IHMEB - Chapter 48 < Winning Hearts >

IHMEB - Chapter 48 < Winning Hearts >

Having An Enemy's Baby

“If you do well, you might become Queen, Irena.”

"Yes? What do you mean, Queen?”

The Duke of Vermont had a bright face.

“King Oberon sent an invitation.”

“An invitation? What invitation?”

“At the royal ball held after the fall festival.”

Large estate festivals are held throughout Oberon every one to two weeks.

The most spectacular of them all was the festival held in the capital where Oberon's royal castle was located. Many people wish to visit the capital city to see its unique attractions.

Most people participate in festivals held around the castle of the Lord of their respective territory.

The reason why the date of the festival was not fixed on just a few days was that the festival was held even in regions where autumn had no meaning, such as Rowen, and because there were some differences between regions, so people could interact by observing the events of other Lord s' castles.

There was almost a month difference between the earliest and slowest festivals.

“Are you saying he invited me to the King’s Birthday Ball?”

For the sake of governance both inside and outside the country, it is better to hold large events occasionally.

But isn't birthday something that cannot be done by human power?

About a month after the capital's fall festival ended, it was King Oberon's birthday, and another month and a half later was the New Year's ball.

After major events are held every month starting in the fall, it is like welcoming a new year.

“Vermontans aren’t active in the capital’s social scene, are they?”

That was exactly what Irena was puzzled about.

It was traditional for Vermont's daughters to stay out of the capital's social circles.

She went so far as to not attend the capital's debutantes or even the balls.

She does not even go to the New Year's Ball, where she goes to the King to greet the New Year and pledges loyalty.

Vermont is within the framework of Oberon but is not a subject who has sworn allegiance to King Oberon.

A representative example was the failure to pay land tax to the King.

The Duke of Vermont was the reigning King of the North.

So, the fact that he was threatened by a chick as young as a Temnes child due to a long drought during his time hurt his pride even more.

In response to Irena's question, the Duke of Vermont smiled so widely that his molars made of gold were visible.

“That’s what I said. Do you know how long it has been since King Oberon sent an invitation to Vermont to attend a ball?”

“How long has it been since this happened?”

“This is my first time.”

He was full of joy. As it was an unprecedented event in history, its meaning was obvious.

“It was written that I must attend with the Duchess and Princess.”


When it came to King Oberon, the Duke of Vermont was quite favorable.

Her father often praised King Oberon, saying he was an extraordinary monarch, but Irena thought that he was a trivial but formidable person, from the very fact that he referred to her as 'Princess' in the invitation to the Duke of Vermont.

“Kkkkkk. I guess I could make the King my son-in-law. Ha ha ha!"

“It’s not certain yet.”

"What are you saying? Do you think it’s common for the King to point out and give orders like this?”

That was actually true. It was a nobleman's way of speaking in a roundabout way for fear of being caught later or causing an unpleasant incident.

However, from what Irena wrote in the telegram she suddenly received from the Duke of Vermont, it seemed that the King was very interested in her, so he broke with the tradition and made an unconventional invitation.

'King Oberon, why me?'

She lived only in Vermont for the rest of her life, and for the first time in her life, she escaped the North using Claudel as an excuse, but there was no contact between her and King Oberon.

On the one hand, she had other thoughts because her mind had been a mess the whole time since she had seen Kaian and Claudel.

'Arranged marriage is not necessarily a bad thing.'

Irena lived in a perfect world.

It was, of course, her father, the Duke of Vermont, who laid it all around her.

She was a very bright and happy young lady, and not even the misfortune of losing her husband cast a shadow over her.

She said yes, she always believed.

But when she looked at Claudel, she felt a lack for the first time since she was born from the look in Kaian's eyes.

Something Irena has never had.

Her husband's heart, her husband's affection.

Something between the passion that comes with it.

For the first time, she thought that if she had the chance she would have someone to share her feelings with.

Even when she first got married and when she met her husband, she only thought about him and her getting married and becoming husband and wife, but she never thought about how she would live her life.

How can she finally realize what she is missing after a long time has passed since the person who was supposed to be with her has left?

Irena accepted the reason for her belated tears and heartache.

'If my father is interested, it might be a good opportunity.'

It could have been a good thing that someone she had been waiting for, who she might connect with, appeared when her heart was empty.

'Because we cannot allow the succession relationship to remain unstable forever.'

If King Oberon and Irena were to marry, Valmonde, who was literally only within the framework of Oberon's kingdom, might be able to become part of the real Oberon's kingdom.

“His Majesty the King has finally recognized us. Even if he searched the entire kingdom, he wouldn’t find a bride like you.”

