IHMEB - Chapter 42 < Queen >

IHMEB - Chapter 42 < Queen >

Having An Enemy's Baby

“Claudel! My little sister!"


Claudel welcomed her with her smiling face.

Luscious red hair and brightly shining golden eyes.

Vermont's two daughters hugged each other and shared a moment.

"Welcome sister."

When she received the call that Irena was visiting Rowen, her mind was complicated by various thoughts, but when she saw her, her joy was the greatest.

“Wasn’t it difficult on the way there?”

“It’s hard. I've never been this excited in my life! I think traveling is a good fit for me.”

Irena was beautiful, with her smile and her liveliness.

The Duke of Vermont used to refer to Irena as the ‘God’s masterpiece’.

Claudel also often felt that Irena was like a well-made work of art.

'Does being born and raised make such a difference?'

At the Castle Valmonde, Irena was treated like their own Princess.

Many people were uncomfortable with Claudel's origins and her unfortunate story.

The death of her parents who gave birth to her was a huge event, so she was talked about by many people.

It seems like what she ate and wore wasn't particularly fancy.

When the Duke of Vermont visited the capital, she never felt disappointed that the luxuries he bought from his heart were only for Irena.

If her parents had only bought Irena, they would have been disappointed, but the Duke of Vermont is not Claudel's father.

Claudel was grateful that the Duchess of Vermont had added her to the family register as her own daughter and allowed her to receive the same education as Irena.

Even if it was actually for political use later.

It was natural to feel sorry for a child who lost her parents.

Irena, who grew well in the good soil of Valmonde under her parents who were like the bright summer sun, was a tree with different cotyledons.

Claudel was as miserable as a tree that had been dug up entirely from the land it grew up in and transplanted to an unexpected location.

It wasn't Irena's fault.

What could she do for a child who was only two years older than her?

Irena grew up flawlessly and brightly, while Claudel grew up with many flaws.

Because she exists, even though she is compared to each and every incident and people talk about her.

When the Duchess of Vermont saw people coming in and out of the castle talking about Claudel, when Irena grew up, she scolded her and told her not to be rude.

However, everyone knew that the Lord, the Duke of Vermont, loved her own daughter, Irena, very much, and since he did not dislike the praise that Irena was superior to Claudel, the comparison continued without eradicated.

Although it was daily life in the same castle, it was a very different life.

“I’m really sick of Valmonde. Since there is no male heir, what's the point of getting a son-in-law? Vermont's daughter can leave the castle only when she gets married. I never had a chance to escape from Castle Valmonde.”

“But you still came like this.”

"That's right. It's all thanks to you. If I hadn’t come to see you, my father would never have allowed it.”

Irena continued to smile brightly.

Who wouldn't love this glare?

In Valmonde, where it was freezing for half of the year, Irena's smile had enough warmth to warm the hearts of those shivering in the cold.

Could Claudel have become like Irena if she had been raised in a castle from birth? 

She used to imagine that.

Although she couldn't imagine herself smiling like sunshine.

“It’s time for tea. Let’s take a quick look around the room.”

Irena was very excited.

“I asked my father what Castle Rowen was like, and he said that the Temnes bastards were very extravagant.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Claudel felt people walking around her stop and it got on her nerves.

But Irena continued her words without any hesitation.

“It’s definitely more plain than Valmonde Castle. Our castle has gold on the ceiling from here to there.”

“But the tradition is deeper at Rowan Castle. The wood and stone used to build the castle were also of the highest quality. It was built when the Kingdom of Oberon was founded, so it is older than the royal castle. This elegant castle is one of the few in the kingdom.”

When the Lord's wife, Claudel, came forward and spoke as if she were defending Rowen Castle, the air became warm again.

“It’s elegant, but a bit boring. It feels like a temple atmosphere. Temnes is more frugal than I thought.”

From afar, 'That damn Vermont!' As she spoke, the sound of annoyance could be heard slightly, but Irena seemed to have no thoughts.


Claudel quickly guided her and opened the door to her bedroom.

“Wow! The atmosphere here is pretty good.”

As Irena felt, the Duchess's room had a very different atmosphere.

“Lady Irena. It’s been a while since I said hello.”

When Hannah came in with the tea, Irena greeted her warmly.

"Oh, Hannah how have you been doing? Oh my God! It's a Rowan-style dress. You look like a Temnesian.”

“Good to see you. I am now a servant of Temnes to my soul.”

“Not even a joke. Ho ho ho.”

Irena, who took Hannah's sincerity as a joke, laughed as if she had just heard something very funny.

“It’s not a joke.”

“Let me see your closet!”

After taking a sip of her tea, Irena jumped up.

“Let’s take a look at the new bride’s personal belongings...”

Before Claudel could guide her, Irena was at a loss for words as she opened the door to the dressing room without hesitation.


Irena was purely amazed.

An enormous amount of dresses filled a space as large as a living room.

She slowly walked into the dressing room with a dazed expression.

As she opened the cabinet where she kept the jewels, her eyes, which had already grown large, widened once again.

"Oh my God....”

Claudel stood awkwardly behind Irena, not knowing what to say.

It was Kaian who filled this place like this.

Claudel tried to dissuade him, saying that it was a luxury to buy so much that she couldn't even wear everything, but the Duke of Temnes was also an outspoken person.

