TCORIYH - Chapter 35

[ A long tail is bound to get stepped on ]

Judith tried to stop laughing, but she couldn't. Her small shoulders were shaking constantly, perhaps because she had relaxed once. The last bit of self-control she had was biting her lip to silence her voice.

Seeing that she couldn't stop laughing, Cheraan also started laughing. The more this happened, the more reddened Franz's face became, but even Basholomew next to him seemed to have no intention of helping him.

“Eat pigeon patena.”

Finally, Franz spoke. Bartholomew made a squeak and bit his tongue as if the cold voice seemed to cut off the wind. He was trying to hold back his laughter.

“I don’t like that. Did you forget? Didn’t I get spanked by my father when I complained that I didn’t want to eat when I was young?”

“Everyone should have seen you lying on the floor and screaming.”

Only then did a slight smile appear on Franz's lips. Even now that I think about it, it was truly a sight to behold. Not only the Duke of Vergy but also the king and his wife were present at the event. So, it was an informal family gathering.

“It wasn’t pigeon pate back then, it was probably peas.”

“I still don’t even look at peas. The best thing about being old enough to stop getting spanked was that I didn’t have to eat peas.”

The Duke of Vergy, unable to see Bartholomew refusing to eat the few peas on his plate, threw him down and slapped him on the buttocks. After that, she even bowed his head and apologized politely before the King and Queen, but suddenly Bartholomew, who had been standing pursing his lips, was lying down on the floor, crying loudly.

"I don't want to eat peas! Even if I don’t eat peas, I won’t die! Uncle! Please tell my father not to feed me those peas! I'm not going to eat! I won't eat it!"

It goes without saying that the Duke and Duchess of Vergy were obsessed with their son. However, King Jedercayer had to bite his lip until it bled to keep from bursting into laughter that day. The mess finally ended when he covered his fluttering nose and gave permission not to eat the peas.

Judith, who had been listening to the story, was now shaking all over. She wanted to laugh, but she couldn't because Franz and Bartholomew, whom she had seen for the first time today, were also there. Bartholomew, seeing Judith's face red, smiled and spoke to her.

“If you want to laugh, you can just laugh. There is someone who will make a fuss.”

“No, but....”

Cheraan ended up bursting into laughter first as her voice trembled as if she was about to cry. Then Judith could not bear it any longer and burst into laughter, covering her face.

Bartholomew glanced at the face of Franz, who was sitting next to him and narrowed his eyes. As soon as Judith smiled, his face, which had been stiff for a long time, relaxed with relief.

'Even if I don't see what my fate will be like in the future, it's clear to my eyes.'

Playing the role of a clown by interfering with a couple who are being treated unfairly is something Bartholomew cannot do even if he beats him to death due to his personality.

But if it was Franz's job, the story would be different. Franz was like a full brother to Bartholomew. He was an inseparable blood relative and comrade, and one day he would hold him up on his head. If he could kneel at the feet of Franz, who had become King, and swear allegiance, Bartholomew would have been content to live his whole life in the middle of a battlefield.

“Isn’t it hard to wait on you?”

These were the first words Franz said to Judith after dinner began. Judith, who was rubbing a small piece of meat over the herb sauce, opened her lips slightly at his sudden question and then smiled.

"It's okay. I'm just worried that His Majesty's condition isn't improving...”

Although he could not hear what Bartholomew had said, he also understood that Judith could only say that. Franz silently nodded his head and quenched his throat with water.

“Well, now that I think about it...”

At Judith's next words, all three people's eyes turned to her. Tensions naturally arose on the table as a wave of worry flickered in the pale blue eyes that moved cautiously.

“Does Bartholomew or Cheraan know any council members personally? Although the palace doctors are taking medicine every day, I am worried because His Majesty has never regained consciousness. If there is a skilled doctor in the private sector, I thought it would be helpful to get advice from that person...”

The eyes of the two people who were pointed out met again. Judith's attitude of concern only for the King's condition was so natural that no one, including Franz, realized her true intentions.

Judith was worrying intensely every day about the strange symptoms discovered in the King. An inconspicuous bluish mark that exists only inside the mouth.

It was unknown whether the palace doctors found the traces or not. It's not like she didn't think about asking them, pretending she found it while feeding the King water or rice. But Judith soon gave up that thought. Because she couldn't trust the palace doctors.

