DYBAR Chapter 5 - Man On The Streets Of Lheirn

DYBAR Chapter 5 - Man On The Streets Of Lheirn

Do Your Best And Regret It

"So, are you coming to see His Royal Highness next Monday as well?"

As soon as the carriage came out of the palace, Sally, the dedicated maid, asked.

 As soon as I nodded my head, Sally's face lit up. Eshela and her sister, Sally, were maids from the orphanage the Madeleine family sponsored. She was similar to Eshela in the way she followed me very well, so after taking care of her a few times, she grew to the point where I felt comfortable leaving her as my dedicated maid.

"It seems like His Majesty the Crown Prince really likes you."

I laughed a little at Sally's innocent search for romantic love, but, It was the same for me to become naive in front of love.

"Let's eat together next Monday. I'll send the carriage in time for lunch."

Leopold's words were vivid in my ears. My father would be happy to know this. This is the first time that Leopold has asked me out on a date. 

Wouldn't Father please say well done? The image of my father constantly ignoring me came to mind, but I unconsciously tried to erase it. After the grandeur of the endlessly extending imperial palace came to an end, I saw gorgeous and elegant shops outside the window. 

Laheir Street. It was the busiest and trendiest street on the islands. In the colorful boutique street, Sally's steps slowed down. What she was looking at with envious eyes was a gorgeous dress displayed at the entrance of the boutique.

"Is it that pretty? I guess this is Madame Pluto's new work. Isn't it shiny and pretty?"

Sally, who was laughing as if embarrassed, her eyes sparkled again. At those words, I also looked at the dress closely. The light pink color with plenty of lace on the skirt seemed like it would look good on Eshela. It also made me feel better because I thought Ethella was wearing that dress.

"Sally Tell the boutique over there to come to the mansion within the next week."

"Would you like a dress for me? oh my god!" 

"Not me. Eshelah."

Sally, who was so happy, pursed her lips. She heard that when I  served the Princess, I would go on a pilgrimage to boutiques every day, but that was all a lie.

The young lady was busy buying things for her family and didn't even take care of her own share.

"I think you would look good in a brightly colored dress like that."


I smiled and promised the next time. Sally knew full well that 'later' wouldn't come for five years, but she didn't say it. Instead, she told a different story.

"Are you going to buy a diary today and then go to the mailbox?"

"huh. Do you think a letter will arrive today?"

Sally missed my playful words. This was because six months had already passed since the 'letter', which was the only joy of the girl with no hobbies, did not arrive. I grinned as she watched Sallyn fidget.

"You must be busy. They say the war is in its final stages."

What I said to Sally was actually what I said to myself. For her, it was a bad sign that letters that had been going back and forth for about a year had not arrived for six months. This is especially true if the recipient is a knight who participated in the war against Heferti. It was truly by chance that she ended up exchanging letters with a knight whose name she did not even know.

After Jade left for battle, I sent him. relief supplies several times. But Jade returned all the relief supplies I had sent in my name. I sent my alms using an alias, just in case. 

My heart sank when I saw that the relief supplies were not coming back, but I was still happy. Because it was nice that Jade was using those items. 

Then one day, he sent me a letter. Letters from the battlefield expressed gratitude for relief supplies. With thanks to Liv Green. That day, I read and reread his letter to myself. It was so awkward for someone to express their gratitude to me like this that it tickled me. 

Letters continued to go back and forth like that. Six months ago, before the letters stopped. I'm sure you're doing well. Since they say they won, it must be because they are busy. 

I thought positively as I recalled the letters I had stored away. Still, I really hope to receive a letter today. 

I turned into the narrow path, my inner anticipation growing. The bookstore where I always bought my diaries was on the outskirts of the downtown area. Even though we just left the busy streets, the surroundings became much quieter.

"Toll tax! Are you deaf because you're so precious? Why can't you understand what I'm saying?!"

A harsh shout was heard coming from deep in the alley.

"Miss, I guess there are still people collecting toll taxes." 

"That's right."

I walked as I spoke. I think it was around here that the loud noise came from. 

While I was thinking, inside the alley I looked at, there was one person surrounded by a bunch of men. Although he was wearing a robe, my tall height caught the attention of men. It was a very obvious scene. One of the gang members looked behind me as if she felt threatened.