“Did you come here yourself to tell the story?”

“They’re giving you a physical invitation. That too from the King himself!”

In the royal family, even telegrams were sent with a brilliant golden sign, so receiving a real invitation had a special meaning.

“I will prepare a separate residence in the capital, so you can stay here until the royal ball.”

"Yes. All right."

The Duke of Vermont did not hide his satisfaction.

“We will need to prepare new jewelry and dresses so that the King can't see what is lacking. You will stay in the capital with your father until he calls me to the palace soon.”

“I will.”

Irena nodded her head.

But somehow, as before she left Castle de Valmonde for Rowen, she said to her father, Words like ‘I like it’ or ‘I’m looking forward to it’ did not come out.


Hannah put her hands on her hips and cheered.

“Look! I thought I was right, right?”

"Yes. I lost.”

When I admitted, she laughed heartily.

Things went back a long time before Irena even visited.

Could it be Kaian?'

‘My Lord? Why, My Lord?'

'If he sees Irena, will he fall in love with her

I was suffering alone and when I told Hannah about my worries, she immediately told me that my worries were ridiculous and was dumbfounded.

'Hmm. Then, would you like to bet with me?'

'What bet?'

‘Does the Lord fall in love with Lady Irena or not? Madame thinks that if the Lord sees Lady Irena, he will fall for her. I'm not.'

So the loser decided to grant the winner's wish.

In fact, it is better for my happiness if I lose, so I indeed prayed every night that Hannah would win.

Even though I lost, I wasn't very happy.

“Oh my. What do you wish for?”

“Tell me quickly. I heard it’s better to get hit quickly.”

"No, I do not want. I'll keep it precious as I tease you until the Young Lady clings to me asking me to please tell you my wish. Ha ha ha."

Yes. Hanna, I'm glad you're happy too.

I laughed after her but swallowed bitterness inside me.

Before Irena came, I was anxious, looking back at myself as a transparent figure before my dazzling sister in Valmonde.

After I visited Rowen Castle, as Hanna said, Kaian did not show any particular interest in Irena or was indifferent to me.

That alone wasn't enough.

Just because Kaian isn't attracted to Irena doesn't mean he's interested in me.

I want to get his sincerity.

I hope Kaian likes me.

I couldn't ask that.

For some reason, it didn't seem like he would readily say that he liked me. 

If he asks me why I think that way, I can only say it's a woman's intuition.

Kaian had an outspoken personality.

He had no patience or hesitation in saying what he wanted.

The young and strong Lord, who was born noble, was a man who would never know the frustrations of my life.

That was the case even between married couples, so I couldn't really refuse to do what Kaian asked me to do or push him away.

When Kaian wanted, I hugged him with only a necklace I had received as a gift on my bare body without a single thread.

He could control me as he wanted, but it seemed impossible to go against such a tight grip.

He had never once expressed that he liked me.

But even though I had no reason to refrain from doing anything, I felt that a man who spent so much money on maintaining my dignity had a reason not to do so.

I thought that the same things Kaian did for me would have been provided to anyone else as his wife.

'I'm not happy about that at all.'

It was only one night when my husband was away and he went to the hunting ground, but I was so happy that I was told to mind myself that I clung to him passionately. Because those words made me feel like there was hope.

I'm getting closer to winning Kaian's heart where I want to.

Meanwhile, I, trembling with anxiety, sent another telegram to the Duke of Vermont.

It was nice and happy that my sister came all the way to the South to see me, but I didn't want my uncle's implicit intentions to come.

'Please. Please let me stay here like this.'

Kaian made me better, but only if it was possible with my own money.

Why didn't the Duke of Vermont do the same?

Still, I think my late father believed in his older brother.

I knew he left a will saying he was sorry and asked him to raise his daughter well.

I spoke to Hannah while hiding my feeling of being depressed.

“If you don’t tell me your wish quickly, it will be as if it never happened.”

"Book. Where is that? Ah. What do I wish for? What should I say so that I can boast about it from generation to generation as a good wish?”

“I have to do something I can listen to.”

The laughter of young women sharing unusual stories could be heard clearly through the bedroom door.

Kaian, who was standing outside the door listening to this, had a cold expression on his face and was thinking about what he had just received.

Claudel constantly sent telegrams to Valmonde through her maid.

Kaian was receiving every single detail from the person planted on the message board.

[Irena departs. I'm trying to win my husband's heart. If you need anything, let me know. I can do it well.]

So far, the contents Claudel had sent to the Duke of Vermont clearly pointed to one fact.

“You came here to act as a spy, not as a Duchess.”

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