VLA - Chapter 2

VLA - Chapter 2

Violet Love Affair

He said that married couples can pretend not to know each other and close their eyes, but they cannot be ignorant of their spouse.

However, when Ana looked at her husband, it was very difficult to read his inner thoughts.

Of course, Garcia was always polite, but that doesn't show everything about him. As much as she had never once been disappointed in him, Ana didn't know him. Just a good husband, a capable nobleman, and an elegant gentleman.

Perhaps she too is a dignified noblewoman, an honorable nobleman, and a good wife. If she think about it the other way around, could he be confident that her husband knows her well? 

Maybe so.

Ana thinks she is a typical, boring woman who only appears in etiquette books. She is like the main character of a novel placed at the bedside of other women. She is nothing particularly special, has no outspoken courage or boldness, but is just overly cautious and meek, like a white rose in a greenhouse.

"I really envy Lady Tudor."

Ana stopped smelling the tea and Iooked at the woman across from her. Was she a Viscountess? 

Across the sea, she was the daughter-in-law of a Count who had a considerable fortune in the Yeruam colony.

She's been married for 7 years. The normal age for marriage is between twenty-four and six, so like Ana, she got married very early. Ana smiled, silently putting down her glass as if holding a feather.

"I'm not a great person who would make anyone envious, but I'm curious as to why."

"You have such a wonderful and kind husband. This is the first time I've seen a man who pays attention to his wife's awkward walking at a picnic."

A few powerful noble families had just come out for a picnic with their spouses. It was Anna's first time seeing flowers and fields in a long time, so she put on new shoes on a whim, but it turned out to be a foolish choice.

Although her feet hurt, she was silently agreeing with the women's words, when Garcia, who was smoking a pipe with the gentlemen a little away, suddenly came up and wrapped his arms around Ana's shoulders.

"Are you having trouble with your feet?"

Although he couldn't see her feet closely because they were covered by her skirt, Ana was wiggling her slightly swollen feet under the table out of sheer embarrassment. When the women expressed their envy by saying that the Viscountess was right, Ana did not want to brag about her husband or show humility by trying to explain why, so she just smiled shallowly. Still, their reviews, mixed with praise and mild envy, are not over yet.

"In fact, he is in an age where high-class prostitutes frequent salons, it is rare to find someone so kind and loyal," 

"That's right. He has a neat demeanor and is above reproach." 

"When his wife goes out, he always personally escorts her. Plus, he's handsome and dresses well! How nice to hear his voice! I'm really jealous." 

"I have never seen him set foot on the Street of Red Flowers (brothels) or Cortisan House. Don't gamble or drink too much."

"I heard it too. Moreover, he never misses a day and makes sure to spend time with her wife."

Ana, who must have been thinking the whole time, laughed awkwardly amid all the chattering. Normally, she would counter what they say with no, but in fact, there is nothing wrong with what they say. Even if it seems unrealistic at times, Garcia is that kind of man.

However, at this point, the atmosphere will become more pleasant if she mentions even a small flaw. She said the words she had already said dozens of times.

"I think he will become someone who stays at home like this. In fact, he has a special hobby. I don't know if he has those qualities that you consider positive."

"Oh my, what is that?"

Ana lowered her voice a little playfully and said to them, who seemed more excited than when they were just praising her husband.

"Hunting. Once a month, for about two days, he enjoys hunting all day long without even thinking about it."

"Oh my God!"

Hunting was an old aristocratic culture, but now that a long time had passed since the invention of steam engines and guns, it was a somewhat unfashionable aristocratic sport.

Things that are considered noble in today's social circles include polo, cricket, tennis, and horseback riding. Even if hunting was done, fox hunting using hunting dogs and herders without direct blood was considered dignified hunting.

Some people in the Roland region with strong bloodlines whispered that the act of shooting animals to death with guns was barbaric and low-grade.

The ladies who revered perfume and ballroom dancing as if they were a new religion did not regard it as a gentleman's hobby, which they were happy to do, although it was frowned upon because it was a man's culture.

As expected, they squinted their eyes in surprise. Somehow, they offer comfort in a higher voice.

"Well. You must be upset sometimes."

"I get a little surprised when someone who used to be neat comes back late at night smelling of blood. But, I don't really hate it because he gets to make cool fox fur, deer headdresses, and black bear fur carpets."

The women burst into laughter. Ana laughed accordingly. She felt at ease as if she had just swallowed a small meal. But that smile immediately turned into embarrassment.

"I didn't know you wouldn't like my hobby so much."

A large hand gently pressed her shoulder as she flinched at the sudden voice whispering in her ear. Silver hair resembling the cold winter sunlight, a neat face, and calm golden eyes.

The Marquis of Tudor naturally took his place behind his wife and glanced at the noble ladies who were covering their mouths with their fans with a soft expression. Like a gentleman, he apologized for his rudeness.

"I apologize for intruding on beautiful people's time. I think my wife is not feeling well, so please excuse me for a moment."

They exchanged looks as if they were a little embarrassed, then nodded their heads in confusion. But in the meantime, Garcia had already taken a box from the servant and got down on one knee. 

Oh my!  

A small exclamation erupted from somewhere.

Ana was a little taken aback, but then she sighed familiarly and hield out her painful feet. After slipping her shoes under the semi-full hem of her skirt and slipping her into the shoes she loved to wear at the mansion, he released his hand with one neat motion and stood up.

Everyone was looking at this couple. Anna tried to sigh again. When she whispered thank you, her husband replied. 'Of course', and gave his wife a small kiss on the cheek and left. 

Although it was a short and concise incident that could take more than a page in a book, it had a huge impact.

"Oh my God, be kind!"

"What if someone like that goes around the entire forest and hunts? I wouldn't wish for someone outside of me to do that for even a day."

Ana smiled vaguely again. She wiggled her toes where his fingers briefly touched her, and she was clearly at ease.

Anna responded appropriately and glanced sideways at her husband, who was returning to the group of gentlemen. He joined in easily accepted the glass, and was already seriously discussing business topics as if he had forgotten what happened earlier.

The golden eye, which never looks back when it focuses on something, which she felt and saw it every day, but was like the sun that was too far away to be reached. Ana turned her head to the wife, who happened to be talking to her and put her customary smile on her lips.

There are certainly some things she knows well because she is his wife. She knows better than anyone else. Actions, words, and gifts that seem romantic to others and full of heart and sincerity are not actually for a special reason.

He accepted and paid Ana as if it were natural for her to take on the hardships simply because she was 'his wife.'

Even if he had taken another woman as his wife instead of Ana, Garcia would have gotten down on his knees and changed her shoes with the same look in his eyes. 

Ana smiled languidly, feeling like she was one of the hundred swans chosen by chance to be placed in a gentle and dignified fenced garden.

This was the peaceful daily life she was given.



A low voice rang out from inside the returning carriage. When Ana, who had been looking at a small booklet for ladies, raised her head, Garcia, who was sitting across from her and checking the documents handed over by his secretary, spoke after her.

These were the first words spoken in the quiet room as they got into the carriage, gave each other a small greeting, and handed over a thick bundle of documents. His eyes were still reading over the sentences of the complicated report. 

Ana looked at her husband quietly.

"Do you not want me to hunt?"

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