“This is my first time seeing something like this. Really."

Irena turned around, her eyes shining.

“Can I try it?”



Irena was so excited that she jumped up and down.

"Come on. Let’s do it together.”

She put one of the necklaces with a large emerald around her neck and looked at herself in the mirror. Then she took the ruby ​​necklace that was hanging next to it and put it on Claudel.

“Let’s change clothes too. Let’s see.”

A ruby ​​necklace with a vivid purple color.

It was something that Kaian bought from a jewelry store that asked for 'everything' and hung around Claudel's neck for the first time today.

Then Irena's eyes fell on an unusual chiffon dress, with the hems dyed red.

"OMG! Is this really Madame Marcel’s dress?”

“Madame Marcel?”

“He’s the most famous designer in the capital! That's right! Look here.”

When she turned over the layered hem of the dress, she saw initials embroidered in gold thread inside.

“It’s a dress that’s hard to buy even if you wait in line for a year.”


“It’s so popular and she’s always been around.”


“Men won’t leave you alone. The rumor must have even spread to Valmonde. I guess it’s hard to work because attractive women get caught up in gossip for no reason.”

Irena jumped up and moved about a meter next to her.

“Ugh! This looks like Juvertouña! It’s famous for having the most expensive dresses in the capital!”

How do you know that? It's just a dress.

"OMG!! It’s where Princess Bianque wore it during her debutante!”

Claudel just blinked.

Excited, Irena tried on several dresses, tried on her jewelry, and had fun changing Claudel's clothes.

"Ha. It was fun.”

“... It's hard."

The two exhausted women lay down on the mountain of dresses.

Irena looked at Claudel lying down next to her with the satisfied expression of a well-fed puppy.

“I thought you didn’t have any hobbies like this. I always wanted to play together like this.”

Irena lightly ran Claudel's hair with her fingertips.

“I still have no hobbies.”

"Yes. You still read books here every day, right?”

“I don’t just read books.”

“Hehehe. I wish we had spent more time together like this before getting married. It's a shame."

Irena sighed.

“Your face looks better though. I heard you were getting married to Temnes, so I was worried about what would happen to you. You were so pale that you looked like you were going to pass out on your wedding day.”

“This is also a place where people live.”

Irena took a deep breath after hearing Claudel's words and asked.

“Where will you take me tomorrow?”

“There is a place called Garden Cafe. It's a place my sister would love. There are a lot of flowers and we set up a table there and drink tea.”

At her words, Irena jumped upright.

"What? Let’s go now!”

Claudel smiled as she looked at Irena, whose tired expression from earlier had completely disappeared.


Early in the morning, Rowen Castle was enveloped in a quiet atmosphere.

The sunlight that had just risen illuminated the water mist flowing over the water around the lake in the patronage, creating a mysterious atmosphere.

Valquiterre muttered as he stepped on the grass that was still covered in dew that had not yet dried.

“As expected, I like this castle.”

The Kingdom of Oberon began in the land of Rowen.

Through various historical events, the Kingdom grew, advanced into the central and northern parts of the continent, and relocated the capital.

So Rowen Castle was originally where the King lived.

It is a classy and antique building.

It is not easy for a solid and huge building to be elegant, but the majesty of Rowen Castle, which was built with exceptional elegance down to the last detail, has always satisfied Valquiterre.

“You must be pissed off at Promhunt right now, right?”

Valquiterre, who had sent a telegram to see him at the hunting ground two days later, had already arrived at Promhunt by then.

It's a day's ride from Rowan Castle to Promhunt.

The reason he snatched up Kaian and came to the castle while the Lord was away was because he wanted to enjoy Rowen Castle to the fullest.

Valquirerre is not a guest of the castle where Kaian sits as a Lord.

This castle, too, Valquiterre felt should have been his.

However, since he didn't feel that way when Kaian was around, he deliberately sent a telegram to make him leave.

“When will it be my last name?”

Rowen has been a real pain in the ass these days.

Valquiterre loved Rowen.

He was merciless towards Kaian, who grew up like his brother, and one of the few things he was attached to was the Rowen estate.

However, after the war, because of Kaian's campaign, the entire Temnes, which had many of his vassals and blood relatives, was already rebelling against him as King.

“It’s not something to rush.”

It was when he was muttering to himself.


I could hear the sound of water splashing in the lake.


Valquiterre unconsciously killed the presence and slowly approached the lake.

Swimming in the lake was a huge redfish.


At first, what seemed like that to his eyes suddenly rose to the surface.


No, Goddess.

Was there a legend that such a being lived in this lake?

Valquiterre, who often spent time at Rowen Castle as a child, could not believe his eyes.

She lay on the water and licked under the water, bewitching him for a while.

Valquiterre looked at her without even hearing his breath.

His heart pounded.

Something, he didn't know if it was emotion, seemed to be squeezing his heart as he had escaped the culprit.

For a moment he forgot how much time had passed.

A woman who seemed as if she would disappear at the first sight came to land, wading through the water.

She was a living person.

She is not a mystery that will disappear.

As Valquiterre approached the shore of the lake in a hurry, the woman widened her eyes in surprise.

He knelt before her, plucking a few of beautifully blooming purple Scabiosa flowers and holding them out toward her.

"I am... It's called Bark. May I ask for your name?”

Then the woman smiled and answered.


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