"yes? what? Where did these fearless things come from?" 

"There are two of them, too.

With a faint laugh, the two people began to approach me. The person in the robe paused for a moment, but the two seemed to have no intention of stopping. I said quietly.

 "It seems the rumor is spreading slowly.  I thought it had already spread as to what happens if you recklessly collect toll taxes on this street."


"What is that woman saying? Hey, noble lady. Didn't you tell me at home not to go down these alleys alone?"

I grinned.

 "Hey, that's not what I meant!!"

The man could not finish his sentence and was pushed into the wall. It was just as the man said. No matter where you went, there was no case where a noble went alone.

Especially when it comes to me, a princess and the crown prince's fiancée.

I said lightly.

"Send it to the police station."

"Yes. Princess."

Sir Rein, the guard knight, entered the alley with long strides. The rest of the men shouted in panic and pulled out their jackknives. He shouted while aiming his gun at the person wearing the robe.

"Go, don't come any closer!"

Oh my. I clicked my tongue. Sir Rein, a True knight, was sensitive to the sword. 

"Don't come closer, ugh!"

"Ahh! Stop it like this, you bastard!"

As Sir Rein approached, the frightened men randomly swung their swords at Sir Rein, but to no avail. The men were subdued at once, and the knights took them away one after another.

"Thanks for your efforts.


As if it was only natural, Sir Rein and his partner, Lord Derobon, bowed. Then he looked at me and glanced toward the back of the alley. When the author asked what to do, I looked into the alley. The person wearing the robe was standing in that same spot inside the alley. I headed inside. Sally, who was behind me, was startled and spoke softly.

"Miss! Are you going directly? He could be a dangerous person!"

"Or, do you want to go?"

As we teased the rhythm, Sally spoke resolutely as if her life was at stake.

"yes! I will come back!"

O smiled slightly and moved forward. As if they knew this would happen, Sir Rein and Sir Derobon followed behind me. Even Sally, who didn't know what to do, followed closely behind. He said he was a precious person. Even if I hadn't intervened, they couldn't have received enough toll tax. Looking closely, the man's robe was embroidered with colorful patterns, but it was not the type of embroidered high-end product

"Are you okay?"

"...... It was a nuisance. Thanks to,

The man's quiet words suddenly stopped. It was hard to see his face clearly because of the robe, but he seemed to be staring at me. what? As I tilted my head at the strange silence, a man slowly walked towards me. 

One step, one step. he was just getting closer. Suddenly the man stumbled and leaned towards me.

Surprised, I unconsciously supported the man.  Sir Rein and Sir Derobon quickly approached what happened in an instant, but the man seemed to have immediately come to his senses and moved away from me.


While Sally, who was surprised, blocked Olivia's path. Lord Derovon removed the man's robes. Sally, who was just starting to get angry, suddenly became quiet. It was not unreasonable for that to happen. The man was truly beautiful.

Hair was as black as a crow's feathers, white skin, dark eyebrows, and sparkling red eyes in narrow, deep-set eyes. From the noble nose bridge to well-shaped lips. His elegant and beautiful face was as perfect as if it had been carefully created by God. 

But it wasn't just the man's beauty that had everyone holding their breath right now. Even after being threatened with a knife, the man's calm voice was trembling. Red eyes, trembling in fear as if they were frightened, faced me. Like a newborn deer meeting its savior for the first time, a variety of emotions passed over the man's white face. When a little fear and relief pass gratitude emerges. Only then did the man laugh. His eyes narrowed, and a single teardrop that had formed at the bottom fell. While everyone was speechless due to the pitiful tears, the man continued speaking in a slightly trembling voice.

."..... My legs gave out. I was really dizzy as to what to do. thank you How can I repay this debt?"

The man's eyes slowly turned red. Everyone, including Olivia, was so taken aback by the picturesque appearance that they forgot two facts. The fact that the single tear that the man shed pitifully was a tear that was squeezed out, the size of ant urine. Unlike his red eyes, which look as if tears are about to pour out at any moment, his eyes are looking solely at me. These are two things.....

"Thank you again for your help."

