kingdom, the Duke of Vergy was the only one permitted to serve as a private soldier. This was proof that he received unwavering trust from the royal family, but he was a thorn in the side of the Queen Mother.

“Don’t worry, Krald. It will not be too late to pull out his tongue and sew up his mouth, even after the family crest has been overthrown. I must avenge my precious son. A mother must do this, huh?"

“So in the end, there’s nothing my mother can do now? You just say that, right?”

The Queen looked heartbroken at her son's blunt tone, full of dissatisfaction. How could she make her own precious, good son so angry! 

The more she thought about it, the more she couldn't leave them alone.

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