If they had not known the traces, they could have assumed that Judith had misheard the servant, or worse, that she had fed something strange to the unconscious King. On the other hand, if she kept her mouth shut even though she knew there were such traces, the mere fact that Judith noticed the fact could have caused a headache.

So silence was the answer for now. But she can't pretend she hasn't seen it forever. Judith wanted to find a medical book and read it, but the free time given to Judith during the day was too short. To make matters worse, permission was required to enter the palace's study. There was also a records room that monitored and recorded who came in, what books they read, and how long they stayed.

What would the Queen's attitude be if she found out that Judith was suddenly looking through medical books? She may not know, but she won't be happy.

So Judith asked Bartholomew and Cheraan for help. While maintaining the attitude of a Princess who cares about her father-in-law, the King. Cheraan's response was a little faster than that of Bartholomew, who was blinking his eyes.

“I don’t know, but there is a doctor my mother has been looking for for a long time. They mainly deal with nobles, but from what I heard, the clinic itself was set up in the square.”

“If the Marchioness keeps him by your side for a long time, his skills must be excellent.”

“He is certainly an expert in gynecological diseases, but sometimes my father calls the doctor when he gets sick. So, yes. I’m sure his skills will be good.”

Bartholomew, who was waiting for Cheraan to finish speaking, also answered.

“If you ask my father, you will find someone you can trust, Your Highness.”

It was indeed an answer befitting the son of the Duke of Vergy. Although he did not know Judith's true intentions, he seemed to have guessed that she was hiding some secret intention. Judith smiled softly and nodded her head.

“Please do me a favor, Bartholomew.”

“My father didn’t become like that in a day or two. You probably know this, but is there a reason why you suddenly want to mobilize private lawmakers?”

The unexpected ambush was Franz. But Judith was not embarrassed. She had her eyes fixed on him with a calm demeanor.

“If there is a reason, it would be my concern for His Majesty.”

“Of course I know that, but...”

Since it comes out like that, he has nothing to say. Franz eventually gave up his clumsy interrogation. Well, he didn't even intend to dig deep in the first place. 

Judith must be very busy just serving people, so how can she have time to think about anything else? Even if she were to think differently, she wouldn't assassinate the King.

He just thought of it that way. It was fortunate for Judith, who was contemplating what to say.

Bartholomew felt that there was something strange about Judith's attitude toward Franz, but could not pinpoint what it was. However, it was clear that the attitude she showed when dealing with Franz in th patronage before the meal was completely different from the attitude she had now when answering him while discussing the King's illness.

They say you are different from what you seem, and that is indeed true. 

Bartholomew recalled the evaluation of Judith he had heard from his father. 

What does he think? 

It was none of Bartholomew's business whether the Princess's character was eccentric or not, as long as she did not burden the suffering Franz and treated him with affection.


“It is time for Your Majesty to take medicine.”

The new palace doctor who replaced the court physician, who was said to be half crippled after being beaten, was an old man as expected. Like an eagle looking for its prey, its now hazy eyes were sparkling and somehow reminded her of Helen.

Because he was sent by the Queen, Judith did not trust him from the beginning. Perhaps because of an order he received from the Queen, he behaved extremely arrogantly towards Judith. In fact, the attitude of the existing doctor felt much more polite.

Judith quietly got up and made room for him. And she watched silently as he poured the medicine into King Jedercayer's mouth.

No matter how much she thought about it, it was strange. Why don't they just give her the medicine?

It's not just about feeding. The doctor did not allow Judith to step into the kitchen where they were boiling medicine and preparing medicinal ingredients. They said she didn't have to do such a thing because she was a Princess, but she could tell by asking a three-year-old passing by that that wasn't the real reason. Judith's suspicions could not help but deepen.

'What kind of drug is this?'

Since she was standing at the King's feet, the distance between him and the doctor was somewhat distant, but even though it would have had a distinct smell if it were medicine, there was no smell at all. It is said that some medicines are made to reduce bad odor on purpose to relieve the patient's suffering, but the King is currently unconscious. There was no need to reduce the smell in the first place.

In that case, it means that there was no smell when it was made, but there was no such thing among the medicinal herbs that Judith knew. She was young and had a weak body, so even when her mother was alive, she had to take a lot of medicine to strengthen her physical strength. They all smelled awful.

Judith, who was looking at the half of the medicine left in the bowl, took advantage of the doctor's distraction to sneak out of the bed. And she walked towards the kitchen, making as little noise as possible.

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