As if the man didn't seem to be doing any harm, Sir Reyn and Sir Derobon walked away again. As if he had finally calmed down a bit, the man grabbed the end of his robe and poked at his eyes. He smiled shyly, as if he was embarrassed, but his voice was nice and his gaze was clear.

Every time he smiled, a glimpse of noble grace appeared on his beautiful face. I looked at the man for a moment. Who could it be? If you are a noble of the empire.

...... There's no way you'd smile at me like this. I, who perfectly memorized the imperial Noble Almanac at the age of twelve, was also the first man she had seen. If you were a noble who fell into the Noble Almanac, you were either executed, r...... Or went to Archduke Vikander. 

His jet black hair and ruby red eyes. It was a feature of his appearance that brought to mind someone, but I shook my head.

oh my god. Archduke Vikander comes to Mind. A war hero who turns the war against Heferti, which had been going slowly for over three years, into a victory. The man who terrified everyone with his blood-red eyes and hair as black as darkness could not have been the same person as that harmless smiling man. Above all, the GrandDuke, who was supposed to be on the battlefield, was surrounded by city government thugs in the back alleys of Lehan Street and was being asked to pay tolls. This is ridiculous. 

The man, who couldn't even guess what I was thinking, smiled meekly. I straightened her back and faced the man with a calm expression.

I don't know who that man is, but I was Princess Madeleine and the prince's fiancé. There were only a handful of people in this empire that I would avoid looking at first.

"I'm glad it helped."

I was quickly trying to be polite and parted ways, but when I said that, the man opened his eyes and waved his hand.

"It's not just help. For saving me. I really don't know how to repay this favor.

The man smiled somewhat regretfully.

"If only I knew where my driver took the carriage, I would have repaid the favor right away."

He was wandering around the alleys alone in Leheirn, where people didn't know he was going to get his nose cut even though his eyes were wide open. Considering that he came with a knight and not a mercenary, he seemed to be an emerging nobleman who had amassed wealth. Then it made sense that I didn't know his face.

"Again, it's really okay. Rather, where did you part ways with the driver?"

"A place with a fountain and lots of horse-drawn carriages."

There were many fountains on Leheimn Street, but there was one place that even had carriages. It was a garden of the four seasons. Fortunately, it was right after. It was a time ripe with sunlight. As I entered the road leading to the Garden of the Four Seasons, I heard loud laughter along with the sound of water.

From here on, I will go alone.

"We're almost there, so you won't get lost."

"Aren't you going with me?  It's not a lie, if I just find the article, I can give you valuable things as a gift."

 "I'll just accept your heart."

"So what do you plan on doing next?"

"That might be difficult too."

It was a perfect answer, but the man was not disappointed.

"Okay. Then I guess I'll have to hope for luck again."

What a fun guy. You're lucky to meet me. 

He was so embarrassed by something he had never heard from anyone that he wanted to bow his head. Even though he said something that would have made me blush, the man smiled sweetly. The sight of him wiping away tears earlier had disappeared. oh. Sally, who was standing behind me, made a fuss about him. Would I have been so excited if I didn't have a fiance? Suddenly, today's daytime Leopold came to mind. My fiancé is with Maria Ethel. 

Because my mouth was bitter. I smiled faintly on purpose. But the man had a serious face.

"If we meet again."

Really, what if? The man quickly added and continued.

"Then will you please allow me to return the favor?"

I held my breath for a moment. He was so strange. A situation like this where someone asks me for permission. I lifted my hand and pressed it to my chest It felt like something was rising up. I felt dizzy. What did this man I met for the first time say? The man did not urge the silent me or make me talk any further. Instead, he stayed still as if waiting for an answer. I, who was watching him, deliberately lifted my chin and spoke arrogantly.

As I said in advance, I have high eyesight. 

"If I didn't like it, I wouldn't buy it."

 "That's good."

The man's eyes closed quietly. A sweet smile appeared at the end of his red mouth.

"I am always a greedy person. "Isn't it natural that I am full of precious things that can only be obtained with the greatest effort?"

The pronunciation of the man who said "precious" was somehow strange. Olivia blinked her eyes once. The red eyes looking at me in the narrow eyes sparkled as if provoking me.

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